1、剑桥商务英语证书考试(BEC)考试密押资料初级听、说分类模拟题6剑桥商务英语证书考试(BEC)考试密押资料初级听、说分类模拟题6初级听、说分类模拟题6LISTENINGPART ONEQuestions 18 For questions 18 you will hear eight short recordings. For each question,mark ONE letter(A,B,or C)for the correct answer. You will hear the eight recordings twice. (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1. When di
2、d Dr.Jonesplane leave?A.11:00B.11:30C.10:30答案:C解析Man: Whats the matter?Woman: Dr. Jones didnt get to the airport until 11 oclock. He missed his flight by half an hour.2. What does the man want? 答案:A解析Man: Hand me the papers from my briefcase.Woman: Is that your briefcase here iust next to the typewr
3、iter?3. What is Shielas nationality?A.EnglishB.AmericanC.Japanese答案:B解析Man: Shiela is an American, but shes lived in the Far East for most of her life.Woman: Yes, she speaks Japanese and Chinese as well as English.4. Where are they meeting their visitor this evening?A.the plazaB.the hotelC.the resta
4、urant答案:B解析Woman: Do you know where we are meeting Mr. Young this evening?Man: I told his secretary that we will be at his hotel at seven.Woman: Is that the plaza behind the city office building?Man: Thats right. Then we will go on to the Golden Duck Restaurant.Woman: Good, Ill get the car then.5. W
5、hen will they move into their new office?A.Oct.14B.Oct.4C.Sept.24答案:A解析Woman: I hear we are moving into our new office on the 14th of October.Man: Thats right.Although we have to be out of here by the fourth.Woman: Really? Still, it wont affect me much.Im going on holiday for three weeks from the 24
6、th ofSeptember.Man: You are going to leave us to do all the packing then. Great!6. Whats wrong with the printer?A.no paperB.no inkC.paper jam答案:C解析Man: Oh, the machine isnt working again!Woman: Whats wrong with it?Man: I dont know. I think it needs some more paper or its run out of ink or something.
7、Woman: No. Look here, there are some paper stuck in it.7. Which chart shows the change of price? 答案:B解析Man: Miss Green, could you tell me something about the petrol prices in the past three months?Woman: Yes, sir. They went down slightly in April and fortunately went up again in May. In June the pri
8、ceremained steady.8. Which hotel does Brains colleague recommend?A.the GrantB.the OrientC.the Plaza答案:C解析Woman: Have you booked a hotel room yet, Brain?Man: No. I am just looking at the brochures now.Woman: Well, then go to this one here.Man: Why? Whats wrong with the Grant?Woman: Its too expensive,
9、 sure as this one, the Orient. I would go to the Plaza if I were you.PART TWOQuestions 915 Look at the notes below. Some information is missing. You will hear a woman talking about prices and costs. For each question(915),fill in the missing information in the numbered space using a word,numbers orl
10、etters. You will hear the recording twice. Jakins Construction Facilities Ltd. PRDUCT INFORMATION ROCK CUTTER Unit Price at (9) Packing Cost 15 each Rail Transportation Freight (10) each Marine Transportation Freight 215 each CHAIN SAW Unit Price at (11) Packing Cost 12 each Rail Transportation Frei
11、ght (12) each Marine Transportation Freight (13) each OTHER INFORMATION DESTINATION Amsterdam PORT DUTIES ANDLOADING CHARGES (14) per item INSURANCE 17 for each rock cutter (15) for each chain saw (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1.答案:2140解析 9-15Man: Excuse me, Id like to have some information about the prices
12、and costs of rock cutter and chain sawsproduced by your company.Woman: Our rock cutters cost two thousand a hundred and forty pounds each and our chain saws cost eighthundred and fifty pounds each.These are the prices for unpacked exworks products.Man: How about packing cost and transport cost for g
13、oods to be sent to Amsterdam?Woman: Packing cost for each rock cutter is fifteen pounds and for each chain saw twelve pounds. And thecost for transport to docks by rail will be fourteen pounds for each rock cutter and the same priceapplied to each chain saw. Sea freight cost to Amsterdam will be two
14、 hundred and fifteen pounds for each rock cutter and a hundred and eight pounds for each chain saw.Man: What about port duties and loading charges then?Woman: Port duties and loading charges are the same for all our products. It costs sixty pounds per item. Then, there is also insurance to be paid f
15、or each item.Man: How much does it cost for insurance?Woman: Insurance for each rock cutter is seventeen pounds and it costs nine pounds to insure each chainsaw.Woman: Youre welcome.2.答案:143.答案:8504.答案:145.答案:1086.答案:607.答案:9PART THREEQuestions 1622 Look at the notes below. Some information is missi
16、ng. You will hear a woman giving an opening speech. For each question(1622),fill in the missing information in the numbered space using one or two words. You will hear the recording twice. Business Master Class Opening CONFERENCE ARRANGEMENTS The event will take place over (16) days. Seminar organiz
17、ed by (17) PLC The topic of the last session will be (18) To use the New City Hotel car park,delegates must obtain a (19) DR.SANGALLI has advised many famous (20) The name of his consultancy is (21) He is the author of Intelligent Change. In Europe,he is the best-known (22) analyst (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标
18、题名) 1.答案:3解析 16-22 Good morning everyone and welcome!Thanks for coming.My name is Jane Watson and I look forward tomeeting you all personally.Some of you will be here just for today; others will be attending for three days. Im just going to say a few words on behalf of my company who has organized t
19、his eventGlobeConferences PLCAs you know,todays seminar is the Business Master class to be conducted by ourdistinguished guest, who I will introduce in a moment. But first a few points of organization which perhapsyou would like to know. All the sections will take place in this hotel, except for the
20、 last section on tomorrows software analysis, which will be at the New City Hotel. We will meet there at 2 p.m. and this will give us a chance to see in some of the things that will be discussed. A map with directions to the New City Hotel is available from me if you wish to make your own way. Alter
21、natively, there will be a bus goingthere at 1:30 p.m. There is limited car parking at the New City Hotel, so if you wish to drive there, youwill need a permit and you can get one from the conference office. Now, to the reason we are all here, we are very fortunate to have a seminar today led by Dr.
22、MartinSangalli, one of the most prominent and well respected economist in the world business community. He hasbeen asked to advise many large corporations. He is a specialist in strategy use of information technology inbanking, pharmaceuticals,and retail. He has his own company called Logic Solution
23、s, which consults with some of the biggest names in the world of business. He is also an adviser to Intertell, and a non executivedirector of Globe Conferences. Thousands of business and technology managers have benefited from readinghis best selling book Intelligent Change. Always inspiring and tho
24、ught provoking, his ideas have helped hundreds of organizations to gain a glimpse of the future. He is Europes most famous IT analyst, Dr. Sangalli, welcome. 2.答案:GLOBE CONFERENCES3.答案:SOFTWARE ANALYSIS4.答案:PERMIT5.答案:CORPORATIONS6.答案:LOGIC SOLUTIONS7.答案:ITPART FOURQuestions 2330 You will hear a tal
25、k about cost control in a small company. For each question(2330),mark ONE letter(A,B,or C)for the correct answer. You will hear the recording twice. (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1. What do the man and the woman discuss in the meeting?A.how to reduce costsB.how to find more suppliersC.how to improve producti
26、on答案:A解析 23-30Woman: There is no doubt that we have to tighten up our financial control. Peter, youre in charge ofcredit control, what do you suggest?Man: Well, Ive been looking about our payment terms. In other words how long we have to wait for payment. We must reduce the average delay in payment.
27、 Its nearly 45 days now from the day wesend out the invoice. We got to get it down to near 30 days. Its not easy. The salespeople always argue it is better to wait for payment rather to lose a customer. But I think we could tighten up with reminders, statements and so on.Woman: What about our paymen
28、ts to suppliers?Man: Thats more difficult. We are a small firm dealing with large suppliers. They dont have to help us, still, maybe one or two of our oldest suppliers could give us better payment terms.Woman: Right. Lets look at some more general cost cutting measures we can take. Im interested ins
29、upport services such as training and personal development.Man: Look, I must say something here. We simply mustnt cut these services. Theyre our long terminvestments in people.Woman: Maybe. But we got to reduce cost somehow. We can cut in the production area, IMan: True, but our training budget is al
30、ready very limited. Most of the training program is long term.Woman: Im not saying we have to stop any existing program, but perhaps we should look carefully atfuture training courses.Man: Well, I can let you have details of what weve planned. I think you will see that they are allworthwhlle lnvestm
31、ent.Woman: Im sure. Anyway, let me have the program and well discuss it later. We have to stop now. I have another meeting at 2Man: I have to go, too. Ive got a meeting straight away.2. What is the man in charge of?A.invoice issuingB.trainingC.credit control答案:C3. What is the expected period to coll
32、ect payments from customers according to the man?A.45 daysB.30 daysC.15 days答案:B4. Which opinion do the salespeople support?A.to tighten up the payment terms to customersB.to invest in training programC.to wait for payment from customers答案:C5. Which statement is true in terms of future training prog
33、ram?A.The company will grant more budgets.B.The company will invest carefully.C.The company will cut all training programs.答案:C6. What is the mans attitude on personal development?A.It can be cut down to meet the cost control policyB.It deserves more budget.C.It is a long term worthwhile investment.
34、答案:C7. When will the man and the woman discuss the future training program?A.next time when they meet againB.at the 2 oclock meetingC.at the mans next meeting答案:A8. Which statement is true according to the conversation?A.The current training program will continue.B.The company can get better payment
35、 terms from all the suppliers.C.The man agrees with the woman in terms of training programs.答案:ASPEAKINGPART 1问题:1. In this part of the test you are asked to give a short talk on a business topicYou have to choose one of thetopics from the two below and then talk for about one minute. You have one m
37、important. A polite and sincere attitude helps the client tocalm down so that both sides can reach a satisfactory result easily. Response to the complaint isimportant, too. The receptionist should find out whether the company is responsible for the damage orloss and give the feedback to the client i
38、n time. Finally, if it is the companys fault, offering a propercompensation is the best way to settle the complaint.B: The first thing we should consider when selecting exhibits is the space. Exhibition stand has very limitedarea, so we have to carefully plan the available space and design the highl
39、ight display. To attract clients, exhibits must be superior to those of other competitors. The latest ones with advanced design and appealing colours and packaging are on the top of the list. We also have to consider whether the exhibitscan be practically demonstrated. If so, we must make sure that
40、the electricity and the operating materialhave met the demonstration need.PART 2问题:1. In this part of the test the examiner reads out a scenario and gives you some prompt material in the form of pictures or words. You have 2 minutes to look at the prompt cards,an example of which is below, and then
41、about two minutes to questions related to the topic For 2 or 3 candidates Scenario Im going to describe a situation. Your company is looking for a new supplier.Talk together for about 2 minutes about some of the things that are important for this and decide which three would be the most important. Here are some ideas to help you. Prompt material Experience Flexibility Quality Reliability Location Delivery Price Reputation Follow-on
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