1、最新资料欢迎阅读 个人求职自我介绍范文 good morning, everybody. (applause.) thank you, thank you, thank you very much. please,please have a seat, thank you so much well, good morning, everybody. welcome to the white house an dwelcome to our annual easter prayer breakfast, as always,we are blessed to be joined by so ma
2、ny good friends fromaround the country.we vegotdistinguishedguests. we1 ve got faithleaders, members of my administratio n who are here.a nd i will once aga in resist the temptati onto preach to preachers. (laughter.) it n ever worksout well, i am reminded of the admonition from the bookof romans -
3、“do not claim to bewiser than you are.(laughter.) so this morning, i want to offer somevery brief reflect ionsaswe startthis easter seas on. but as i was prepari ng myremarks, someth ing in terve ned yesterday. and so i want to justdevote a few words about yesterday s tragedy inkansas. this morning
4、our prayers are withthepeople of overla nd park. and we1 restill lear ning the details, but this muchwe know, a gun man ope nedfire at two Jewish facilities- a com mun ity cen ter and a retireme nt home. innocen tpeople were killed. their families were devastated. and this viole nee has struck the h
5、eart oft he Jewish com mun ity in kan sascit y. two of the victims - agra ndfather and his tee nage gra nd son atte nded the un itedmethodist churchof the resurrecti on, which is led by our frie nd revere nd adam hamilt on. some of you may know that duri ng myin augurati on, revere nd hamilt on deli
6、vered the serm on at the prayer service atthe national cathedral, and i wasgrateful for his presenee and hiswords he joined us at our breakfast last year, and at the easter service for palm sun day last ni ght, he had to breakthis terrible n ews to his con gregati on. that this occurred now一 as jews
7、were preparing to celebrate passover, as Christians wereobserving palm Sunday-inakes this tragedy all the more painful, and today, as passoverbegins, were seeing a numberof synagogues an djewish com mun ity cen ters take addedsecurity precautio ns.no body should have to worry about theirsecurity whe
8、n gathering withtheirfellow believers. no one should ever have to fear for theirsafety whe n they go to pray. and as a government, we re goingto provide whatever assistanee is n eeded to support the in vestigati on. as america ns, we not only n eed to ope n ourhearts to the families of the victims,w
9、e 1 ve got to stand united against thisk ind of terrible viole n ee, which has no place in oursociet y. and we have to keep comi ng together acrossfaiths to combat the ignorance andin tolera nee, in cludi ng an ti semitism thatca n lead to hatred and to violenee, because we* reall children of god. w
10、e* re all madein his image, all worthy ofhis love and dignity, and we seewhathappens around the world whenthis kind of religious-based or tinged violencecan rear itsugly head. it s got no place in our society. so this easter week, of course werecog nize that there 1 s a lot of pa in and a lot of sin
11、 and alot of tragedy in this world, but we re also overwhelmed by the grace of an awesome god. we re rem in ded how he loves us, so deeply,that he gave his only begotten son so that we might livethrough him. and in these holy days, we recall all thatjesus endu red for us the scorn of thecrowds and t
12、he pain of thecrucifixion, in our christian religious tradition we celebrate theglory of theresurrecti on -all so that we might be forgiven of our sins and grantedeverlastinglife. and more tha n 2,000 years later,it in spires us still. we are draw n tohis timeless teachings,challenged to be worthy o
13、f his sacrifice, to emulate asbest we can his eternal example tolove one another just as he loves us. and of course, we* re always rem in ded each an devery daythat we fall short of that example. and none of us are free from sin, but we look to his life an dstrive,k no wi ng that if we love one ano
14、ther, god lives in us, and his love isperfected in us.” i f II tell you, i felt this spiritwhen i had the great honor of meeting his holiness, popefrancis,recently. i think it s fair to say thatthose of us of the Christianfaith, regardless of ourdenomination,have bee ntouched and moved by pope fran
15、cis. no w,some of it is his words -his messageof justice and in elusion, especially forthe poor and the outcast. he implores ustosee the in here nt dig nity in each huma n being. but it1 s also his deeds, simple yet profo un d-huggi ng the homeless man, and wash ing the feet of somebody who no rmall
16、yord inary folkswould just pass by on the street. he remi nds us that all of us, no matter whatour station, havea n obligati on to live righteously, and that we all have an obligati on to live humbly.becausethat s, in fact, the example that we profess to follow so i had a won derful con versati on w
17、ith pope francis, mostly about the 7 and i invited him to come when we exchanged gifts the joy of the gospel. “christ s imperatives ofaddressing poverty andinequality, tothe united states, and isincerely hope he will, he gave me a copy ofhis in spiri ng writi ngs, and there is a passage that speaks
18、to ustoday: resurrect ion, hewrites, is not an eve nt of the past; it contains a and he adds, jesus did not vital power which haspermeated this world. rise in vain, may wen ever remai n on the sideli nes of this march oflivi ng hope! so this morning, my main messageis just to say tha nk you to all o
19、f you, because you don trema in on thesideli nes. i want to tha nk you for yourm ini stries, for your good works, for themarch ing you do for justice anddignity and inclusion, for the ministries that all of you attendto and havehelped orga nize throughout your com mun ities each and every day to fee
20、dthehungry house the homeless and educate children and who so desperatelyneed an education.you have made a d if fere nee inso many different ways, not only here in the united states butoverseas aswell. and that includes a cause close tomy heart, my brother s keeper, an initiativethat we recently lau
21、nched to makesure that more boys and young men of color can overcomethe odds and achievetheir dreams. and we re joined by several faithleaders who are doing outstanding work in this areame ntori ng and help ing youn gme n in tough n eighborhoods. we* re alsojoined by someof theseyoung menwhoare work
22、ing hard and trying to be goodstude nts and good sons and goodcitize ns. and i want to say to each of those young men here, we re proud of you,and we expecta lot of you. and we 1 regoing to make sure that we 1 re there for you so that you then in turn willbethere for the next generation of young men. and i men ti on all this because ofall of our many part ners for my brotherf s keeper, itf s clergylike you and yourcongregations that can
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