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1、 本科毕业论文 英国的民族个性 高贵与务实在饮食中的表现学生姓名: 学生学号: 200310206061 院 (系): 外国语学院 年级专业: 2003级英语本科4班 指导教师: 二七年五月british national characternobility and pragmatism reveal in food and drinkliujingunder the supervision ofchenshunjiangschool of foreign languages and culturespanzhihua universitymarch 2007contentsabstract.

2、ikey words.i摘要.ii关键词.iiintroduction.1i. nobility and pragmatism in british national character.2ii. nobility in british drinkafternoon tea.3 a. nobility in the origination and development of afternoon tea.3 b. nobility in the etiquette of afternoon tea6iii. pragmatism in british food and britishs foo

3、d conception.7 a. pragmatism in food materials and cooking methods7 b. pragmatism in britishs food conception.10iv. the significance of nobility and pragmatism in british food and drink.11conclusion.13acknowledgements.14bibliography.15abstractin british national character, there are two distinctive

4、aspects: nobility and pragmatism. britishs nobility and pragmatism is not acquitting themselves well in all aspect of social life, but also show themselves in the british food and drink.britain has a long food and drink culture. in the long development, british food and drink forms its own system an

5、d become an important part in the world. the character of nobility and pragmatism show themselves in many british foods and drink. the afternoon tea is the representative of showing nobility. pragmatism mainly embodies in the pursuing of nutrient in food material, the simple cooking method and the i

6、dea of eating of british.britishs nobility and pragmatism which reveal in british food and drink is significant. they give other countries people who have not been to britain a good impression. foreigners realize britishs nobility and pragmatism through britains food and drink and get a good impress

7、ion about britain. that good impression contributes to improvement of britains national status.key wordsnational character; nobility; pragmatism; british food摘要英国人的民族性格中有非常与众不同的两点:高贵与务实。英国人高贵与务实不仅表现在社会生活的方方面面,其中也包括表现在饮食方面。英国有很长的饮食文化历史,在漫长的发展过程中,英国饮食形成了自己的体系,也变成了世界饮食中重要的一部分,英国人民族个性中的高贵和务实在英国的许多食物中都得到

8、了表现,其中高贵品质主要表现在下午茶中,务实品质主要表现在对食物原料营养的追求,对简单烹饪方法的追求以及在饮食观上的体现。饮食中所表现出来的英国人民族个性中的高贵与务实有一个重要的意义。那就是给没有去过英国的外国人一种好的印象。外国人通过英国的饮食了解到英国人的高贵与务实使他们对英国产生一种好的印象。这种好的印象有助于英国国际地位的提高。关键词民族个性; 英国食物; 高贵; 务实introductionnobility and pragmatism are the two distinct aspects in british national character. the two are d

9、eveloping from british long history and give great impact to the society. they also influence british food and drink.britain is a notion who is crazy for nobility. in the british food and drink, afternoon tea is the most excellent representative to embody nobility, one of the reasons why afternoon t

10、ea is so popular is that enjoying afternoon tea just like enjoying a noble life. for most ordinary british that enjoying afternoon tea just likes enjoying a moment of noble life.british foods material cooking method and british peoples idea of eating embody britains pragmatism. they pursue nutrient

11、but not taste. british people do not care about taste. they believe nutrient is more important than taste.britishs nobility and pragmatism which display in british food and drink has a significant meaning. they give other countries people who have not been to britain a good impression. . that good i

12、mpression is a national treasure because it helps britain to improve its national status in the world.i. nobility and pragmatism in british national characterthere are two things which differ remarkably in the english national character: nobility and pragmatism. the juxtaposition of the two features

13、 is rather rare in other countries as well as their national characters. they are the most important two features which distinguish the english nation out of others.nobility, part of the english national character, is generally recognized. the reason for the formation of the unrivaled nobility dates

14、 back to the period one thousand years ago when england was invaded by france. the french aristocrats disdained the populace of england. they were unwilling to live like these english common people. though their own special life style and experience, the french aristocrats displayed their nobility.

15、for the ancient englishmen, the graceful life style of the french aristocrats was different from their own coarse or harsh life style. such a noble life was the aspiration for the entire anglo-saxon nation. this is the root of the englishmens longing for graceful life. in the following years, this p

16、eculiar aspiration of the english people has gradually turned into a national habit. the monarchy existed in england more than one thousand years. the upper class always has great influence on the average people. the english society pursues the noble life of the upper class with the greatest enthusi

17、asm of the world. the english people regard it as some kind of vogue. though the pursuit of aristocratic, they have already brought the quality of dignity into the standard to judge whether a man is well educated. after more than one thousand years accumulation, the quality of nobility has branded d

18、eeply on the mind of both the english aristocrats and the populace. as a result, nobility has become a very important part of the english national character nowadays. pragmatism, which is an indispensable part of the english national character, is generally recognized. it is a nation where daydream

19、and empty talks can hardly existed. people there like to try their best to realize what they think about. in the history of the country, english people always emphasize the spirit of pragmatism. especially in the period of industrial revolution, the quality of pragmatism has been full demonstrated.

20、they did all kinds of creation and invention with the spirit of pragmatism. from the invention of various machines to the progress of politics, science and literature, the quality of pragmatism developed tremendously during that period. the change which took place in every aspect of the country enha

21、nces the importance of pragmatism in the mind of english people. consequently, pragmatism becomes one of the most valued qualities of english people. even today, england is still one of the most powerful countries in the world. its prosperity is indispensable with the quality of pragmatism. the two

22、distinctive aspects in national character show themselves in all aspects of the society. at the same time, nobility and pragmatism reveal themselves on british food and drink.ii. nobility in british drinkafternoon teathere is a lot of british beverage producing impact on noble manner of aristocracy,

23、 especial afternoon. afternoon tea is the very representative.a. nobility in the origination and development of afternoon teaafternoon tea began in victoria times. a noble woman felt very dull at afternoon. on some days afternoon, she got very hungry. so she asked her servant to give her a cup of te

24、a and some sandwiches. then, she sat on a comfortable chair and ate sandwiches slowly. in the process of eating she found it was really making her pleasant. that time was no longer dull. thus she decided to drinking tea and eating food in every days afternoon. the long afternoon became more interest

25、ing because of afternoon tea. later when her friends went t her house she entertained them tea and cakes in afternoon. all of her guests liked such kind of entertainment. gradually, drinking afternoon tea became popular in aristocracy. after many years, ordinary people were also drinking afternoon t

26、ea too.in the long development, afternoon tea is the proud. now it becomes popular in the world. in fact, the most popular style to drink tea is high tea but high tea is often a misnomer. most people refer to afternoon tea as high tea because they think it sounds regal and lofty, when in all actuali

27、ty, high tea, or” meat tea is dinner. high tea, in britain, at any rate, tends to be on the heavier side. after british took afternoon tea to america, american hotels and tea rooms, on the other hand, continue to misunderstand and offer tidbits of fancy pastries and cakes on delicate china when they

28、 offer a high tea. afternoon tea (because it was usually taken in the late afternoon) is also called low tea because it was usually taken in a sitting room with drawing room where low tables (like a coffee table) were placed near sofas or chairs generally in a large withdrawing room.britain is a tea

29、-drinking nation. every day british drink 165 million cups of the stuff and each year around 144 thousand tons of teas are imported. tea in britain is traditionally brewed in a warmed china teapot, adding one spoonful of tea per person and one for the pot. most british like their tea strong and dark

30、 and with add a lot of milk. about one hundred years ago, britain gradually developed into a system of making tea. at that time people thought the milk should poured into the cup first, so as not to crack the porcelain. the traditional way of making tea is:1. boil some fresh cold water. 2. put some

31、hot water into the teapot to make it warm. 3. pour the water away 4. put one teaspoon of tea-leaves per person, and one extra tea-spoon, into the pot. 5. pour boiling water onto the tea. 6. leave for a few minutes. 7. serviceit is amazing that a plain afternoon tea has such complicated procedure. th

32、at complicated procedure has a close relationship with british tradition. watching carefully the method to making afternoon tea, people will find every step are courteous and not fall into a flutter. it seems that the traditional afternoon tea cares about how to show a series of noble manner but not

33、 care how complicated the procedure is. such custom comes from britains tradition of nobility. british are particular about their life and pay attention to education and bearing. they think drinking tea could show their bearing. britain is a country which attaches importance to tradition of noble. t

34、hey used to show their noble in the life. so, the afternoon tea can be considered as the time to show their bearing.those are three different afternoon teas: cream tea, light tea, full tea. everyone has its different taste. some have heavy taste and some are light; some have cream and some have swee

35、t. everyone could choose the best according to his taste. such difference proves british are particular about their life quality. a noble woman who lived in victoria times was the first one who enjoyed afternoon tea. then the afternoon tea became a trend. at last it developed into a custom of the wh

36、ole nation. although afternoon tea has not been confined to the noble, but its noble origination decided its noble blood. in fact, in ordinary britishs eyes that drinking tea is a noble movement. people transmit the noble element carefully which lives in the afternoon tea. a districts food and drink

37、ing culture infect the local people in some degree. in the passed hundred years, both noble and common people both were influenced by noble manner of afternoon tea deeply. it is not only that british enjoyed their life when they drink afternoon tea, but also they are just taking shape a national nat

38、urelooking for the noble character. in england, the traditional time for tea was four or five oclock and no one stayed after seven oclock. most tea rooms today serve tea from three to five oclock. the menu has also changed from tea, bread, butter and cakes, to include three particular courses served

39、 specifically in this order.savories - tiny sandwiches or appetizersscones - served with jam and devonshire or clotted creampastries - cakes, cookies, shortbread and sweetbritish people are so loving their tea, even the afternoon tea becomes a national movement at about 5clock in afternoon. today br

40、itish families do not have time for afternoon tea at home, but in the past it was a tradition. it became popular about one hundred and fifty years ago, when rich ladies invited their friends to their houses for an afternoon cup of tea. they started offering their visitors sandwiches and cakes too. s

41、oon everyone was enjoying afternoon tea. therefore, the authentic afternoon tea has a series of etiquette. when they are drinking afternoon tea, they show their polite thoroughly. no matter the noble or ordinary people, who want to drink afternoon tea he or she must know the etiquette of afternoon t

42、ea. b. nobility in the etiquette of afternoon teathe etiquette of drinking afternoon is as follows. pick up your cup and saucertogether - holding the saucer in one hand and cup in the other. the best way to hold a tea cup is to slip the index finger through the handle, up to almost the first knuckle

43、, then balance and secure the cup by placing the thumb on the top of the handle and allowing the bottom of the handle to rest on the middle finger. hold the cup lightly, by the handlethe pinky doesnt have to be extended (contrary to popular belief, the ring and pinkie fingers should not be extended,

44、 but should rest by curving gently back toward your wrist). hold the saucer under the cup while people sip tea.when stirring the tea, please do not make noises by clink the sides of the cup while stirring. gently swish the tea back and forth being careful no to touch the sides of the cup if possible

45、. never leave the spoon in the cup and be sure not to sip the tea from the spoon either. after stirring, place the spoon quietly on the saucer, behind the cup, on the right hand side under the handle. milk is served with tea, not cream. cream is too heavy and masks the taste of the tea. although som

46、e pour their milk in the cup first, it is probably better to pour the milk in the tea after it is in the cup in order to get the correct amount. when serving lemon with tea, use lemon slices, not wedges. either provide a small fork or lemon fork for the guests, or have the tea server can neatly plac

47、e a slice in the teacup after the tea has been poured. be sure never to add lemon with milk since the lemons citric acid will cause the proteins in the milk to curdle. because of afternoon tea firstly prevail in aristocracy, so it must succeed to the etiquette of the noble people.now in some degree

48、people can say the etiquette of afternoon tea is complex. during the time people drink tea, people have to abide by the processes and be attention to what people should do or what people should not do. though the etiquette is tiresome, the humble people always like to pursue it. because they think i

49、t is a noble style. in britain history, the humble people are always tending to imitate nobles life style. in 19th century, with the rising of the bourgeoisie the britains economy, society and culture were changed. the new richer wanted to mould their new statues of society desperately. because they

50、 desired change their past image. so, trends imitating of culture, imitating nobles life style were popular in british society. everyone can see todays britain; upper-class is still deeply influencing todays country. and now, more and more lower-class people inherit upper-class noble character. the

51、whole nation has this kind of ideai want to be a noble.iii. pragmatism in british food and britishs food conceptionthere are many kinds of food in britain. the most famous food includes dessert and pub food. those foods materials and cooking method could embody britishs pragmatic.a. pragmatism in fo

52、od materials and cooking methodsbritish food is pay important attention to nutrient. so, british adopt a variety of raw materials. in the british food, those foods who adopt a single material are very few. generally speaking, almost all food uses many different materials. those materials include veg

53、etable, fruits, rice, flour, meet, milk, egg and so on, which almost cover all of the raw materials of food. now, there list some foods ingredient and cooking method. from them that people could find british food adopt a variety of food materials. hasty pudding is a simple and quick (thus the name)

54、steamed pudding of milk, flour, butter, eggs, and cinnamon. bakewell pudding is also called bacustard - a thick, rich, sweet mixture made by gently cooking together egg yolks, sugar, milk or cream, and sometimes other flavorings. most people today use a yellow powder mixed with milk, water and sugar

55、. semolina pudding is a smooth, creamy pudding made of milk, eggs, flavoring and sugaring. semolina is cooked slowly in milk, sweetened with sugar and flavored with vanilla and sometimes enriched with egg. semolina pudding can be served with raisins, currants or sultanas stirred in or with a dollop

56、of jam.yorkshire putting is not usually eaten as a dessert like other puddings but instead as part of the main course or at a starter. yorkshire pudding, made from flour, eggs and milk, is a sort of batter baked in the oven and usually moistened with gravy.the traditional way to eat a yorkshire pudding is to have a large, flat one filled with gravy and vegetables as a starter of the meal. then when the meal is over, any unused puddings should be served with jam or ice-cream as a dessert.pie and mash with parsley liquor is a very traditional east end london meal. the original pies were mad


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