




2、t.转移(注意力);使分心答案:1.addictive;addict2.danger;dangerous3.inject;injection4.powerful;power5.reduce;reduction6.crime;criminal7.connection;connect8.illegal;illegally9.treatment;treat10.disagree;agree11.ban;ban12horrible;horror13.affect;effect14.recognise;recognition15.distraction;distract.重点短语1share sth._

3、sb.与某人分享某物2_sb.to do sth.允许某人做某事3be/become_to对上瘾;沉迷于4_ones advice听某人的意见5_a date订下一个日期6break_闯入7_of代替,而不8give_放弃9_to do sth.准备做某事10in_1960s在20世纪60年代11as a_of因为,由于12be_to与有关13_up(在词典、时刻表中)查看;向上看14_to继续15_sb.sth._sth.to sb.向某人提供某物16in_在危险中,病危17_to属于;是的成员答案:1.o7inste

4、ad8.up9.prepare10.the11.result12.related13.look14.continue15.offer;offer16.danger17.belong.必背句型1Teacher Wang_us this afternoon.王老师今天下午要见我们。答案:is to meet2Drug users_more_get into trouble at school.吸毒者更有可能在学校遇到麻烦。答案:are;likely to3_ youre doing when you want to smokedo something else! 当你想抽烟时,无论你在做什么,停下

5、来去做点其他的事!答案:Whatever4And,here are some ideas to help people to _ smoking.这儿还有一些帮助人们戒烟的建议。答案:give up.品句填词1I think the use of the cellphone on campus in middle school should be b_.答案:banned2It is l_ to rain soon,so youd better take your umbrella.答案:likely3In Britain,it is i_to drive when you are drunk

6、.答案:illegal4Doctors say there is a(n)_(联系)between smoking and lung cancer.答案:connection5Suddenly I _(认出)my old classmate Tom in the photo.答案:recognized6We were deeply _(影响)by the news of his death.答案:affected.选词填空1He isnt a man to depend on,his action always _ with his words.答案:disagrees2He _ his jo

7、b and started traveling around the world.答案:gave up3How many of them break the law _ pay for their drugs?答案:in order to4I need _ so I wont keep thinking about the accident.答案:distraction5You _ and then we will meet.答案:set a date.语法和词汇知识1Tom was late for work _ the traffic jam,and _ the boss blamed h

8、im for it(as a result /as a result of)解析:填as a result of;as a result。句意:由于交通阻塞,汤姆工作迟到,结果老板因为这事责备他。as a result of“由于,因为”,as a result“结果”。2Our team is _(likely/possible) to win if every member performs their own parts well.解析:填likely。be likely to“可能”,主语可以是人或物,而possible的主语只能是it。3The woman has been bann

9、ed _driving for six months.解析:填from。ban sb. from doing sth.是固定用法,意为“禁止某人做某事”。4As we all know,the _(crime/criminal) is a danger to society.He should get punished.解析:填criminal。由后句中的he可知,此处应为罪犯。故选criminal。crime“罪行”。5Oh,its you!I _(not recognise)you.Ive just had my hair cut and Im wearing new glasses.解析

10、:填didnt recognise。根据上下文语境可知是刚刚没有认出,所以用过去时。6Sorry,I didnt mean _(pull)your hair.解析:填to pull。mean to do“打算做,想要做”。句意:对不起,我不是故意拽你头发的。7He is addicted to_ (smoke) while she is crazy about the Net.解析:填smoking。be addicted to doing sth.“对做成瘾”,后面接动名词。8Tom arrived early _(in order that/in order to) get a good

11、seat for the lecture.解析:填in order to。根据空格后get可知。in order to do“为了去做某事”,in order that 后跟从句。9The climate there didnt agree _ him.It affected his health.解析:填with。句意:那儿的气候不适合他,影响了他的健康。agree with意思是“(气候、食物等)适合某人”,属固定搭配。10We dont allow _(smoke)in the office but you are allowed _(smoke) outside.解析:填smoking

12、;to smoke。句意:我们不允许在办公室吸烟,但你可以在外面吸烟。前者考查allow(doing)sth.允许(做)某事;后者allow sb.to do sth.允许某人做某事。被动形式:sb.be allowed to do sth.。.完形填空John entered a college and often worked late until 12 at night.He fell into the _1_ of smoking a year ago.He smoked so much that he _2_ had a cigarette on his lips.He smoked

13、 while he read,while he watched television and _3_ while he drank a cup of coffee or tea.He smoked nearly forty cigarettes a day,but he was happy.Johns friend,Frank,tried many times to _4_ him not to smoke.“Smoking is bad for your _5_!”he said.“Youd better give it up.”But his advice didnt _6_.Before

14、 long,John found that he often got a hard and _7_ cough,so he went to see a doctor.The doctor _8_ him carefully and asked whether he often smoked.John told him the _9_.Then the doctor told him that his cough was _10_ by smoking and he wouldnt get any better unless he stopped smoking.“If not,”said th

15、e doctor,“your cough will never be _11_ and some other illnesses may also be caused.”John became _12_ and made up his mind to give up smoking.At the beginning,it was very difficult for him.Every _13_ when he wanted to smoke,he got some other things to eat.At last,he was not _14_ in smoking at all.An

16、d he no longer had _15_.1A.holeBhabitCinterest Dlove解析:选B。fall into the habit of doing sth.固定短语“形成的习惯”。2A.still Bseldom Cnever Dalways解析:选D。综观上文中的so much可知,应为“嘴里老是叼着烟”。3A.still Bjust Ceven Dright解析:选C。“甚至”之意,故用even。4A.advise Btell Cwish Dtake解析:选A。advise sb.not to do sth.“建议某人不做某事”。5A.work Bstudy Ch

17、ealth Dlife解析:选C。“吸烟对你的健康有害”,故选C。6A.continue Bwork Creply Danswer解析:选B。“他的建议没起作用”。7A.wet Bloud Cdry Drapid解析:选C。干咳。8A.saw Bfelt Ccured Dexamined解析:选D。来了病人,医生先做“检查”,故应用examined。9A.truth Breason Cmatter Dthing解析:选A。tell sb.the truth“告诉某人实情”。10A.shown Bkept Ccaused Dheard解析:选C。be caused by “被引起”。11A.st

18、opped Bcured Crepaired Dmended解析:选B。“治好某人的病”,应用cure,repair与mend意为“修理;修补”。12A.angry Bsad Csorry Dworried解析:选D。联系上下文,此处应为“担心”。13A.day Btime Cway Dplace解析:选B。every time“每次”。14A.seen Btold Chappy Dinterested解析:选D。be interested in“对感兴趣”。15A.smokes Bproblems Ccoughs Dcigarettes解析:选C。由于不吸烟了,所以不咳嗽了。.阅读理解We

19、see this sign on drug stores and whenever we visit a doctor to get an order for medicine.It also appears on bottles of pills and other medicines.It is formed by a line across the right foot of the letter “R”It represents the word “prescription”It has come to mean “take this medicine”The sign has its

20、 beginnings 5,000 years ago in Egypt.At that time, people prayed to Horus, the god of the Sun.It was said that when Horus was a child, he was attacked by Seth, the demon of evil.The evil Seth put_out the eye of the young Horus.The mother of Horus called for help.Her cry was answered by Thoth, the go

21、d of learning and magic.Thoth, with his wisdom and special powers, healed the eye of Horus.And the child was able to see again.The ancient Egyptians used a drawing of the eye of Horus as a magic sign to protect themselves from disease, suffering and evil.They cut this sign in the stones they used fo

22、r buildings.And it was painted on the papyrus rolls used for writing about medicine and doctors.For thousands of years, the eye of Horus remained as a sign of the gods help to the suffering and sick.Long after the fall of the ancient Egyptian civilization, doctors and alchemists in Europe continued

23、the custom of showing a sign of the gods help and protection.But over the years, the sign changed from the eye of Horus to the sign for Jupiter, the chief god of the Romans.Jupiters sign looked much like the printed number “4”That sign also changed.Today,it is the easilyrecognized capital “R” with a

24、 line across its foot.The sign no longer offers heavenly assistance to the sick.It now means “take this medicine.”【解题导语】文章讲述特殊符号“Rx”的来历和演变。1The origin of the sign“”dates back to _.A5,000 BCBthe fall of the ancient Egyptian civilizationCthe Roman EmpireDthe ancient Egyptian解析:选D。细节认定题。根据全文内容,最初的来源为古埃

25、及的神话传说。此题容易误选A,根据第三段第一句话“The sign has its beginnings 5,000 years ago in Egypt.”可排除。2The fairy tale about the eye of Horus has no direct relation to _ mentioned in the passage.AThothBSethCJupiter DHorus mother解析:选C。细节判断题。根据第六段可知,Jupiter为古罗马传说的神,与前面埃及的神话传说无关。3The underlined“put out”in Paragraph 4 has the same or similar meaning as _.Abanks are putting out more and more money to people buying their


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