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1、2013-2014学年度第一学期期末四年级英语測试题班级:姓名:一、在每组单词中找到划线部分发音不同的一项,把序号填在题前括号内。()1.()2.()3.()4.()5.二、在每组单词中找到不同类,把序号填在前面的括号内。()C. door()()()()()()C. spoonD. fork()()()三、找朋友。从所给的词组中找出与图片对应的词组。TV a book the door the Ii ghtthe bI ackboardup the picturethe spoonme the forkyour penci I in your deskyour maths book unde

2、r your schooI bag.四、情景交际,选出正确的一项,将正确的序号填入题前括号中。()1.新学期开学了,你想建议大家打扫教室,你该说:s cIean the cIassroomome cIean the classroom。()2. Amy问Mike书包的颜色,Amy应该说:A. What colour i s your school bagB. Whas in your schooI bag()3.朋友到你家做客,用餐时,你会热情地对朋友说:A. He I p yourse I f,s ready.()4.圣诞节那天,你应该对你的朋友说:b i rthday.Chr i stma

3、s()5.你肚子饿了,你会说:A. Im hungryB. Help yourseIf.()6.请求别人递叉子给你的时候,你应该有礼貌地说:A. Give me a fork B. Pass me the fork, p I ease.()7.你想知道教室里有什么,你应该说:A. Wha s in the c I assroomB. Where s in the c I assroom()8.你爸爸是做什么的用英语怎么说A. Who s your fat herB. Wha s your fat her()9.当别人问:“Is she in the kitchen 时,你回答说: A. Yes

4、, it is.B. No, she isn? t.()10.如果你想看电视,你会:A. Go to the I i v i ng room B. Go to the bat hr oom.()11.当你向别人介绍照片上的人是你的老师时,应说:A. This i s my teacher.i s my teacher()12.当你同意别人用你的东西时,你会说:A. Thanks.you are.()13.如果你想叫别人开门,可以这样说:A. Ope n the door, p I ease the door, please.()14.当你想知道对方家里有多少人时,应说:A. How many

5、peopIe are there in your fami Iymany peopIe do you have()15.当你想知道你的笔友你们有了新教室的时候,你应该说:A. We have a new cI assrooms i n the cI assroom五. 单项选择()th i s mot her()2. i s your s i ster s jobA. WhereB. Who( )3. his nameHis name isA. Who sB. What s() to the to read booksA. fridgeB. study() you are .you, than

6、ks()6. He has ha i r.A. shortB. b i g() glasses near the phone.Zhang Peng.C. Who DoorC. qu i et()th i s a bedroom 一A. No, it is.B. No, they arent.() a dog i n our cIassroomot.C. No, it isn,() are my keysThey,re the door六情景搭配,请从B栏中选出A栏的正确答案。()1. Whas in your schooI bag()2. Is she in the study ()3. Ar

7、e they on the tabIe ()4. What would you I ike for I unch()5. Whas your fatherA. He s a teacher.B. Yes, they are.C. I wou I d I i ke some f i sh, p I easeD. Yes, she i s.E. 5 books and 3 penci Is七.连词成句1 Wha t job your aunt si s2. inkit chenthei s She3. Whas your in case penci I4. afr i endnew Ihave5.

8、 Ii ke wouId What you八阅读理解。根据短文,判断对错。对的写T,错的写F。My c I assroom i s nice and big . The wa I I i s whi te and the f I oor i s bI ack There are forty desks and cha i rs in the cIassroom. There are two boards on the waI 丨 And there are two p i ctures, too. My cI assroom has ten I i gh ts and five fans. Wha t co I our are the fans They are b I ue Bes i dethe teacher T s desk, there i s a she I f. Many books are in the she I f.I ike the books very muchit very much.the cI assroom.Thi s i s my cI assroom. It is very nice. We Ii ke()1 My cI assroom i s nice and small.()2、Ther


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