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1、中微子与引力子和暗物质的关联性量子引力场和暗物质暗能量黄振强 黄宇翔 Email:kexuetansuoze摘 要本文论述了宇宙太空中存在中微子场。依据中微子存在能量震荡的事实,论证了中微子场形成量子引力场原理。根据太阳中微子失踪事件,推导出中微子场能量密度。进一步推论中微子场就是暗物质不存在,中微子场就是暗能量。以一个简单直观的物理模型,幸运地解答了五个难题幸运地解答了四个难题。关键词:中微子场、中微子能量损耗、量子引力场、引力子能量、暗能量暗物质。作者起初只想利用中微子存在能量震荡,光速直线运动,非凡的穿透能力等特征。以大量中微子流沿径向穿透某球状天体,产生摩擦损耗能量转化为引力子能量的方


3、透人体3。所以,宇宙太空中必然充满中微子。中微子是电中性基本粒子。以光速直线运动。与原子、分子和天体等物质相互作用都极微弱。具有非凡的穿透能力和扩散特征。必然类似气体分子运动状态,均匀地散布在宇宙太空中,形成中微子场。实验室已经证明中微子存在能量振荡现象2。中微子场形成量子引力场原理见图1,在任何天体或物体外围空间运动的中微子,假设原始密度为,我们都将其运动方向平均分为径向、经向、纬向的正和负的方向。沿径向每秒穿出或穿入地球,或者任何球状天体表面单位容积通量都为。与该天体内外通量的关系是: (1)图1. 假设太阳系附近区域每个电子中微子原始平均能量为,密度为。电子中微子沿径向穿透地球后,摩擦损

4、耗能量为。剩余能量为,。能量就相当于转化成引力子能量。在地球表面和外空间,能够形成向中心收缩的引力子背景场。在(1)式中,表示在地球内部,在表面或外部。令单位容积通量的中微子束流沿径向穿透地球后,每个中微子摩擦损耗能量为。它与穿透天体的质量成正比,与天体表面积和单位面积通量成反比。其中为引力子能量的量子系数。令为沿径向连续穿透j天体后,因j天体的摩擦对背景场引力子能量的再作用变化系数,单位为。引力子摩擦损耗的总能量变为,对所有的球状天体或任何天体、物体,都可表示为: (2)某单位容积中微子通量,穿透某天体因摩擦损耗能量形成径向压力,都可表示为: (3)图2.中微子场形成量子引力场原理图。在LO

5、2D和SO2C线段构成的两个圆锥体内,中微子流径向总通量都是,在AO3H和BO3E线段内都是。从左向右,中微子沿径向穿透地球后,摩擦损耗能量。它转化形成引力子能量。继续穿透月球为后,摩擦损耗总能量为。同理,从右向左穿透,摩擦损耗能量为、。见图2,我们全部沿两圆锥体中轴线O2O3投影线方向进行论证。(这样处理能够简化计算)。由(1)、(2)、(3)式,中微子流径向总通量、,地球与月球之间的量子引力、可表示为: (4) (5) (6) (7)由图2和牛顿万有引力定律可知,。带入(6)、(7)式得:,。两个圆锥体外围、引力子作用力都是互相对称抵消了。将、能量变化系数再带入(2)式得: 由(4)、(5


7、能量、。各参数见表1。各类天体相关参数和计算结果表14天体名称质量(kg)半径(m)损耗能量(eVv)钢球2.93210411.810-7月亮7.3510221.7381060.1492地球5.98310246.36731060.9049太阳1.97110306.95310825白矮星1.97110306.3673106298109中子星1.97110301.73810441010备 注本表均以电子中微子流沿各天体径向穿透密度为计算。由表1看出,白矮星、中子星的中微子损耗能量都远大于25eVv。说明完全吸收中微子范围远大于该天体的实际半径,此范围应与太阳半径相当。并且形成量子引力大小与径向总通



10、都是。从左向右,中微子沿径向穿透银河系中央核球后,摩擦损耗能量。它转化形成引力子能量。继续穿透太阳为后,摩擦损耗总能量为。同理,从右向左穿透,摩擦损耗能量为、。见图4,假设银河系中央核球区的中微子场密度是。我们全部沿两圆锥体中轴线O0O1投影线方向进行论证。因为,由(1)(5)式和(8)方程组,中微子流径向总通量、,银河系中央核球与太阳之间的量子引力、可表示为: (9) (10) (11) (12) 当我们以太阳系附近区域的中微子密度作为标定量子引力常数后,只要连续穿透两个天体的质量和半径都不变,每个中微子的摩擦损耗总能量仍然都不变。两个天体量子引力值,在牛顿万有引力定律的基础上,还与对方所处


12、冷核聚变堆专利申请CN200910129632.7 黄振强 20092 3 4. 大学物理学手册P111113,P665668 山东科学技术出版社 陈鹏旺等 19855 6 7观测宇宙学 何香涛著 P227 科学出版社 2000年自然杂志编辑部女士们、先生们:你们好!作者起初只想利用中微子存在能量震荡,光速直线运动,非凡的穿透能力等特征。以大量中微子流沿径向穿透某球状天体,产生摩擦损耗能量转化为引力子能量的方式,来探索量子引力场的形成原理。意外发现当今物理学界量子引力场、中微子场、太阳中微子失踪事件和暗物质、暗能量的内在联系。幸运地解答了这5个难题。将来,我们如果能够直接利用现成的中微子场特征

13、,研发直线型穿透性保密定向通信技术,一定前景诱人。如果能进一步开发利用宇宙太空中的中微子场暗能量,它将比研发热核聚变堆ITER项目更容易成功。甚至比作者的冷核聚变堆发明专利项目更好1。详见作者的后续论文和专利申请。希望通过本文,能引起广大现代物理学家和爱好者们,对未来中微子场的开发利用前景感兴趣。本文约有2000个单词,4幅小图,一个表格。约需34个版面。谢谢! 黄振强 黄宇翔 2012.6.26地址:中国福建省福州市晋安区西园村西凤路68号电话Email:kexuetansuoze说明:我们没有传真设备,请用电子信箱联系Quantum gravitational

14、 field And dark matter dark energyYu-Xiang Huang Zhen-Qiang HuangThis paper discusses the neutrino field in the space of the universe. According to the neutrino energy shocks in the fact that the neutrino field principle the formation of quantum gravity.According to the solar neutrino disappearance,

15、 neutrino energy density is derived. The inference of dark matter does not exist. Neutrino field is dark energy. Use a simple and intuitive physical model to answer fortunately the five challenges.The author at first just want to use neutrinos there are energy shocks, the speed of light, linear moti

16、on, the extraordinary ability to penetrate . and other features. To a large number of neutrino flow along the radial penetration of a spherical celestial bodies, the friction loss of energy into the energy of the graviton, to explore the principle of the formation of the quantum gravitational field.

17、 Surprised to discover that quantum gravitational field, neutrino field, solar neutrino disappearance and dark matter dark energy of the physics community today is intrinsically linked. We happened to answer the five challenges. In the future, if we can directly use the ready-made neutrino field cha

18、racteristics, to development of linear penetrating confidential directional communication technology, certainly enticing. If we can further the development and utilization of the neutrino dark energy in the universe in space, it is more likely to succeed than the development thermonuclear fusion rea

19、ctor ITER. With the author Cold fusion reactor Invention patents projects is the best1. See the authors follow-up papers and patent applications.Neutrino field characteristicsModern scientific research has found that the original nebula neutron decay into protons, electrons, associated with the elec

20、tron neutrino. The stars also produce a large number of electron neutrino. The average energy is2. Since the birth of the universe gave rise to countless stars. Only the sun produces neutrinos about 1015 per second penetrate the human body3. Therefore, the space of the universe will be inevitably fu

21、ll of neutrinos. Neutrinos are electrically neutral elementary particles, linear motion of the neutrinos travel at the speed of light. Matter interactions with atoms, molecules and objects are very weak. Neutrinos have extraordinary penetration and diffusion characteristics. They are necessarily sim

22、ilar to the state of motion of the gas molecules, and evenly spread in the space of the universe, the formation of the neutrino field. The laboratory has demonstrated that the neutrino energy oscillation exists2.Formation principle of quantum gravity field Figure1, Assumed that the solar system the

23、vicinity of the original density is of the electron neutrino and average energy is. Electron neutrino radial penetrates the earth, the friction loss of energy is. Residual energy is,.Equivalent to energy is transformed into graviton energy. On the surface of the Earth and the outer space to the cent

24、er is forming shrinkage of the graviton background field.Figure 1 is shown, neutrino around any celestial body or the movement of objects. We will direction of motion were divided into radial, warp, weft of positive and negative direction. Along the radial second piercing or penetration of the earth

25、, or any spherical celestial body surface per unit volume fluxes are. Relationship with the objects inside and outside the flux is: (1) In the (1), indicating that within the earth, on the surface or external. Make the unit of volume flux of the neutrino beam through the earth along the radial direc

26、tion, each neutrino friction losses in the energy.It is proportional to the quality and penetration of celestial bodies, and is inversely proportional to the celestial body surface area and per unit area fluxes. Theis quantum of the graviton energy coefficient. Make for continuous along the radial p

27、enetration j objects, the background field graviton energy, due to the friction of the j objects coefficient of variation, in units of.The total energy of the graviton friction loss into a spherical celestial bodies or any celestial object, these all can be expressed as: (2)A unit volume of neutrino

28、 flux, Penetrating things because of friction energy loss to form radial pressure, all these can be expressed as: (3)Figure 2 neutrino field formation principle of quantum gravitational field. In LO2D and SO2C segment consists of two cones, neutrino flux total flux all are along radial direction, In

29、 the AO3H and BO3E segments all are. From left to right, Neutrinos along the radial penetration of Earth, friction energy loss is, it into the energy of the graviton.It formed the background field of the graviton. Continue to penetrate the Moon as the friction losses in the total energy. Similarly,

30、from right to left through the friction loss of energy is and.Shown in Figure 2, we argument all along the axis in the two-cones the O2O3 projection line direction. (So that treatment can simplify the calculation). From (1), (2), (3), the radial direction total fluxand, of neutrinos stream, the grav

31、itational forceandbetween Earth and the Moon, can be expressed as: (4) (5) (6) (7)Figure 3 and Newtons law of gravitation shows:. Into (6), (7), we obtain:,. The two outside the cone, the graviton and forces are symmetrical with each other offset. Energy coefficient andof variation and then into (2)

32、 may: From (4) (5) and (8) equations, becauseand. Therefore, we have quantum gravitational field to prove Newtons law of universal gravitation: .The mystery of missing solar neutrinosAccording to the electron neutrino missing about 65% events, the penetration of solar neutrinos friction energy loss,

33、 And then penetrate the total energy of the neutrino friction loss after another sun. Into(8-1)、(1),we can obtained: ,. As in standard condition4, 1m3 gas molecule number is , so we can get:. Once again making (2) , get:.Figure3,neutrinos along the radial penetration of the sun, the friction loss of

34、 energy is.If most 65% of the electron neutrino energy of all the sun been intercepted absorption, the neutrino energy is absorbed into all the energyof the graviton. The outer space been formed a unidirectional contraction of the 65% graviton background field to the center of Sun.Similarly, by (2)

35、and (8) equations, as long as respectively, so that all kinds in, you can find the Earth, the moon and other celestial graviton energy and .Various parameters in table 1.Objects parameters and calculated in Table 111Celestial nameQuality(kg)Radius(m)Loss of energy(ev)Steel ball2.93210411.810-7Moon7.

36、3510221.7381060.1492Earth5.98310246.36731060.9049Sun1.97110306.95310825White dwarf1.97110306.3673106298109Neutron star1.97110301.73810441010RemarkIn this table is neutrino density along the radial movement of the.Be seen from Table 1, the neutrino loss of energy of white dwarfs, neutron stars or bla

37、ck holes are much larger than 25ev.This shows completely absorbed neutrino range is much larger than the actual radius of the celestial bodies. This range should be quite the solar radius, and the formation of quantum gravitation size and total flux vector objects independent of the radius.Dark matt

38、er and dark energyModern cosmological observations that the visual material in the universe is only about 4%, about 23% percent dark matter, dark energy about 73%5. According to astronomical observations, the solar system around the center of the galaxy revolution speed is 250km / s, the orbital rad

39、ius are about 25,200 light-years6. From Newtons law of gravitation, we can obtain the total mass of the Milky Way in the solar system orbits about. The total amount of the astronomical community to the observation and speculation to all visual material is only about . Formed from the neutrino field

40、in the principle of universal quantum gravitation field to prove, in the penetration of a variety of objects, the neutrino has a different frictional loss of energy or lack of events. Sun for example, see figure 3 and 4 and (8) equations. Because, so by Sun. They will inevitably lead to most of the

41、absence of the sun as the center of the graviton background neutrino field divergence. Figure 4 shows the AD, BC and HS, ET conic at both ends to extend the area, the vast majority of missing events can cause a wide range of neutrino. Similarly, in the open areas outside the cluster of galaxies and

42、the original density of the neutrino field all are the highest-energy. From the galaxy periphery, the spiral arms to the central nucleus of the ball, due to the presence of various size objects, the neutrino density and energy are in turn reduced. That especially the central bulge area of the galaxy

43、, the massive black holes and dense spherical shell-like distribution of stars and debris, the graviton must pass from tens to tens of thousands of years of time difference. Figure 3 and 4 shows, in many celestial gravitation cones line at both ends to extend the sweep of the airspace, will signific

44、antly reduce the original neutrino density and average energy, in particular, radial movement of the neutrino density along the central bulge. Figure4, dark matter is the principle of non-existent. Segments constitute the AO0D and BO0C two conical body, the neutrino flow radial total flux within the

45、 in EO1T and HO1S segments are, within the EO1T and HO1S line are .From left to right, neutrinos along the radial penetration of the Milky Way central bulge, the friction loss of energy is,it been formed of the graviton energy. Continue to penetrate the sun as the friction losses in the total energy

46、.Similarly, from right to left through the friction losses in energyand.Figure 4, assuming that the neutrino density is of the Milky Way central bulge area. All of us along the direction of the two cone axis O0O1 projection line argument. Because,by (1) - (5) and (8) equations, the neutrino flow to

47、the total radial fluxand,quantum gravityand between the Milky Way central bulge and the sun, can be expressed as follows: (9) (10) (11) (12) When the neutrino densityin the vicinity of the solar system is calibration of quantum gravity constant, the friction losses in the total energy of each neutri

48、no will remain unchanged. The two celestial quantum gravity values on the basis of Newtons law of gravitation, but also with other regions in which the neutrino density is proportional to. Such as (11) and (12) and.Therefore, the neutrino density in the central bulge a significant reduction, equival

49、ent to substantially improve their quality, leading to misjudgment of the central bulge of a large number of dark matter.Modern cosmology speculate that the density of matter in the whole universe is 7. We collected the derivation of the average energy and density of the electron neutrino is 22.5ev

50、and,energy and density are. Because, so the neutrino field energy is much than forecast in the Big Bang model of dark energy.ConclusionThis paper argues that the neutrino field of physical characteristics, and to establish the principle of quantum gravitational field. According to the solar neutrino

51、 disappearance, neutrino energy density is derived. Fortunately a simple and intuitive physical model, answer the five challenges, including dark matter and dark energy.References:1Cold nuclear fusion reactor patent application CN200910129632.7 Huang Zhenqiang 20092 3 4. Physics at the University Manual P665 668, Shandong Science and Technology Press Pen-Wang Cheng etc 19855 6 7Observational cosmology Xiang-Tao He P227 Science Press 2000Natural


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