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1、精品文档四年级英语上册补全对话练习题班级姓名(一)A:Whos this man?B:Who are they?C: Is this your mother?D: How many people are there in your family?E: Hes a doctor.A: This is my family photo.B:A: Nine.B:A: Hes my father.B: Whats your father?A:B:A:Yes,she is .She s a teacher.B:A:They are my grandpa and grand ma.B:They look y

2、oung.(二)A: Whats your sister?B: Is this the kitchenC: How many people are there in your family?D: Are they on the table?E: What would you like for Breakfast?A: Good morning,John.Welcome to my home!B: Wow,it s so big!A: There are four.Look ,my parents,my sister and me.B:A :She s a B:teacher. .A:Yes,i

3、tis.B:I d likesome vegetablesand noodles.A:Here you are. Your noodles.B:Thank you. Where are thechopsticks?A:B:No! Look,they are under the plate.(四) A:What s in it?B:What colour is it? C:May I have a look?D:Where is it?E:Is this a story book?A:Hello,I have a schoolbag.B:A:It s blue.B|:A:It s on the

4、chair.B:?A: Two pencil-cases,aB:ruler,many books.?A:Yes,it is .B:?A:Sure,here you are.2 欢迎下载精品文档一补全对话1.A. Where did you go the n?B. Peter was ill.So 1 went to hishome and help him with his less ons.C. I didn hear you at that time.D. Oh.1 don know.E. I didn like it at all,you know.A: What time did yo

5、u come home last ni ght, Tom?B: Maybe about half past eleve n.A:.B: Well. I came in quietly. I did nt want to wake you up, mum.A: Did you play the computer games?B: No. mumA:B: I went to a movie.A: Why did you come so late?Did the movie go on un til midni ght?B: No.A: Where did you go the n?B: Peter

6、 was ill. So I went to his home and help him with his less ons.C: I did n hear you at that time.D: Oh, I don know.E: I did nlike it at all, you know.2.A: 1B: They are talki ng about yesterdays football match.A: Oh. I watched it on TV. Did nt you watch it?B: 2. I did my homework and forgot the time.

7、When I turned on the TV, it had fini shed already.A: But Tianj in Team will play aga in this eve ning.B: 4.A: Sure. Y ou should finish your homework earlier if you want to watch it.Remember, 5.1.2. 3. 4. 5.1. What a pity!2. Work must come first.3. Can we watch it o n TV?4. What are they talki ng abo

8、ut?5. No, I didn .3.A: I went to Tibet with my family during May Day holiday.B: 1A: It was won derful! 2 I had a great time there.B: How did you make your trip?A: 3B: How long were you there?A: Only five days.B: What places did you visit?A: 4B: Did you try Tibeta n food there?A: 51.2. 3. 4. 5.A. By

9、pla ne.B. Yes, it was very differe nt from ours.C. The people there were very frien dly.D. Really? How was your trip.E. We visited some famous temples.补全对话练习题(选择正确的选项填入横线中)(一)A. Who this ma n?B. Who are they?C. Is this your mother?D: How many people are there in your family?E: He a doctor.A: This is

10、 my family photo.B:A: Nin e.B:A: He my father.B: What your father?A:B:A:Yes,she is .She a teacher.B:A:They are my gra ndpa and grand ma.B:They look young.(二)A: What your sister?B: Is this the kitchen ?C: How many people are there in your family?D: Are they on the table?E: What would you like for Bre

11、akfast?A: Good morning, Joh n. Welcome to my home!B: Wow, it so big!A: There are four. Look ,my pare nts, my sister and me.B:A :She a teacher.B:A: Yes, it is.9欢迎下载B: I like some vegetables and noodles.A: Here you are. Your no odles.B:Tha nk you. Where are the chopsticks?A:B:No! Look, they are un der

12、 the plate.(三)A:What sin it?B:What colour is it?C:May I have a look?D:Where is it?E:Is this a story book?A:Hello,l have a new schoolbag.B:A:It blue.B|:A:It son the ch air.B:?A: Two pen cil-cases, a ruler, many books.B:?A:Yes, it is .A:?B: Sure, here you are.课内补全对话、A. This is my new chair.B. This is

13、Joh n, our new classmate.C. It n ear the door.D. It n ice.E. Ready? Let go and have a look.Chen Jie: Hello, Zha ng Peng.Zha ng Peng:Hello, Joh n. We have a new classroom.Chen Jie:Joh n: Wow! It so big.Chen Jie: I have a new desk.Zhang Peng:Joh n: Look at the picture,Chen Jie:John: Where my seat?Zhan

14、g Peng:、A: What colour is your schoolbag?B: What in it?C: May I have a look?D: Thank you.E: What your name?A: Hello,B: My n ame is Che n Jie.A:B: It black and white.A:B: 12 story-books.A:B: Sure. Here you are.A:B: Y ou are welcome.三、A. And he is stro ng, too.B. We have a new teacher.C. What his name

15、?D. Look, this is his photo.E. Sure. Here you are.Joh n: Hello. Bai Ling.Bai Ling: An En glish teacher?Joh n: Yes. You re right.Bai Ling:Joh n: His n ame is Mr. Black.Bai Ling: May I have a look?Joh n:Bai Ling: Hestall.Joh n:四、A. Do you like your classroom?B. What are they?C. No, I don .D. How many

16、rooms do you have in your school?E. Yes, it is.A: Welcome to my school.B: Oh, itvery n ice and big.A: We have twenty rooms.B:A: A computer room, a library(图书馆),a music room( 音乐室),an art room(画室)and sixteen classrooms. B: Is this your classroom?A:B: Do you have a computer in it?A:B:A: Yes, I do.选择填空,

17、将其英文大写字母编号填在题前的括号里。()1. Can I help you? A. Wait and see.()2. What for lunch? B. I like some soup.()3. Can I have some rice? C. Yes, please.()4. What would you like? D. Y es, I do.()5. Do you like Chin ese food? E. Sure. Here you are.阅读理解。Sarah: I am hun gry, Dad. What for lun ch?Dad: Sorry, I don kn

18、ow. Your mom is cook ing in the kitche n.Sarah: Mom, What for lunch? Im very hungry.Mom: What about Chi nese food?Sarah: Great. I like Chin ese food. But I canuse chopsticks.Mom: You can try.Sarah: So what is it?Mom: Just wait and see. Pass me a plate, please.Sarah: Here you are.Mom: Thank you. Lunch ready. Look, we have dumpli ngs(饺子)today.Sarah: Mm ? Yummy!()1. Dad is in the kitc


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