1、测试成绩报告单任课教师已设定暂时不显示本试卷的标准或参考答案。试卷:unit4 book3试卷编号:un it4book3试卷满分:100姓名:学号:班级:登录:父卷:上机地址:图例:/RightK Wrong|?| To be marked by instructorClick ONCEon the speaker icon to start listening! 放音结束前请不要离开本页。否则就听不成啦Part 1 Short dialogs and multiple choice questions(每小题:3分)Directions: Listen to the short dialo
2、gs, then choose the correct answers to the questions. You will hear the record ing twice. After the first play ing, there will be time for you to choose the correct an swers. Use the sec ond play ing to check your an swers.1.A. He is seek ing help.B. He is offer ing advice.C. He is tryi ng to look c
3、alm.D. He is hav ing an in terview.2.A. She is weak in doing projects.B. She is weak in studies.C. She tends to work whole-heartedly.D. She is not willing to start a project.A. Send in her CV by email.3.B. Send in her CV by mail.C. Call the compa ny.D. Visit the compa ny in pers on.4.A. She has acce
4、pted the offer.B. She has decli ned the offer.C. She is in terested in beco ming an accou ntant.D. She will leave the curre nt job for more money.5.A. She should keep the prese nt job.B. She might as well find a new job.C. She might as well find an on li ne job.D. She should perfect her prese nt pos
5、iti on.6.A. Buy shares whe n prices are comparatively low.B. Buy shares while they are rising.C. Start buy ing shares as quickly as possible.D. Buy a millio n shares of a high-tech stock.7.A. Nasdaq takes an average of all its stocks while Dow does not.B. Dow takes the average of its all its stocks
6、while Nasdaq does not.C. Neither uses the average of its stocks.D. Both take an average of all their stocks.A. A depressi on is approach ing.B. The stock market may crash.C. The stock market is stable.D. The stock market is rising fast.9.A. He believes in the importanee of getting secret information
7、.B. He believes it is time to buy online stocks.C. He agrees with the woma n.D. He disagrees with the woma n.10A. Many high-tech compa nies have bee n lau nched.B. Many high-tech compa nies have bee n delisted.C. One should buy stocks listed on the Nasdaq.D. One should buy stocks listed on the Dow.P
8、art 1 Short dialogs and multiple choice questions(每小题:3 分; 满分:30 分)(In the case of True/False type of questions, A stands for True and B for False, or A for Y, B for N andC for NG.)小得对学生答案Correct题分错1.A(Hidde n by your in structor)2.C(Hidde n by your in structor)3.D(Hidde n by your in structor)4.B(Hi
9、dde n by your in structor)5.B(Hidde n by your in structor)6.A(Hidde n by your in structor)7.D(Hidde n by your in structor)8.C(Hidde n by your in structor)9.B(Hidde n by your in structor)10D(Hidde n by your in structor)Subtotal :3Click ONCEon the speaker icon to start listening! 放音结束前请不要离开本页。否则就听不成啦P
10、art 2 Short passages and multiple-choice questi ons(每小题:2分)Directions: Listen to the following recording, then choose the correct answers to the questions. You will hear the recording twice. After the first playing, there will be time for you to choose the correct an swers. Use the sec ond play ing
11、to check your an swers.Questi ons 1 to 5 are based on the same passage or dialog.1. What does for once in a blue moon probably meanA. Always.B. Freque ntly.C. Rarely.D. Never.2. Whe n did Nasdaq begi n tradi ngA. In 1969.B. In 1971.C. In 1987.D. In 1999.3. How many of the companies traded in the Uni
12、ted States are listed on the NasdaqA. Over half.B. Nearly half.C. About 90 perce nt.D. Almost 30 perce nt.4. Which of the followi ng is men ti oned as a way of Nasdaq stock trad ingA. Through a broker.B. On the trading floor.C. On a computerized system.D. All of the above.5. What is the result of ma
13、ny peoples in vestme nt in dotcomsA. America On li ne has grow n fast.B. Nortel is saved from ban kruptcy.C. A lot of bubbles were created, which will soon burst.D. A lot of bubbles were created, which have burst.Questi ons 6 to 10 are based on the same passage or dialog.6. Which of the following wo
14、uld be the best title for the dialogA. Easter and Easter Eggs.B. Three Stages of Easter.C. Features of Easter.D. Ways to Celebrate Easter.7. What do Easter eggs and a rabbit symbolizeA. Everlasti ng peace and happ in ess.B. Chan ges in peoples life.C. Harvest, autu mn, rebirth.D. Rebirth, spring, fe
15、rtility.8. What stages does Easter haveA. Palm Sunday, Ash Wednesday, and Good Friday.B. Ash Friday, Palm Sun day, and Good Wed nesday.C. Palm Saturday, Ash Wednesday, and Good Friday.D. Ash Suda n, Palm Friday, and Good Tuesday.9. What do ashes remind people ofA. How Christ went to heave n.B. How C
16、hrist returned from the grave.C. How Christ suffered on the cross.D. How Christ was rebor n.10 What did Good Friday once mea nA. Easter Egg Friday.B. Easter Rabbit Friday.C. Holy Friday.D. Excelle nt Friday.Questi ons 11 to 15 are based on the same passage or dialog.11 What are the man and woma n ta
17、lk ing aboutA. The man thinks first class is far better than economy class, but the woman disagrees.B. The woman thinks first class is far better than economy class, but the man disagrees.C. Both the man and woman think first class is far better than economy class.D. Both the man and woman think fir
18、st class is little better than economy class.12 What has happe ned to the woma nA. She flew from Shan ghai yesterday.B. She left Shan ghai the day before yesterday.C. She is sufferi ng from jetlag.D. She has got over the jetlag.13 According to the woman, which of the following is true in the waiting
19、 roomA. In economy class you have to wait for hours.B. In economy class you have to sta nd in a long queue.C. In first class you have lots of food.D. In first class you can sleep on a sofa.14 What does the woma n say about the first-class service on boardA. You can choose from in expe nsive meals.B.
20、 You can choose a movie on your own TV.C. You can stretch your arms and legs.D. All of the above.15 What does the man think about jet lagA. It happe ns to every one who flies for over 12 hours from east to west.B. It happe ns to every one who flies for over 12 hours from west to east.C. Both A) and
21、B).D. Neither A) nor B).Questi ons 16 to 20 are based on the same passage or dialog.16 Which of the following does the woman NOT say in advising the manA. Wear proper clothes.B. Put on a jacket and tie.C. Comb his hair.D. Have his resume at hand.17 What does the woma n mean by say ing, Just watch yo
22、ur ton gueA. Hold your ton gue.B. Avoid hav ing a slip of the ton gue.C. Keep quiet.D. Dont argue with others.18 Why does the man think it is necessary to talk about himselfA. He wants to show that he is clever.B. He wants to show that he is kno wledgeable.C. He wan ts to be frie ndly.D. He wants to
23、 appear en ergetic.19 What has happe ned to the man in the past two yearsA. He was fired twice for beating up his co-workers.B. He lost three jobs for quarrelli ng with his colleagues.C. He was promoted for his con tributi ons.D. He was demoted for argu ing with his boss.20 Why does the man want to
24、work at the gift shopA. Because it is n ear his home.B. Because the shop assista nts there are frie ndly.C. Because the bus in ess there is good.D. Because the bus in ess there is bad.Part 2 Short passages and multiple-choice questions(每小题:2 分; 满分:40 分)(In the case of True/False type of questions, A
25、 stands for True and B for False, or A for Y, B for N and C for NG.)小得对学生答案Correct题分错1.C(Hidde n by your in structor)2.B(Hidde n by your in structor)3.A(Hidde n by your in structor)4.C(Hidde n by your in structor)5.D(Hidde n by your in structor)6.C(Hidde n by your in structor)7.D(Hidde n by your in
26、structor)8.A(Hidde n by your in structor)9.C(Hidde n by your in structor)10C(Hidde n by your in structor)11B(Hidde n by your in structor)12C(Hidde n by your in structor)13C(Hidde n by your in structor)14B(Hidde n by your in structor)15C(Hidde n by your in structor)16C(Hidde n by your in structor)17D
27、(Hidde n by your in structor)18A(Hidde n by your in structor)19B(Hidde n by your in structor)20D(Hidde n by your in structor)Subtotal :40Click ONCEon the speaker icon to start listening! 放音结束前请不要离开本页。否则就听不成啦Part 3 Short passages and multiple choice questions(每小题:2分)Directions: Listen to the followin
28、g recording, then choose the correct answers to the questions. You will hear the recording twice. After the first playing, there will be time for you to choose the correct an swers. Use the sec ond play ing to check your an swers.Questi ons 1 to 5 are based on the same passage or dialog.1. What is t
29、he passage mainly concerned withA. The boo ming air travel in dustry.B. The depress ing air travel in dustry.C. Despite the curre nt depressi on, the air travel in dustry will pick up.D. Despite the curre nt boom, the air travel in dustry will decli ne.2. What was the earliest cause of the short-ter
30、m aviati on in dustry depressi onA. The crash of the high-tech stock market.B. A terrorist attack.C. Con sumers desire to buy goods.D. The poor airli ne service.3. Which of the followi ng bears a larger share of the security check costsA. A lon ger trip.B. A shorter trip.C. Passe ngers at a small ai
31、rport.D. Passe ngers at a large airport.4. Accord ing to the passage, what does deregulati on result inA. Worse service.B. Higher fare.C. Fast speed.D. More competiti on.5. What may be the average ann ual growth of the air travel in dustry in the n ext two decades A. A 20 perce nt in crease.B. A per
32、ce nt in crease.C. A perce nt in crease.D. An perce nt in crease.Part 3 Short passages and multiple choice questions侮小题:2分;满分:10分)(In the case of True/False type of questions, A stands for True and B for False, or A for Y, B for N and C for NG.)学生答案Correct1.2.(Hidde n by your in structor)(Hidde n by
33、 your in structor)3.4.5.(Hidde n by your in structor)(Hidde n by your in structor)(Hidde n by your in structor)Subtotal :10Click ONCEon the speaker icon to start listening! 放音结束前请不要离开本页。否则就听不成啦Part 4 Compo und dictatio n(每小题:2分)Directions: Listen to the passage(s) three times. When the passage is re
34、ad for the first time, listen for the general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, fill in the blanks numbered from S1 to S7 with the exact words you hear. For blanks numbered from S8 to S10, write down either the exact words you hear or the main points in your own words. When the pas
35、sage is read for the third time, check your an swers.Questi ons 1 to 10 are based on the same passage or dialog.Sometimes markets surge for no appare nt reason; masses of people sudde nly want somethi ng, and the S1 1. dema nd cant be met immediately. For example, duri ng the SARS epidemic, there wa
36、s a high S2 2. for facial masks in several countries - and many en trepre neurs capitalized S3 3. this bus in ess idea.A similar effect is also created by larger social S4 4. . There is much more of a dema nd for home-care services for the S5 5. than is currently being supplied. And the S6 6. for pets to be treated as family members con ti nues, creati ng dema nd for all kinds of S7 7. services that did nt exist eve n ten years ago.S8
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