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1、 Review of Units 1-3 The first period: Units 1-3 知识梳理(七上) Unit Eight When is your birthday?Period One (Section 1a-2d) 1.要求考生学会掌握如何介绍自己及他人(姓、名及电话号码)What to learn2. 如何向他人作简单的问候并作相应的应答。3. 谈论教室周边的事物,要求学生掌握如何用英语确认物品及他们与 物主之间的关系。4. 介绍家庭成员名称以及学会如何介绍家庭成员。 How to learn1.回忆单词及短语:First name, last name, family

2、name, telephone number=phone number, ID card, computer game, lost and found, a set of, thanks for. 2.注意模仿录音中的语音语调。 3.积极参与课堂上有关于日期的问答练习。 4.认真完成老师设计的课堂活动和任务。 _Task 1Lets learn 掌握基本句型1. -Whats your hisher name?-MyHisHer name is 2. -Whats yourhisher phone number? -MyHisHer phone number is3. -How do you

3、spell pen? - P-E-N.4. -Is thisthat your pen? -Yes, it is. No, it isnt.5. -Whats this that? -Its a pen.6. What are these those? -They are books.7. Please call me at 235-0655. 8. Is thisthat your sister? -Yes, she is. No, she isnt.9.These Those are my friends.Task 2 1. 正确掌握形容词性物主代词的用法(my, your, his, h

4、er) 2. 掌握be动词am, is, are 的语法 歌诀巧记: I(我)用, you(你)用are,is用于(他,她,它),单数名词用is,复数一律都用are. Task 3 Do a survey!1. Ask students to ask their friends birthday and fill in the following chart.NameBirthday2. According to the chart, please write an article and try to make a report.Hello! Everybody. My name is .

5、My birthday is .Lets practice.一、写出下列数字的序数词。one_ two _ three _ five_nine_ twelve_ twenty_fifteen_二、选择填空。1._ is your birthday?A. Who B. Where C. When2. My mothers birthday is _.A. July 22st B. July 22th C. July 22nd 3. The _ moth is April.A. first B. second C.fourth三、根据首字母完成单词。1. Monday is the s_ day

6、of the week.2. His b_ is October 3rd.3. Teachers Day is on S_ 10th.4. December is the l_(最后的) month of the year.5. H_ birthday.Ive learned:I want to know:My questions are:Lets think备注&笔记_ _Review of Units 1-3 The second period: Units 1-3 练习讲解(七上)Unit Eight When is your birthday?Period One (Section 1

7、a-2d) 1.要求考生学会掌握如何介绍自己及他人(姓、名及电话号码)What to learn2. 如何向他人作简单的问候并作相应的应答。3. 谈论教室周边的事物,要求学生掌握如何用英语确认物品及他们与 物主之间的关系。4. 介绍家庭成员名称以及学会如何介绍家庭成员。How to review 1.注意单词的拼写。 2.积极参与课堂上有关于方位的问答练习。 3.认真完成老师布置的课内外练习和任务。 _Task 1Lets review 中考先锋P2,单项选择1注意特殊的单复数的名词Womanwomen manmenPolicewomanpolicemenPoliceman-policewom

8、an4.give sb. Sth. 给某人某物10Call sb. at + 号码 Call on拜访 call up 打电话给 Give sb. a call给某人打电话Task 212Thank you for sth.因而感谢 中考先锋P2,单项选择 第二大题 1. family name = last name 姓 First name 名P3, 单项选择3. 名词性物主代词 = 形容词性物主代词 + 名词中文填空 5. glass玻璃 glasses眼镜 6 注意反身代词的用法 Myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, themselve

9、s, ourselves. Ive reviewed:I want to know:My questions are:Lets think备注&笔记_ _Review of Units 4-6 The third period: Units 4-6 知识梳理(七上)Unit Eight When is your birthday?Period One (Section 1a-2d) 1. 谈论物品的具体位置;2. 重点要求学生掌握各种体育器材的名称;3. 掌握日常食品的英文表达,并运用一般现在时谈论是个人的喜好或讨厌的食品一、回忆重点单词及短语:Where, under, on, video

10、tape, to, can, bring, some, need, have, soccer ball, tennis racket, does, lets, play, well, good, sound, We, many, sport, more, watch TV, healthy,list二、回忆重点句型:1. -Where is the baseball? -Its inunderon the desk.2. Do you have ? -Yes, I do. No, I dont.3. Does he have? -Yes, he does. No, he doesnt.4. L

11、ets + 动原5That sounds goodgreat.6. She likes eggs for breakfast.7. -Do you like apples? -Yes, I do. No, I dont.8. Does he like bananas? -Yes, he does. No, he doesnt. How to review _ Task 1Lets review 1. take + 物 + to + 人地点(地点如为副词,如there, home等词,则to省略2. bring +物 to +人地点(地点如为副词,如here, home等词,则to省略 Task

12、 2 Need 的用法:1 need是实义动词,意为“需要”,常用于以下结构:need + 物,表示“需要某物”eg. I need some English books. 2. need + to do sth. 表示“需要做某事”,这时主语常为人。 eg. You need to put on more clothes. 3. need + doing sth. 表示“需要做某事”,这时主语常为物 eg. The bike needs mending.Ive reviewed:I want to know:My questions are:Lets think备注&笔记_ _Review

13、of Units 4-6 The fourth period: Units 4-6 练习讲解(七上)Unit Eight When is your birthday?Period One (Section 1a-2d) 4. 1. 谈论物品的具体位置;5. 重点要求学生掌握各种体育器材的名称;6. 掌握日常食品的英文表达,并运用一般现在时谈论是个人的喜好或讨厌的食品How to review 1.注意单词的拼写。 2.注意过去式的运用。 3.积极参与课堂上有关于方位的问答练习。 4.认真完成老师布置的课内外练习和任务。 _Task 1Lets review 中考先锋P7,单项选择1. Wher

14、e is your chair?掌握特殊疑问句的用法:结构:特殊疑问词 + 一般疑问句 英语中的疑问代词有:what, who, whose, which 疑问副词有:where, why, when, how2. 表示方位的词有:in 在 里 on 在 上面 above 在.上方 over在正上方 behind在 后面 beside在 后面 under 在 下面 below 在 正下面 in front of 在 前面7. for breakfastlunchdinnerP7 全真模拟 单项选择7 decide 决定(动词) decision 决心(名词) Make a decision 下

15、决心 Ive reviewed:I want to know:My questions are:Lets think备注&笔记_ _Review of Units 7-9 The third period: Units 7-9 知识梳理(七上)Unit Eight When is your birthday?Period One (Section 1a-2d) 1.掌握如何用相关形容词描述个人的外貌特征。What to review2.掌握与饮食有关的各种用语,如何去餐馆订购食物。3.讨论发生在过去的事情,要求学生熟练掌握用一般过去式对过去发生的动作与存在的状态进行描述。How to revi

16、ew 一、回忆重点单词及短语:Color,red,green,blue,white,black,price,afford,sell,see,wh-en,month,date,festival,go,movie,actor,action,comedy,documentary,thriller,find,who,student,scary,funny,sad,exciting, history,favorite,new,successful二、回忆基数词11-30Eleven,twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen,sixteen,seventeen,eightee

17、n,nineteen, twenty三、回忆序数词第一到第三十First,second,third,fourth,fifth,sixth,seventh,eighth,ninth,tenth,eleventh,twelf-h,thirteenth,fourteenth,fifteenth,sixteenth,seventeenth,eighteenth,nineteenth,nineteenth,twentieth,thirtieth.四、回忆月份January,Febrary,March,April,May,June,July,August,September,October, Novemb

18、er,December. _ Task 1Lets review 掌握描述个人外貌的表述 He has long curly hair. He is of medium build.Task 2 正确掌握notany more的用法 He doesnt like apples any more. He didnt like apples any more. I dont like apples any more. He isnt a child any more. 掌握would like的用法I would like to take a taxi.(接动词 )I would like a c

19、up of tea.( 接名词 )Task 3 方位介词的用法 Near, in front of ,betwe of en and ,across from,on ,in , In the neighborhood ,Ive reviewed:I want to know:My questions are:Lets think备注&笔记_ _Review of Units 7-9 The six period: Units 7-9 练习讲解(七上)Unit Eight When is your birthday?Period One (Section 1a-2d) 1.掌握如何用相关形容词描

20、述个人的外貌特征。What to review2.掌握与饮食有关的各种用语,如何去餐馆订购食物。3.讨论发生在过去的事情,要求学生熟练掌握用一般过去式对过去发生的动作与存在的状态进行描述。How to review 1.注意单词的拼写。 2.注意过去式的运用。 3.积极参与课堂上有关于方位的问答练习。 4.认真完成老师布置的课内外练习和任务。 _Task 1Lets review 中考先锋P11,单项选择2. How much询问价格How much 询问物品的多少(不可数名词)How many多少(可数名词)6. How old询问人的年龄 How long询问时间 How far询问路程的

21、远近 How soon多久以后(一般用于将来时) eg. How soon will he come back?10.句型What kind of.do you like? eg. What kind of movie do you like?Task 2中考先锋P12,单项选择 6Look like看起来象eg. -What does your English teacher look like? -She is tall and thin with long har.7.wear 穿的状态戴 Eg. wear glasses Put on 穿的动作 dress8catch 随身携带 tak

22、e带去 bring带来 a kind of all kinds of What kind of Task 3 Ive reviewed:I want to know:My questions are:Lets think备注&笔记_ _Review of Units 10-12 The seventh period: Units 10-12知识梳理(七上)Unit Eight When is your birthday?Period One (Section 1a-2d) 1.要求学生通过谈论各自的能力、爱好,来激发他们对生活的热情2.要求学生学会用一般现在时谈论日常活动和行为;3.要求学生会

23、谈论具体的时刻,并学会安排自己的时间,有规律地学习、生活;4.要求学生掌握所学课程的名称,喜欢所学科目的程度及其原因。What to review How to review1.注意听清录音和老师的发音。2.注意动词的第三人称的运用。3.积极参与课堂上有关于一般现在时态的问答练习。4.认真完成老师布置的课内外练习和任务。 _Task 1Lets review 1. 情态动词can表“能力”的用法 Can you play basketball? Yes,I can./ No, I cant. 2. 定冠词the的用法:乐器前加the,球类名词前不加the; eg. I like to play

24、 football. He likes to play the piano. 3. 时刻的表达; 4. 由when与what time引导的特殊疑问句及其回答; 5一般现在时第三人称单数的应用; 6. 由what引导的感叹句(what感叹名词); eg. What a beautiful girl she is1 由how引导的感叹句(how感叹形容词 ) eg. How beautiful the girl is! 7. 由how many引导的特殊疑问句 Task 2 1形容词性物主代词的使用;主格Iwehesheittheyyou形容词性物主代词myourhisheritstheiryo

25、ur2由why,who,what引导的特殊疑问句;Ive reviewed:I want to know:My questions are:Lets think备注&笔记_ _Review of Units 10-12 The eighth period: Units 10-12练习讲解(七上)Unit Eight When is your birthday?Period One (Section 1a-2d) 1.要求学生通过谈论各自的能力、爱好,来激发他们对生活的热情2.要求学生学会用一般现在时谈论日常活动和行为;3.要求学生会谈论具体的时刻,并学会安排自己的时间,有规律地学习、生活;Ho

26、w to review4.要求学生掌握所学课程的名称,喜欢所学科目的程度及其原因。1.注意听清录音和老师的发音。2.注意动词第三人称的运用。3.积极参与课堂上有关于一般现在时态的问答练习。4.认真完成老师布置的课内外练习和任务。 _Task 1Lets review 中考先锋P16单项选择 2. aan是不定冠词,只用在可数名词单数前面,表示“一”。a用在以辅音音素开头的可数名词单数之前;an用在以元音音素开头的可数名词单数之前。这里的元音音素和辅音音素是指读音,而不是字母。 eg. a pen an orange an hour 3. by trainbusbike take a train

27、busbike7. what time引导特殊疑问句,用来询问时间,意为“几点”“什么时候”。 eg. What time do you go to bed? What time与 when的区别: What time 与when都可以对时间进行提问,表示“什么时候”。 what time用来询问具体的时间点;when既可以用来询问具体的时间点,还可以用于询问时间段: a. 询问动作发生的具体时间时,两者可以互换 eg. What timeWhen do you usually go to school? b. 询问钟表所表示的具体时间时,只能用what time不能用when eg. Wha

28、t time is it? c. 询问年份、月份、日期时,只能用when不能用what time。 eg. When is the Music Festival? 8. inonat的用法 what与 how 引导的感叹句结构: a/an+形容词+可数名词单数What+ 形容词+不可数名词 +主语+谓语+其他! 形容词+可数名词复数 eg, What a beautiful skirt Mary is wearing! What an exciting game it is! What beautiful flowers in the garden!How+形容词 副词+主语+谓语+其他 eg

29、. How big the fish is! = What a big fish it is! How dear the meat is! = What dear the meat is!Ive reviewed:I want to know:My questions are:Lets think备注&笔记_ _Review of Units 1-3 The first period: Units 1-3 知识梳理(七下)Unit Eight When is your birthday?Period One (Section 1a-2d) 1.掌握国家名称,国家人口,这些国家的语言的正确表达法。What to review2.掌握句型Where is your pen pal from ?以及回答He/She is 3.掌握方位词的使用,及应用问路及指明方向的方法。 3.掌握下面的句型:Where is the hotel?Welcome to Go straight do


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