已阅读5页,还剩9页未读 继续免费阅读




1、Unit 1 1.(I was) I had just the feeling of a newcomer to college without the strength only an experienced student might possess. 2.(my airs) My apparent confidence 3. (a little)Some food to appease my hunger 4.(running) Going with the tide of the majority was no longer crucial to your success in col

2、lege 5.(massive) Foolish and glaring mistakes II.Distress; clutched; pose; sneaked; preoccupation; shackles; curse; deliberation III.Assure; discretion; relaxation; humiliate; strategy; embarrassment; maneuverable; maturity IV.Lived up to; headed for; seek out; has broken out; grope for; trying on;

3、go out to; tipped off IV. 1. I spent the aft V.1.vague/indistinct; 2.carefully/meticulously; 3.self-restraint/self-control; 4.clever/intelligent/sensible; 5.manner/behaviour; 6.excited/agitated; 7.sneak; 8.mature/sophisticatedUnit 2 1. (worked himself)died from self-motivated overwork; 2.(conceivabl

4、y) most likely, the highest position in the company; 3.(of no) with no specific skills wanted by employers;4.(researching) trying to discover facts about his father; 5. (a heart attack)a person suited by nature for heart-attack .Fill in the blank in each sentence with a word taken from the box in it

5、s appropriate form. Survived; grabs; discreetly; deceased; obituary; conceivably; board; classics; executives .windowed; nerves; precisionist; competitiveness; execution; presided; marital; accompanied .died of; stay up; cares for; straightened out; picked out; given up; grabbed at; considered forUn

6、it 3 1. (agreeable)pleasant/comfortable; practically2.(extravagant)very long; (place of) physical exercises3.(had this)was made to realize this 4.(decided to)decided not to have coffee and instead to go(to the bookstore) 5.(enterained)held in mind II.Negotiated; debonair; dodging; notion; compact; c

7、ontortion; thrive; undertaking III. disagreeable; eccentricity; acquainted; ridicule; triumphal; deficiencies; woefully; contorted IV.Going about; going through; pops out; pace off; pulled up; dug out; stroll up to; habituated toUnit 4v 1.(we would turn)we should morally too strict with ourselves to

8、 enjoy life; 2. (that overshadowed)that made all other questions less significant; 3. (the fun)counting fun as the most important quality in life; 4. (the epitome of)the best example of having fun; 5. (like a virus)like something more than simple of having funv II. Fill in the blank in each sentence

9、 with a word taken from the box in the proper form.v 1-4 overshadows; traipse; fetish; flunked; 5-8 swilling; flicked; epitome; licentiousness; v III. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate forms of the given words.v Insured; underserved; generosity; benefits; regrettable; mirthful; blasphemy; reve

10、rencev IV.Fill in the blank in each sentence with an appropriate phrasal verb or collocation taken from the text.v turn into; occurred to; end up; step up; pay back; look forward to; look for; managed toUnit 5 I. Explain the underlined part in each sentence in your own words. 1. (earth-shattering)ve

11、ry important/shocking/traumatic 2. (spare the others)avoid hurting the others feelings/avoid doing something that would upset the other person; 3. (shapping or)modifying the truth/telling the turth with a favorable emphasis or slant; 4.(a slipperyslope) a course of action which can easily lead to so

12、mething unacceptable, wrong or disastrous; 5. (at all costs)under any circumstances/whatever might happen; II.supportive; perceived; prevarication; astounded; undermine; faltered; fibs; volunteered. III.unethical; feigned; unsparing; cynical; confoundedly; lubricated; entangled; willfui IV.Fill in t

13、he blank in each sentence with an appropriate phrasal verb or collocation taken from the text. Cover up; blurted out; set up; find out; wear/wore down; specializes in; professes to; complimented.on Unit6 I.(pounding)extremely intense; (the rule of thumb)the practical principle; (as per)just like; fo

14、llowing the example of ; (Chances are)probably; quite likely; (broken the ice)made a start despite the difficulty II.epic; squalid; veritable; pounded; aroma; evolved; lyrics; claimed III.imponderables; poetic/poetical; accidentally; unsought; cuddliest; juicy; disorientated; versed IV.Fill in the b

15、lank in each sentence with an appropriate phrasal verb or collocation taken from the text. conjures up; 2.dealt with; 3.seek out;4.think of; 5.ended/started with; 6.break.up; 7.relates to; 8.came up with Unit7 the chaser I. Explain the underlined part in each sentence in your own words. 1.(as nervou

16、s as a kitten)feeling very much worried and afraid; 2.(I sell has)everything I sell could be dreamed as extraordinary; 3.(imperceptible)difficult to notice; 4.(extend far beyond) much more lasting than momentary impulse; 5.(in a rapture)with enthusiasm II. Fill in the blank in each sentence with a w

17、ord taken from the box in the proper form. Creaky; peered; acquaintance; detachment; raptures; giddy; overwhelmed; obliged III.obscurity; acquainted; perceptible; apprehension; indifferent; rapt; overwhelmingly; disobliging IV. Save up; care about; indulges in; reached for; peered about; deals in; w

18、as substituted; better off Unit 8 knowledge and wisdom I. Explain the underlined part in each sentence in your own words. 1.(take account of)consider(when judging a situation)/take into consideration, (attach to)give proper value to each/attach adequate importance to each; 2.(No doubt) Certainly/ver

19、y probably, brought a good and helpful effect to mankind, in reality/in actual situations; 3. (descend to less)Talk(disapprovingly) about something less worthy or less important, destroy or ruin each other; 4.(bound up with) connect with/dependent on; 5.(in proportion)accordingly II. Fill in the bla

20、nk in each sentence with a word taken from the box in the proper form. pursue, ceased; attainable; enmity; populous; surpassed; impartial; appallingly III. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate forms of the given words. beneficiaries; undesirable; horizontally; descendants; increasingly; philosoph

21、ical; unduly; standardization IV. 1.required of; 2.sought to; 3.descended to; 4.put first; 5.contributed to; 6.engage in; 7.conferred.upon; 8.bound up with Unit9 Chinese food I. Explain the underlined part in each sentence in your own words. 1.(spiritual)emotional strength to do what one believes to

22、 be right; 2.(fuel)material used to produce power; sth. Used to keep the body functioning; 3. (inferior brand)lower-class type; 4.(procession)a number of dishes that are served one after another in an orderly way; 5.(ad such)by themselves II Fill in the blank in each sentence with a word taken from

23、the box in the proper form. fastidious; ecstasies; lavish; elusive; phenomenal; proceeding; enterprise; contrived III. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate forms of the given words. disregard; authoritative; ubiquity; desirable; piquancy; ceremonially; gluttonous; derivation IV.Fill in the blank

24、in each sentence with an appropriate phrasal verb or collocation taken from the text. come off; conform to; derived/derives from; attend to; sprung up ; came about; proceed with; lavishing.on Unit 10 the transaction I.1.(bohemian) unconventional; 2. (circulate)socialize; 3.(revelation) dramatic disc

25、losure of something not previously known or realized; 4. (vulnerable)sensitive to the stimulus in life, sharply aware of expressing their natural feelings in an artistic way; 5. (achieve the greatest)serve the writers purpose most effectively and efficiently; II.1-4 transaction; cluttered; arduous;

26、humanity; 5-8 committed; gusto; bewildered; solitary; III.1-4 drudgery; uncirculated; asocial; unmentionable; 5-8 irresistibly; intensive; exclamations; literary; IV.1-4 stick to; fiddling with; took up; hang out; 5-8 run away from; going broke; bring along; drawn into; Unit 11 On becoming a better

27、student I. Explain the underlined part in each sentence in your own words. 1.view again at another time from a different perspective; 2.with immense pleasant surprise;3. be provided with ready answers and ideas; 4.do pioneering work; 5.Dont let the knowledge you have acquired be a hindrance to your

28、learning of something new II. Fill in the blank in each sentence with a word taken from the box in the proper form. Precedence; stigma; proportional; strain; pertinent; injurious; relevance; therapy III. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate forms of the given words. Substantial; motivation; commi

29、tted; restrictions; subtle; thrilling; complacently; unprecedented IV.Fill in the blank in each sentence with an appropriate phrasal verb or collocation taken from the text. Goes out of the way; breaking through; consists of; hold on to; object to; live up to; gave up; based on V.1.demonstrate/revea

30、l/manifest; 2.flexible; 3.interesting/extraordinary/outstanding; 4.abandon/yield/renounce; 5.lead; 6.dissatisfaction/discontentment; 7.mild/gentle; 8.harry/pester/harass VI. Explain the underlined phrasal verbs in your own words. Submitted; take care of; attentive in; written in honor of; accept; so

31、 involved; enthralled; began considering Grammar exercise I. Being; to spend, to make; Hearing/To hear; To complete; to be; to be; to sit, to hear, howling; Teasing; Playing; Learning III. sitting at the back; for you to do as you are told; to swim across the Channel; to hear that he had already lef

32、t the company; To open the window; to trifle with; Being a qualified plumber,Paul had no difficulty in finding the leak; ever written; Left to himself,he usually gets the job done quickly; Hoping to find the will,she searched everywhere. IV.1.to his working,living; 2.having; 3.to stealing; 4.from do

33、ing; 5.for playing;6. for doning; 7.being talked; 8.on becoming,from putting; for making. V.1.up for; 2.out; 3.to; 4.out of; 5.up against; 6.round to; 7.in with; 8.on 我们甚至可能期望他们是技能与知识的宝库,取之不尽,我们可以随意享用. 这些看似枯燥的品质(我们常常羡慕别人拥有它们),给我们带来的是圆满完成某事后的满足感,或者接受一个挑战并且胜出后所感到的兴奋. 在铺好的坦途和我们通常会为自己造好的坚固建筑之外,有潜伏的魔鬼、摇晃

34、的根基-以及我们从未感受过的快乐。 继续深入可能意味着停滞不前,意味着更加耐心地向前走,或者意味着往我们人生中其他尚不成熟的领域投入更多的时间。 Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets. 1.He felt heavily weighted with such high expectations from his parents. 2.He interpreted the incident in a favorable light. 3.I detest him,

35、 for he often goes out of his way to backbite others. 4.Many religious teachings urge people to transcend the mundane success. 5.Personal initiative is one of the essential elements in promoting your career. 6.I dont think it is a good method of teaching to spoon-feed students. 7.I will spare no eff

36、orts to accomplish the task by the end of the next month, for I dont want to suffer from the stigma of having broken my promise. 8.Ive got much information pertinent to the new policies in education. 好学生显示出许多优秀的品质,在这些品质中极为重要的有好奇心、自制力和主动性。他们对各种各样的事物有着盎然的兴趣,总是观察外部世界,从眼前发生的事情中学到东西。伴随其好奇心的是“研究精神”,因为他们把学

37、习过程看作是一种研究。他们在角度新颖的观察和辛勤钻研的基础上,形成一种新的理解。他们清楚地知道一分耕耘一分收获,并且相信,没有不懈的努力,难以倡导学习的美味果实,任何巨大的成就都来自于无数小的积累。他们总是乐于迎接困难的挑战,主动探索各种可能性,通过时间寻求自己的答案,而不是等待老师给他们现成货,因为他们从来拒绝填鸭式教育。当然,有抱负的上进学生应该充分注意一些要点。比如他们应该上课认真投入,避免迟到。并重视建设性的批评。 Dictation: A study of art history might be a good way / to learn more about a culture

38、/ than is possible to learn in general history classes. / Most typical history courses concentrate on politics, economics, and war. / But art history focuses on much more than this/ because art reflects not only the political values of a people, / but also religious beliefs, emotions, and psychology

39、. / In addition, / information about the daily activities of our ancestors / or of people very different from our own / can be provided by art. / In short, / art expresses the essential qualities of a time and a place, / and a study of it clearly offers us a deeper understanding / than can be found

40、in most history books. Fill in each blank in the passage below with one word you think appropriate. Used; first; have; going; with; offended; rather; sign; being; address; rule; would Unit12 Take over,Bos n! IV.1.to the nine men,.I was no longer a man or officer.I mean to them a gun that would shoot

41、 them if they drank the water. As he was extremely thirsty, Barrett had lost his reason and was not able to drink any more. I.1.at such a short distance;from a place that was so near(to the other nine men) I wasnt important; 3.coldly planning/scheming; 4.give up reluctantly; 5.weakening II.gulp; gro

42、wls; clog; Hefting; mirage; sunken; craving III.paralyze; brutalities; wreckage; judgmental; disadvantageous; uncountable; scorcher; commanding; IV.give in to; sleep away; hold out; hold off/keep away; keeled over; take over; looked forward to; prop up V.1.plump/chubby/fleshy; 2.burn; 3.block/choke;

43、 4.shaven; 5.attentive; 6.jeer/scoff; 7.gentle/meek/mild; 8.lift/hoist VI.resist; have; match with; satisfies; cover up; settle; have prejudice against; prohibit the dissemination of Grammar I.1.child去掉2.such a tradition-one; 3.of the people去掉; 4.novels去掉;5. tea and coffee-both; 6.they should have b

44、een flying in tight formation-as they should have been like it去掉; 8.out of town by then去掉 II.1.their,it,them,it; 2.here; 3.then; 4.Neither;5.ones; 6.help you去掉; 7.nails去掉; 8.none III.didnt know,wouldnt/couldnt understand; had; spend,wont have; will open; could,would; will/shall be; had not been; wer

45、e, would go IV.a; a; the; an; the; the; the; a; the; the; the; V.1.A Briton falls to his . A woman. An Olympic. The UN . The longest. The Iraqi. A 95-year-old. A clinic in. Translation: 然而,我能从他们布满血丝的眼睛里看出,为了那几滴水,他们真恨不得把我杀了. 我心里明白,一旦水没了,我们就没有什么盼头了,只有等死. 我面前的9个人是一群胡子拉碴、衣不蔽体的野兽,我自己的摸样呢,很可能与他们一样糟糕。 他的头脑

46、由于口渴已经疯狂了。 A man living at close quarters with fear cannot possibly feel happy. He felt greatly depressed,for misprints glared from so many pages of his newly published book. A man of calculating nature likes to play tricks,but tends to lack much wisdom. The old man is wondering why so many girls cr

47、ave to become pop stars. I consider it an inhumane act to jump upon others blunders. He often taunted his brother in an arrogant voice and called the latter an ignorant coward. In the scorching heat,the girl in delicate health suddenly keeled over. Over the past five years,the city has been sprawlin

48、g out in all directions. 我们在海上漂了大约20天,我也近3天竭力不让自己合眼了.但是,我恐怕撑不了多久了.我一打瞌睡,另外9个人就会立刻扑向放在我的双腿下的最后那只水壶.那里装着所有剩下的水.我知道那水是我们的希望.这就是为什么我不顾各种咒骂和咆哮,非得设法让这些水存在尽可能长的时间.现在,另外9个人眼睛正盯着我脚下的水壶.巴勒特看上去好似在催我立刻把水分配个大家.他已经失去理智了.他试图站起来,但我用枪对准他的胸口,迫使他再次坐下去.跟他们一样,我也十分渴望喝点水.但是,我是指挥员,是一个不得不动脑子的人.这就是我与他们之间的差异.然而,现在我的眼皮太沉了,实在撑不

49、开了.我喃喃地说了句:接过去吧,水手长,便睡着了.我醒来时,看见巴勒特跪在我身边,一只手拿着水壶,另一个手握着枪.我不能相信我的眼睛:难道他们没有把水给喝了?巴勒特一定看出了我的心思,你说:接过去吧,水手长.不是吗 ?他问道,我一直不让这群畜生碰那点水呢.当你成了指挥员,要对其他人负责的时候,你一定会用一种新的眼光来看待事物. Dictation Envision an ideal place / to live or run a business, / a friendly, safe and secure community / with large areas of open space

50、 / and extensive entertainment and recreational facilities. / Finally, picture this community continually moving around the world. / You are beginning to understand the Freedom Ship concept of / a massive ocean-going vessel. / With a design length of 4,500 feet, / a width of 750 feet, / and a height

51、 of 350 feet, / Freedom Ship would be more than 4 times longer / than the Queen Mary. / The design concepts include a mobile modern city / featuring luxurious living, / an extensive duty-free international shopping mall, / and a full 1.7 million-square-foot floor / set aside for various companies /

52、to showcase their products. II.bottom; as; ship; ancient; led; within; for; dated; who; century; region; previously Unit13.Our schedules, our selves IV.1.New technology has arrived in an explosive manner and produced a significant impact on our way of life.It should have saved us from routine,as it

53、enables us to do our work more efficiently,but in fact it has subjected us even more to plans, as it has made scheduling easier. Our life has been filled up with plans so full that we have lost our spare time and the chance for any natural and spontaneous activities.Our life, therefore, seems boring

54、 and meaningless. Be sure to set aside some free moments,hours or even days,and you must not be tempted to fill them with any appointments. I.leave/skip;planned in detail; experience hardship ; with little time for preparation; from the very beginning II.onerous; recourse; onslaught; preordained; sa

55、voring; instantaneous; corralled; culprit III.nonscheduled/unscheduled; defiance; spontaneity; vacationers; inequality; rhythmic; minimize; serendipitous IV.hemmed in; loaded up; fell through; get away with; missed out on ; ratcheted up; opened up; think back on V.exhausting/wearying/fatiguing; simp

56、le/plain/spartan; deceleration/slowdown; induce/generate; meager; soothing/pleasant; reactionary/conservative; shrink/dwindle/diminish VI.prove; done; throwing away; help(you)with; succeeded; is formed by; included; continuously troubled Grammar I.noy only.but also; either/neither.or/nor; and; or so

57、; and; neither nor; but II.the recorded history of mankind is only 6000 or 7000 years,but within that short period od time many civilizations have risen and fallen.The people of the Nile Valley created a high culture, and so did the people of the Tigris-Euphrates Valleys,but both of these cultures disappeared.They were absorbed into the Greco-Roman culture that dominated the Mediterranean


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