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1、balanced scorecard background overview & examples the bsc concept - 3 -capgemini proprietary and confidential measurement motivates behaviour “what you measure is what you get” “its not what you expect its what you inspect” “if you can measure it, you can manage it” the balanced scorecards (bsc) fun

2、damental premise is that measurement motivates behaviour - 4 -capgemini proprietary and confidential the scorecard differs substantially from traditional measurement approaches the bscs focus is on factors which create long-term economic value in an organisation, for example: customer focus. organis

3、ational learning. business processes. traditional accounting measures are by definition backward looking: financial measures only reflect the results of actions already taken. do not provide an indication of future financial performance. do not indicate desired performance. do not provide a basis fo

4、r planning and target setting. - 5 -capgemini proprietary and confidential criteria for a good balanced scorecard a good balanced scorecard will “tell the story” of your strategy 4cause and effect relationships: every measure should be part of a “cause and effect” chain to determine if the measures

5、correctly represents and drives the strategy. 4linked to financials: every measure selected should ultimately drive performance. focus on factors that create long-term value. a balance of lead and lag indicators: 4measures that create change: measures must cause the organisation to change its behavi

6、our in some way. company strategy as-is vision - 6 -capgemini proprietary and confidential clarifying and translating the vision and strategy strategic feedback and learning planning and target setting communication and linking feedback system used to test the hypotheses on which strategy is based.

7、strategy development is a continuous process. stretch targets are agreed. investments are determined by the strategy. annual budgets are linked to long-range plans. goal alignment exists from top to bottom. open communication of strategy is basis for employee empowerment balanced scoreboard the bala

8、nced scoreboard creates a strategic framework for action the strategy is the reference point for the entire management process. the shared vision is the foundation for strategic learning. - 7 -capgemini proprietary and confidential the balanced scorecard translates vision and strategy into four dime

9、nsions of performance “when we achieve our vision, how will our organisation learn and grow ?” “when we achieve our vision, how will we look to our business partners ?” “when we achieve our vision, how will our internal business processes operate ?” “when we achieve our vision, how will we look to o

10、ur shareholders ?” vision customers and partners financial/shareholder internal processes learning and innovation - 8 -capgemini proprietary and confidential for each of the four dimensions, objectives, measures and targets are explicitly defined financial / shareholder objectivesmeasurestargets cus

11、tomers and partners objectivesmeasurestargets internal processes objectivesmeasurestargets learning and innovation objectivesmeasurestargets vision - 9 -capgemini proprietary and confidential the linkage between the four dimensions is crucial in ensuring long-term success financial client satisfacti

12、on, efficient and effective delivery of services will deliver financial results. excellent processes and people will deliver client satisfaction. good people in efficient processes support effectiveness. you need good people, people processes and structure to achieve high performance. shareholder va

13、lue partners / customers internal processes learning & growth - 10 -capgemini proprietary and confidential alignment through the organisation will be achieved by cascading the scorecard high level scorecard business unit or departmental scorecards individual scorecards shareholder / parent / require

14、ments financial customers & partners internal processes vision learning & innovation financial customers & partners internal processes vision learning & innovation financial customers & partners internal processes vision learning & innovation financial customers & partners internal processes vision

15、learning & innovation - 11 -capgemini proprietary and confidential when implemented well, the benefits of balanced scorecard can be significant senior executives are focused and aligned around a small number of critical objectives and success measures. a simple, single management report makes progre

16、ss towards financial, customer, internal processes and learning objectives clearly visible. the plan-do-review principle establishes clear accountability for achieving objectives, for success and failure the bsc implementation establishes a strategic feedback / monitoring system that drives actions

17、to excel in critical performance indicators focus balanced performance accountability continuous improvement the bsc process - 13 -capgemini proprietary and confidential balanced scorecard design is only a component of the overall process scorecard designscorecard implementation / roll-out strategic

18、 intent develop & finalise objectives develop & finalise measures determine baselines and set targets incorporate scorecard review as key item in business management meetings manage business according to scorecard review/ refine score- card on a regular basis in conjunc- tion with strategy review pr

19、ocess align/plan initiatives according to scorecard develop and implement bu and section scorecards ensure scorecard alignment review & refine on an ongoing basis manage bu, section etc. according to scorecard format feedback to high level scorecard to ensure alignment corporate/shareholder input wh

20、ere relevant communicate scorecard to organisation cascade scorecard to individual level. to ensure individual focus and alignment. balanced scorecard business management process - 14 -capgemini proprietary and confidential the business management process (bmp) implements the balanced scorecard in a

21、 plan-do-review cycle link to higher level bsc financial learning and innovation internal processes customers and partners measures targets objectives link to lower level bsc link to higher level bmp / report link to lower level bmp / report review bsc take action: initiatives plans budgets measure

22、actuals against targets compile report target plan-do-review session determine root causes for variances define action steps pdr session what makes a good objective or measure - 16 -capgemini proprietary and confidential we need to have clear and communicated definitions of the bsc components object

23、ive: statement that defines what we must do to achieve the vision. linked to our strategy. measure: a numeric indicator that will indicate successful achievement of the objective. lead indicator indicates the likelihood of change (forward looking). lag indicator indicate that change has occurred (ba

24、ckward looking). target: value of the measure that we would like to achieve in a given time frame. must be achievable. - 17 -capgemini proprietary and confidential perspective a “good” balanced scorecard includes objectives, measurements and targets that promote change example: financial customer in

25、ternal learning business objectives shareholder value profit new revenue differentiation strategic alliances customer service productivity new product development segmentation people policy alliance management customer focus measurements % dividend growth operating margin revenue from new services t

26、arget market-share profits from alliances customer satisfaction revenue/work hour product development cycle time number of initiatives targeted at profitable segments management span of control number of “learning” partnerships” % management time interfacing with customers targets cpi + x% annually

27、top quartile 25% in three years number one $m in five years number one customer rating best-in-class within five years reduced by 50% in two years 60% within one year triple in three years 10 in five years 20% in two years accountabilities finance director ceo business development manager marketing

28、director business development manager marketing director coo research and development manager marketing director human resources director business development manager ceo . . . and clear accountabilities to ensure ownership. - 18 -capgemini proprietary and confidential the objectives define what the

29、 organisation must do to achieve the vision description of a good objective: linked to, and descriptive of a component of the vision/strategy. relevant to what the organisation wants to achieve. action orientated: start statement with a verb. measurable: there must be a manner in which we can determ

30、ine success in achieving the objective: clear and concise. understandable to the whole organisation. must be able to assign overall accountability to a single person. - 19 -capgemini proprietary and confidential measures must be the key indicators that register achievement of the objective the smart

31、 criteria defines a good measure: implerelatively easy to access, collate and calculate. easurablee.g: number of hours worked, lines installed, etc. actionableability to take action on variances to plan. elevantability to influence that which is being measured. imeousmust be determined/measured as f

32、requently as possible, or when relevant. the longer the delay in measuring the less the chance to allow timeous/appropriate action. - 20 -capgemini proprietary and confidential targets must be set for each measure, and define goals for the organisation to achieve criteria for a good target: must be

33、achievable. provide some stretch for the organisation. set for a good fixed time period. determine intermediate values, to evaluate progress. aligned with what the organisation wants to achieve. supported by and have buy-in of the executive team. the objectives, measures, targets and accountabilitie

34、s need to be defined at all levels of the organisation. - 21 -capgemini proprietary and confidential priority: effectively manage value adding processes formula: weighted ranking of total unit cost of production + plant reliability index + total staffing index + computerised instrumentation index +

35、total maintenance + sustaining capital index. source: site leadership for each objective and measure we will develop a precise definition . . . measure: cost excellence rating formula notes: a weighted index that gives a quartile performance cost excellence position. weightings to reflect their impo

36、rtance to each business. categories are 1st to 4th quartile rankings, as defined by external consultants at least every other year, but done yearly a comparative group is defined formula to be defined by type of plant relevant to their business need and value proposition. weightings may shift over t

37、ime. update frequency: annual action to implement: use blend of industry studies (e.g., solomon, mastio, chem systems, townsend), and analysis of one-on-one comparisons vs. leaders. may also use simplified benchmarks and models, as appropriate. effectively manage value adding processes: be the low c

38、ost provider of products and services by achieving competitive excellence in all our business processes. example objective: - 22 -capgemini proprietary and confidential perspective:internal processes measure:cost excellence rating . . . and an approach to setting targets effectively manage value add

39、ing processes: be the low cost provider of products and services by achieving competitive excellence in all our business processes. objective: frequency of meaningful update monthly annually quarterly measurement definition/formula (see also measurement profile): weighted ranking of total unit cost

40、of production + plant reliability index + total staffing index + computerised instrumentation index + total maintenance + sustaining capital index. approach to setting targets and/or developing measure if targets exist, identify source: target is to be top quartile. sites (types of plants) will need

41、 to select the key variables, weight them, and choose a suitable external benchmarking methodology. recommendations need to be agreed by business teams and leadership team target setting responsibility: manufacturing leadership/sbu accountability for results: manufacturing leadership tracking/report

42、ing responsibility: site leadership completion date: 1995 (some could be ready by january) linkage to businesses: through business teams, aligned with sbu strategy linkage to bt streams / initiatives: manufacturing capital investment excellence supply chain example example objectives and measures -

43、24 -capgemini proprietary and confidential generally, bsc objectives focus around key themes in each of the four areas financial/shareholder themes shareholder value. roi. profitability. turnover/revenue. learning & innovation themes attract, retain and motivate employees. clarify and communicate ro

44、les and responsibility. building skills. manage resources (leadership). knowledge management. internal process themes low costs. production efficiency. quality: iso compliance. safety. production volume. environment. process effectiveness. customers & partners themes retention. satisfaction. value-a

45、dded to customers. vision - 25 -capgemini proprietary and confidential the balanced scorecard should contain a balance of lead and lag indicators f1meet shareholder expectations f2improve operating performance f3achieve profitable growth return on equity combined ratio business mix c1 improve agency

46、 performance c2 satisfy target policyholders acquisition/retention (vs. plan) acquisition/retention (by segment) agency performance (vs. plan) policyholder satisfaction survey i1develop target markets i2underwrite profitably i3align claims with business i4improved productivity business mix (by segme

47、nt) loss ratio claims frequency claims severity expense ratio business development (vs. plan) underwriting quality audit claims quality audit headcount movement managed spending movement l1upgrade staff competencies l2access to strategic information staff productivity staff development (vs. plan) st

48、rategic i/t availability (vs. plan) objectives measures lead indicators (performance drivers) lag indicators (core outcome measures) learninginternalcustomerfinancial - 26 -capgemini proprietary and confidential area production manager director zone manager team leader sample target for specific tim

49、e window fromto 21 hours 19 hours reduce area cycle time from 22 to 8 days reduce overall cycle time from 73 to 28 days strategic business objective reduce zone cycle time from 7 to 3 days reduce team cycle time from 30 to 11 hours 5.1 days 4.6 days 17 days 15 days 48 days 44 days top-down and botto

50、m-up linkedplan actual quarterly time window target plan actual quarterly time window target plan actual quarterly time window target plan actual quarterly time window target objectives, measures and targets at each level have to be aligned top-down and bottom-up example: car manufacturer reduce ove

51、rall cycle time from 73 to 28 days - 27 -capgemini proprietary and confidential measures should be cascaded as with this railway utility managing director functional managers area managers department managers section managers work group, supervisors and staff business objective: “92% of trains to ar

52、rive within 5 minutes of published time” punctuality % leave on time maintain schedule crew available % trains available trains in wrong location trains rejected by operations % trains available right formed % trains operational % trains pending wheel sets % wheel sets to plan wheel lathe downtime e

53、xample bsc : telcosupp. - 29 -capgemini proprietary and confidential clientkey issues telcosupps vision is to be the most successful local telecommunications solutions provider producer and supplier of products in the telecommunications industry. vision is to be the most successful locally. alignmen

54、t of leadership to meet long-term goals. increasing customer demands. - 30 -capgemini proprietary and confidential the telcosupps bsc objectives were designed to support the vision financial / shareholder deliver sustainable growth in profitability. maximise shareholder value. ensure financial indep

55、endence by funding future growth and initiatives internally. organisational learning attract and retain appropriate skills. develop a learning culture. communicate effectively. apply employment equity principals. empower our employees. develop a company team spirit. define, communicate and live the

56、values. internal be the industry benchmark by any measure. invest in the right projects to ensure our future become a centre of competence. develop a balanced relationship with the parent company. business partners customer: increase market share. broaden customer base. improve service quality to ex

57、ceed customer expectations. build long term customer partnerships. alliances: pursue alliances to enable us in our market suppliers: build long term supplier relationships community: actively support southern african development a measurement system will assess progress towards the objectives. visio

58、n - 31 -capgemini proprietary and confidential benefitsconcerns comments on telcosupps bsc cascaded into the organisation to create focus. parent company has adopted bsc concept and suggested bsc development and implementation for other divisions. strong business partner and organisational learning

59、focus. high number of objectives (21). accountabilities rest with a few individuals. balanced scorecard comments - 32 -capgemini proprietary and confidential telcosupps bsc measures and accountabilities objectives financial deliver sustainable growth in profitability maximise shareholder value. agre

60、ed measure(s) operative profit on turnover. roce. eva. ensure financial independence by funding future growth and initiatives internally. cash flow accountability financial director financial director financial director business partners objectives market share index (aggregate segments) customers s


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