已阅读5页,还剩7页未读 继续免费阅读




1、1. The teachers roles in the classroom2. I know what my students need3. How to use body language in the classroom?4. How to make my class active and interactive? How to make my class interesting?5. The first English class I taught6. The students and group learning7. What can we do when a student fai

2、ls in talking?8. How to let students think while doing?9. I use the textbook this way10. I know how to make the students successful11. My students enjoy my class12. Be a good observer in the classroom13. I never talk too much in class14. I teach my students to use classroom English15. Can you read t

3、he students faces?16. We can understand each other in class17. How to assess the students in class18. I talk to my students this way19. I teach them to do things by themselves20. They do and then they learn21. She/He is not a bad child22. Parents and I work together23. How to teach students to learn

4、 at home?24. I know she/he needs my help25. When she/he feels nervous in class26. How to train a good group leader?27. When I stand in front of my students parents28. I listen to my students attentively29. I learn a lot from my students30. Teaching is learning31. What is important to you in your job

5、 as a teacher?32. If you are using a computer to play PPT(POWER POINT), What would you do if your computer broke down during your class?33.Whats your opinion about using hi-technology such as the computer and the Internet in language teaching.34.If your students are passive in your class,what will y

6、ou do to make them positive?35.Do you often ask the students to do pair work or group work ?How to organize the group work?Can you give us an example?36.Can you tell us at least five ways about how to let the students remember new words or difficult words?37.Smoking and Health 38.The Problem of Food

7、 39.My Dream 40.The Value of Reading Books 41.Governmentislosingpowertothemedia.Whatisyouropiniononthis?42.Fartoomuchattentionisgiventosportstoday.Doyouagree?43.Whilesocietyprogresses,humanityregresses.Doyouagree?44.Howfardoyouagreethatpeopleareenjoyinghigherstandardoflivingbutnotbetterqualityoflife

8、?45.Theprimaryfunctionofeducationistoteachushowtolearn.Discussthisviewinthelightofyourownexperience.46.Areexperimentsonanimalsjustifiable?47.People often say we are now living in a small world. Whats your opinion?48 Whats your advice to classmates and friends who spend too much time surfing the inte

9、rnet?49 Do you think it is a good habit to stay up late before an examination?50 Do you think public transportation in Binzhou is convenient?51 Do you think technology makes our life easier and more enjoyable? Why do you think so?51 Do advertisement play a positive or negative role in our society?52

10、 How do you think Binzhou will develop in future?53 Do you think China will become more important ? Why? 54 Describe Chinese New Year as it is celebrated in your family.55 What are the advantages/ disadvantages of being the only child in a family?1 What is your opinion on studying abroad?2 What will

11、 life be like in the future?3 Do you think the Doomsday of 2012 is true? How do you think of it? What effects do you think it will bring us?4 Do you have any experience in traveling? Did any interesting stories happen on your journey?5 What do you think the young people need most today?6 What is you

12、r attitude towards nature?7 is it good for a student to have a part-time job? Why or why not/8.whichcountrywillyouchoosetogoifyoucan?9.Do you think Familybackgroundonsuccessisimportantornot?10.whatdoesBETTERCITY,BETTERLIFEmeantoyou?11.Doyouthinkthatpeoplewithhighereducationbackgroundshouldhavemoreaw

13、arenessofsocialservice?12.Andwhatdoyoudoinyoursparetime?13. DoyouthinkEnglishisoveremphasizedinchina?whyorwhynot14.DoyouthinkwhatisyourmostdifficultpartwhenyoulearnEnglish?15.Whatdoyouthinkofthetrendofkeepingpets?16.DoyouthinknewspaperscanbereplacedcompletelybytheInternet?Whyorwhynot?17.Whatdoyouthi

14、nkisthebiggestdifferencebetweenChineseandAmerican(orEastern)parentsontheeducationoftheirchildren?Whatreasonscausesthedifference?18. Are you satisfied with your current job?19 What kinds of legal holidays are there in China?20. How do Chinese celebrate the festivals?1.whatdoyouthinkofyour students fa

15、llinloveatanearlyage?2. Which do you think is the core of English teaching, teachers or students?3. Do you think the house price of Binzhou will increase or reduce in 2011?4. whatdoyouthinkofprivatecarinChina?5. What do you think of the education systerm of China ?6. Your opinion about electronic di

16、ctionary (E - dictionary)7. whatsagoodteacher?8. whatdoyouthinkofthesingle-parentfamily?9.Doyouthinknetwillreplaceothermedias,likeTV,newspaper?whyorwhynot?10 WhatdoyouthinkofChineseeducation?11. Doyoulikechattingonline?Whyorwhynot?12. Which website do you often visit on the internet? What can you le

17、arn from it?13.Development and the Environment14. What kind of clothes do you like to wear? Is the brand of clothes important to you?15. What kinds of things make you happy?Which of these things makes you happiest?16.Do you think money is necessary for happiest?7.Doyouagreeordisagree:peopleshouldalw

18、aystellthetruth?18.Whatdoyouthinkarethecharacteristicsofagoodteacher?19. Do“LuckyNumbers”ReallyBringGoodLuck?20. Shouldstudentsmakefriendsonline?21.howdoyouthinktherensentpriceincreases?22.Should students be requiredtowearaschooluniform?Whyorwhynot.22.Therearemoreandmorestudentstakingphonesatschool,

19、whatdoyouthinkaboutit23. Howtotreatthefoodsafety1According to the new “Standards of English Curriculum,” on the whole the purpose of English course is to improve or form students ability in using English. This ability is based on their skills, knowledge, attitude, strategies and the awareness of cul

20、ture in language learning. How do you make full use of students attitude and awareness of culture of learning English to organize your English course? Several teaching cases are needed to support your point of views, please. 新课标英语课程的总体目标是培养学生的综合语言运用能力。综合语言运用能力建立在学生语言技能,语言知识、情感态度、学习策略和文化意识等素养整体发展的基础上

21、。请就情感态度,文化意识两方面,联系教学实例阐述你是怎样运用这两个因素进行英语教学的?3Lead-in is the first step that teachers bring students into a certain learning atmosphere in teaching a new course. In terms of psychology, which psychological characters of students should a teacher value most? As an English teacher, which methods of lead

22、-in do you often use so as to arouse students interests in class? (Several teaching examples to support your views, please) 英语课堂教学的第一步是把学生引入特定的英语语言环境之中。这就是导入。从教育心理学上讲,新课导入应注重学生的哪些心理特征?请结合教学实例,谈谈你采用了哪些导入法来激发学生的学习兴趣?4Assessment is one of the important parts of the English curriculum. What parts are ma

23、de up of the assessment for students according to the new Standards of English Curriculum and what important role is the assessment playing in teaching? Examples are needed to support your point of view. 评价是英语课程重要组成部分。恰当的评价对学生的学习兴趣、语言知识、技能都将产生积极影响。根据新课标,对学生的评价包含哪些要素,评价在教学中有何重要作用?请举例说明。5Classifying t

24、eaching means that teachers should admit individual students with different backgrounds have different levels of language and different aims of learning. It is crucial for us to teach students according to the existing differences among them. Thus they can enjoy language learning and make progress a

25、ccordingly. Would you please make a speech on how to carry out classifying teaching? And what methods do you often put forward? (Several teaching cases to support your views, please.) 分层教学,就是要承认学生在语言能力和学习需求方面的差异,根据不同层次的学生因材施教。分层教学原则十分重要,因为在教师的指导下不同层次的学生都能愉快地学习,在各自的基础上取得进步。请结合教学实例,阐述你是如何组织分层教学的?7As w

26、e all know, one of the effective activities in language teaching is group work. In what way is it helpful to your students and what good experience and suggestion would you like to share with us?Please give a speech about it. (Several teaching cases to support your views, please) 结合教学体验和实例,简要阐述小组活动对

27、学生语言学习在哪些方面有帮助。和其他老师分享一下你在组织小组活动方面的经验和建议。8Would you please make a speech on how we teachers should use textbooks properly and efficiently according to the reality of your students learning, as textbooks ought to be the main resource in teaching language? (Teaching cases are needed to explain, please

28、) 结合教学体会,谈谈如何依据学生学情,正确、有效使用教材,让教材发挥主要教学资源作用?9Please make a simple speech on how to provide multiple paths to help students develop their language proficiency based on the theory of multiple intelligences.(Several teaching cases, please)请依据多元智能理论并结合教学实例,简述教师应该怎样为学生提供语言学习的多元途径。10Would you please give

29、us a speech on how to combine or integrate language and content of the textbooks that are in use now? (Several teaching cases , please)请根据现行高中英语教材实际,阐述整合教材语言材料和内容的重要性,列举具体实例加以说明。11An ancient proverb says, “Give a man a fish and he eats for a day. Teach him how to fish and he eats for a lifetime.” In

30、 terms of that, its an agreeable goal for us to help language learners become more autonomous. Doing so, teachers will become increasingly unwanted in the language teaching. Would you please make a speech on how to help your students become autonomous learners? (Several teaching cases , please) 古人云:

31、授人以鱼,不如授人以渔。据此我们在培养学生自主学习方面有着共识。这样做的好处是随着学生自主学习能力的提高,他们对于教师的依赖会越来越小。请结合教学实例谈谈你如何帮助学生获得自主学习的能力?12The aim of learning English is using it in the future, so to help students improve their English competence (ability) is more important than to teach them basic language knowledge such as sounds, vocabula

32、ry and grammar. However, it does not mean we dont need to teach grammar. Please make a speech on how to teach grammar efficiently. (Your teaching experience can strongly support you.) 语言教学的目的是为了将来的运用,因此帮助学生提高英语语言能力比教给学生语言基础知识更重要,如发音、词汇和语法。然而这并不意味着我们不必教语法。请结合你的教学实际谈谈如何有效地开展语法教学。14Some think errors ar

33、e inevitable in the process of language learning. So we should focus mainly on fostering the students competence of using the language fluently, and errors the students make can be ignored. Whats your opinion about this perspective? Please make a speech to express your point of views with your own t

34、eaching experience to support you. 有人认为,语言学习过程中的错误是不可避免的。因此我们应当主要关注如何培养学生流利地使用语言,至于学生的语误是可以忽略的。对此你的看法如何?请结合自身教学经历加以阐述。15Big class poses challenges for language teaching. This occurs especially in China. As a successful language teacher, how do you cope with the problems arising from the large scale

35、of class? What measures have you taken efficiently? Lets share your creative thinking and doing. 班额过大对语言教学是极大的挑战,在中国尤其如此。作为成功的英语教师,你是如何应对大班教学产生的问题?你采用了哪些有效的措施?让我们来分享你的创新思维和作为吧。16A high motivation is a must in successful language learning. Then what would you do to arouse and retain your students int

36、erest in English language learning? Please make a speech to express your point of views with your own teaching experience to support you. 要学好一门语言动机很重要。你在英语教学中是如何激发和延续学生的英语学习兴趣的?请结合自身教学经历加以阐述。17Language environment is important for successful language learners. However, is it possible to master a for

37、eign language for students in a faraway countryside school in China? What will you do, if you are a teacher in a countryside school, to help create a better English environment for your students? Lets share your creative thinking and doing. 语言环境对于语言学习的重要性是不言而喻的。那么,地处中国遥远农村的乡村中学学生有可能掌握一门外语吗?为了帮助创设一个更

38、好的学英语的环境,你是怎么做的?让我们来分享你的创新思维和作为吧。18Our mother tongue is Chinese. Is it a help or hindrance in a foreign language teaching? Perhaps both?Whats your opinion about this perspective? Please make a speech to express your point of views with your own teaching experience to support you. 我们的母语是中文。作为母语的中文对学生

39、学习外语有帮助还是造成障碍?或许两者兼而有之?请结合自身教学经历加以阐述。19Teacher-dominance is common in traditional language teaching activities. Teacher authority is still a must, though there are many changes in English classroom teaching nowadays. As a language teacher, whats your point of views on teachers roles in learner-cente

40、red language teaching? Please make a speech to express your point of views with your own teaching experience to support you. 在传统的语言教学活动中教师起着支配和主宰的作用。在当今变化了的英语课堂教学中,教师的权威仍然需要。请结合自身教学经历,对以学生为主体的英语教学中的教师作用加以阐述。20People are crazy about magic methods of mastering a foreign language overnight. Do you thin

41、k there are any short cuts in language learning? If so, what are they? If not, what is your advice and suggestions that you would like to recommend to your students? Please make a speech to express your point of views with your own teaching experience to support you. 人们对寻找快捷方式学习一门外语的热望几近疯狂。你认为学习外语真的

42、有捷径吗?如果你的答案是肯定的,请告诉我们有哪些捷径。如果你的答案是否定的,你愿意推荐什么样的学习建议给你的学生?请结合自身教学经历加以阐述。21Good teaching practice is based on good theoretical understanding. Theres indeed nothing so practical as a good theory. The theory of task-based language teaching is known as a practical one. Please make a speech on how you und

43、erstand it and successfully put it into practice in your teaching. 成功的教学实践基于正确的理论支撑。正确的理论具有无与伦比的实用性。结合具体教学实例,简述你对任务型教学理论的理解和在教学中的成功运用。22Activities in the form of questions and answers are very common in language teaching. Its known to all that good questions can be of great help in activating studen

44、ts thinking. Please give a speech on how to raise good questions and make full use of them to push on your teaching. 问与答是语言教学中常见的活动形式。大家都知道,好的设问能激发学生的思维。请结合教学实际,就如何设置能启迪思维的问题并充分利用这些问题推进教学谈谈你的思考与做法。23Should we teach for the communicative competence or teach for language knowledge so that our students

45、 may get high scores in examinations? How do you deal with the relationship between language knowledge and communicative competence?Please make a speech about those questions with your teaching experience to support you. 应该为提高交际能力还是为提高考试成绩而教?你在英语教学中如何应对语言知识与交际能力的关系?结合教学实际谈谈你的看法。24We teachers should

46、care about all the students, no matter how well or how badly they behave and how good or how poor they are in English. How do you care about students whose English are relatively poor and with lower motivation in learning English? Please make a speech about it. 教师应该关心所有学生,无论他们表现如何、学习成绩好否。你如何关心英语成绩相对

47、较差而且学习积极性不高的学生?请就此话题谈谈你的体会和具体做法。25Are there any other items belonging to English teaching resources, apart from textbooks? If so, what are they and whats the use of them? How do you make best (effective) use of those resources in English teaching? Please make a speech on it with your teaching experi

48、ence to support you. 除了教材还有什么属于英语教学资源范畴?请列举出来并说明作用。就如何有效利用英语教学资源谈谈你的看法和具体做法。26Language learning includes not only the learning of skills or the acquisition of knowledge. It also refers to learning to learn and learning to think; the modification of attitudes; the acquisition of interests; social val

49、ues; or social rules; or even in personality. Your topic is how to cultivate students personalities in English teaching. 语言的学习不仅仅指语言能力和语言知识的获得。它包括学会学习、学会思考;包括态度的转变、兴趣的养成;还包括社会价值观、社会准则和人格培养等内涵。你的话题是如何发挥英语教学的育人作用。27Is it true or untrue that one can not learn a foreign language well without learning ab

50、out its knowledge of culture. What do you think of the importance of the knowledge of culture background in English learning? 不了解和学习相关文化背景知识,想要学好一门外语是不可能。真的如此吗?你的看法如何?请结合教学实际,就英语学习中文化背景知识的重要性谈谈你的看法。28Heritage and creation is the core of our teaching reform. What do you think of those traditional met

51、hods, such as dictation, recitation, retelling and so on? Are they out of date or still helpful to students? Please give your opinion with some examples to support you. 继承和创新是教学改革的核心。你对听写、背诵、复述等传统的训练方式看法如何? 你觉得这些方式过时了还是认为依然对学生有帮助?请举例说明你的观点和做法。29Some people say a mistake is a gift to the class. Its t

52、rue that mistakes can offer students opportunities to learn better. But we have to know how to give corrections in an acceptable way or make students correct mistakes themselves. Please make a speech about your teaching practice in this aspect. 有人说语言错误是课堂教学中的礼物。学生确实能够通过纠错学得更好。但是我们必须知道如何以学生能够接受的方式纠错,

53、或者让学生自己纠正错误。请举例说明你的观点和做法。30As the researches show, students can learn best when they feel relaxed and safe in learning activities. In your English class, how do you take measures to help students overcome their anxiety? Please give a speech with some examples to support you. 研究证明,学生的情绪处于安全和放松的时候,学习效果最好。在英语课堂上,你采


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