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1、高等学校英语应用能力考试b级真题超精解2006年6月全国高等学校英语应用能力考试b级真题超精解part i listening comprehension section a 1.【看题预测】该题选项a) 和c) 回答一般疑问句的提问,不同的是:a) 表示喜欢,c) 表示可以;选项b) 对帮助表示答谢;选项d) 是延续肯定句型,用于回答陈述。从该题的四个选项中可以推测听力的重点在提问,帮助,称述。excuses me,can i see your boss? a) yes, i like it. b) thank you. c) yes, of course. d) so do i.【解析】该

2、题的问题是can i see your boss,是征求可否的一般疑问句的提问。因此,c) 是正确答案。2.【看题预测】该题选项a) 和b) 肯定地回答一般疑问句,不同的是主语:a) 的主语是i,b) 的主语是it;选项c) 和d) 用于回答对某城市的看法。从该题的四个选项中可以推测听力的重点在提问(区别主语),讨论城市。is this your first trip to beijing?a) yes, i have. b) yes, it is.c) i like the city. d) its a famous city.【解析】该题的问题是is this your first tri

3、p to beijing,是一般疑问句的提问,而主语不是i。因此,b) 是正确答案。3.【看题预测】该题选项a)用于肯定回答;选项b)和c)用于回答感谢;选项d)用于拒绝帮助。从该题的四个选项中可以推测听力的重点在提问,提出感谢,提出帮助。is there anything you want me to do?a) sure. b) not at all.c) my pleasure. d) nothing, thank you.【解析】该题的问题是is there anything you want me to do,提出帮助。因此,d) 是正确答案。4.【看题预测】该题选项a) 用于拒绝别

4、人的邀请或帮助;选项b) 用于回答对习惯的提问;选项c) 用于回答对可能性的提问;选项d) 对提出请求的肯定回答。从该题的四个选项中可以推测听力的重点在提出邀请或帮助,询问习惯、可能性,提出请求。would you like another cup of tea?a) no, thanks. b) i often drink tea at home. c) not likely. d) no problem.【解析】该题的问题是would you like another cup of tea,提出邀请。故,a)是正确答案。5.【看题预测】该题选项a) 表示对某事的看法,用于回答征求意见;选项

5、b) 对帮助表示答谢;选项c) 和d) 回答一般疑问句,不同的是时态:will, is。从该题的四个选项中可以推测听力的重点在征求意见,提出帮助,一般疑问句(区别will, is)。will you attend the meeting this afternoon?a) its important. b) thank you.c) yes, i will. d) no, it isnt.【解析】该题的问题是will you attend the meeting this afternoon,是用will.提问的一般疑问句。故,c)是正确答案。 section b 6.【看题预测】该题四个选项

6、分别表示不同的内容:a) 是工作计划;b) 是计算机问题;c) 是商业计划;d) 是计算机班。从该题的四个选项中可以推测提问的方式是what,听力的重点在上述四个方面的讨论。w:ive tried everything but my computer still doesnt work.m:let me have a look at your computer.q:what are they talking about? a) a working schedule.b) a computer problem. c) a business plan.d) a computer class.【解析

7、】该题的问题是what are they talking about。根据女士ive tried everything but my computer still doesnt work,b)是正确答案。7.【看题预测】该题四个选项表达的都是she的职业:秘书,经理,工程师,教师。从该题的四个选项中可以推测该题的问题是问职业,听力的重点在上述四个职业。m:mrs. smith, have you got any work experience?w:yes, ive been a secretary for five years.q:what do we know about the woman

8、?a) shes a secretary.b) shes a manager. c) shes an engineer.d) shes a teacher.【解析】该题的问题是what do we know about the woman。根据女士ive been a secretary for five years,a) 是正确答案。8.【看题预测】该题四个选项是不同的四个东西:合同,产品,一览表,书。从该题的四个选项中可以推测提问方式是what ,听力的重点在上述四个东西的判断。w:mr. yang,have you brought a price list with you?m:yes,

9、here you are.q:what does the woman want?a) a contract. b) a product. c) a list. d) a book.【解析】该题的问题是what does the woman want。根据女士have you brought a price list with you,c)是正确答案。9.【看题预测】该题四个选项是四个不同的地点:饭店,邮局,火车站,机场。从该题的四个选项中可以推测提问方式是where ,听力的重点在上述四个地方。m:would you like to see the menu,madam?w:oh yes,wh

10、at is todays special food? q:where does this conversation most probably take place?a) in a restaurant.b) in a post office. c) at a railway station.d) at the airport.【解析】该题的问题是where does this conversation most probably take place。根据男士would you like to see the menu,a)是正确答案。10.【看题预测】该题四个选项表达四个不同的时间:今天早

11、上,今天任何时候,明天下午,明天上午。从该题的四个选项中可以推测提问方式是when ,听力的重点在上述四个时间。w:what time should i check out if i leave the hotel tomorrow?m:anytime tomorrow morning,madam.q:when will the woman check out?a) this morning. b) anytime today. c) next afternoon. d) tomorrow morning.【解析】该题的问题是when will the woman check out。根据男士

12、anytime tomorrow morning,d)是正确答案。 section c modern technology has a big influence on our daily life. new devices are widely used today. for example,we have to 11 the internet every day. it is becoming more and more 12 to nearly everybody. now its time to think about how the internet influences us,wh

13、at 13 it has on our social behavior and what the future world will look like. the internet has 14 changed our life;there is no doubt about that. i think that the internet has changed our life in a 15 way.【短文翻译】现代技术对我们的日常生活有很大的影响。到处都在应用新装置。例如,我们每天都与因特网打交道,因特网对每一个人来说是越来越有用了。现在应该考虑因特网给我们带来什么样的影响了:因特网对我

14、们的社会行为产生什么样的影响,将来的世界回是什么样子。因特网彻底地改变了我们的生活,这一点是毫无疑问的。我认为因特网使我们的生活朝着更好的方向发展。11.【答案】deal with12.【答案】useful13.【答案】effect14.【答案】totally15.【答案】wonderfulpart ii vocabulary and structuresection a 16. david has _ much work to do that he is staying late at his office.a) such b) soc) very d) enough【答案】b【解析】从该题

15、的四个选项中可知该题是词汇题。考点是词义辨析(词组so that )。答案的根据是对句子的理解。选项b) 与后面的that构成固定搭配so that ,表示“如此以至于”。符合题意。因此,b) 是正确答案。其他选项与that不搭配且意思不合。【译文】大卫有太多工作要做,他将在办公室呆到很晚。17. i tried hard, but i couldnt find the _to the problem.a) solution b) helpc) reply d) demand【答案】a【解析】从该题的四个选项中可知该题是词汇题。考点是词义辨析。答案的根据是对句子的理解。选项a) 的意思是“解决

16、(办法)”,符合题意。因此,a) 是正确答案。选项b) 的意思是“帮助”;选项c) 的意思是“回答”;选项d) 的意思是“要求”。 【译文】我努力尝试过,但没能找到解决问题的办法。18. i cant find the key to my office. i _have lost it on my way home.a) would b) should c) must d) ought to【答案】c【解析】从该题的四个选项中可知该题是语法结构题。考点是情态动词的用法。答案的根据是must + have done表示对过去某事的肯定猜测。因此,c) 是正确答案。must + have done

17、:对过去进行肯定的推测,意思是“肯定”;may/might + have done:对过去进行不肯定的推测,意思是“可能”;ought to/should + have done:对过去没有做某事表示埋怨,意思是“本应该”;ought not to/shouldnt + have done:对过去做了某事表示埋怨,意思是“本没必要”。 【译文】我找不到办公室的钥匙。我一定是把它丢在回家的路上了。19. there are three colors in the british flag, _red, white and blue.a) rarely b) namelyc) really d)

18、naturally【答案】b【解析】从该题的四个选项中可知该题是词汇题。考点是-ly结尾的词义辨析。答案的根据是对句子的理解。选项b) 的意思是“那就是”,符合题意。因此,b) 是正确答案。选项a) 的意思是“很少地,罕有地”;选项c) 的意思是“真正地,实际上”;选项d) 的意思是“自然地”。 【译文】英国的国旗有三种颜色,即红色、白色和蓝色。20. as far as im concerned, i dont like _in that way.a) to be treated b) to treatc) treated d) treating【答案】a【解析】从该题的四个选项中可知该题是

19、语法结构题。考点是不定式的语态。答案的根据是对句子的分析:i dont like是句子的主语和谓语,作宾语的不定式treat和其逻辑主语i呈承动/动宾关系。因此,a)是正确答案。不定式作宾语:其逻辑主语是句子的主语。呈施动/主谓关系(多见),用主动式to v;若呈承动/动宾关系,则用被动式to be v-ed2。【译文】对我来说,我不喜欢被那样对待。21. my impression of the service in the hotel was that it had really_.a) imagined b) impliedc) imported d) improved【答案】d【解析】

20、从该题的四个选项中可知该题是词汇题。考点是词形辨认。答案的根据是对句子的理解,辨认单词。选项d) 的意思是“改善,提高”,符合题意。因此d) 是正确答案。选项a) 的意思是“想象”;选项b) 的意思是“暗示”;选项c) 的意思是“进口”。【译文】我对这家旅馆服务的印象是它真的改善了。22. the policeman stopped the driver and found that he _ alcohol.a) drinks b) has drunk c) is drinking d) had drunk【答案】d【解析】从该题的四个选项中可知该题是语法结构题。考点是谓语动词的时态。答案的

21、根据是对句子的分析:该句有两个动作stop和 drink,根据句意drink 的动作先于stopped,既在过去的过去发生。因此,d)是正确答案。 【译文】警察拦住了司机,发现他喝了酒。23. there was a heavy fog this morning, so none of the planes could_.a) get through b) take offc) pull out d) break away【答案】b【解析】从该题的四个选项中可知该题是词汇题。考点是词义辨析。答案的根据是对句子的理解。选项b) 的意思是“起飞”,符合题意。因此,b) 是正确答案。选项a) 的意思

22、是“穿越”;选项c) 的意思是“拔出”;选项d) 的意思是“断掉”。【译文】今天早上有一场大雾,所以没有飞机能够起飞。 24. _writing a letter to the manager, he decided to talk to him in person.a) instead of b) because ofc) as for d) due to【答案】a【解析】从该题的四个选项中可知该题是词汇题。考点是词义辨析。答案的根据是对句子的理解。选项a) 的意思是“代替,而不是”,符合题意。因此,a) 是正确答案。选项b) 的意思是“因为”;选项c) 的意思是“至于,就方面说来”;选项d

23、) 的意思是“至于,就方面说来”。【译文】他决定亲自和经理谈,而不是写信给他。25. lisa was busy taking notes_ mark was searching the internet for the information.a) until b) unlessc) while d)if【答案】c【解析】从该题的四个选项来看该题是词汇题,但阅读句子之后便知该题是语法结构题。考点是状语从句。答案的根据是分析两个分句之间的关系。选项c) 的意思是“正当”,引导时间状语从句,符合题意。因此,c) 是正确答案。选项a) 的意思是“直到才”,引导时间状语从句,但不符合题意;选项b)

24、的意思是“如果不,除非”,引导条件状语从句;选项d) 的意思是“如果”,引导条件状语从句。【译文】当马克在因特网上搜索的时候利萨正在忙着做笔记。 section b 26. of all the hotels in the city, this one is the (good)_.【答案】best【解析】该题是语法结构题。考点是形容词的级。答案的根据是the (good) _ 做表语,of all the hotels in the city表示范围根据句子的意思,此处good用最高级。而,形容词good为不规则单词,故,best是正确答案。形容词/副词有级的用法:比较级要有比较的对象,一般

25、由than引出;最高级要有范围限定,一般由in (表示整体), of/among (表示个体)引出。【译文】作这座城市所有的旅馆中,这家是最好的。27. yesterday they received a written (invite)_to a dinner from mr. black.【答案】invitation【解析】该题是词性转换题。考点是动词invite的名词形式。答案的根据是a written (invite) _中,written是形容词,而冠词a要求后接名词。故,动词invite去e加名词后缀-ion构成invitation。 【译文】昨天他们收到了布莱克先生举办晚宴的请柬

26、。28. that new film is worth (see)_for the second time.【答案】seeing【解析】该题是语法结构题。考点是动名词作宾语。答案的根据是be worth 要求v-ing作宾语。因此,seeing 是正确答案。英语中短语后面要求只能用动名词作宾语,常见的有:cant help,feel like,give up,keep on,object to,put off,be busy,have difficulty/trouble,look forward to,get/be used to等。 【译文】那部新片子值得再看一遍。29. next wee

27、k we (sign) _the sales contract with the new supplier.【答案】will/shall/ are going to/are to sign【解析】该题是语法结构题。考点是谓语动词的时态。答案的根据是时间状语next week。因此, will/shall/ are going to/are to sign是正确答案。将来时的表达方式:will + v,用于任何人称;shall + v,用于第一人称;am/are/is going to + v,(和自己的意志无关)表示料及在最近将来会发生;am/are/is + v,表示预定做。 【译文】下星期

28、我们要与新的供应商签订销售合同。30. (general) _speaking, he is a person that you can trust.【答案】generally【解析】 该题是词性转换题。考点是形容词general的副词形式。答案的根据是(general) _ speaking中,非谓语动词speaking虽然不能做谓语,但仍然保留动词的词性,要求副词修饰。因此,general 加副词后缀-ly构成generally。此外,句子开头要大写,故,generally是正确答案。【译文】一般来说,他是一个你可以信任的人。31. the new machine ought to (te

29、st) _before it is put to use.【答案】be tested【解析】该题是语法结构题。考点是谓语动词的语态。答案的根据是对句子的分析:主语the new machine与谓语动词test呈承动/动宾关系,又,动词test之前有情态动词ought to。因此,be tested是正确答案。 【译文】新机器需要在投入使用前进行测试。32. if your credit (信誉) is good, you will be allowed (use) _the credit card.【答案】to use【解析】该题是语法结构题。考点是不定式作主语补足语。答案的根据是对句子的分

30、析:you是句子的主语,will be allowed是谓语(呈被动语态),use的逻辑主语是句子的主语,因此作主语补足语。此外,动词allow要求带to的不定式作主语补足语。因此,to use是正确答案。(句子you will be allowed to use the credit card为被动语态。其主动语态是sb. will allow you to use the credit card。)要求带to的不定式作宾语补足语的动词:allow, ask, tell, want, teach, promise等。【译文】如果你的信誉好,你就可以被允许用信用卡。33. it will be

31、 very (help) _if each member presents his or her own opinion at the meeting.【答案】helpful【解析】 该题是词性转换题。考点是名词help的形容词形式。答案的根据是be very (help) _ 中,be是系动词,要求后接形容词作表语,而very是副词。因此,help加形容词后缀-ful,构成helpful。【译文】如果每位成员都在会谈上发表自己的意见应该很有用。34. the number of sales people who have left the company (be) _very small.【

32、答案】is【解析】该题是语法结构题。考点是主谓一致。答案的根据是the number of + n.作主语,谓语动词用单数,因为the number of的意思是“的数量”;而a number of + ns.作主语,谓语动词用复数,因为a number of 的意思是“许多”。故,is是正确答案。【译文】离开公司的销售员的人数很少。35. it is well-known that sports will (strength) _the friendship between nations.【答案】strengthen【解析】该题是词性转换题。考点是名词strength的动词形式。答案的根据

33、是will是表示将来的助动词,这提示此处需要动词原形与will一起作谓语。因此,名词strength后接动词后缀-en构成strengthen。 【译文】众所周知体育可以促进国与国之间的友谊。part iii reading comprehension task 1 unlike britain, the us does not have a national health care service. the government does help pay for some medical care for people who are on low incomes and for old

34、people, but most people buy insurance (保险) to help pay for medical care. the problems of those who cannot afford insurance are an important political subject.in britain, when people are ill, they usually go to a family doctor first. however, people in america sometimes go straight to an expert witho

35、ut seeing their family doctor first. children are usually taken to a doctor who is an expert, in the treatment (治疗) of children. in britain, if a patient needs to see a specialist doctor, their family doctor will usually recommend a specialist.doctors do not go to peoples homes when they are ill. pe

36、ople always make appointments to see the doctor in the doctors office. in a serious situation, people call for an ambulance (救护车). in america, hospitals must treat all seriously ill patients, even if they do not have medical insurance. the government will then help pay for some of the cost of the me

37、dical care.36. some medical care is paid by the u. s. government for_.【定位解读】本题是细节题。问美国政府为哪些人支付一些医疗费用。根据原文第一段第二句the government does help pay for people who are on low incomes and for o1d people.(政府为低收入者和老年人提供帮助(支付一些医疗费用),d) the poor and the old(穷人和老人)是正确答案。【错误解读】a) people living in the country(住在农村的人

38、),b) non-government officials(不是公务员的人),c) people with insurance(购买了保险的人),与原文意思不一致。37. most people in the united states buy insurance_.【定位解读】本题是细节题。问美国大多数人购买保险是为了什么。根据第一段第二句. but most people buy insurance (保险) to help pay for medical care(购买保险为了支付医疗费用),a) to pay for their own medical care(为了支付医疗费用)是正

39、确答案。【错误解读】b) to help to live on their low incomes(为低收入者提供帮助),c) to improve the national health care service(为了改善国家的医疗保健服务),d) to solve one of the important political problems(为了解决一个重要的政治问题),与原文意思不一致。38. what do british people usually do when they are ill?【定位解读】本题是细节题。问英国人生病了经常怎么做。根据第二段第一句in britain,

40、 when people are ill, they usually go to a family doctor first(在英国人们生病时首先去看家庭医生),a) they go to see their family doctor first(他们首先去看家庭医生)是正确答案。【错误解读】b) they go to see a specialist doctor first(他们首先去看专家医生),c) they call for a specialist doctor(他们首先打电话给专家医生),d) they call for a family doctor(他们打电话给家庭医生),

41、与原文意思不一致。39. in america, seriously ill patients will _.【定位解读】本题是推理题。问在美国重症病人会怎么做。根据最后第二句in america, hospitals must treat all seriously ill patients, even if they do not have medical insurance(在美国,医院必须治疗重症病人,即使他们没有医疗保险),c) receive treatment even without insurance(得到治疗即使没有保险)是正确答案。【错误解读】a) be treated

42、if they have an insurance(如果购买了保险将得到治疗),与原文意思相反;b) make an appointment with a specialist only(只有与专家预约),d) normally go to see an expert for treatment(通常去找专家医治),与原文意思不合。40. which of the following would be the best title for this passage?【定位解读】本题是主旨题。问哪个选项为最好的文章标题。通读全文,文章主要介绍了英美两国医疗保健的差异,其中提及医疗保险、就医方式等

43、方面的差异。故,b)health care in the united states and britain(英美两国的医疗保健)是正确答案。【错误解读】a)types of doctors in the united states(美国医生的种类),c)treatment of sick children in the united states(在美国生病孩子的治疗),d)medical insurance in the united states and britain(英美两国的医疗保险),不能涵盖整篇文章的内容。 task 2 dear sir or madam, the mdc c

44、ompany was established in 2001 and in four short years has become one of the most successful companies in the market place. for this, we are pleased, proud and grateful. we are pleased because our customers have confirmed our belief that if the products we offer are new, exciting, innovative ( 有创意的

45、) and of excellent quality, they will be purchased.we are proud because we know, we are a company that keeps its word to its customers; that guarantees that any product can be returned within 30 days if it proves to be unsatisfactory in any way; and that always lets our customers know if there is to

46、 be a delay in delivery.we are grateful to customers like you, because you confirm our beliefs that good service and quality result in satisfied customers. without you, there would be no reason for us to be pleased or proud. we thank you for your orders and for giving us the opportunity to be of ser

47、vice to you.our special summer catalogue (商品目录) is at the printers and should be in your home soon. we hope that you will be pleased with the new selections.yours faithfully, john brown john brown41. from the passage we can learn that mdc company always_.【定位解读】本题是细节加推理题。问从文章我们可以知道mdc总是怎么样。根据第三段第一句we

48、 are proud because we know, we are a company that keeps its word to its customers(我们很自豪,因为我们是一家对顾客信守承诺的公司),a)keeps its promise(信守承诺)是正确答案。【错误解读】 b) provides the same products(提供同样的产品)不合原文意思;c) sells its products at a low price(低价销售他的产品),文章未题及;d) delivers its products without delay(不会延期交货)不合原文意思。42.

49、mdc company believes that its customers are satisfied because the company_.【定位解读】本题是细节题。问mdc公司相信他的顾客对公司满意,因为公司怎么样。根据文章第四段. because you confirm our beliefs that good service and quality result in satisfied customers(优质的服务和质量会带来满意的顾客),b) provides good service and quality(提供优质的服务和质量)是正确答案。【错误解读】a) give

50、s them opportunities to order(给顾客订购的机会),c) guarantees the quickest delivery(保证最快速的交货),d) sends new catalogues to them(寄最新的商品目录给顾客),都不是令顾客满意的条件。43. the customers will be informed if_.【定位解读】本题是细节题。问公司将会通知顾客,如果发生什么情况。根据第三段最后一句 and that always lets our customers know if there is to be a delay in deliver

51、y(交货若有延迟,会通知顾客),a) the product cant be delivered on time(不能按时运送产品)是正确答案。【错误解读】 b) the product is out-of-date and unsatisfactory(对产品不满意或产品过时)文章未题及;c) the company doesnt accept the returned product(公司不会接受退货),不合原意;d) the company cant send a new catalogue on time(公司不能准时邮寄新的产品目录)b文章未题及。44. the purpose of

52、 this letter is to_.【定位解读】本题是主旨题。问写这封信的目的是什么。根据最后一段主要内容我们的特别的夏季商品目录正在打印中,很快就会送到您家中,希望顾客能够满意,d) inform the customers of a new catalogue(通知顾客有新的商品目录)是正确答案。【错误解读】a) tell the customers about the quality of their products(告知顾客公司产品的质量),b) express the companys thanks to the customers(表达公司对客户的感谢),c) prove t

53、he excellent service of the company(证明公司优秀的服务),只是写信的内容,并不是目的。45. what can we learn about the company?【定位解读】本题主旨推理题。问从文章中我们知道该公司是一家怎么样的公司。根据第一段主要内容写信人首先讲述该公司经过短短四年时间的发展,已成为市场领域中最成功的公司之一,为此感到高兴、自豪和感激,c) it is successful in the market place(在市场领域中最成功的一家公司)是正确答案。【错误解读】a) it has the largest number of cus

54、tomers(公司有大量的顾客),b) it is grateful for its employees efforts(感激员工的贡献),d) it charges the least for its services(公司的服务费很少),文章未题及。 task 3 thanks for using metro (地铁)clean, modern, safe and easy to use. no wonder metro is considered the nations finest transit (公交) system. this guide tells how to use met

55、ro, and the color-coded map on the inside will help you use metro to get all around the nations capital. metro-rail fares each passenger needs a fare-card. (up to two children under 5 may travel free with a paying customer.) fares are based on when and how far you ride. pay regular fares on weekdays 5:309:30 a. m. and 3:007 :00 p. m. pay reduced fares at all other times. large maps in each station show fares a


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