1、Unit 4EartlIqUakeThe FirSt PeriOd Reading黎平一中:韦紫娟KnOWledge aims:Get the StUdents to know basic knowledge aboUt natural disastersAbility aims:1. Train the StUdentSt reading and SPeaking ability.the StUdelits ability to USe the Internet to SearCh for SOme USefUI information.3. Train the StUdentS? abil
2、ity to COOPerate With OtherSEnlOti Onalaims:LaW Of the People S RePUbIiC Of China On PrOteCting AgainSt and Mitigating EarthqUake DiSaSterS中华人民共和国防震减灾法 TeaChing ImPOrtant POints:1. Trairl the StUdentS ? reading abilitySkinlnIing and SCanning2. Get the StUClentS to IearrI about TangShan earthquakeTea
3、Ching difficult POints:DeSCribe the CIiSaStersTeaChing PrOCedUreS:SteP 1. Warining UP & Lead-InLead-in:ShOW SOme PiCtUreS to the StUdentS aboUt the earthquake.TheSe are Wen ChUan earthquake中华人民共和国防震减灾法中华人民共和国防震减灾法由中华人民共和国第十一届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第六次会议于 2008年12月27 口修订通过,现将修订后的中华人民共和国防震减灾法 公布,自2009年5月1日起施行。 第
4、七条 各级人民政府应当组织开展 防震减灾知识的宣传教育,增强公民的防震减灾意识,提高全社会的防震 减灾能力。 第八条任何单位和个人都有依法参加防震减灾活动的义 务。第十七条国家加强地震监测预报工作,建立多学科地震监测系统, 逐步提高地震监测预报水平。DO you know another big earthquake happened in ChinaT: At the Very beginning, I Want to know how much you know about an QUakeWOUICl you take With you if a QUake happenedQ2: Th
5、e best Way to SaVe yourself is to know there WilI be a QUake before it happens What kind Of SignS Can tell you that there IS a QUakeQ3: What kind Of damage Can an earthquake CaUSeS: buildings are destroyed; PeOPIe are killed; families are broken* Step2 Pre-ReadingT: 30 years ago, On the day July, th
6、e 28th, a terrible disasterSUddenIy happened, and the beautiful TangShan WaS removed from the map ThiS is TangShan QUake DOeS any body know SOmething aboUt TangShan QUakeT: Let, S read a news report aboUt the famous QUakeStep3 While-reading II. Skiniining & SCaringGet the StUdentS COmPrehenel the Pa
7、SSage QUiCkIy and accurately, and meanwhile help the StUdents to form a good habit Of reading T: FirSt PIeaSe SkinI the PaSSage fast to obtain,/ get a general UnderStending Of the WhOIe PaSSage And UnderIine the answers to the following QUeStions.1. Wherl did the QUake happen (Why did the Writer USe
8、 different expression Of the Same thing) 2. HOW many PeOPIe Were killed and injured ClUring the QUake3. HOW many buildings Were dest:TOyedStrange things happened before the QUakeSentenCeS Can express the quake is GREAT6 What numbers Can express the QUake is GREAT 4. What metaphor does the Writer USe
9、 to Say the QUake is GREAThappened When rescue WOrk WaS going Ondid the army help to rescue SUrViVOrSII. WhiIe reading, divide the WhOIe PaSSage into 3parts and find OUt the main idea Of each Partbefore the QUakePara2-3 ClUring the QUakeafter the QUakeIII. CarefUI-reading Read the PaSSage again and
10、try to get more detailed information.T: NOW let S read the PaSSage again and find more information. JOin the COrreCt PartS Of the SentenCeS (Turn to Page 27, exl)T: NOW you have read the PaSSage carefully, PIeaSe PUt the Sentences in Order NUmber each Of these things during the TangShan quake(TUrn t
11、o Page 27, ex2) T: here are SOme more WOrk for you. YOU Can WOrk in groupsT: Let, S WatCh SOme pictures, and COmParing the Old TangShan, the TangShan after quake, and the new TangShan We See today.SteP 4 Post-reading (discussing) T: After read the news report, and See SO many pictures, What impresse
12、s you most Or What do you Iearn from SUCh a disaster(Self-rescue, environment p:TOtection, rebuilt, IOVe and help) I: self-rescue (a VideO game) T: When in a quake, if you know SOme self-rescue skills, you may PrObabIy SaVe yourself If you Want to know SOme Of the skills.T: We See that the new TangS
13、han has been Set up. What is needed to rebuild TangShan. IV: environment PrOteCtiOn T: nowadays there are more disasters than before One Of the reasons is that We Pay more attention to OUr economy development than the earth We IiVe中华人民共和国防震减灾法由中华人民共和国第十一届全国人民 代表大会常务委员会第六次会议于2008年12月27日修订通过,现将修 订后的中华人民共和国防震减灾法公布,自2009年5月1 口起施行。 第七条 各级人民政府应当组织开展防震减灾知识的宣传教育,增强公民 的防震减灾
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