1、英美文学题库精品文档Chapter I An Introduction to Old and Medieval English Literature & The Renaissanee PeriodI. Choose the right an swer:1. Dr. Faustus is a play based on thelege nd of a magicia n aspiri ng forand fin ally meeti nghis tragic end as a result of selli ng his soul to the Devil.A. British/ immora
2、lityB.French/moneyC.German/knowledgeD.American/political powerAnswer: C (可参考课本 P21)2. , is a typical example of Old En glish poetry, is regarded today as the n atio nal epic of theAn glo-Sax ons.A. The Wife s Complaint B.BeowulfC.The Dream of the RoodD.The SeafarerAnswer: B (可参考课本 P1)3.It s Chaucer
3、alone who, for the first time in English literature, presented to us a comprehensive realistic picture of the En glish Society in his masterpiece.A.The Can terbury TalesB.The Lege nd of Good Wome nC.Troilus and CriseydeD. The Roma unt of the Rose.Answer: A (可参考课本P4)4. The Esse nee of Ren aissa nee,
4、the most sig nifica nt in tellectual moveme nt, was.A. Geographical exploratio nB. Religious reformatio nC. Publish ing and tran slati onD. Huma nism.Answer: D (可参考课本P8)5. “ Prince Arthur s greatest mission is his search for Gloriana, with whom he has fallen in lovethrough a love vision.” The two fi
5、gures come from.A.Paradise Lost B.Dr. FaustusC.The Faerie Quee neD.HamletAnswer: C (可参考课本 P13)6. In “ Sonnet 18 ” , Shakespeare.A. Meditate on the destructive power of time and eter nal beauty by poetry.B. Satirize human s vanity.C.Predict the eternity of love.D.Eulogize the power of the beauty.An s
6、wer: A (P37)7. gave new vigor to the blank verse with his“ mighty lines ” and make blankvehicle of expressi on in drama.A.Surrey B.WyattC.MarloweD.Sid neyAn swer: C (P21)8. Shakespeare s greatest tragedies are the following wocept.A.HamletB.K ing LearC.Romeo and JulietD.OthelloAn swer: C (P33)9. The
7、 Renaissance refers to between 14th-mid-17th century, which was under the reign ofQueenand absolute monarchy in England reached its summit, and in which thestream real(真正的文学主流)was.A.Victoria/poetry B.Elizabeth/ drama C.Mary/ no vel D.James/ dramaAn swer: B (P11)10. In The Lege nd of Good Wome n, Cha
8、ucer used for the first time in En glish the rhymed couplet ofiambic pen tameter, which is to be called later.A.The Spen seria n sta nza B.The heroic couplet C.The bla nk verse D.The free verseAn swer: B (P5)11. The Redcrosse Knight in“The Faerie Queene ” stands for, and Una stands forA.bravery/ cha
9、stity B.holi ness/ truth C.error/ delivery D.true gen tlema n/ lady.An swer: B (P16)12. Which of the following is NOT regarded as one of the characteristics of Renaissanee?A. Rediscovery of ancient Roma n and Greek culture.B. Attempt to remove the old feudalist ideas in Medieval Europe.C. Exaltati o
10、n of man s pursuit of happ in ess in his life, and tolera nee of man s foibD. Praise of man s efforts in soul delivery and personal salvation.An swer: D (P7)13. “ The sli ngs and arrows of outrageous fortune” is an example of.A.Metaphor B.Simile C.Irony D.PersonificationAn swer: A (P55)14. in troduc
11、ed the Petrarcha n sonnet into En gla nd.A.An glos/ Sax ons B.Norma ns/ An glo-Sax ons C.Greeks/ Roma ns D.Roma ns/ Norma nsAn swer: B (P11)15. It isalone who, for the first time in English literature presented to us a comprehensive realisticpicture of the En glish society of his time and created a
12、whole gallery of vivid characters from all walks of life.A.Edm und Spen ser B.Geoffrey Chaucer C.William Shakespeare D.Joh n DonneAn swer: B (P4)16. The following bel ong to the characteristics of metaphysical poetry represented byexcept.A.Co nceits B.Actual imagery and simple dictio n C.Argume ntat
13、ive form D.Elega nt styleAn swer: D (P63)17. Paradise Lost is actually a story take n from.A.Greek Mythology B.Roman lege nd C.The Old Testame nt D.The New Testame ntAn swer: C (P73)18. In “ Paradise Lost ” , Satan says“We may with more successful hope resolve/ To wage byguile eternal war, / Irrecon
14、cilable to our grand Foe” What does the “ Eternal war ”A.To remove God from his thro ne B.To burn the Heave n Dow nC. To corrupt God s creation of man and womAdam and Eve D.To beguile into a snake to threaten man s lifeAnswer: C (P71,节选部分在 P75)19. , the first of the great tragedies, is genrelly rega
15、rded as Shakespeare s most popular playthe stage, for it has the qualities of a-and-thunderb”odhriller and a philosophical explorationlife and death.A.The Mercha nt of Ven ice B.Hamlet C.Ki ng Lear D.The Win ter s TaleAn swer: B (P33)20. It wasandthe two conq uests that provided the source for the r
16、ise and growth of En glishliterature.A.An glos/ Sax ons B.Norma ns/ An glo-Sax ons C.Roma ns/ Norma ns D.Greeks/ Roma nsAn swer: B (P1)21. Paradise Lost is s masterpiece, whpic is a2 books, written in blank verse, about theheroic revolt of Satan against God s authority.A.John Donne B.Christopher Mar
17、lowe C.J oh n Milt on D.Edmu nd Spe nserAn swer: C (P71)22. The followi ng descripti on fit into Milt on except .A.a great revolutionary poet of the 17th century B.an outstanding political pamphleteerC.a great stylist and master of bla nk verse D.a kind of elega nt and refi ne style.An swer: D (P70-
18、73)23. is not written by Joh n Milt on.A.Sams on Agon istes B.Paradise Lost C.Paradise rega ined D.Tamburlai neAn swer: D (P71)24. Marlow s greatest achievement is that he perfected the blank verse , and he ispioneer of English drama , which of the following is not written by him?A.Tamburlai ne B.Th
19、e Jew of Malta C.The Passi on ate to His Love D.The Sun Risi ngAn swer: D (P20)25. Essays is the first example of that genre in English literature, which has been recognized as animporta nt Ian dmark in the developme nt of En glish prose.A.John Milton s B.Francis Bacon s C.Montaigne sD.Thomas Gray s
20、An swer: B (P58)26. Was known as “ the poets poet ”.A.William ShakespeareB.Edmu nd Spe nser C.J oh n Do nne D.John Milt onAn swer: B (P15)27. “ And we will make thee beds of roses / And a thousa nd fragra nt posies/ A cfpDwfers, and akirtle/ Embroidered all with leaves of myrtle.” The above lines ar
21、e probably taken fromA.Spenser s The Faerie Queeotohn Donne s The Sun RisingC.Shakespeare s Sonn eDIMarlow s The Passi on ate Shepherd to His Love.An swer: D (P28)28. Which of the following statement best illustrates the theme of Shakespeare s S(A.The speaker eulogizes the power of Nature. B.The spe
22、aker satirizes huma n van ity.C.The speaker praises the power of artistic creation. D.The speaker meditaten man s salvation.An swer: C (P37)II. Read the quoted part and an swer the questi ons:1. “ For here in Fort une shows herself more kindTha n is her custom. It is still her useTo let the wretched
23、 man outlive his wealth,To view with hollow eye and wrin kled browAn age of poverty; from which ling ring penanceOf such misery doth she cut me off”1.Identify the title of the works and author.2. Explain“from which cut me off ”.3. What happe ned to him, which caused the words?参考答案:The lines are from
24、“ The Mercha nt of Ven ice ” ,William Shakespeare. (P48)2) This sentence means she, Lad命运女神e() , is more kind to him because she is takingaway both his wealth and life.3) The speaker is Antonio, it s said that his ship have all been lost, andsse isiplewinlileave topay the pound of flesh. (Because Sh
25、ylock has made a stra nge bond that requires Antonio to pay him a pound of flesh if he can t repay him the money that he borrowed for his friend in due time.) (P38)2. “ Read not to con tract and con funet to believe and take for gran ted, nor to find talk and discourse,but to weigh and con sider”1)
26、Ide ntify the work and author.2) What idea does the passage express?参考答案:1) The sentence comes from “ Of Studies ” written by Francis Bacon . (P61)2) The Sentence talks about the proper way to read: When you read, don t be puzzled by the book; don t take it for gran ted; don t quote too much from th
27、e book; before accepti ng itsyou d better thi nk about its shortco min gs a nd con sider it rfncall sides.3. “ Nor lose possession of that fair thou ow st;Nor shall death brag thou wander st in his shade,When in eternal lines to time thou grow st:So long as men can breathe, or eyes can see,So long l
28、ives this, and this gives life to thee.1) Where does the poem comes from? Who wrote it?What does“ eternal lines” mean?In terpret it briefly.参考答案:1) The poem is “ Shall I Compare thee to a Summer s Day ” , by Shakespeare. (P382) Eternal lines means the lines of the poem and other sonnets. (P38)3) It
29、means: you will not lose your beauty, and death will not threaten you with darkness, either. Aslong as man can live in the world, they will see your beauty in my lines of my poem, which has given you eternal life. (Or A nice summer s day insieualburahe beauty in poetry can last for ever.(P37)4. “ Al
30、l is no lost: the unconquerable will,And study of reve nge, immortal hate,And courage n ever to submit or yield:And what is else not to be overcome?Irrec on cilable to our grand Foe”1) Please ide ntify the poem and the poet.2) In terpret“ all is not lost ”.3) What does the whole passage mean?参考答案:1)
31、 It is taken from Joh n Milt on s “ Paradise Lost ” .(P74)2) “ all is not lost ” is the word -FeSOfOniajnd other an gels rebel aga inst God, but they are drive n from Heave n in to hell. In the fire of the hell, Sata n is determ ined to fight back, just like what he says: not all is lost, the unconq
32、uerable will, the deep hatred, and the courage to fight till death still rema in. (P71)3) This passageshows Satan s will not to subnH从), and the desire to long for freedom; to begGod for mercy and worship his power is more shameful and disgraceful than the downfall.(P71)5. “If he be not apt to beat
33、over matters, let him study the lawyerery defectolstbesmiincSo evmay have a special receipt. ”Questions: 3)What does “ beat over matters ” mean?4) What does“receipt refer to?5) From which essay does the above senten ces come, what is the essay mainly about?参考答案:1)It means: make through exam in ati o
34、ns of thi ngs. (P63)2) “ Receipt ” refers to cure, prescription. (P63)3) The sentences are from“ Of Studies ” (Francis Bacon). It is the most popular of baconan alyzes what studies chiefly serve for, the differe nt ways adopted by differe nt people to pursue studies, and how studies exert in flue ne
35、e over huma n character. (P061)6. “ What, is great Mephistophilis to passi on ateFor being deprived of the joys of heave n?Lear n thou of Faustus man ly fortitudeAnd scor n those joys thou n ever shalt possess.Say he will spare him Four and twenty yearsLett ing him live in all voluptuous nessHav ing
36、 thee ever to atte nd on meQuesti ons:1) ldentify the passage and author;2) “ Say he surrenders up to him his soul” , who will surrender his soul? What for?3) Who are thee? What will he do?参考答案:1) The passage comes from “ Dr.Faustus ” written by Christopher Marlowe) (P252) Dr.Faustus will surre nder
37、 his soul to devil. Because he was a great scholar who has a stro ng desireto get kno wledge in vai n, fin ally he made a bond to sell his soul to Devil in return foilife in which he may get anything he desires. (P22)3) The“ thee ” , refers to “ Mephistophilis ” , the Devil s servant.He helped Dr.Fa
38、ustus to do anything he wan ts. (P22)7. “ Busy old fool, unlyisun,Why does thou thus,Through win dows and through curta ins call on us?”Questi ons:6) ldentify the work and author.7) What idea does the passage express?参考答案:1) The passage comes from“ The Sun Rising ” , written by John Donne . (P66)2)
39、The speakerquestions the sun s authority and speaks condescendingly, placing the sun in the statof a subordinate. In the lover s kingdom, the sun has no right to dictate the time of day or the paof seas ons. His prese nee in their bedchamber is an in trusi on on their privacy.Ill.Questi ons and an s
40、wers:I. How do you know about Renaissanee? Give a summery about English literature in the period?参考答案:1. The Renaissance refers to the period between 14th-mid-17th century. It first started in Italy.2. The Ren aissa nce means rebirth or revival-the discovery of an cie nt Roma n and Greek culture.3.l
41、n esse nce, The Ren aissa nce is a historical period in which the Europea n huma nist thin kers and scholars tried to get rid of the old feudalist ideas in medieval Europe, to introduce new ideas that expressed the in terests of the risi ng bourgeoisie/middle class, and to recover the purity of the
42、early church from the corrupti on of Roma n Catholic church.4. Humanism is the essence of RenaissanceMan is the measure of all things. The humanismexalted/praised human nature and emphasized the dignity of human beings and the present life. They thought man had the right to enjoy the beauty of life
43、and had the ability to perfect himself and madewonders, which got ready for the appearanee of the great Elizabethan writers in Britain. Poetry and drama were the most outsta nding literary forms.5.Shakespeare, Marlowe and Francis Bac on etc. were the remarkable represe ntatives of the En glish Ren a
44、issa nee.(可参考课本P7-12)2. Please give aDrief an alysis of Hamlet参考答案:s “To be or not to be独白” soliloquy (收集于网络,如有侵权请联系管理员删除“ To be or not to be ” is a philosophical exploration of life and death . The solilchypocrisy and treachery and gen eral corrupti on of the world, and revealed the character of Ha
45、mlet- so speculative, questioning, contemplative and melancholy./gloomy . It was not becausable to take action to revenge, but because of his hesitative/hesitant characteracti on came, it seemed defeat.It can be interpreted as: Hamlet bears the heavy burden of the duty to revenge his father forced t
46、o live in the suspense of facts and fiction, Ianguage and action. He considers that it would be better to commit suicide , but being scarsdghft whapen to him in the afterlife. So he put off the thing because of the sin. He considers the plan carefully only to find reason for not carrying it out.The
47、soliloquy conv eysthe sense -wearrness 伏世).(P334)3. What com mon features dothe characters share in Marlow s works? (No more tha n 150 words)参考答案:The creation of The Renaissanee hero is one of Marlow s contributions.1) Such a hero is always individualistic and full of ambition, facing bravely the ch
48、allenge from god and men. They had human dignity and capacity, trying to get heaven/highest ideas on the earth by their own efforts.2) For example: Tamburlaine is a character written by Marlowe. By depicting a great hero with high ambiti on and sheer brutal forc4e in conq ueri ng, Marlowe voiced the
49、 supreme desire of man for infin ite/ limitless power and authority .In Dr.Faustus, Marlowe celebrated the huma n passi on for kno wledge, power and happ in ess.3) Tamburlaine and Dr.Faustus are typical in owning such Renaissance spirit, Tamburlaine, being a cruel conq uer, found happ in ess in conq
50、 ueri ng other kin gdom. Only death could defeat him. While Dr.Faustus, a more introspective and philosophical figure, had high spirit for knowledge but he had sin for hav ing despair in God and trust in Devil. (P20 22)4. What are the main themes of Shakespeare s plays?参考答案:Shakespeare s plays are d
51、ivided into 3 types: comedies, tragedies and historical plays.1) His historical plays are with the themenational unity under a might and just sovereign/ruler isn ecessary.2) 1 n his romantic comedies, he takes an optimistic attitude toward love friendship and youth.3) 1 n his tragedies, Shakespeare
52、always portrays some n oble heroes, who faces the injustice of life and is caught in a difficult situation and whose fate is closely connected with the fate of his nation. Each hero has his weak ness of n ature. We also see the con flict betwee n the in dividual and the evil force in the society. An
53、d his major characters are always individuals representing certain types.5. Please comme nt on the character of Sata n in“ Paradise Lost. ”参考答案:Sata n is a rebellious 叛逆的)figure aga inst God in literature, defeated, he and his rebel an gels werecast into hell. However, Sata n refused to accept his f
54、ailure, sweari ng that“ all waswould revenge for his downfall. The freedom of the will is the keystone of Satan swas the importa nt spirit of the rising middle class. While he tempted Adam and Eve, which proved his evil ness.6. What are the characteristics of the Huma nism?参考答案:1) Huma nism is the e
55、sse nee of Ren aissa nee.2) Huma ni sts see that huma n beings were glorious creatures capable of in dividual developme nt in the direct ion of perfecti on, and that the world they in habited was theirs not to despise轻视)butto question, explore, and enjoy.3) They also believe that man did not only ha
56、ve the right to enjoy the beauty of this life, but had theability to perfect himself and to perform wonders 创造奇迹).(P8)Chapter 2 The Neoclassical PeriodI. Choose the right an swer:1. brings Henry Fielding the name of the Prose Homer.A. The Pilgrim s ProgBeTom Jones C.Robison Crusoe D.Colonel JackAn s
57、wer: B (P122)2. Alexa nder Pope worked pain stak in gly on his poemsand fin ally brought to its last perfect ionDryde nhad successfully used in his plays.A.the heroic couplet B.the free verse C.the blank verse D.the Spenserian stanzaAn swer: A (P92)3. Of all the 18th cen tury no velistswas the first to set out,both in theory and practice, to write specially a comic epic in prose.A.Henry Fielding B.D
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