国际连锁酒店财务管理流程 19.Self Cashiering By Cash结算程序(现金)_第1页




1、成成都都世世纪纪城城假假日日酒酒店店 独独立立收收款款/结结算算程程序序 1 (现现金金) 餐餐厅厅服服务务员员厨厨房房/酒酒吧吧客客人人收收银银员员 为客人点菜 点菜后,在POS系统里 开一张新帐单,输入台号, 人数,点菜单等资料 点菜单将自动 按照打印出的点菜单准备食 品/饮料 用餐完毕后, 传输到厨房打印机及客人要求结帐客人到收银台结帐 POS 终端机 通知收银员XX台结帐 服务员结帐 询问客人台号 打印客人帐单 为避免出错,服务员结帐为避免出错, 在送交客人帐单前再次复查在送交客人帐单前复查 将帐单送交给客人付款将帐单给客人结帐 客人到收 银台结帐 检查帐单 无误 有误 服务员结帐 用

2、用现现金金支支付付帐帐单单将帐单退还给收银员改正 清点所收现金是否与客人到收 银台结帐清点所收现金是否与 帐单金额一致帐单金额一致 将现金及帐单交收银员接收帐单及现金 在POS系统里输入 付现键 开发票及找钱与客人 (如需要) 将发票给客人取回帐单客人 联 打印有付现键的 正本帐单与客人保存 在班末时,从POS终端机 打印出现金报告 现金收入与现金报告核对 平帐后,递交给夜审 HolidayHoliday InnInn CenturyCentury CityCity ChengduChengdu Self-Cashiering/SettlementSelf-Cashiering/Settlem

3、ent ProcedureProcedure 1 1 (By(By Cash)Cash) Waiter/WaitressKitchen/BarGuestCashier Take food and drink orders from guest After taking the order, open a new check and key in all details including table number, cover, food and drink order into the POS system F&B order will automatically transfer to t

4、he kitchen/bar printer and cashier POS terminal Prepare food/drink according printed out order slip Request to settle the bill after finishing the meal Guest go to Cashier counter settle the bill Inform cashier XXX table settle the bill Settle by waiter/waitress Inquire guest the table number polite

5、ly Print guest check Avoid mistake to view before present the bill to guest Settle by waiter/waitress Avoid mistake to view before present the bill to guest Present the bill to guestPresent the bill to guest Guest settle bill at counter Verify the bill No error Error Settle by waiter/waitress Settle

6、Settle thethe billbill inin cashcash Return the bill to cashier for correction Count cash and verify against the bill Guest settle bill at counter Count cash and verify against the bill Forward the bill and cash to cashier Collect bill and cash Settle with Cash key and close the bill in the POS system Issue Official Receipt (if necessary) and return change to guest Present guest check, invoice and changes to guest Print out guest check settled in cash and one copy for guest Print Cash Report from POS terminal at the end of the shift Reconcile the dai


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