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1、OpenFOAM Tutorial Standard Solvers boundaryFoam Steady-state so I ver for 1D turbulent flow, typically to generate boundary Iayer conditions at an inlet, for use in Examp Ie Problems: boundaryLaunderSharma abi I ity predict a Simulation mode I which has the to in mode I cases and by-pass trans ition

2、, using the Launder equations. boundaryWaI IFunctions solves a 1D turbuIent mode I with two walls and one eye Iic boundar ies. bubbI eFoam Solver for a system of two incompressible fluid phases with one phase d i spersed, e.g gas bubbIes in a I iquid Examp Ie Prob Iem: bubbleColumnclassiebubbIe co I

3、umn prob Iem with an inlet and outlet for the foam and bubbIes and two walls. buoyantFoam Transient Solver for buoyant, turbulent flow of compress i bIe fluids for ventil at ion and heat- transfer Examp Ie Prob Iem: hotRoom3D envi ronment with one inIet, the “floor , which the user can make any temp

4、erature and watch the thermaI effects. i. e. , thermaI pIume emanating from a 600 degree source on the fIoor buoyantSimpI eFoam Steady-state so I ver for buoyant, turbulent flow of compressible fluids for ventilation and heat- transfer Examp Ie Prob Iem: hotRoomsame as the fi rst hot room, however t

5、his solver is steady state, showing a Ionger process, rather than trans i ent. buoyantS impI eRadiat i onFoam Steady-state so I ver for buoyant, turbulent flow of compressible fluids with radiation, for ventil at ion and heat-transfer Examp Ie Prob Iem: hotRadiationRooma much finer mesh room than th

6、e prev i ous two hotRoom cases, along with an eIevated heating source, radiation channel Oodles Incompressible LES solver for fIow in a channel Examp Ie Prob Iem: channel395so Ives for channel flow, with severaI eye Iic patches and only two top and bottom walls Ab Ie to keep the mass fIow rate i n t

7、he channel constant, by calculating the velocity at each step, takes a Iong time to run. chtMuItiRegionFoam Solver that coup Ies conjugate heat transfer in a solid to a buoyancy-dr i ven flow Simulation Examp Ie Prob Iem: mu ItiRegionHeatersame as the hotRoom examp Ie prob Iems, however th i s has m

8、ultiple sources for heat, not just one compress ibIeLesI nterFoam Solver for 2 compressible, isothermal immiscible fluids using a voIume of fluid (VOF) phase- fraction based interface capturing approach, with LES Examp Ie Problems: depthCharge2Dmode Ied on a sea Ie, a charge is blown in the mixture

9、and the turbulence i s mode Ied i n a 2D env i ronment based off the run time and a single momentum equation depthCharge3Dsame thi ng as the fi rst, but in a 3D envi ronment. coodIes CoodIes is a gener ic single-phase compressible LES so I ver Examp Ie Prob Iem: pitzDaiIya simple 2D compression, inI

10、et turbulence case with propane for the fluid, with an appI icable mesh dieseI Foam Diesel spray and combustion code Examp Ie Prob Iem: aachenBombbIock filled withair, a dieseI injector is pIaced on the top center of the bIock and n- Heptane i s i njected, evaporates and combusts dnsFoam Di rect num

11、erical Simulation solver for boxes of isotropic turbuIence Examp Ie Prob Iem: boxTurb16a box made up of s i x eye Iic patches to model isotropic turbuIence eIectrostatieFoam Solver for eIectrostatics Examp Ie Prob Iem: chargedWi rean eIectrostatic so I ver with user input vaIues for the eIectrie fie

12、ld strength engineFoam Solver for internaI combustion engines Examp Ie Prob Iem: k i vaTesta very comp I ex mesh of a combustion engine of a cyI inder four p i stons f inancia I Foam Solves the Black-Scholes equation to pr i ce commod i ties Examp Ie Prob Iem: europeanCaI Igives the pr ice C of the

13、trad i ng cost S, the mesh i s 1D gnemdFoam Genera I purpose molecular dynamics solver to Simulate atoms in arbitrary shaped domains and average atomic/moI ecu I ar quantities to the mesh to create field data Examp Ie Problems: constr ictedChanneldemonstrates multiple species, tethered molecules, fi

14、eld plots and the flexibiIity offered by moIConfig nanoNozzIea channeI with a comp I ex shape of solid waI Is, where a section of neon is dr i ven a Iong with mixes of argon, used to demonstrate mo I ecu Ie demonstration icoDyMFoam Transient solver for incompressible, I ami nar fIow of Newtonian flu

15、ids with dynamic mesh Examp Ie Prob Iem: movingConea dynamic moving mesh that the user can manipuI ate to produce des i red outcome, simplest mov i ng mesh icoFoam Transient solver for incompressible, I ami nar fIow of Newtonian fluids Examp Ie Problems: cavityenclosed square flow field with one mov

16、ing boundary cavityClippedthe same cavity, but a square of I eng th of 0. 04 m i s the cav ity cavityGrade removed from the bottom r ight of same as the cavity mesh, however there are now four e 1 bow individual blocks in the cavity mode 1s the same Simulation as the cavity cases, however it is not

17、the traditional block mesh, but bent into an eI bow interDyMFoam Solver for 2 incompressible fluids, which captures the interface using a VOF method with opt ional mesh motion Examp Ie Problems: damBreakWithObstaelea waI I of water fa I Is, and crashes into an obstaele inside a 3D env i ronment sIos

18、h i ngTank2Da 2D env i ronment that creates sIosh i ng water to Simulate crashing and osciliating waves sIoshingTank2D3DoF Couldn t find anything sIoshingTank3Da 3D envi ronment that created sIosh ing water to Simulate crashing and osciliating waves sIoshingTank3D3DoFCouldrf t find anything sIoshing

19、Tank3D6DoFCouldn t find anything irrt er Foam Solver for 2 incompressibIe fIuids, which captures the interface us i ng a VOF method Examp Ie Promb Iem: damBreak:Simulation of a break i ng wall, the water runs into an object and i s projected around the 2D environment, mode Ied from user defined time

20、 steps IapIac i anFoam Solves a simple Lap I ace equation, e.g. for thermaI diffusion in a solid Examp Ie Prob Iem: fIangea comp I ex mesh of a fIange, shows thermaI d i ffus ion through the solid IesCavitat ingFoam Transient cavitation code with LES turbulence Examp Ie Problems: throttlea 2D mesh c

21、onsisting of two main chambers and a smaI I connecting tube, from the tube there is a thrusting source throttle3Dsame case as seen in 3D les InterFoam Solver for 2 incompressibIe fluids capturing the interface. TurbuIence i s mode Ied us i ng a runtime seIectable i ncompress i bIe LES mode I Examp I

22、e Prob Iem: n ozzleFlow2Da n ozzle i s i riser ted into the bottom Ieft of a wedge container, pour ing in a I iquid, very applicable but runs sIower than rasI nterFoam mdEqu iIibrationFoam Solver that equiIibrates and/or preconditions molecular dynamics systems Examp Ie Prob Iem: per iodicCubea cubi

23、c domain with a per iodic boundary in each di rection, there is a lattice of molecules, each i n a bIock, heated to a target temperature mhdFoam Solver for magnetohydrodynamics (MHD): incompressible, I aminar fIow of a condueting fluid under the influenee of a magnetic field Examp Ie Prob Iem: hartm

24、annth i s so Ives the coup Ied MaxweI I-Navier-Stokes equations for an incompressibIe fluid, with a presumed constant eIectr icaI conduct i v i ty MRFSimpleFoam Steady state solver for incompressibIe turbulent fIow with MultipIe Referenee Frames regions Examp Ie Prob Iem: mi xerVesse12Da 2D rotator

25、or impeI I or working in a constant flow, can work at any RPM multi phase I rrt er Foam Solver for an arbitrary number of incompressibIe immiscible fluids, capturing the multipIe interfaces using a VOF method Examp Ie Prob Iem: damBreak4phasesame as the damBreak case, however this case contains diff

26、erent fluids at different I eve Is in the mesh damBreak4phaseFinesame, just with a finer mesh for greater resolution nonNewtonian I coFoam Transient solver for incompressible, I ami nar fIow of non-Newtonian fluids Examp Ie Prob Iem: offsetCylindersame as the icoFoam tutorial, however in the mesh th

27、ere is a cyIinder, and it is made to i nvestigate I ami nar fIow around the cyIi nder oodIes Incompressible LES so I ver Examp Ie Problems: pitzDai ly same as the coodles case with a very fine mesh, 244k cells. So it runs very slowly pitzDaiIyDi rectMappedthe same as the pitzDaiIy case with a Ionger

28、 inIet, the mesh is still composed of mainly walls potentia I Foam Simple potential flow solver which can be used to generate starting fields for fuI I Navier- Stokes codes Examp Ie Problems: cyIi ndernon-orthogonal mesh, investigate potential flow around a cyIi nder pitzDaiIysame as the other pitzD

29、aiIy examp Ies however, this case considers the Navier-Stokes equations and can be any fluid rasCavitat ingFoam Transient cavitation code with RAS turbulence Examp Ie Prob Iem: throttlesame thruster prob Iem just as in IesCavitat ingFoam, however, it doesn, t use LES turbuIenee for the thrust rasInt

30、erFoam Solver for 2 incompressibIe fluids capturing the interface. TurbuIence i s mode Ied us i ng a runtime seIectable i ncompress i bIe RAS mode I Examp Ie Prob Iem: damBreaksame as the other damBreak cases, however th i s has a RAS Iiquid, therefore the turbulenee i sn, t as great from the other

31、cases rhoCentralFoam Density-based compressibIe flow solver based on centraI-upwind schemes Examp Ie Problems: biconic25-55Run35a rather simple mesh made for thermodynamics, with an and a field stream, this case contains a “perfect gas” forwardstepa fIow of Mach 3 at an inlet to a rectanguI ar geome

32、try with a step near the inlet region that generates shock waves, can generate a supersonic fIow LadenburgJet60psi Couldn t Find Anything obiiqueShock2D aerodynamic test prob Iem, there i s a supersonic inlet into the simple rectangular mesh, made to represent the ref Iection of an oblique shock, su

33、ch as a pI ane going mach shock case, however the meshes shockTube problem, a 2D high-pressure wedge15Ma5 trad it i onaI shock tube envi ronment in which a shock wave i s produced and the and temperature gasses are shown very s imi I ar to the obiique bottom r ight side has been cut out, the superso

34、nic inlet has now been moved to the vertex of the cut rhoPimpleFoam Transient solver for turbulent flow of compress i bIe fluids for ventil at ion and heat- transfer Examp Ie Prob Iem: angledDucta simple mesh of a duet that i s bent at an angle, gas i s thrust through the inlet and makes its way to

35、the outlet while heating the mesh as we I I rhoPorousSimpI eFoam Steady-state solver compressibIe fluids poros ity treatment Examp Ie Problems: angledDuctExpl icit cross section with at for turbulent with impI icit fIow of or exp I icit duet with bend The porous med i a the duet is a rectangular a s

36、harp 45_ the center, added where bend i ng and it goes ha Ifway up the angled duet angledDuctlmpIici tsame as the other so I ver, the d i fference i s the poros ity of examp Ies, th i s examp Ie has a finer mesh, and therefore is far more robust rhopSonicFoam Pressure-dens ity-based compress i bIe f

37、Iow so I ver Examp Ie Problems: shockTubea one dimensional unsteady case where a d i scontinuity, norma I Iy in pressure, i s introduced in the middle of the doma i n wedge15Ma5same as the fi rst wedge case, without the upward scheme, as the solver i s a I so pressure based rhoSonicFoam Density-base

38、d compressible flow solver Examp Ie Problems: forwardstepsame as the fi rst forward step without the appI ied upward scheme shockTubesame tube and solver again, however this one i s neither pressure or centra Hupwi nd scheme based rhoTurbFoam Transient solver for compressibIe, turbulent f I ow Examp

39、 Ie Prob Iem: cav itythe same as the icoFoam case however this isn t a I ami nar fIow, as we I I the Ii d i s no longer the transient side but the back waI I rhoTurbTwinParceI Foam Transient solver for compressible, turbulent fIow with two thermo-clouds Examp Ie Prob Iem: s imp I ifiedS iwek multi r

40、egion Iagrangi an cIouds, in a squar 2D mesh with a long inlet in the top Ieft corner, shows turbulent flow into compress ion of the gas sea IarTransportFoam Solves a transport equation for a pass i ve sea I ar Examp Ie Prob Iem: pitzDa iIysea I ar transport, swirl test: non-uniform initial field, u

41、sing field a Igebra sett IingFoam Solver for 2 incompressible fluids for Simulating the settling of the dispersed phase Examp Ie Problems: dahIa very fine 2D mesh in which two 2 fluids are re I eased, one one from the top and the other from the bottom, they then tank3D settle together Couldn t find

42、anyth i ng simp I eFoam Steady-state so I ver for i ncompress i bIe, turbuIent flow of non-Newtonian fluids Examp Ie Problems: ai rFoiI2Da 2D ai rfoiI in a large square mesh, that is put into the fIow of turbuIent non-Newtonian fluids pitzDa iIysame as a I I the others, however this version has a tu

43、rbulent f I ow pitzDaiIyExptlnletsame thing with a different inlet simpleSRFFoam Steady, incompressibIe, rotating reference frame Examp Ie Prob Iem: mixera large 3D rotor, can be appIied in many different ways snappyHexMesh Automatic meshing tool Examp Ie Problems: igIooWithFr idges an igloo with 2

44、fr idges used to exactly as advertised, in it, simply show how the tool works motorBikeonce again, simply here to show how the tool works solidDispIacementFoam Transient segregated finite-volume solver of I inear-eI astic, smaI Hstrain deformation of a solid body, with optional thermaI diffusion and

45、 thermaI stresses Examp Ie Prob Iem: pI ateHolea square mesh with a quarter circle cut out of the bottom Ieft corner, pressure is appIied to the pI ate for stress ana lysis so IidEquiIibr iumDispI acementFoam Steady-state segregated finite-voIume solver of Ii near-eI astic, smaI Hstrain deformation of a solid body Examp Ie Prob Iem: beamEndLoada rectangular beam i s stra i ned, testing the eI astic properties of the material, as we I I stress i s shown i n the beam soni eFoam Transient solver for trans-sonic


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