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1、英文一般能力培訓教材(02版)目 錄第一章 常用詞匯(適用對象:助理管理/工程師、管理/工程師b、管理/工程師a、高級管理/ 工程師、副課長、課長)unit1 公司/部門名稱 3unit2 職位及產品名稱 5unit3 工廠用詞彙 7unit4 工廠用詞彙ii 8unit5 工廠用詞彙iii 9 unit6 公司簡介10第二章 電話用語/信件(適用對象: 助理管理/工程師、管理/工程師b、管理/工程師a、高級管理/工程師、副課長、課長)unit7電話英語常用語11unit8 寫e-mail常用英語. 12unit9 簡報常用英語 14 unit10 英文書信格式. 16unit11英文書信格式

2、. 18unit12英文書信格式20第三章 會議/接待/打招呼/合約(適用對象:、管理/工程師a、高級管理/工程師、副課長、課長)unit13 會議21 unit14 開會通知. . 22unit15 接待24unit16 打招呼26unit17 合約27第四章 生意洽商/客戶投訴/職場用語等(適用對象:管理/工程師a、高級管理/工程師、副課長、課長)unit18 報價與付款. 28unit19 生意洽商. 30unit20 客戶投訴. 32unit21 回復不合理投訴.34unit22 職場常用英語 .35第五章 商務英語(供閱讀參考)unit23 商务英语137unit24 商務英語239

3、unit25 商務英語341unit26 商務英語444第六章 工廠用專業詞彙(供閱讀參考)unit27 通用/品質類.46unit28模具工程類.49unit29衝壓/成型/組裝類.52unit30 生產規格 54第一章 常用詞匯unit 1 公司/部門名稱1 company公司1.1 kinpo electronics (china) co., ltd金寶電子(中國)有限公司2.plant & div.& dept.& section 廠&處&部&課 2.1 plant director office廠長室 2.2 business unit. 事業處 2.3 r&d div.設計處 2.

4、4 department 部門3. mfg: manufacturing 制造 3.1 ai: auto insertion自動插件 3.2 smt自動粘著 3.3 assembly組裝 3.4 pre-forming 加工4. material 物料 4.1 purchasing採購 4.2 production control center 生管中心 4.3 w.h.: warehouse 倉庫 4.5 local procurement陸購 4.6 tools management模具管理 4.7 source development料源開發5.qa品保 5.1vqa 進料品質保證 5.

5、2 qa engineering品保工程 5.3 qa system 品保系統 5.4 pqc ,fqc 制程品管 5.5 calibration , safety儀校,安規6.pe: production engineering制造工程 6.1 ae automation engineering 制工(機械工程) 6.2 ie: industrial engineering 工業工程 6.3 npi 技發 6.4 qt dept.品技部7. custom business 關務8.import & export進出口9.hr: human resources人力資源 9.1 administ

6、ration 人事行政10. factory affairs 廠務 10.1 factory engineering工務10.2 general admin procurement總務采購11.r&d: research & development 設計 11.1 electronic電子 11.2 artworks美工 11.3 me/ tools模具 11.4 mechanical機械 11.5 software軟體12. accounting會計13.financial財務14.documentation center (database center)資料中心15. responsib

7、le department負責單位16. production unit生產單位17. distribution department分發單位unit 2职位/產品名称一.職位名稱1.position 職務2.chairman of the board 董事长 3.president (am e.), managing director(md)总裁4.executive vice-president 执行副总裁 5.managing director 行政董事6.executive manager, general manager 总经理 7.deputy general manager 副总

8、经理8.special assistant 特助9.section manager 部门经理,科长 10.deputy manager=vice manager副理11.supervisor課長12.deputy supervisor , vice supervisor 副課長13.deputy manager=vice manager=assistant manager 助理经理 (副经理)14.manager 主任 15.supervisor 主管16.executive 高中级管理人员 17.clerk 职员18.group leader 組長19.assistant 助理 20.hr

9、manager 人事經理21.secretary秘書 22.operator作業員23.engineer工程師24.inspector檢驗員二.產品名稱1.computer accessories電腦類產品 1.1 pc mouse鼠標 1.2 printer打印機1.3 digital camera數碼相機 1.4 personal digital assistant個人數位助理器2.electronic consumer products消費性電子產品 2.1 calculator電子計算器 2.2 electronic dictionary電子辭典 2.3 electronic orga

10、nizer電子記事本 2.4 electronic dictionary電子辭典3.communication products通訊類產品3.1 cell phone 微型電話3.2 gps global positioning system衛星定位器3.3 adsl(asymmetrical digital subscriber line)非對稱數字用戶環路unit 3 工廠用詞彙i一. color顏色1.black 黑色 2.blue 藍色 3.brown 棕色4.gold金色 5.gray灰色 6.green綠色7.orange橙色 8.red紅色 9.silver銀色10.violet

11、(purple)紫色 11.white白色 12.yellow黃色二.ver 動詞1.change改變 2.pay付給 3.check檢查4.produce產生 5.come來 6.provide提供7.damage損傷 8.receive收到 9.find發現10.replace代替 11.fix修理 12.send發出 13.go去 14.take采取,拿 15.happen發生16.touch碰觸 17.improve改善 18.wind纏繞19.insert插入 20.issue發行 21.make做,使三.non 名詞1.action 動作 2.analysis分析3.conditi

12、on條件 4.data資料5.defect 缺點 6.settle處置7.engineer工程師 8.failure失敗 9.file 文件夾 10.education and training教育訓練11.classification(sorting, organization)整理 12.regulation(arrangement, tidiness)整頓13.cleanliness(sweeping, purity)清掃 14.conservation(cleaning, cleanliness)清潔15.culture(discipline)教養 16.save節約17.safety

13、安全 四.其它常用詞1.model機種 2.revision版本3.issued date發行日期 4.p/n品名,料號5.remark備注 6.reported by草擬7.checked by 審核 8.approved by核準9.proposal improvement/creative suggestion提案改善10.4mth:man,material,money,method,time,how 人力,物力,財務,技術,時間(資源)11.6m:man,machine,material,method,measurement,message 人,機,料,法,環,(資訊) 12.fn(f

14、actory notice):工廠變更通知 13.ecn(engineering change notice)工程變更通知 14.immediated change 立即變更 15. running change 舊料用完用新料 16.old rev.(舊版本)new rev.(新版本) 17.drawing no /customer/ alteration ref (圖號 / 客戶 / 變更依據)unit4 工廠用詞彙ii一.component零件 1.bobbin線軸 2.shield背板 3.bridge diode橋式整流4.triode三極管 5.cable tie束帶 6.tape

15、 膠布7.capactitor(cap)電容 8.screw tapping自攻螺絲 9.case外殼10.screw machine機械螺絲 11.ceramic capacitor陶瓷電容 12.terminal端子13.chip capacitor晶片電容 14.transformer(xfmr)變壓器 15.chip resistor晶片電阻16.transistor電晶體 17.choke線圈 18.tube套管19.connector連接器 20.varistor突波吸收器 21.control board基板22.vr(variable resistance)可變電阻 23.di

16、ode二極體 24.washer 墊片25.epoxy樹脂 26.zener齊納 27.fan風扇28.photo couple光藕合二極體 29.fet場效電晶體 30.regulator穩壓器31.filter濾波器 32.resistor電阻 33.fuse保險絲34.ricer鉚釘 35.fuse clip保險絲底座 36.screw螺絲37.fuse holder保險絲底座 38.socket插座 39.glue膠40.solder bar錫棒 41.heatsink散熱片 42.sping washer彈簧墊片43.ic集成電路 44.stand-off支柱 45.inductor

17、電感46.star washer星形墊片 47.insulator絕緣片 48.switch開關49.jumper wire跳線 50.output cable輸出線 51.label標簽52.output wire輸出線 53.lock washer接地唾形墊片 54.pcb電路板55.ntc熱敏電阻 56.led發光二極體nut螺絲帽 57.tubber foot腳墊58.teflon鐵弗龍套管二.process製程1.assembly組立 2.method方法 3.burn-in(b/i) 崩應4.noise噪音 5.flux助焊劑 6.pallet棧板7.function test功能

18、測試 8.paper紙張 9.gravity比重10.hi-pot test耐高壓測試 11.insertion插件 12.problem問題13.ort可靠度測試 14.procedure程序 15.packing包裝16.product產品 17.solder machine錫爐 18.production生產19.station站別 20.record記錄 21.supplier/vendor廠商22.remark備注 23.temperature溫度 24.report報告25.humidity濕度 26.requirement要求 27.torque扭距28.sample樣品 29.

19、touch-up(t/u)補焊(二次作業)30.target目標31.layout設計圖 32.trace(基板)線路 33.location位置34.waybill運貨單 unit5 工廠用詞彙iii(品技類)1.accept允收 2.knob開關鈕 3.reject 拒絕, 4.mylar dome圓形mylar 5.quality品質 6.battery cover,電池蓋7.lower case,下殼, 8.buzzer 蜂鳴器 9.upper case上殼, 10.touch接觸 11.wire皮線 12.carbon 碳墨13.right正確 14.spring 彈簧 15.lef

20、t 左16.key pad字鍵 17.lcd fixer lcd固定架 18.label貼紙19.cover蓋子 20.blister card泡殼 21.plate彈片22.instruction book說明書 23.sponge泡棉 24.display window 顯示窗25.solar cell太陽能電池 26.rubber foot橡膠腳墊 27.on/off button開關鈕28.paper pad紙墊 29.speed速度 30.frequency頻率31.dot圓點 32.broken破 33.gap間隙34.step步驟 35.function功能 36.key pad

21、字鍵37.small小的、輕微的, 38.change變更 39.date日期40.running運行 41.big,important大的、重要的 42.screw螺絲43.scratch刮傷 44.pc sheet面板 45.spec規格46.hard case護殼 47.push推行/推動 48.shaft軸49.audit查核 50.paper holder紙架 51.carton box外箱或包裝箱52.description book說明書 53.computer計算機 54.inner carton中箱55.reset key重新啟動鍵 56.chip cap貼片電容 57.lo

22、go 標志58.warranty保證書 59.memory記憶 60.riting label貼紙樣版61.clear清除 62.mark標志、標記 63.pressure壓力 64.document文件 65.machine機器 66.press button按鈕67.temperature control box溫度控制箱 68.crack破裂 69.sharp nose pliers尖嘴鉗70.touch up (t/u)手焊 71.hardless tester硬度計 72.solder ball錫球73.short 短路 74. missing component缺件 75.wron

23、g component錯件76.lead free無鉛 77.through hole穿孔點 78.printer head打字頭.79.name plate (np)銘板 80.chip on board (cob) 81.insufficient solder錫量不足82.diagonal cutting pliers斜口鉗 83.print circuit board (pcb)印刷電路板84.print circuit board assembly (pcba)印刷電路板組裝.unit 6 公司簡介1. company history introduction公司發展史簡介1995/0

24、5 survey of location in china for factory 開始在中國大陸尋求廠址1995/09contract signed with local government 與當地政府簽訂合同1995/09factory construction began 開始建廠1996/01layout planning & equipments setting up 規劃並添置設備1996/03 mass production started 開始量產1996/04first time shipment 首次出貨1997/05qualified iso 9002 certific

25、ation 獲得iso 9002 認證1999/06survey of other location for new factory 尋求新廠址2000/12hard ware setting up completely 完成硬件配置2001/05gps mass production & shipping gps量產與出貨2001/06dsc mass production started dsc 開始量產2001/07first time dsc shipment dsc 首次出貨2001/11setting up facilities for hp production 開始為hp產品的

26、生產購置設備2. space resource占地面積 floor space - 133,554 m2f dormitory - 44,485 m2f factory - 89,069 m2fland space - 169,996 m23.major customers主要客戶photo printer : hewlett packard / casiodigital still camera : ricoh/ casiogps : magellanadsl : dqt/ kinpopda: casio/ canon/ htw/ texas instruments calculator :

27、 canon/ casio/ citizen/ sharp/ ti/ hp4.companys address公司地址 kinpo electronics (china) co., ltd. 金寶電子(中國)有限公司 sha tou area , chang an town, 長安鎮沙頭管理區 dong guan city,東莞市 guang dong province,廣東省 china.中國5.postal number郵編:523866 tel:07695321555 fax:(0769)5328215第二章 電話用語/信件 unit 7 電話英語 1、請找tom聽電話以下用法均可may

28、 i speak to (with) tom? = id like to speak to tom, please. 2、請問您是哪位以下用法均可 whos speaking? = who is this, please? = may i ask whos calling? 3、請再說一次以下用法均可 i beg your pardon?= pardon me? =would you repeat that, please. 4、請問您找誰? 以下用法均可who would you like to talk to? = with whom do you wish to speak? 5、請稍候

29、.以下用法均可 would you hold the line, please? =could you wait for just one moment, please? hold on, please.=one moment, please.=just a second, please 6、解釋不能接聽電話的原因 (1)、he is not in. = he is out. 他外出不在 (2)、he is away from his desk. = he is not at his desk. 他不在位子上。 (3)、he has not come in yet. 他還沒有進來。 (4)、h

30、e is away on a business trip. 他出差了。 (5)、he is in a meeting right now. 他正在開會。 (6)、he is on another line right now.= his line is busy right now. 他電話中。7、請等一下再打來,好嗎? 以下用法均可 could you call back later? = would you call again later?8、(接聽者)要留話嗎?以下用法均可may i take a message?= is there any message?=would you li

31、ke leave a message? 9、(發話者)我要留話可以嗎?以下用法均可 may i leave a message?= could you take a message for me? 10、請他回電給我. 以下用法均可 could you ask him to call me back?= would you tell him to return my call? 11、請再說一次以下用法均可i beg your pardon? = pardon me? = would you repeat that, please. 12、抱歉,你打來時我不在以下用法均可i am sorry

32、i missed your call this morning. i am sorry i was not in when you called me this morning. 13、我幫你轉接給他以下用法均可ill put him on. =i will connect you. 14、我會告訴他你打來過以下用法均可ill tell him you called. =ill give her your message. 15、要我叫他回電話給你嗎? 以下用法均可shall i have him call you back? = would you like him to call you

33、back? 16、怎樣才可以連絡到他?can you tell me how to get hold of him?could you tell me where to reach him?do you have any idea where he is now? 17、(接電話者)可以找相同部門的其他人代聽嗎?would you like to speak to someone else in the same department?18、我幫你把電話轉給負責的當事人.let me transfer this call to the person in charge 19、(打電話者)他何時

34、回來could you tell me when he will come back?do you know when he will be available? 20、他馬上回來he is expected back at any moment. 21、抱歉讓你久等了以下用法均可im sorry to have kept you waiting. = im sorry for the delay. 22、我打過電話給你,但是沒有人接i called you, but there was no answer. 23、我打給你過,但是佔線i call you but your line was

35、busy.i call you but someone else was on the phone. . 24、謝謝您的來電thanks for (your) calling. = thank you for phoning. 25、如需進一步洽詢,請撥5321555,分機3044。for further information, please contact5321555, extension 3044.unit 8 寫e-mail常用英語1、收到你的e-mail我就放心了。i was relieved to receive your e-mail.2、八月九日的e-mail已收到,謝謝你的

36、回信。 i received your e-mail dated august 9th and thank you for your reply.3、距離上次寫e-mail給你,已經有很長一段時間了。 it has been quite sometime since i have written e-mail to you.4、事業順利嗎? how is your business going?5、很不巧,我非常忙,沒時間給你回信。 unfortunately, i have been very busy and no time to write to you.6、我盼望能儘快得到你的答覆。

37、i look forward to receiving your reply at your earliest convenience.7、我今天收到你的e-mail,所以儘速回信給你,謝謝。 i received your e-mail today and i will get you back as soon as possible, thank you.8、藉此簡短的致謝函表達我們由衷的謝意。. this is just a brief thankful note to extend my sincere to you. 或 to extend my sincere appreciati

38、on with the brief note9、我寫此信確認我們昨天在電話中所談的事情。 i am writing to you to confirm what we spoke about on the telephone yesterday.10、我期盼在不久的將來能在台北再見到你。 i look forward to seeing you in taipei in the very near future.11、請原諒我沒及時給你回信 please forgive me for not writing to you on time.12、來函遲覆,謹表歉意。 we apologize f

39、or the tardy response to your mail.unit 9 簡報常用英語1、金寶電子向您問好。greetings from kinpo electronics!2、在開始前我想先介紹一下我自己。before i begin, i want to tell you something about myself.3、我是joe , 金寶的業務代表。i am joe, a sales representative of kinpo.4、我想和大家談談我們的新機型。i want to talk to you about our new models.5、我簡報的目的是要介紹本公

40、司的自行車。the purpose of my presentation is to introduce our bicycles.6、我接下來要談的是本公司的產品目錄。what i am going to talk next is our product catalog.7、我的簡報大約會佔用十五分鐘。my presentation will take about fifteen minutes.8、我的簡報會在三點結束。.my presentation will be ended at 3:00.9、我的簡報共有三個部分。一個部分是成本。第二個部分是品質。第三個部分是運送方法。my pre

41、sentation has three parts. the first part is cost. the second part is quality. the third part is shipping methods.10、我將要談論的主題是設計、顏色,以及客製化。the topics i will be talking about are design, color, and customizing.11、儘管隨時打斷我。feel free to interrupt at any time.12、只要你一有問題,請舉手發問。any time you have a question,

42、 just raise your hand.13、請保留你的問題直到簡報最後。please hold your questions until the end of the presentation.14、簡報最後會有發問的時間。there will be time for questions at the end of my presentation.15、我會在簡報最後回答任何問題。i will take any questions at the end of my presentation.16、這就是我要告訴大家的重點that covers the main points i want

43、ed to tell you about.17、我的報告已經接近尾聲i have come to the end of my presentation.18、讓我摘要一下主要的重點let me summarize the main points.19、我接著進入結論的部份that brings me to the conclusion.20、我很快地為大家作個摘要let me offer you a quick summary.21、總而言之,讓我們重複一次它的優點in short, lets repeat the advantages once again.22、總之,我已經展示過了這產品的

44、功能、特殊用途以及耐用的程度in brief, i have demonstrated the products functions, special uses, and durability.23、我的建議是您們先試用一下我們免費的樣品it is my suggestion that you try out our free product sample.24、謝謝各位給我機會介紹本公司的產品!thank you for giving me the opportunity to tell you about our product!25、我想再重複一遍主要的重點id like to go over the main points again.26、好了,讓我作個總結。wel


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