



1、9保 护 野 生 动 植 物Wildlife ProtectionDinosaurs died out because of anunexpected incident. But wildlife today disappears or is in dan ger just because huma ns ddharm to it. For example, tigers arehunt ed for fur to make carpets so that they can only live in secure reserves; grassland is destroyed without

2、 mercy so that dust storms come into being affecting distant cities.Last year, scie ntists saw some mon keysub b ing themselves with acertain ki nd of insects to protect themselvesfrom fierce mosquito esbiting . According to the result of the inspection, they found that the insectcontain s a powerfu

3、l drug, so local farmers were employ ed to catch the in sects. Thending was that the in sects disappeared from the whole zone. Whe n told that it was aloss to huma ns, the farmersburst in to laughter and responded, “ Our real loss is olecreasing in come. ”We shouldappreciate the natural balance an p

4、ay more atte nti on to the importance of wildlife protection . Not until we succeed in letting wildlife live in peace, can we smilejn relief.恐龙因一次意外事件而灭绝,但是今天的野生动植物却是因为人类的伤害而消 失或处在危险中。例如,老虎被 猎杀以获取做地毯的皮毛,以致它们只能生活在 安 全的保护区里;草地被毫不 怜悯地破坏,以致沙尘暴开始影响遥远的 城市。去年,科学家观察到猴子在身上 擦某种昆虫来保护自己不受凶猛的蚊子的叮咬。 根据检查的结果,他们发现这

5、种昆虫 含有一种具有强大效力的药物,于是,当地的 农民都被雇来抓虫子。结果是,这种昆虫从这整个 地区都消失了。当被告知说这是 整个人类的损失时,农民们都突然大笑着回应道:“我们减少的收入才是我们真正 的损失呢!”我们应该意识到自然平衡的重要,更加注意野生动植物的保护。直到我们成功让 野生动植物安详平静地生活,我们自己才能如释重负 地笑开颜。Unit 4 Wildlife protection页眉内容第一组:1 Reserve 2 protecti on 3 Zone 4 In sects 5 affect 6 contain 7 mosquito 8 decreas ing 9 importa

6、 nee、请根据各句上下文的意义,选择正确的单词填入空白处 第一组:protection, decrease, reserve, zone, carpet, respond, distant, mercy, importanee,mosquito, in sect, contain, affect1 Wolong Nature, Sichua n Province is one home to pan das.2 Sun glasses can be ato your eyes aga inst the strong sun light on hot summerdays.3 Shenzhen

7、 Special Economicwas founded in 1980.)4 are small creatures with six legs and a body divided in to three parts.5 Sex and viole nee in TV playsthe developme nt of a child.6 Fresh fruit and vegetablesple ntiful Vitam in C.7 Why not hang anet over a bed to keep them away from you?8 The nu mber of the w

8、ildlife isas a result of being hun ted these days.9 Since the reform and ope ning to the outside world people have realized theoflearning a foreig n Ian guage.10 The train pulled out and soon disappeared in the.11 We should n ever showto our en emies.12 I wrote her a few letters but she didn tto the

9、m.13 Thewe bought yesterday was good quality and cheap as well.10 dista nee 11 mercy 12 resp ond 13 carpet第二组:appreciate, succeed, secure, in come, employ, bite, harm, in spect, in cide nt, fierce,dino saur, ending14 People say that barking dogs don t.15 A tiger is a verykind of animal. However, it

10、won t attack you if you16 Iit if you can teach me how to play computer games.17 I find it so hard to support a family of three on such a low.18 ObamaGeorge W Bush as Preside nt of the US as of Jan uary 20,2009.19 Readi ng in dim light does greatto your eyes.20 Scientists don t know for sure whydied

11、out suddenly 65 million years ag21 There was a shooti ngn ear my apartme nt last ni ght.22 The no vel gave its readers an un expected.23 The police had toforce to en ter the buildi ng where the hostage waskid napped.24 In formatio n must be stored so that it isfrom accide ntal deletion删除).25 All the

12、 milk must beto see if there exists melamine三聚氰胺).第二组:14 bite 15 fierce 16 appreciate 17 in come 18 succeeded 19 harm 20 din osaurs 21 in cide nt 22 ending23 employ 24 secure 25 inspected、把下列短语填入每个句子的空白处(注意所填短语的形式变化):die out in peacein dan ger (of) burst intolaughter protect from pay atte nti on toc

13、omeinto being accord ing to1 The new countryonly two years ago.2 At the story every one.3 The gover nment is doing its best tothose rare ani malsbeing hun ted.4 I had warned him of the possible dan ger, but he did n it. t5 Elepha nts wouldif men are allowed to shoot as many as they wished.6 Children s lives areevery time they cross the road.7 The two c


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