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1、语帆术语宝的单双语术语提取操作流程、单语提取,设置原文和译文语种,输入原文文本(txt格式)提取术语2结聲晞选原宜语神译宜潜种.掘的标赛我的收酒标汪迭择原宜语神译宜潜种.掘的标赛我的收酒标汪迭择英 16: |笥佯中文 |盘计专业术语中英.“术语虽漏示专利术诣150亍”中英(0112)血軸人文*上愷文件In the course of hearing, sound waves ariter the auditory canal and strike the eardrixn, causing 曲 to vibrate. Ttis sound waves aie concentrated by p

2、assing ttcxn a reJativety large area (tne eardrum) thrDugh the osacles to a relativel/ small op&fing l&ading to Vie inner ear. Here the Gtirrup vibrates, sotting in motion the fluid cf the cochlea. The alternating changes of pressuno agitate tfte basilar rnembrane on wfiiuh the oran ot cortex rests,

3、 movinfl the ftar cells, TMs movement sUmulates the sensory luir cells to 3nd impulses along |届 auditory fterwe to the brain.(2)上传单语txt文档找的收嚴专利朮语150于_中英CB.12) xte上传文件 - 忒语提皿演示.欄重置(3)点击提取”显示术语提取结果询频;s球语肌ft球语来涯earclrLimhar cellsinrurearsunupbaalar msbene聲云嚅标注 零云;K标注 云虻注 聲却t标注 云靖标注 X曾能皿 云冷标注 y凝 零云瀚标注云墻

4、标注 骞云端标注文件*出(4)针对上述提取结果筛选或修改译文,待确定后导出.xIs或.tbx术语文档结* (共提取動34条术话)术JSJ5文术语译文(仅供參考) 有MT译文2 eardrum文件导出*云绥标注云鋼标注云諛标注云甜标注云嵐标注X智能提取云竣标注云第标注云Ml标注云鋼标注云8*标注云3标注在经保存、双语提取(1)进入双语提取术语页面,上传tmx格式文档具它榕式完威立件*Choose F e Mr.昭体中文英语女卓骨施塩划的程序血稈管理乘统Android rrtelligient lemimai applicatkMi nemote nrianagiefnent system本发明埜

5、幵了 一幷安卓智絵终端的程用远程背逹Sifi,The naseni invonnon 社 rsdases an 加曲md intelligent termml apptcatlQn remote mn 旳削nant system.赳含 应用监満臓,所述的应用监测模戎设*在宣卓粮畀圧,谀 应州监期機城为乘喊孫务模块;远科復配噪决,所述的眶程控制 樓块设在云mts.谨回8控制鼻块与蛊用监藹根坎远科通 信.南谨能应用竖滇楼览接收氓程控制按或弦于并逬行魅摧他*閒TMrisin勺:加宜“ilcfflS 币卯怕ring mMiuie. wiieteln the awbcation monitorinfl

6、module is set al an Android frairewcKk laer and ih& 即plication mcnitcnngi module ns a systam-lovl service mW色;and a namota coninol rrnxhjl. wherein ih& remoile oontrol module is set at a cIchjcS server the remote control mocfule commLFiirales remotely with the application monrrtwing module, and ide

7、afabon momtorlng module recGlwos an ln$iFucticri Rrw me renwe ccrnw module nd pertorm$ sata transmiaswi.山发明我能遊免$思京丼特31是企业密文件的池JK.只舷企业 何瞬应用逬行现范化爵理,也讨其它来濟射应用逬行扫描帀鱼,为 用户提供安士的畏作环復.The pnesent invention cam both prevenl Irakage of sensitive files. 晖p右tally at canlldential fal聘 in entsrpn&ss. and mplcmant swidardized rnwgemenE g)皿舸世1al enteiprig,and also can scan and exam applica/tionsi from attw sources, providing users with a secure opsrating lafwironmenL(2)点击提取”显示术语提取结果,可修改或删除术语点击术碼亲目可凤示抠書出业madJemmilM轉Q邛ptcEns目anna 1术 ia 磁 t ifii -1I词赣工-3术


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