



1、巩固练习单项选择(共15题,每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1. I don tk now the restaura nt, but it to be quite a good one.A . said B. told C. spoken D . talked2. How do you deal with the disagreeme nt betwee n the compa ny and the customers?The keythe problem is to meet the dema ndby the customers .A .

2、to solving ; makingB . to solving ; madeC . to solve ; makingD . to solve; made3 . Not just I but also Tom and Maryfond of watchi ng televisi onA . am B . is C . are D . be4 . How much do youfor mending one light?A . spe ndB . cost C . chargeD . take5 . I don twant to bein this problem , which will

3、bring me a lot of troubles .A . suffered B . contained C . introducedD . involved6 . How aboutshopp ing this afternoon?A . to go B . go C . going D . will go7 . Most of En glish lear ners want to know how the differe nces betwee n British and America n En glishA . come along B . come over C . come a

4、bout D . come up with8 . Li Mingin that village after readi ng the n ews .A . was volun teered teach ingB . volun teered to teachC . volun teered teach ingD . was volun teered to teach9 . Weour friends a good trip when we saw them off .A . hoped B . wan tedC . expected D . wished10 . I can quite fol

5、low you what you just said does n .A . make senseB . give senseC . make sense of D . come to sense11. He is famoushis actingan actor .A . for: for B . as; for C . for; as D . as; as12 . At minus 130 C, a living cell can befor a thousand years .A . spared B . protected C . preserved D . developed13 .

6、 He had a wideof interests , which made him a popular person that all of us like to make friends withA . world B . variety C . various D . differe nee14 . Thefor toni ght talk is protect ion of environment .A . titleB . theme C . subjects D . words15 . China Daily isa newspaper , it can also help us

7、 to improve our English .A . less tha nB . more tha nC . n ot more tha nD . no more tha n完形填空(共20小题;每小题1. 5分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出最佳选项。It was a beautiful spri ng day , and a sense of peace stayed with me as I left the cathedral(大教堂)on Easter Mon day morning. I 16 for a moment

8、on top of the steps leading to the avenue , now 17 with people rushing to their jobs . Sitt ing in her 18 place, in side a small archway (拱门),was the old flower lady . At her 19, dresses andflowers were paradi ng (炫耀)on top of a spread ope n n ewspaper.The flower lady was 20, her wrinkled old face a

9、live with some inner 21. I started down the stairs - thenon an impulse (冲动),I turned and 22 a flower.As I put it in my lapel (翻领),I said , “ You look _23”“ Why not? she answe”cEverything is good .She was dressed so 24 and seemed so very old that her reply 25 me. “ You ve been sitting here for many 2

10、6_ now, haventyou? And always smiling . You wear your 27 well. ”“ You cant 28 my age and not have troubles, she 29, “only its like Jesus and Good Frida y. ” Shepaused for a mome nt.“ Yes?“ Well, when Jesus was killed on Good Friday , that was the 30 day for the whole world . When I get troublesI rem

11、ember that ,31 then I think of what happened only three days32 Easter our Lord arose from thedead. So when things 33, Ive learned to wait three days. and 34 everything gets much better. ” Shesmiled good - bye, but her words still follow me35 I think I have troubles .“Give God a chanee to help . Wait

12、three days.16. A.paused B. walkedC . la ndedD . sat17. A.dirty B. cleanC . crowdedD . wide18. A.favorite B . properC . smallD . usual19. A.sideB. feetC. backD.bike20. A.talking B. smilingC . selli ngD . wait ing21 . A.joyB. feelingC . thoughtD . worries22. A.looked forB. picked outC.stared atD . put

13、 off23. A.oldB. smartC. youngD. happy24. A.neatlyB . properlyC . shabbilyD . casually25. A.amused B. amazedC . caughtD . reached26. A.weeks B. yearsC . mon thsD. days27. A.clothesB . flowersC . hatD . troubles28. A.sense B . imagi neC . reachD . no tice29. A.repliedB . askedC . yelledD . talked back

14、30. A.firstB . 1astC . importa ntD . worst31 . A.butB. and(C . soD . or32. A.before B . laterC. agoD.earlier33. A.go wrongB . take place C . tur n upD . get well34. A.somewhatB . somewhereC .somehowD . no where35. A.whereverB . whateverC .whe neverD . whichever阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)AThe Wizarding W

15、orld of Harry Potter theme park will open in Florida in 2009, and will provide attractions and ridesbased on places from the Harry Potter books .The novels author JK Rowling has already given her blessing to the project . She said, “ The plansve seen look un believably excit ing , and I don th ink f

16、ans of the books or films will be disappo in ted .Stuart Craig , the man in charge of the desig n of the park , is an Oscar- w inning product ion desig ner who worked on the Harry Potter films so it should be faithful (忠实的)to JK Rowling s vision .Stuart Craig said , “ Our primary goal is to make sur

17、e this experience is an authentic extension(原著的延伸 )ofHarry Potters world as it is portrayed in the books and films . ”Visitors to the park will be able to explore some of their favourite places from the book such as the village of Hogsmeade, the Forbidden Forest and, of course, Hogwarts Castle , where Harry- goes to school.Altho


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