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1、Unit Two Global Drinks A. 基础练习 I Write down the words according to the definitions. 1. taking in/ complete attention 2. to eat or drink; to use up 3. causing death or illness if taken into the body 4. to get in the way of anotlicr; to push oneself into a matter that docs not concern 5. to make sb. o

2、r sth. more active 6. produced or dried in the form of powder IL Words transformation. eg: globe(n.) - (adj.)global 2. consumpt (n.)(v.). 4. cffect(n.) -(adj.) 6. serve(v.) - (n.) I. scientific (adj.) - (n.) 3. suggest(v.) -(n.) 5. digestion(n.) - (v.) IIL Translate the phrases* 1.追溯到 2.茶址 3.意识到.觉察

3、4.干扰一 5.粧成某人 6.同 7.决不,一点也不 8.对 起作用,按行动 9.把看作为 10.把 比作 11究竟到底 12 确立自己的地位 13 使人长寿 14 根据, 15.长江流域 16. at a loss 17. set up 1 to7. established himself as 8. According to 9. Its a good opportunity (for sb. )to 10. follow strict rules V. Verb 1. named 2. broken 3. being invited 4. shining5. is 6. have bee

4、n found 7 will make 8. is being built 9. supported 10. cutting VI. Translation 1 This species of bird is peculiar to Asia. 2. This is because the tannin contained in tea can interfere with the bodys absorption of iron. 3. His newly published book has established his reputation as an expert in this f

5、ield 4. Thanks to your help, we fulfilled the task smoothly. 5. No one can deprive you of the right to enjoy freedom of speech B.综合提高练习 I. Grammar and vocabulan Section A 16. used 21. to require Section B 1-5 ACDBD 17. promising 22. If 6-10 BA AD A 1& can 23 involved 11-15CBDCB 19. it 20. is put 24.

6、 which 25. that (A) CDAB (B) BDA(C) FABD II. Reading comprehension Section A 41-55D AC AB BDACD CB ACB Section B III. Translation 1 .In the past few decades, great changes have taken place in rural areas 2.In addition to understanding life better, reading can broaden our horizons 3. The more you foc

7、us on preview. review and reflection the better your academic performance will be. 4. The trip reminds her of her childhood, when people used to chat face to face rather than on social media. IV. Summary Writing Many people regard daydreaming as a waste of time and energy. However, that is not the c

8、ase(要 点 1 )Many medical studies have found that daydreaming has a lot of bcnefits.(要点2) First of all daydreaming can improve your mood.(要点3) Whafs more, it helps develop your memory(要点 4) Last but not least, daydreaming helps you to know yourself better.(要点5) V. Writing: The Person I want to be most

9、 I want to be a warm-hearted and optimistic girl in the future. I hope I will always be helpful, giving others support and thus able to make the world a warm family. An optimistic attitude, which will bring me the power to keep on smiling in face of difficulties, is also what I want. I should leam to be broad-nuned. Viewing from others angles offers us a chance to have a better understanding of them which will lead to a more harmonious relationship. To keep optimistic, I should have a bright outlook on life and learn to let go of the pessimistic view of life, which can do noth


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