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1、厦门中2014-2015学年度第二学期九年级英语科一模试卷(试卷满分:150分考试时间:120分钟)(二)基础知识与运用(每小题1.5分,共30分)V.选择填空:从 A、B、C中,选出一个最佳答案完成句子。17. Michelle, the First Lady of the United States gave aat Peking University.A. ruleB. giftC. sp eech18. Linda father hates waiting in long lines. I think he sjust not very.A. p atie ntB. tale nted

2、C. popu larSir, could you pleaseyour cigarette? This is a smoke-free(无烟的)school.Im sorry about this.A. put outB. put offHow do you like the concert give n by F.L.R.?Excit ing,one pi ece of the music was nt p layed quite well.A. soB. because19.20.21.22.Jim, who taughtNobody. I lear ned it byA. your;

3、myselfB. yourself; myselfFrank, you look worried. Anything wrong?Well, Ia test and I m waiting for the result.B. tookChin ese before you came to school?23.A. will takeDid the radio sayYes, from Hunan.A. how the bad rice cameB. where the bad rice came fromC. where did the bad rice come fromC. put upC

4、. ThoughC. you; myselfC. take24. It was reported that nine Chinese peoplein a balloon crash( 坠毁)in Egypt on February 26, 2015.A. were killedB. are killedC. killed25.26.27.What lovely childre n they are! Which one is your cous in, Jenny?The oneis weari ng a red hat.A. whichB. wheredoes your father p

5、lay tennis after work?Every Tuesday and Thursday.A. How ofte nB. How soonHow is your gran dma?She is fine. She used toC. whoC. How longTV at home after supper. But now she is used to28.out for a walk.A. watch; goB. watch; goingYou did the best in the p hysics comp etiti on?.I made several terrible m

6、istakesC. watchi ng; goA. I thi nk soB. You are kidd ingC. You re welcomeVI .完形填空:从 A、B、C中,选出一个最佳答案,使短文意思完整。Sometimes, I doubt whether there is any love betwee n my paren ts. Every day they are busy trying to 29 money.They dont act romantic the way the couples do in books and on TV . They never say,

7、 “love you. ”Its n ot their 30.One day,my mother was sewing a quilt (缝被子).1 sat down beside her.Mom, I have a question to ask you, I said after a while.What? ” She asked, still worki ng.“Is there 31 between you and Dad? ” I asked her in a very low voice.She stopped her work and raised her head. Then

8、 she bowed her head and went on sew ing.I thought I had hurt her. At last I heard my mother say, “ Suan, look at this thread (线).Sometimes it 32, but mostof the time it disappears in the quilt. It makes the quilt 33. If life is a quilt, then love should be a 34 . It can hardlybe see n any where, but

9、 it is really there.”t understahe next spring. My father suddeniy got sick. My mother had toI liste ned carefully but I did n stay with him in the hos pital for a mon th.After they got back, she helped my father walk slowly dow n the road every day. My father had n ever bee n so weak.“ Dad, how are

10、you feeling now? I asked him one day.“ Susan, don t worry about me said gently. I just like 36 with your mom. ”Once I thought love mea nt flowers, gifts and sweet kisses. Now, I know that love is the thread that holds a family(三)阅读理解(每小题2分,共50 分)VII.阅读下面五篇短文,根据文章的内容选择最佳答案作答37 61小题。Atogether.29. A. h

11、aveB. makeC.spend30. A. questi onB. styleC. kind31. A. loveB. relati onshipC. frien dsh ip32. A. happensB. comesC. app ears33. A. wideB. thickC. strong34. A. flowerB. giftC. thread35. A. whe nB. un tilC. because36. A. watchi ngB. talki ngC. walki ngb亠.十.:J_*i* Lg 罰宀-1* L Hl IBeijing 2 day Bus Tour (

12、including hotel)Departure (出发)date: dailyDep arture time: 8:00 am.Retur n time: 6:00 pm.Tour guide service: En glish-s peak ing tour guideDay 1 Arrive in Beiji ngAfter arrival in Beiji ng, you will be take n to a hotel.Then you ll be free the rest of the day.Day 2 Visit the main p laces of in terest

13、Pick-up (接人)service by your tour guide and driver in the morning.In the morning : Visit Tian anmen Square, including the main buildings such as the NationalMuseum of Chi na and the Great Hall of the People. Visit the tem pie of Heave n and theForbidde n City. The n you will have lunch at a local res

14、taura nt n ear the Forbidde n City.In the afternoon: Visit the Summer Palace, the largest and most beautiful imperial( 皇帝的)garde n in China. When the tour is over, you will be sent to Beiji ng Cap ital Air port.Tour p rice (per p erson in US dollar):37. How ofte n is the Beiji ng 2-day Tour give n?A

15、. Twice a day.B. Every day.38. The Beiji ng 2-day Tour is aimed at.A. old people from Beiji ng.B. stude nts from other cities.C. people from En glish-s peak ing coun tries.39. Visitors will visitfirst.A. Tian anmen SquareB. the Temple of Heaven40. Visitors willnear the Forbidden City.A. have a restB

16、. buy souve nirsC. Once a week.C. The Forbidden CityC.have lunchYour group sizeSuper classDeluxe classTourist class1 person$ 230$ 188$ 1502-5 people$ 135$ 115$ 956-9 people$ 123$ 95$ 8510 people or over$ 115$ 92$ 80.垢二 遨 characters usually have亡冷 loved by Chi nese peo pie.J: here because pinyin is t

17、he .is the pinyin for good luck of the character and if youI the Chin ese character 福 丄 characters that sound the41. If Tom, together with his paren ts, chooses sup erior class Beijing 2-day Tour, he will payA. $230B.$345C.$405BSix Chinese CharactersDear stude nts, our country has a long history. Ch

18、in ese more tha n one meaning and some of them are p articularly Here are the top six lucky on es. Please note we use pinyin Chin ese sp elli ng system for the characters. For exa mple, fu in Chinese. pinyin fu is only the phonic ( 语音的)part want to know the meaning of good luck fu, you must read bec

19、ause fu also represents (代表)other Chinese same.1. 福 fu means blessing, good fortune, good luck. Chinese character 福 fu is one of the most popular ones used duri ng Chin ese New Year. It is ofte n dis played up side dow n on the front door of a house or an ap artme nt. The up side dow n 福 fu means go

20、od luck comes since the character for up side dow n in Chin ese sounds the same as the character for come.2. 禄 lu means prosperity.It is used to mean officials salary(薪水)in feudal (封建的)China.3. 寿 shou means Iongevity.Chinese character 寿 shou also means life, age or birthday.4. 喜 xi is happiness.The

21、doubled character 喜 xi means double happin ess. It is usually dis played everywhere at Chin ese weddi ngs.5. 财cai is wealth or mon ey.Chin ese ofte n say money can make a ghost turn a millsto ne. It is to say money really can do a lot of thin gs. But, still- money can t buy everything.6. 禾 n he mean

22、s harm onio us.Peop les harm ony is an imp orta nt part of Chin ese culture. When you have harm onious relati ons with others, things will be a lot easier for you.42. What does the word“ character ” mean in this p assage?A.特征B.汉字43. We useto show how to read the Chin ese characters.A. “ pinyin ”B. s

23、pelling44. What does the up side dow n 福 “ fu ” mean?A. It means that“ fu ” is up side dow n.B. It means that good luck comes.C. It means good fortune.45. Which sentence is right accord ing to the p assage?A. Money is a ghost.B. Money can buy everyth ing.46. After readi ng the p assage, can we say t

24、hat soundA. No, we can t.B. Yes, we can.C.角色C. lettersC. Money isn t everything. he ” only means harm ony?C. I know several words read asa I ?heCIt s Pig s HometownThe story happened duri ng the Second World War. An old man lived in a small tow n of Germa ny. He had three sons and they all worked in

25、 the same factory where he had worked. After the war had begu n, his sons were all made to join the army one after ano ther and they all died in the fights. The old man was very sad. He did nt have eno ugh food and was ofte n hun gry. And n obody helped him and he did nt know to go on liv ing.It was

26、 a very cold win ter ni ght. The old man could nt go to slee p. He had bee n hungry for two days and it was so cold in his room that ice could be see n. He had go get up and bega n to run in the room un til he lay dow n on the ground. The n ext morning he had to beg from door to door. He had bee n t

27、o a lot of cities and knew a lot.Once he came to a village, but the villagers were all poor and could nt give him anything. He was too hungry to go to another village. He thought hard and found a way. He came to a police station and called out,ld “ Hitlepoliceman came out at once. He took the old ma

28、n into a room, gave him some bread and a cup of tea. Then he said, say so in our village, sir!”“Im sorry, sir ” , said the old man.“I dont know its Hitlers hometown.p olicema n said in a hurry,“Its a pi gs hometow n.”47. The old man s sons joined the army because.C. they had to do so.A. they were al

29、l strong.B. they loved their coun try.48. The old man was sad because.A. he had n either food nor clothes.B. his three sons lost their lives duri ng the war.C. he lived in the small tow n alone.49. The villagers didn t give the old man any food because _A. they were kin d-hearted.B. his sons were in

30、 the army.C. they were also hun gry.50. Which of the followi ng is true?A. The old p olicema n would send the old man into prison.B. The old p olicema n hated Hitler, too.C. The old p olicema n thought that Hitler was better tha n p igs.51. The p olicema n thought.A. Hitler was more foolish tha n pi

31、 gs.B. the old man insulted (侮辱)their hometown.C. the old man had to say sorry to him.Ds Liut un VLiu Xia ngming, 58, and his wife Yin Mamei had their first daughter, Huan hua n, in Pi zhouThree years later they left their hometow n and over the n ext 18 years collected rubbish in Xuzhou and Suzhou.

32、Huan hua n is now married while her youn gest twin sisters are only 2 mon ths old. The large family did n cause the atte nti on of family planning officials un til their seve nth child, a 5-year-old boy, died in a pool n ear their home in Suzhou on March 10th, 2015 because he couldn t swim. Now the

33、couple still have lots of babiesur boys and five girlSuzhou p olice sent them to their hometow n and the Suzhou gover nment gave them $2,083. The couple said they had always hoped to come back home, but did n t have eno ugh mon ey. They said they did n t have farmla nd, and tbeen pulled down. The fa

34、mily are now living with Liu s brother.Liu cares for the children s education. Huanhuan didnudieoraftRiekireJegarten while his second andthird childre n left school whe n they were in Grade Three.“It was too expen sive. Half a year at school cost me m1,000 yua n. ” Liu said.On the one hand, the loca

35、l gover nment would try to help the four school-aged childre n go to school. On the other hand, under Jiangsu s rule, the couple could be f罚ed()nearly 500,000 yuan for their having too many children. However, Yand, an officer, said the couple couldn t pay no matter how much they wereuhatlwe should d

36、o is to help them live abetter life, ” Yand added.52. When did the family leave their hometow n?C. in 2015C. NineA. in 1993B. in 199653. How many children do the Liu s have now?A. EightB. Five54. Accord ing to the third p aragra ph, we can guess that.A. the gover nment has built a house for themB. t

37、he family are still livi ng in SuzhouC. it s not easy for the family to live in Liutun55. Two of the childre n left school whe n they were in Grade 3 becauseA. the family did n t have eno ugh moneyB. the Liu s didn t care for their educationC. they had to go back to their home village56. Which of th

38、e followi ng is true?A. The government may help Liu s familyB. The Liu s children can t go to schoolC. The Lius have to pay 500,000 yuanEThe spi der (蜘蛛)is very little and clever. Its body is made up of two p arts. It has four p airs of legs and eight little eyes.The spi der loves work. It beg ins t

39、o work as soon as it begi ns to live. Every sp ider is a weaver. Even the youn gest spi der knows how to weave (编织)its web just as well as the oldest.The silk of which it makes its web comes from its body. It is like hairs. Many of these hairs come out at the same time,but they are all formed into o

40、ne rope of silk. It is so thin that a hun dred of them together are only as thick as a huma n hair.First the spider fasten (固定)one end of the silk thread (丝线)to a leaf or to a piece of wood, then it turns and fastens it to the other end. When the sp ider faste ns both en ds, it can run dow n the sil

41、k and fix some more threads. These are the cross ropes of the web. Then it weaves other lines round them, and makes about twenty rin gs.The n sp ider works hard and fast, and it fini shes its work in less tha n an hour. The web is the n so strong that the wind cannot blow it away and the rain cannot

42、 break it. The purpose of the spi ders web is to catch in sects, which are its food. In sects cannot walk or fly out of the web, because the spi der covers it all with somethi ng like glue ( 胶水),which sticks to anything that touches the web and holds it fast (牢固).Not all the spiders are the same sor

43、t of work to do. Some spiders are masons ( 泥瓦匠).They build houses the size of a big thimble (顶针).They make doors in them, which they shut after them when they go in. They can even fasten the door of the house from the in side, so that no robber can get in.The garde n sp ider lets thread float in the

44、 air till they stick to plants or to the bran ches of trees. It the n uses these threads as the roads or bridges to cross from one p lace to ano ther.57. What is the spi ders silk like?A. Its very thin. One hun dred of them are as thin as a huma n hair.B. Its very stron g. It is made of huma ns hair

45、.C. Its really like huma n hair and its as thin as huma ns hair.58. While the spi der makes its web,.A. first it makes a leaf or a piece of woodB. first it fixes one end of the silk thread firmly to a leaf or a pi ece of woodC. first it fixes one end of the silk thread to its own head59. The spi der makes aboutrin gs.C. fiftyA. twentyB. a hun dredC. in half an hour60. The spi der fini shes its work.A. more tha n a dayB. in less tha n an hour61. Which of the followi ng is true?A. The spi der is both little and clever.B. The garde n spi der lets thread


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