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1、2010备战中考易错选择题精选(来自学生错题)1.Some studentswere afra i din class because they thought their classmates might laught hem.of speakB to speakC speakD to speaking2.I founddifficuIt to learn English grammar.thatD that i s3.He decidedschool late again.A to comeB don t comecome not to D notto come to4. She need

2、s apartnerpractici ng Engli shpractice Engl ish withA to practice Engl ish withC to pract icing English withchatting I haveimportant C importantA anything important B somethinganything D important something6. It s good thathave their own ideas about life asas about being cool.A the youngB youth C th

3、e young manD younggrandfather me stories when I was young8.9.was used to tel I B i s used to tellingC used to tel ID used to teI IingWhen I wasget up Bmore Ba student , I was used togetting up C getsof a problem to belittleC lessup D geting uppoor than to be dishonestD much10.My brother is to carry

4、the heavy box by himself old enoughB enough old C enough strongD strong enough11.I must get my homev/orkA done B does C do D d i d12. PeopIe are not a I I owedthe cinema , but they wiI I allowi n the rest room.22. The professor always has good solutionsothers problems.A to smoke, smoke B smok i ng ,

5、 tosmoke C to smoke , smok i ng D smok i ng ,smokemusic sounds14.B nicely C goodD beautifullyto improve our EnglishWhat do you th i nk we shouId doB Do you think what do we shouldWhat do you th i nk shouId weDo you th i nk what shouId we do15.His bike is broken It needssoon.be repai rC to be repai r

6、ed D being mend16.Three moremento dothe work every day17.were neededneed Care needing D are neededHe i s aga instcomputer games.playingplays C playD to playwas too hungry ,he atethe evening.A plenty of Blot ofmany D a Iotdon t knowA what to do ithow to do Cwhat to do D to do whatdon * t know i f Ian

7、yone at the party this evening.If Ianyone , I will getnervous.A wi I I know, won t know B v/i I I know , don* t knowB know, won * t know D know , don t knowis afraid to speak inpub I ic.A the B aC anA ofB to C with D about23. If you take my , please don t tel I about it.anyoneA advice ,any B advices

8、, some C advices, someone D advice ,are hardly ever t i red ,theyA are B aren* t C wiI I D won tI I have a test writing next weekA at B of C on D inyou have any ideas , please return them to himA whose gloves are theseB whose gloves i s thisC whose gloves these areD whose gloves this i shas been fou

9、nd out oiI food is bad for our healthA That , that B That ,what C It , what D It , that28 I prefer music that great lyricsA have B hasC there i s D there are29. I only eat food that tastes A we 11B nicelyCgoodD deliciousIy30 The Greeen fami1y wou1dI ike tofor about three weeksA leave homeB go outC c

10、ome to Ch i naD be away31 I hopehave a happy year in our classA you toB or youC to youD you32. The twomen waIkedthe forest and gotto a smaI I house.A acrossB through CcrossingD overgirlher mother Iknow her mother I i kesreading, too.A takes after B Iooks after C s imiI ar D takes care34. Don* t put

11、off to see the doctor when you are ill.A go B to goC going D gonespent every Sunday morning in an old people s homeA to work B work i ng C worked D works to read , so he always puts his to good use by working i n the aft er- schoo I care center at his elementary schoolsudden rain madeA love , loves

12、B loves , love C loving, loving D loves , lovesfor the singers to put on performcesA that possiblethat impossibleC it possible D it impossibleII, I can tgoschool today.39.40.Because ofThi s watchwas made i nAsC BeingD WithChinaB was madeby Cwasmadefrom D was made ofour footba I I tearnBy the endB In

13、 theendC Attheend of D Finalheadmasterannounced thattherewouldan Engl ish speech contest next month.haveB has C to haveD be42.Did yougo to the movie withLucyinvite B wasn t invitedC hadn* t invited D wasn t inviting43.-Excuse me, could you tel I meOf coursewhen had the train left the station B where

14、 is the nearest the hospitaiif it wiI Ibe windy tomorrow D how much did the car cost44.Must I domy homework No youmustn tB can t C needn t D won* t45.t knownex tYou could ask your teacher for help.A how to doB what to do C why to do D when to do46.Tom asked hi s fr iendnot to be so angryB that knowI

15、 edge i s power.when did he come backD where v/as he bornfind a little difficult to remember the EngI i sh words.A that B itC thi sD them48 What are you nervous,Jenny.A i n B at C on D aboutshouldthat.thinking ofB thought ofhave thought of D havethinking of50.get when you I i stentothe old.AboredB b

16、oringC ti r ingD exci ted51.I don t I ike thepeople who always keep meAwaitB v/aitingC to waitD wa ited52.Do youI ike loudmus i cI amoftenAmadeB made toC mak i ngD mak i ng topen doesnt v/ork Ineed to buy a new one to wrA withBinC onD /want to leaveby it.54. You want toimprove yourspoken Engli sh Wh

17、yan EnglishIanguageclubGood idea.A don t jo i nB not joinC not to join D not you joinyou have some trouble therai I way station ,please ask the poI ice for help A findingB f i nd i ng outC looking for Ddiscovering56.I don t knowI shouId do with so many eggs-You can sei I them.A how B why C what D wh

18、enused an old church here, but now we can see a park hereA to have B was C to be D hadi s to find that the little boy can play the piano so we I I. He is only 5 years old.A interestedB surpr i sed C exci ted D frustrated59. My calculator i s more expensive than yoursAfairlyB veryC quiteD muchdI ike

19、togo there bybikeby car.A.notB i nsteadC thanD rather than61At last,Mr Lia goodidea , everyone felt happyA thoughtB thought of C came up with D thought abouthasn t Tom come hereHe i I I at homeA maybeB may beC wasD can t bedoes the bookLinda She bought it this morning.A Whose , beB Hov/ much, costC

20、V/hose , belong toD V/ho , belong to64. The girl is too shy , shesome time with her fr iends.A doesn t need spendingB needn* t spend C needs to spend D needed spending65. I learn English by watching Engl ish - language videosA sometimesB sometimeC some time D some times66. Just now I saw some young

21、chiIdren together on the playground A are playing B playing C to play D have played67. -The boy can hardly speak Ch i nese, - No, He s been in China for only a few weeks.D doesn t heA can he B can t he C does hes very impo lite you i n I i ne.A of ,to cut B for , cut C of , cut D for , to cut69. My

22、life a lot in the I ast few yearsA changeB has changedC changedD changesthat time, I v/as only11-year-old boy,was a *probIem childA a B anCthe D /71.My fr iendJenny has moved tocity , I miss her oftenA otherB anotherC othersD the othersguitar mightAlice She plays the guitar.A be B has C comes from D

23、 be Iong to73.Do you prefer grapes bananas1 prefer grapes bananas.D or , thanA to, or B or , to C than , to74. Why can t we to have more time to relaxA. are a I lowedC be al lowed D allowexcept Lily and Lindathe man in a white T-shirtA know B i s knowingC have known D knowsspeak in class because she

24、 thought her classmates would laugh at herA was afra id of B is afraid to C was afraid to D is not afraid of77. I have the English cIub for three termsA joined B been in C taken part in D become a member ofto the meeting this afternoon if you have something important to do A needn t to come B don t

25、need to come C needn t coming D didn t need coming79. -May I go swimming now, MumNo, you You must finish your homework f i rstA mustn t B may not C couldn t D needn t80. The br idge in my home town is abo ut met ers long.A two hundred of B two hundreds of C two hundredD two hundreds81 If he h i s fa

26、ther , he d spend more time study i ng Eng Ii shA is B was C were D wiI I be82 Thanks to the Engl i sh course , I can live in the USA easiIy.A six-monthsB six- monthsC six -month D six monthsfish smeI Is so Thanks Mum cooks fish very A good, good B well,good C we I I,we I I D good ,welIyou most Bask

27、etball does I I ike it bestA irrterestB interestsC interestingD interestedI mi ss you ! I you to come here to see me. (which i s wrong)A hope B expect C like D wantyou know when the caIcuI atorYes , i n 1876A i nventedBinventingC was inventing D was inventedyou notice himout ofthe houseA to leaveBle

28、aveCleftD leavesyour homework,you can watch TV.A i s finishedB finishesC finished D is finishing89. At last the man a woman who was two years oIder than him.A don* tB arenC can t D shouldn tA marr ied withB got married C marr i edD got marr ied withsoon as the be I Ifor break rang, the boysto the pl

29、aygroundA ran intoBran out ofC ran afterD ran outshould only obeya I I the school rules ,s good for you not to eatthat s been cookedA anythingB something C everythingD noth i ngnight I I istened to a CDHeart Strings.A which callsB that calledC called D callss try to be_ honest personA a B an C the D

30、/95. I think you will Iook more beautiful if you wear shoes adjustable heaIs.A have B has C with D there are96. Sometimes ,when it s rainy, I go to schooI my father s carA i n B onC by D fromwas because I didn t go to bed until 3o clocklast nightA embarrassed B amazed C excited D exhaustedreceived a

31、 cardthat Happy New YearA saysB tellsC speaks D wr itesyou tel I meyou can come to my birthday party on Fr iday or not.A thatB i f C whenD whether100. Help to some chicken Mrs Smith said to us as soon as the chicken was served.A yourself B you C yourselves Dyoursare many trees onsides of the road Th

32、ey were planted severaI years ago.A each B both C either D everyit was late , he went on with his workA but B and C so D /103 Every summer we wiI I have a ho Ii day after the exam.A two month B two-monthC two-monthsD two monthsyou tel I me you can come to my bi rthday party on Fr iday or notA that B

33、 i fC when D whether105 This room i s b i g enough for a I I of us A live B living in C to live in D to live106 Al I the workers were made some extra hours I ast month.A. workB. to workC workedD work ingthisthat you sav/ inthe street yesterdayA oneB the manC that D hecan talkwith anyoneyou th i nk i

34、 s f r i endly.A whoB whom C whichD the one109. Al II wanta room somev/here.A that ,i sB what, i sC what , areD that110. Susan i s a girl bike was borrowed by me yesterday.A whoseB v/hoC whomD thatthis thecoat youlast Sunday.A boughtB havebought it C boughtit D had bought! The manwho i sthe bus stop

35、 i s myEngl ish teacherA wa iting for B waiting on C wa i ting at D waiting upfather prefers to staying at home. He loves playing sports.Ato play footba I I B to travel C playing footba I I D travel ing114. My brother told me there was a good movie TV the next weekA on B on the C i n D aboutchi Idre

36、n find that they have no paperAto write B to wr i te with Cto wr i te on D wr i te on116. Whyhome tomorrowI miss my parents.A not go B not goingC not to go D didn t goTV set is too loud V/ouIdyou pleaseA turn down it B turn itdownC to turn down itD to turn it downs cold outside Youd better.your coat

37、A to put on B puttingon C puts on D put on119. The toy you boughti n the USAin China.A madeB makesC was mak ing D was madesports meeting has beentill next Mondaybecauseof the bad weather A put on B put off C put up D put downm not sure if ittomor row If itwe wont climb the South Hill.A will snow, sn

38、ows B wi I I snow,will snow Csnows ,snows D snows ,w i I I snow122 -Would you I ike to visit Sharrtou City with me this summer vacationNo, Iit before Besides , it s;hot and humid in summerA visitB visitedC wiI I visitD have vi si ted123. Theteacherasked meI had finished my homev/ork and I sa i dA wh

39、atB ifC thatD /used topreferto“Yes.A swimming/runningB swim /runC swimming/runD swim/runningyou teI I me if ittoday, pleasea heavy rain later today.C ra i ns/have D ra i ns /beYes The radio says there wiI IA wi I I rain/have B wiI I rain / be126 I the Human food though I ve been in Changsha for more

40、 than one year.A didt use to B used to C don t get used to D gets used toshouldn 1t eat or dr i nkwaIk i ng down the streetA whileB unt iIC beforeD afterof my hands is empty .There is a book in one and there i sa long rulA otherB the otherC anotherD othersmach i ne doesn t workit says in the adverti

41、sement.A as quickly as B asgood asCas we I I as D as carefullyasyears haspassedI started towork in this schoolA s i neeB beforeC whenD unt i Ic i nema i snext to thepark. Walkthe park and you cangetthereA throughB pastC acrossD outtime withfr i endsvery important to us.A isBareC hasD have133 They ar

42、r ivedPar i sawinter evening.A at/inB to/onC in /onD in/at134. I prefer rather than A to be a teacher/ be a boss B to be a teacher/ to be a bossC being a teacher/ being a boss D be a teacher / be a boss help of my classmates , T ve improved my EnglishA By B With C Under D Foryou checked your I icene

43、e A a I so B too C either D neithermust keep your eyes , touch it.A close B closed C closing D to close138 My hair i s too long Ill have it tomorrowA cutB being cut C cuttingD to cutsaid they would havehoi iday.A a two-monthB two months C a two-monthsD two month s140.Do you have enough books to read

44、No,I thinkwe needbooks.A anothertwoB other twoC two anotherD two the otherItsingingi n the nextrom.beHe I en. Shehas gone to Bei jing.A mustn tcan tmay D shouIdi s a good waytokeep both teachers and studentsA to happyhappyingC happyD happilystudents I i kereading the bookHarry Potterby Row I i ng.A

45、wr ittenB was v/r i ttenC wroteD was wr itingthink it s difficult to gothe forest alone.A acrossB throughC thoughD crossart i st hopeddrawing the picturesoon.Ahis son tofinish B to finishfinishing Dh i s son will f i n i shedvisited HongKongin 2000,and II i ke to trave IthereA one day/ a day B one d

46、ay/some dayC some day/oneday D some day/ some day147 He i s cons i der i nga pr imaryschoolin that mountain viI I age You surely can tconsider hima selfish man.A building/ to be B bui Iding/beingC tobuiId/being D to bui Id/to beBrown will never forget the dayshe metJane in the streetA thatB whenC wh

47、ich D whereA helpB to helpC helping D helpedbest way tolife s big and smaI IproblemsA dealwithB do with to Cdeal with toD dealing with151. Heis used toup early inthe morn i ng.A getB gettingC to getD gotcent ury.152 The abacus was inviented inB the s i xthC sixthD the sixthe child,pleasetel ephonethe police.A foundB i s foundC v/as found D hasfound154.English is useful language, isn t itOf course it is.A a B the C an D/155 -How does your mot her go to workShe usual ly goes to v/ork her car, but sometimes o


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