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1、Unit 2 单元测试卷(时间:100分钟满分:150分)第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、 C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话 后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对 话仅读一遍。1. Whats the man doing now?A . Reading the menu.B . Asking the waitress to bring his bill.C. Asking for a glass of beer.2. Why is th

2、e woman moving?A . There is too much noise from her neighbor.B . She wants to save some money to buy a piano.C . The prese nt flat is too expe nsive.3 . How does the man thi nk the woma n plays the guitar?A . Worse tha n him. B . Better tha n him.C . As well as him.4 . Why wont the woma n eat any mo

3、re?A . Shes had eno ugh. B . Shes not feeli ng well.C . Shes los ing weight.5 . Where did this conv ersati on probably take place?A. In a restaura nt.B . At a theatre.C . At a hospital.第二节(共 15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中 所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。 听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒

4、钟;听 完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6 . Where is the Chin ese restaura nt?A . On King Street.B . On Queen Street.C . On Gree n Street.7 . What time will they have dinner?A . At 6 p . m.B . At 7 p . m.C. At 8 p. m.听第7段材料,回答第& 9题。8. How old is the girl?A . Fifteen.B. Sixteen.C. Seventeen.9

5、. What does the girl enjoy most?A . Listening.B . Writing.C . Talk ing.听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10 . Whats wrong with the woma n?A . Her legs got hurt by boili ng water.B . Theres someth ing wrong with her left leg.C . She got a pain in her right leg.11. How will the doctor treat her?A . Hell give the woma

6、n some medici ne.B . Hell give the woma n some tests.C . He suggests she go to ano ther hospital.12 . Which of the followi ng stateme nts is true?A . The woma n cant sleep well.B . The doctor thinks the ill ness is very serious.C . The woma n cant walk about now.听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13 . Whe n does the

7、woma n get to school?A . At 8 : 15.B . At 8 : 30.C . At 9: 00.14 . How long does it take the woma n to get home from college?A . One hour.B . 45 mi nu tes.C . Half an hour.15 . When is Sue free?A . Every morni ng.B . On Wedn esday after noon.C . On Mon day morning.16 . What is Sue?A . A teacher.B .

8、A waitress.C . A bus driver.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17 . Which of the following is true of Martha?A . She promises to visit her children often.B . She will live with one of her children.C. She will live with both her children.18. What do you know about the children?A. They still like their father.B . They

9、re very nervous and quite sad.C. They dont talk to their parents any more.19. What can we lear n about their father?A . He will be on vacation in winter.B . He will see his childre n twice a mon th.C . He will move far away from the childre n.20 . What are the pare nts doing now?A . Theyre quarreli

10、ng before the childre ns eyes.B . Theyre explai ning their problems to the childre n.C. Theyre telling the sons their future arrangement. 答案:1 5 BABCA 6-10 ABBCC11 15 BAACB16 20 ACABC听力材料:Text 1M: Can I have my bill, please?W: Y es, sir. One mome nt, please.Text 2M: I hear you are moving into a new

11、flat soon?W: Yes, but it is more expensive. My present neighbor plays the pia no all ni ght long.Text 3M: Hmm, you are a good guitar player. How long have you been play ing?W: Si nce the begi nning of last term. What about you?M: Me? Oh, Ive bee n play ing about two years now. But rm still not very

12、good.Text 4M: Ano ther piece of meat pie?W: No, tha nks, really. Im on a diet.M: Please do. Youve hardly eate n any thi ng.W: Its delicious, but I dont think I ought to.Text 5M. Excuse me, do you know if this seat is take n?W: I dont think so. The fellow who was here finished his lunch and left.Text

13、 6M: Hello. Is that Lucy? This is David speaki ng.W: Hello, David. I have nt heard from you for a long time. Howre you doing?M: Fine. Im calling to ask if youd like to have dinner with me at 7 pm.W: Why not? Now it is 6 oclock. There is only one hour left. But where?M: Lets go to the Chi nese restau

14、ra nt on Ki ng Street.W: How can I get there?M: You get out of your office and turn right. Then go along Queen Street. Turn down Green Street and take the second turn on the right. Thats King Street.W: Wait, wait. Turn dow n Gree n Street and take the sec ond turn on the right?Text 7M: How long have

15、 you bee n study ing En glish?W: For about six years. I started whe n I was ten. My teacher was from America. He was a very good teacher. I enjoyed studying English with him.M: Do you find En glish difficult?W: Y es, its rather difficult, I thi nk.M: Do you ofte n liste n to the radio?W: Yes, I list

16、en to the radio every night.M: Do you enjoy readi ng En glish books?W: Yes, I read a lot of En glish books. But I prefer conv ersati on. I like talk ing to foreig ners.Text 8M: I guess you have nt bee n feeli ng very well lately. Is that right?W: Its my leg, Doctor, my right leg. I keep getting a st

17、range pain in it.M: Could you describe the pain to me?W: Its like boiling water running down my leg. Its been getting worse. I cant fall asleep at ni ght.M: You mea n the pai n has bee n keep ing you awake?W: Yes, thats right. Do you think its serious, Doctor?M: Probably not.W: But my doctor thinks

18、its only that I have been working too hard.M: That could be the reas on. Dont worry. I ll give you a few tests here in hospital.Text 9M: How many hours a week do you work, Sue?W: We have to start at nine oclock in the morning, but Im always at college by a quarter past eight, i n fact. Emm, we finis

19、h at four oclock, 4 days a week, and I usually go home at four oclock, and rm usually homeby half past four.Wed nesday afternoon is free, so we finish at twelveoclock on Wedn esday.M: How long have you bee n in terested in computers, Sue?W: Interested? I suppose I got interested when I did my master

20、s degree.M: What sort of thi ngs do you do with your computer?W: Well, I use my computer in my teachi ng quite a lot, but I also use it for playing around creating programs.Text 10Martha and Charles are sitting at the kitchen table. Charles is nervous and upset, and hes smoking, Marthas eyes are red

21、. She looks tired. Their children, two boys, eight and ten, are sitting with them. Tony and George know that their pare nts are hav ing problems. They argue all the time. They dont talk to each other any more. Their mom and dad arent happy together any more. Now, their pare nts are telli ng the boys

22、 that theyre going to get a divorce.Their mother is telling them that she loves them and their father loves them, too. But she and their father are hav ing problems. They arent going to live together as a family any more. The boys are going to live with her. Theyre going to stay in the same house, a

23、nd go to the same school.Now, father is telling them that hes going to leave the house this weekend. But he promises not to move far away. Hes going to be in the n ext tow n. Two weeke nds a mon th, the boys are going to stay with him. And theyre going to be with him one month in the summer time. He

24、ll take his vacation then and theyll go to the beach together.Tony and George dont really un dersta nd whats happe ned.They know that their parents arent happy. But they want all of them to stay together.第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节:(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出 最佳选项。AAccording to Chin

25、ese medicine, the body is like a tree that lives through the seasons of nature, and it needs regular energy to stay healthy and preve nt ill ness. The four importa nt bodily orga ns n eed special en ergy in each seas on. We should eat special food and vegetables to protect them.The liver, which enri

26、ches the blood with energy and cleans the bad things in the body, is replenished in spring time. Wed better eat onions, carrots and some vegetable leaves.The heart seeks comfort and coolness from the heat in summer. Melo ns, pumpk ins, cucumbers, tomatoes, and many fresh high-water vegetables have a

27、 cooli ng effect and should be eate n.The lungs ofte n make people suffer from colds, coughs, and sore throats in the dry fall seas on. They n eed to be reple ni shed with food such as spin ach, banan as, pears, potatoes.The kid neys are the lowest orga ns in the body like the roots of a tree.They n

28、 eed protecti on in win ter specially. Reple nish the kid neys with vegetables like broccoli, gree n chard and some other gree n vegetables.21. This passage is mainly about.A . eating according to the seasonsB . what is good healthC. how to get eno ugh en ergyD. the importanee of food22. Which of th

29、e following has a cooling effect?A . Onions. B . Tomatoes.C . Spinach. D . Broccoli.23 . Which of the followi ng is NOT true?A . The liver can clea n the bad thi ngs in your body.B . Eati ng fresh high-water vegetables is good for heart in summer.C . We n eed nt protect our hearts in wi nter.D . The

30、 lungs ofte n suffer from coughs in fall.本文是一篇关于健康饮食的说明文,文中对于季节变化对人体生 理活动的影响进行了阐述,告诉人们在每个季节到来时应注意的饮 食,同时提出了合理膳食的建议。21.解析:主旨大意题。根据短文第一段的内容可判断,本文主 要说明我们的身体器官在不同的季节需要不同的营养,故选A。B是健康是什么;C是怎样获得足够的能量;D是食物的重要性,这三个 选项都不符合文章内容。答案:A22 .解析:细节理解题。根据第三段的“ Melo ns, pumpki ns,cucumbers, tomatoes, and many fresh hig

31、h-water vegetables have a cooling effect”可知以上食物可以祛心火,故选 B。A是洋葱;C是 菠菜;D是西兰花,这三个选项都不符合题干的要求。答案:B23 .解析:推理判断题。我们的器官不论在什么季节都需要保护,所以C项是错误的答案:CBKatya knew she was not good at basketball, but she decided to try out for the basketball team any way. She hoped she would improve with practice. Whe n the team r

32、oster was posted the n ext day, Katyas n ame was not on the list.Basketball was the latest of Katyas failures. Soccer was fun, but Katya was always bumping into her teammates. She had also tried art, but she drew eve n worse.Katya was good at reading, though. She read about all kinds of sports. She

33、also read about art. Then one day she found a book about photography in the library. She could nt take her eyes off the beautiful black-a nd-white photos, and she imag ined herself taki ng pictures.Katyas brother, Alex, had an old camera. Katya bega n to take photos. One afternoon she showed up at b

34、asketball practice and took photos of her friends play ing ball. Three days later the pictures were ready.Katya decided to show the photos to Alex. He took the packet and laid all the photos on the table. He looked at each shot for a long time. Then he pointed to one of the pictures. “ Thats a great

35、 shot. I think youve found something youre really good at ” he said.In the photo Katyas friend Kim was shooting a basketball. Her feet were high off the floor, and her arms were above her head in a position that made Kim look like a ballerina. Actually, her friend looked more like a dan cer tha n a

36、ballplayer.Katya smiled. “ So this is what it feels like to be good at doing something you like,” she thought.24. Who helps Katya realize that there is somethi ng she can do well?A . Her friend.B. Her teammates.C. Her brother.D. Her coach.25. What does the underlinedword “rosterinParagraph 1 mean?A.

37、 Team.B . Name.C . List.D . Day.26 . Why does the author compare the basketball player in one of Katyas photos to a ballet dan cer?A . The basketball player looks beautiful.B . The photo is in black and white.C . The photo was take n at a theater.D . The basketball player is weari ng a uni form.27.

38、Which word best describes Katya?A . Lazy. B. Funny.C. Athletic. D. Determined(坚定的).答案:本文是一篇记叙文。每个人都有不同的能力,但是你擅长什么有 时候你可能并不能觉察到。所以当你因为不擅长某项事情而苦恼时, 不用担心,试试别的事情,或许真应了那句话“上帝在为你关闭一扇 门的时候,也为你打开了一扇窗”。24. 解析:细节理解题。根据文章内容可知是她的哥哥帮她找到 了她最擅长的东西,故选 C。A是她的朋友;B是她的队友;D是她 的教练,这三个选项都不符合题意。答案:C25. 解析:猜测词义题。根据上下文不难看出这个

39、词是“名单” 的意思。答案:C26. 解析:推理判断题。对比是为了说明篮球运动员的美丽,进 一步突出Katya最擅长的是什么,故选 A。答案:A27. 解析:推理判断题。读完短文我们不难发现为了目标 Katya 努力地奋斗着,所以说她是 “坚定的”,故选D。A是懒惰的;B是 有趣的;C是健壮的,这些内容都不适合形容她。答案:DCClothi ng is a Ian guaget tells us about in dividual people: their personality, their age, their place in society and so onf we want to

40、 know more about a society, we can look at traditi onal clothi ng.The continent of Africa has a long history and a rich culture, and this is shown in traditional dress.You often find three colours red, gold and green in the clothing.The first colour stands for the blood of millions of people who suf

41、fered as slaves the second is the rich resources of the African earth ; and the third represents the grasslands of home.The patter ns on the clothi ng also have a mea nin g.A com mon pattern is in the form of across “X” which stands for “unity. ”nother pattern is a rectangular(长 方形的)box, which repre

42、sents“ strength Because clothing has a strong social meaning, people are very careful in choosing what to wear.It would be a serious mistake to wear the wrong clothi ng, or to wear clothes in the wrong way. For in sta nee, in Ghana, a woma n should wear her waistba nd腰带)differe ntly accord ing to th

43、e importa nee of the social eve nt.Traditi onal dress also tells us about everyday life.Africa n desig ns are famous.Wide temperature range requires that the clothes be comfortable for daily life.Although many people wear wester n clothes particularly in big cities in Africa, traditional African dre

44、ss is very highly valued.This is because it has deep cultural meanin gs.28. The main theme of this passage is.A . the history of clothes in AfricaB . modern fashion styles in AfricaC. the meanings of traditional dress in AfricaD. the materials used in traditional dress in Africa29 . Accord ing to th

45、e passage, red.A . represe nts the sett ing sunB . sta nds for Africa n unityC . is chosen because it is a bright colourD . is a rem in der of the sad history in Africa30 . Gold stands for.A . the hot sun B . strengthC . wealth D . happ in ess31. Traditi onal dress should also be practical because.A

46、 . it n eeds to keep people dry in the rainy seas onB . people wear it in the big citiesC . it n eeds to protect people from the climateD . it has deep cultural meanings答案:28 .解析:主旨大意题。文章主要叙述了非洲的传统服装以及它所体现的很深的文化内涵。故选C。答案:C29 .解析:细节理解题。红色代表昔日数百万苦难深重的奴隶们的鲜血。答案:D30 .解析:细节理解题。金色代表非洲富饶的资源。答案:C31. 解析:推理判断

47、题。在非洲温差较大的气候条件下,人们的 日常生活中需要宽松舒适的服装。答案:CDCould your best frie nd make you fat?Researchers who havedudied “ n etworks obeSity(肥 肥月半)thi nk so: they found that if some on es friend becomes obese, that pers ons cha nces of beco ming obese in crease by more tha n half.Brothers or sisters and a husba nd or a wife also have an in flue nee, although reduced_peopl


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