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1、1 Overview 1概述A robot is made up of two prin cipal parts:机器人主要由两部分组成:Coni rollerMaipul;UQrController:控制器Manipulator:操纵器Figure 1 The con troller and man ipulator are conn ected by two cables.图1控制器和操纵器由两根电缆连接在一起47You can com mun icate with the robot using a teach pendant unit an d/or the operator pan

2、el, slocated on the con troller (see Figure 2).用户可以使用示教屏和/或位于控制器上的操作面板(见图 2)实现与机器人的人机对话。963 ; 8520 741 一 壬+P2Ras panel.Figure 2 The teach pendant unit and the operator图2示教屏和操作面板2 The Manipulator2操纵器Figure 3 shows in which directions the various axes of the manipulator can move and what these are cal

3、led.图3显示操纵器上的各个轴可以移动的方向以及它们的名称Alls 4Figure 3 6 axis robot.图3六轴机器人3 The Controller3控制器Figure 4 illustrates the prin cipal parts of the con troller. 图4展示控制器的主要组成部分。Mains switchOperator s panelDisk driveTeadi rvndimt unitTeach Pendant unit:示教屏装置 Operator panel:操作面板Mains switch:总开关Disk drive:磁盘驱动器Figure

4、 4 Robot con troller.图4机器人控制器4 The Operator s Panel4操作面板The functions of the operator 图5描述的是操作面板的功能。s panel are described in Figure 5.(rnii.ktliiieniisnry Ifin. puli lo nakraK!IMtly liiw 血Irikhuilc die Mpcrat ini i:ihk lr ihc niunif iiljkivMOTORS N buLt.i 出mJ mdk iLiiii*!* hinpMotors On button and i

5、ndicating lamp:电机开动按钮及指示灯Operating mode selector:操作模式选择器Emerge ncy stop: 急停按钮If pressed in, pull to restore:如果按进去了,拔出复位Duty time counter indicates the operating time for the manipulator: 运行时间计时器显示操纵器的运行时间Figure 5 The operatornl ispacated on the front of the cab in et.图5操作面板位于机箱前面MOTORS ON :电机开动In th

6、e MOTORS ONcon ti nu ously lit.在电机开动 状态下,机器人的电机运行同时Con ti nu ous light指示灯灯持续亮着Fast flashing light (4Hz)指示灯快速闪动(4Hz)state, the motors of the robot are activated and the Motors On butt on isSlow flashing light (1Hz)指示灯缓慢闪动(4Hz)电机开动按钮指示灯一直亮着。Ready for program executi on已做好准备执行程序The robot is not calibra

7、ted or the revoluti on coun ters are not updated. The motors have bee n switched on.机器人没有校准或者旋转计数器没有 更新。电机已经接通电源。One of the safeguarded space tops is active.The motors have bee n switched off.其中一个保护空间启动。电机已被断 开。Operat ing mode AUTOMATIC (production mode) 操作模式:自动(生产模式)Used whe n running ready-made pr

8、ograms in product ion .It is not possible to move the robot with the joystick in this mode.在生产过程中运行现成程序时使用。在这个模式下不能使用操纵杆移动机器人。Operating mode MANUAL REDUCED SPEED (programming mode) 、操作模式:手动减速度(编程模式)Used whe n work ing in side the robot s work ing areapaogrwmemi ng the robot. Also usedto set the robo

9、t in MOTORS OFF state.在机器人运行区间运行及设计机器人程序时使用。电机断开状态下也被用来设置机器人。iLiir.1轉Operating mode MANUAL FULL SPEED (Option, testing mode)操作模式:手动全速(选项,测试模式)Used to test run the robot program at full programmed speed.用来以全速程控速度试运行机器人程序。Emergency stop急停The robot stops -regardless of which state or mode the system is

10、 in -immediately when the emerge ncy stop butt on is pressed. The butt on rema ins pressed in and, to turn to MOTORS ON aga in, must be retur ned to its origi nal positi on.无论系统处于哪个状态或模式,急停按钮按下时机器人立即停止运行。按钮保持内陷状态, 而要重新返回 电机开动 时,则按钮必须回到原始位置。Duty time counter:运行时间计时器Indicates the operating time for th

11、e manipulator.显示操纵器的运行时间。5 The Teach Pendant unit 5示教屏装置The teach pendant un it is described below (see Figure 6). 示教屏装置如下图所示(见图6)JbHiti456P1%*1 2 3 0 皙isaDaL1PSHold-runJoystickdevice讪建即収 stop IxiltohHold-to-run:握紧运行Enabling device:启动装置Joystick:操纵杆Display:显示器Emergency stop button: 急停按钮Figure 6 The t

12、each pendant un it is used to operate the robot.图6示教屏用于操作机器人Jogging Opens the Joggi ng win dow.操控:打开操控窗口。Program: Opens the Programmi ng and test wi ndow. 程序:打开编程和测试窗口。ISInputs/Outputs : Opens the In put and Output win dow. Used to man ually operate the in put and output sig nals conn ected to the r

13、obot.输入/输出:打开输入和输出窗口。用来手动操作连接在机器人上的输入 和输出信号。Miscellaneous; Opens other windows as the System Parameters, Service,Producti on and File Man ager win dows.多重功能键:打开其他窗口,如系统参数,维护,生产和文件管理窗口等。Stop: Stops program executi on. 停止:停止执行程序。Contrast: Adjusts the con trast of the display. 对比度:调整显示器的对比度。Menu keys:

14、Press to display menus containing various comma nds. 菜单键:按下后显示含有各种命令的菜单。Function keys: Press to select the various comma nds directly. 功能键:按下后直接选择各种命令。Motion Unit: Press to jog the robot or other mechanical units. 移动装置:按下后慢慢移动机器人及其它机械装置。Motion Type : Press to select how the robot should be jogged, r

15、eorientation orlin ear.移动类型:按下后选择机器人的操控类型,是绕TCP点运动还是让TCP点走直线移动。Motion Type : Axis by axis movement. 1 = axis 1-3, 2 = axis 4-6 移动类型:操纵轴的移动类型。仁轴13 , 2=轴46Incremental: In creme ntal joggi ng on/off递增:打开/关闭递增操控功能。List: Press to move the cursor from one part of the window to another (no rmally separated

16、 by a double lin e).表:按动将光标从窗口的一部分移到另一部分(通常由两条线分隔开)Previous/Next page: Press to see the n ext/previous page. 上一页/下一页:按动查看下一页 /上一页。Ib紳(P5) Delete: Deletes the data selected on the display. 删除:删除在显示器上选择的数据。Enter: Press to in put data. 输入:按住输入数据。Up and Down arrows : Press to move the cursor up or down.

17、 向上和向下箭头:按住向上或向下移动光标。Left and Right arrows : Press to move the cursor to the left or right. 向左和向右箭头:按住向左或向右移动光标。Programmable keys: How to defi ne these, see Chapter 10 System Parameters -Topic: Teach Pendant10章系统参数-主题:示教屏中可编程按键:怎样定义这些按键请参见第 的内容。5.1 Entering text using the Teach Pendant unit5.1使用示教屏装

18、置输入文本内容When naming files, routines, data, etc., text can be entered using the teach pendant unit. As there is no character keyboard available, the nu meric keyboard is used in a special way (see Figure 7). 给文件、路径程序、数据之类命名时,可以使用示教屏装置输入文本内容。因为没有文字键Figure 7 The dialog box used for en teri ng text.图7用于输

19、入文本内容的对话框盘可用,因而此时以特殊方式使用数字键盘(见图7)The keys on the nu meric keyboard corresp ond to the selected characters on the display. 数字键盘上的按键与显示器上的选定的文字对应。Select a group of characters by pressing the function key - or 或-选择一组字符。Press the corresp onding key on the nu meric keyboard. If the third group is selecte

20、d as show n in Figure 7, 7 corresp onds to M, 8 to N, 9 to O, etc.在数字键盘上按相应的按键。如果像图7所示选定第三组,则7对应M, 8对应N ,9对应O,如此类推。Move the cursor to the right or left using Arrow Left 门.or Arrow Right 二 使用向左箭头或向右箭头左右移动光标。Delete the character in front of the cursor by press ing Delete.按删除键删除光标前面的字符。Switch betwee n

21、upper and lower case letters by press ing A-a.按A-a键切换大小写。When you have finished entering text, press OK.输入完成后,按OK键。5.2 Working with windows5.2窗口操作In this sect ion, you will find out about the basics of work ing with win dows. The follow ing example shows the wi ndow for Inputs/Outputs (ma nual han d

22、li ng of in puts and outputs).在本节中,用户可以找到窗口操作的相关基本知识。下例显示的是输入/输出(手动处理输入和输出操作)窗口。to ope n the win dow.Press the In puts/Outputs key 按输入/输出键打开窗口。The window for manual I/O is now show n on the display, as in Figure 8. The appeara nee of the I/O list may vary depe nding on how the sig nals have bee n de

23、fi ned and how many I/O boards there are in the system.这时手动输入/输出窗口显示在显示器上,如图8。根据信号的不同定义方法和系统中的输入/输出板的数目,输入/输出表外观可能各不相同。Figure 8 Window for manual I/O han dli ng.图8手动输入/输出处理窗口A - Menu keys 菜单键B - Window title 窗口标题C - I/O list nam e输入/输出表名称D - I/O list 输入/输出表E - Function keys功能键F - Line number (线条号码)G

24、 -Cursor 光标When a digital output is selected, its status can be cha nged using the fun cti on keys. 选择了数字输出时,使用功能键可以改变其状态。Movement移动动作One line up 上移一行One line down 下移一行To the first line in the list移到表的第一行To the last line in the list移到表的最后一行To the n ext page移到下一页To the previous page移到上一页To select a s

25、pecific line in the list在表中选择特定行H=! t诵屮Hlnpji- qIjilljl! i : Hia|dlianflHP4Ki0悌miQftu曲料itCKi0KijbJ 创旦I I卫_ L P2j 1曰 I I * M I丄丄zJYou can select a sig nal in the list (move the cursor) in several ways: 用户可以用以下几种方式在表中选择信号(移动光标):Select选择ArrowUp 丨向上的箭头ArrowDow n 匚向下的箭头Goto top from the Edit menu 编辑菜单中的G

26、oto top (移到顶端)Goto bottom from the Edit menu编辑菜单中的Goto bottom (移到底端)aNextPage 下一页PreviousPage前一页Goto from the Edit menu; enter the desired line nu mber and press OK 在编辑菜单中的Goto (移到)选项输 入想要的行数并按OK键Win dows are sometimes divided in two by a double line (see Figure 9). 有时窗口会被双行线(见图9)分成两部分。When an outpu

27、t is selected, two function keys will be displayed (see Figure 9). 选定输出后,将显示两个功能键(见图9)Figure 9 A wi ndow with two parts. 一个窗口分成两部分A - Double line 双行线 B - Function keys 功能键In some win dows, you can move the cursor betwee n the differe nt parts of the wi ndow. 一些窗口中,用户可以在两个不同部分之间移动光标。In these win dows

28、, move the cursor using the List key在这些窗口中,用表键移动光标。There are four window keys on the teach pendant un it (see Figure 10). 示教屏装置上具有四个窗口按键(见图 10)。JUJFHc-t 1 Mr!由卜siM TO血tpwfi 1 cL nil4Ult011Oila冲aJCaaw0toJ=j日1|21 : 亍旦IJj 理丄J 凹 JFigure 10 The four win dow keys.四个窗口按键A - Win dow keys 窗口按键When you press

29、a window key, the active window will be hidde n un der the new one. Each time you select a win dow, it will look the same as it did the last time you worked with it.当用户按窗口按键后,当前活动窗口就会隐藏在新的活动窗口下面。每次选择,窗口都会以与前一次操作的相同界面出现。6 Emergency Stops6急停6.1 The emergency stop button6.1急停按钮Emergency stop buttons ar

30、e located on the operator s panel and on the teacTheedant unit.are often other ways of activating an emergency stop, but these depend on the robot installation.急停按钮位于操作面板和示教屏装置上。常常可用其它方式启动急停功能,不过这得看机器人的安装。When the emerge ncy stop butt on is activated, the power supply to the motors is shut off and p

31、rogram executi on stops.启动急停按钮后,电机电源断开同时程序执行被停止。6.2 Recover from emergency stop6.2急停的复位 Fix the problem that caused the emerge ncy stop.解决引起急停的问题。 Confirm the emerge ncy stop eve nt in the even t log.在事件日志中确定急停事故。 Locate and reset the emerge ncy stop butt on that gave the emerge ncy stop con diti on

32、. Pull or twist to release the butt on.找到产生急停状况的急停按钮并重置。拔出或拧出按钮使之脱扣。Press the Motors On butt on to recover from the emerge ncy stop con diti on (see Figure11).按下电机开动按钮,从急停状态中恢复。Motors On:电机开动Figure 11 The emergency stop must be reset before setting the robot in the MOTOR ON state.图11:在电机开动状态下设置机器人之前

33、必须重置急停按钮。7 Starting up the robot 7启动机器人A Before switching on the power supply, check that no-one is in the safeguarded space around the robot.接通电源以前,检查确定机器人周围的保护空间内没有人逗留。Switch on the mains switch打开主开关。The robot hardware is the n automatically checked. When the check is complete and if no errors hav

34、e bee n detected, a message will appear on the teach pendant un it (see Figure 12).随后机器人硬件自检。完成检测时如果没有发现错误,示教屏装置上就会出现一条信 息(见图12)。Figure 12 The welcome message after start-up.图12启动后的欢迎使用信息In automatic mode, the Production window will appear after a few seconds. 在自动模式下,生产窗口几秒钟后就会出现。The robot is starte

35、d up with the same status as whe n the power was switched off. The program poin ter rema ins un cha nged and all digital outputs are set to the value before power off, or to thevalue specified in the system parameters. When the program is restarted, this is considered to be a normal stop - start:机器人

36、会以与电源断开时同样的界面启动。 程序指针点不变并且所有的数字输出被设为切断 电源前的数值, 或设为系统参数规定的数值。 如果程序是被重启的, 这将被视为正常的停止 启动:- The robot moves back slowly to the programmed path (if there is a deviation) and then continues on the programmed path.- 机器人慢慢移动回到程序的起始位置(如果有偏离的时候)然后才继续运行程 序。- Motion settings and data are automatically set to th

37、e same values as before power off.- 移动设置和数据被自动设为按电源断开前的数值。- The robot will continue to react on interrupts.- 机器人将继续从中断点开始工作。- The mechanical units that was active before power off will automatically be activated at program start.- 程序启动时将自动启动断电前运行中的机械装置。Limitations:限制- All files and serial channels a

38、re closed (this can be handled by the user program).- 所有的文件和串行信道均是关闭的(这可以由用户程序处理)。- All analog outputs are set to 0 and the Soft servo/Tune servo is set to default values (can be handled by the user program).- 所有的模拟输出被设为 0,同时软伺服 / 微调伺服被设为缺省值(可由用户程序处 理)。- WeldGuide cannot be restarted.- 焊接引导装置无法重启。-

39、Independent axes cannot be restarted.- 独立轴无法重启。- If the power failure occurs during a movement in an interrupt routine or error handler, the restart of the path is not possible.- 如果在中断路径程序的移动动作中或错误处理器断电,则无法重启程控行走路 径。7.1 Errors at start-up7.1 启动错误During the entire start-up sequence, the robot functio

40、ns are checked extensively. If an error occurs, it is reported as a message in plain text on the teach pendant unit, and recorded in the robot s event log. For more information on troubleshooting, see the Product Manual.整个启动程序中, 机器人的功能被广泛检查。 如果有错误发生, 一条纯文本信息就会被 报告到示教屏上并记录在机器人的事件日志里。有关故障检修的详细资料请见产品说明

41、。7.2 Switching the Power Supply to the MOTORS ON7.2 接通电机开动装置的电源In automatic mode, press the Motors On butt on on the operator s pan el.在自动模式下,按动操作面板的电机开动按钮。In manual mode, turn to MOTORS ON mode by pressing the enabling device on the teach pendant un it halfway in.在手动模式下,将下按示教屏上的启动装置以转到电机开动模式。If the

42、 en abli ng device is released and pressed aga in with in half a sec ond, the robot will not retur n to the MOTORS ON state. If this happens, first release the enabling device, then push it halfway in aga in.如果半秒钟内释放又重新按下启动装置,机器人将不会返回电机开动状态。如果发生 这样的情况,先释放启动装置,然后再按下按钮。EnablingEn abli ng Device启动装置8 S

43、witching the robot off8关闭机器人All output signals will be set to zero when the robot is switched off. This may affect the gripper and peripheral equipment. So, before switching the robot off, check first that the equipment, and any people in the area, will not come to any harm.关掉机器人时,所有的输出信号都被设为0。这可能会影

44、响到机械爪和外围设备。因此关闭机器人之前首先必须检查设备和区域内的是否有人,确定他们不会受到伤害。-If the program is running, stop it by press ing the Stop butt on on the teach pendant un it. 如果正在运行程序,按下示教屏装置上的停止按钮使程序停止运行。-After you have done this, switch off the mains switch.完成此步骤,关掉主开关。The robot s memory is battbycked and is thus not affected wh

45、en the system is switched off. 因为机器人存储器由电池供电,所以系统切断电源时不会受到影响。9 Selecting the Operating Mode9选择操作模式The operating mode is selected using the operating mode selector.使用操作模式选择器选择操作模式。9.1 Automatic mode (production mode)9.1自动模式(生产模式)A When the robot is in the automatic operating mode, it is essential tha

46、t nobody enters the safeguarded space around it. Carelessness may cause personal injury.当机器人处于自动操作模式时,最基本的一点是保证无人进入其保护空间附近。丝毫的粗心大意就可能造成人身伤害。Turn the operating mode selector to G将操作模式选择器转到0自动模式。Automatic mode is used whe n running complete programs with programmed speed in product ion operation. In t

47、his mode, the enabling device on the teach pendant unit is disconnected and the functions used to edit programs are locked.自动模式被用在以程控速度运行整个程序的生产操作中。在这种模式下,示教屏上的气动装置被断开。同时用于编辑程序的功能也被锁定。9.2 Manual mode with reduced speed (programming mode)9.2手动减速模式(编程模式)Turn the operat ing mode selector to将操作模式选择器转到手动

48、模式。If the hold-to-r un fun ctio n is active (the function is available by means of a system parameter), program executi on will stop as soon as you release the Hold-to-r un key on the teach pendant unit.如果握紧运行功能有效(设定一个系统参数就可以使用该功能),那么这种情况下只要操作者松开示教屏上的握紧运行键,程序执行就会马上停止。Manual mode with reduced speed i

49、s used when programming and when working in the robot worki ng space. In this mode, external un its cannot be con trolled remotely.手动减速模式用在程序设计及机器人运行空间内作业的场合。在这个模式下不能使用遥控功能控制外部装置。9.3 Manual mode with full speed (Option, testing mode)9.3手动全速模式(选项,测试模式)In Manual 100% mode, the robot moves at full spee

50、d. This operating mode may only used by trained personnel. Carelessness may cause personal injury.在手动全速模式下机器人以全速运行。因此只有受过训练的专业人员才能使用这个模式。丝毫的粗心大意就可能造成人身伤害。Turn the operat ing mode selector to卜KT*将操作模式选择器转到gThe hold-to-run function is now active, i.e. program execution will stop as soon as you release

51、 the Start key on the teach pendant un it.此时握紧运行功能有效,即只要操作者松开示教屏上的启动键,程序执行就会马上停止。Manual mode with full speed is only used whe n test ing the robot program at full speed.In this mode, external un its cannot be remotely con trolled.手动全速模式仅在以全速测试机器人程序时使用。在这个模式下不能使用遥控功能控制外部装置。10 Jogging the Robot Using

52、the Joystick10用操纵杆操控机器人You can move (jog) the robot using the joystick on the teach pendant un it. This chapter describes how to jog the robot li nearly (i.e. in a straight line) and in small steps, to make it easier to positi on the robot exactly (known as in creme ntal joggi ng).借助示教屏装置上的操纵杆,操作者可以

53、使机器人移动(操控)。本章讲述怎样使机器 人直线(即沿一条直线)一小步一小步地慢慢移动。这样,精确定位机器人就变得容易些(被 称为步长调整操控)。10.1 Linear jogging10.1直线操控Make sure that the operating mode selector is in the manual mode position C , as show n in Figure 13.确定操作模式选择器处于手动模式*,如图13所示。Figure 13 Man ual mode.图13手动模式Check that the Robot motion unit and the Line

54、ar motion type are selected (see Figure14).检查确定 机器人移动装置和 直线移动类型已选(见图14).MoHon uniiMotion typeMotion unit:移动装置motion type :移动类型Figure 14 Motion k eys, Led s shows the current settings.图14移动键,发光二极管显示当前设置With the Motion type key, you can choose the way you want the robot to move when you use the joysti

55、ck during manual operation.借助移动类型按键,操作者可以在手动操作过程中使用操纵杆时选择想要机器人以何种方式 移动。You can choose:- lin ear moveme nt- reorie ntati on of a particular en d-effector- axis-by-axis moveme nt (group 1: axes 1-3; group 2: axes 4-6)用户可以选择:- 直线移动- 特殊尾效应器的重新定位- 逐个轴移动(第一组:轴 1 3 ;第二组:4 6)We will use lin ear motio n for

56、the purposes of this exercise.为了达到练习的目的,这里将使用直线移动。When lin ear type moti on is selected, the robot will move as show n in Figure 15. 选择直线型移动时,机器人将会以如图15所示方式移动。Z4The point that will move lin early, along the axes of the coord in ate system above, is calledtoolO. Itis located at the front of the upper arm, in the centre of the robotface(see Figure 16).沿以上坐标系


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