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1、Can you tell me some famous cities in China? What about the cities in Europe? 北大西洋 北海 英吉利海峡 地中海 欧洲面积1016万平方公里,共45个国家和地区。地形 以平原为主,大部分为温带海洋性气候,约7.28亿人, 约占世界总人口的12.5%,是人口密度最大的一个洲。 How much do you know about Europe? 英国 葡萄牙 西班牙 意大利 希腊 法国 CountryCapitalLanguage 1LondonEnglish 23 4 56 7 89 10BerlinGerman F

2、rance Italy Greece Portugal Spain Paris Rome Athens Lisbon Spanish French Italian Greek Portuguese Madrid United Kingdom Germany Read the information and find the countries on the map. The United Kingdom is off the northwest coast of continental Europe. It has four countries with one government. The

3、se countries are England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales. France is Europes third largest country and faces the United Kingdom across the English Channel. Italy is in the south of Europe on the coast of the Mediterranean Sea. It looks like a boot. Between Italy and France, there is a mountain

4、range called the Alps. Spain is to the south of France. Between France and Spain is another mountain range the Pyrenees. Portugal is to the west of Spain. Greece is in the southeast of Europe. Twenty percent of the country is covered by islands. across 与与 through across 指从物体表面穿过指从物体表面穿过 through 指从物体

5、里面穿过指从物体里面穿过 用用across, through, 和和over填空。填空。 The Great Wall winds mdae its way from west to east _ the deserts _ the mountains and _ the valleys until it reaches the sea. across over through WordsUsage acrosson the other side of 在在另一边另一边 between having one thing on one side and sth else on the other

6、 在在之间之间 offaway from 远离远离 on/off the coast toin the direction 在在的外面的外面 on next to, along the side of 接壤接壤, 在河在河 边边 inwithin a place or area 在在内部内部 Function: Describing location On page 4(2)(4) Italy is in the south of Europe Portugal is to the west of Spain. Barcelona is on the northwest coast of Sp

7、ain. in/ to/ on the south of in the south of 在在的南部,常指在某一的南部,常指在某一 范围范围 to the south of在在的南边,常指超出了的南边,常指超出了 某一范围。某一范围。 on the south of 在在的南面,的南面, 强调两者强调两者 毗毗 邻,接壤。邻,接壤。 Jilin Province lies in the northeast of China. Jilin Province lies to the northeast of Hebei Province. Korea lies on the northeast o

8、f China. Northeast of Hebei Province lies to Jilin Province. 1. Whats the difference between on the coast and off the coast.? On the coast means that the place is actually on the land, where it meets the sea;off the coast means that the place is an island (or on an island) not far from the mainland.

9、 2.Whats the difference between across and between? across means that something is on the other side , that there is something between two places, two objects or also two people (e.g. You can sit across the table from someone; live across the street from them); between refers to the “thing” which se

10、parates two objects, places or people, e.g. There is a river between the two parts of the city; there is a busy street between your house and time. Complete these sentences using correct prepositions. 1. Paris is situated _ the River Seine. 2. France and England face each other _ the English Channel

11、. 3. There is a mountain range _ France and Italy. 4. Barcelona is a city _ the coast of Spain. 5. Britain is an island _ the coast of continental Europe. on across between on off Complete these sentences using correct prepositions or prepositional phrases. 1.Mongolia is _ China and Russia. 2.China

12、is _ of India. 3.Guangzhou is _ of China. 4. Shenyang is _ Beijing and Harbin. 5. The Qinghai -Tibet Plateau(高原高原 ) is _ of China. between to the northeast of in the south between in the southwest look at these prepositions or prepositional phrases. Find which ones can be used to describe locations

13、and which ones can be used to describe movement .(3) on the left on the right between in front of to behind near next to opposite above below beside with from Locations : Movement: on the left, on the right , between, in front of, behind , near , next to . opposite, above , below, beside. to, from (

14、“with” is extra.) Write sentences to describe geographical area of China. Give some places : Such as Jinan, Qingdao, Shandong Province, Shanghai, Beijing. Example: Chongqing is situated on the Yangtze River. Reading in B. in; to C. to; / D. to; /in 2. The Yellow River is _ river in China. A. the sec

15、ond longer B. the second long C. the longest second D. the second longest 3. He lives in a village _ the river. A. on B. through C. across D. over D D AC 4. Do you know how long _ the film _? Nearly two hours. A. is; lastedB. does; last C. is; takenD. does; spend 5. The country is a small island _ t

16、he south coast of the Pacific Ocean. A. of B. from C. off D. on 6. When I came in, he was working _ a drawing. A. at B. out C. with D. on B C D 7. Rizhao lies _ the southeast of Shandong Province which lies _ the east of Shanxi Province that is _ the west of Hebei Province. A. in; on; toB. in; to; o

17、n C. to; in; onD. to; in; on 8. Our school, which has 8,000 students, _ on the beach of the Yellow Sea. A. is situated B. situate C. situatingD. situation B A 9. Liqun Department Store is _ right in the center of the city. A. locatedB. locating C. locateD. be locating 10. Guo Jingming who is a 22 ye

18、ars old college student _ his novel City of Fantasy. A. is known asB. is knowing as C. is known forD. is known to A C 11. Rizhao _ a harbour city and it _ its beauty and people such as Liu Xie, Ding Zhaozhong. A. is know as; is better known for B. is known for; is better known as C. is known as; is

19、well known for D. is known for; is good known as A 12. The Red Army overcame many difficulties during the Long March, _ the snow mountain, _ the river and _ the forest. A. over; through; across B. over; across; through C. across; through; over D. across; over; through B Italy is in the south of Euro

20、pe Portugal is to the west of Spain. Barcelona is on the northwest coast of Spain. in/ to/ on the south of in the south of 在在的南部,常指在某一的南部,常指在某一 范围范围 to the south of在在的南边,常指超出了的南边,常指超出了 某一范围。某一范围。 on the south of 在在的南面,的南面, 强调两者强调两者 毗毗 邻,接壤。邻,接壤。 across means that something is on the other side , tha

21、t there is something between two places, two objects or also two people (e.g. You can sit across the table from someone; live across the street from them); between refers to the “thing” which separates two objects, places or people, e.g. There is a river between the two parts of the city; there is a

22、 busy street between your house and time. The Louvre 始建于始建于12世纪末,当时是用作防御目的,世纪末,当时是用作防御目的, 后来经过一系列的扩建和修缮逐渐成为一个金碧辉煌的王后来经过一系列的扩建和修缮逐渐成为一个金碧辉煌的王 宫。如今博物馆收藏的艺术品已达宫。如今博物馆收藏的艺术品已达40万件,其中包括雕万件,其中包括雕 塑,绘画,美术工艺及古代东方,古代埃和古希腊罗马等塑,绘画,美术工艺及古代东方,古代埃和古希腊罗马等 7个门类。个门类。1981年,法国政府这座精美的建筑进行了大规年,法国政府这座精美的建筑进行了大规 模的整修,从此卢浮宫成了专业博物馆。卢浮宫正门入口模的整修,从此卢浮宫成了专业博物馆。卢浮宫正


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