1、初二英语八年级下册unit1-unit10全册说课稿(教师招聘优秀资料) 初二英语八年级下册全册说课稿目 录unit 1说课稿1unit 2 what should i do 5unit3whatwereyoudoingwhentheufoarrived 9unit 4 he said i was hard-working16unit 5 if you go to the party youll have a great time22unit 6 doing housework 说课稿27unit 7 would you mind turning down the music说课稿33unit
2、 8 why dont you get her a scarf38unit 9 have you ever been to an amusement park说课稿40unit 10 its a nice dayisnt it sectiona 1a-1c 说课稿46八年级英语下册unit 1说课稿尊敬的老师大家好我说的课是新目标英语八年级下册第一单元阅读理解部分题目为do you think you will have your own robot本课是学生初次接触的较长的阅读课文无论在知识含量还是在阅读技能的培养上都是重点课文的冗长对机器人知识的匮乏都是教师上课的难点因此需扩展相应知识教授
3、阅读方面技巧从而提高阅读能力二教学对象分析学生已达到新课标三级阅读水平的要求三教学目标分析知识目标了解机器人的外形和功能根据标题推测文章内容能力目标运用快速阅读和精读技巧学会迅速并准确找到所需信息情感目标使学生关注国际高科技的发展能够看到事物的两面性全面看待科技发展给我们带来的利弊四教学重点根据标题推测文章内容的阅读方法了解机器人的外形和功能五教学难点对某些单词词组和长句理解就未来是否愿意和大量机器人共存的论题陈述观点时间1分钟左右六教学方法与手段1讨论法2采用直观法 导入播放机器人的视频引起学生共鸣激发学生学习兴趣3教学用具多媒体黑板七学法1自主学习这一节是阅读课所以我指导学生在不同的要求下
4、进行快速阅读和深层阅读要求学生运用自主学习法从整体上把握课文同时鼓励那些怕开口的同学都参与到课堂的中动手完成一些基础的学习任务培养他们学习英语的信心培养团结合作的精神2合作学习积极参与活动相互交流互帮互助合作完成任务培养团队精神更好地掌握本课所学知识八教学过程一 导入新课1 运用多媒体课件播放有关机器人的视频引起学生共鸣激发学生学习兴趣 边看边展示与课文相关的新单词让学生想像机器人都是什么样的机器人能做什么这样导入新课自然创设学习情景引起学生共鸣引起学生的兴趣二快速阅读skimming 4 任务让学生带着要求快速阅读课文get the main idea of the whole passag
5、e这个环节是让学生初读课文目的是训练快速阅读技巧学生以较快的速度完成阅读迅速找到答案学法指导注意用浏览跳读和快读的技巧培养自己快速获有用信息的能力-抓住关键词主题句和中心大意的能力tips reading for meaning not for details 细节 不必逐行阅读三深层阅读 5 任务一默读文章回答下列问题我利用多媒体出示2个问题把2个问题打出来然后让学生带着问题进行有目的阅读这样做可以充分利用课本资源而且化难为易在全班校对答案之前我让学生先进行同桌相互校对充分发挥生生互动让学生学会有目的进行阅读同时通过问题的巧妙设计让学生在语境中理解本文的重点词汇比教师直接的讲授效果要好 学生
6、首先是在书上查找信息属于知识输入阶段然后回答是输出的过程在这里真正做到把知识转换为能力第二次阅读文章是解决重点内容的部分通过上面二次阅读和训练学生对课文的大意及细节的关注已经有了一定的认识充分发挥合作学习的方法让学生一起完成阅读任务应该是水到渠成但有些学生基础薄弱缺乏信心和毅力所以让他们在优生的帮助下做力所能及的和大家一起进行热烈的讨论让他们感觉没有被班级抛弃英语学习对他们并不是高不可攀增强他们学习的勇气和信心同时培养全体同学的合作精神和竞争意识任务二 10 要求学生再次对课文进行深入细致阅读我这样做的目的是为了指导学生理解文章的细节段落大意段与段之间的联系使学生对篇章结构有更深层次的理解为此
7、设计了几项具体的操练形式首先由四人一组分组讨论给文章分段并归纳出段落大意找出topic sentences这样以来不仅体现了学生之间合作与探索意识同时又有助于培养学生分析归纳能力与合作解决问题能力然后是解释explaining 15 这一部分主要是对学生在阅读中遇到的问题进行排疑解难同时提出文章中的语法点让学生学习语言知识设计步骤重新回到文章当中学生自主独立学习找到并画出自己认为难懂不会的词短语与句子提出问题让其他学生帮助解决问题如若有疑义老师在进一步讲解这样做的目的是学生能做的让他们去做让每一个学生都主动投入到课堂活动中来始终坚持以学生为本教师起主导作用这一理念四听音并抢答 5 让学生听磁带
8、仔细听课文通过分组比赛的形式让学生做对错练习一方面检测学生对该篇章的理解程度另一方面活跃气氛五拓展延伸 4 讨论你认为机器人将来可以帮助你和你的家人做什么未来是否愿意和大量机器人共存 这个练习是课文的延伸是学生对所学知识的再创造充分发挥学生的主观性和创造性提高学生的自身素质也激发了学生对未来生活的热爱六作业 1 1 read the passage读课文要求要求b层的学生要求能流利朗读其余的学生会读并能熟练读出部分段落可以自选段落但要求能占课文的三分之一2 write a letter to a robot scientist tell him what other things you th
9、ink robots can do or tell him why you think robots are dangerous and help them to improve robots a层要求 根据学生掌握知识层次的不同我采用了分层作业让学生都能尽其所能完成一定的任务满足学生的成就感和自豪感增强学生学习的信心和兴趣八年级下册说课稿unit 2 what should i do 各位领导老师大家好我说课的内容是人教版八年级下册unit2section a课题是what should i do 本节说课内容分五个步骤一说教材 二说教法 三说学法 四说教学过程 五教学反思一说教材一教材分析
10、教材的地位和作用第二单元承接八年级上册whats the matter中有关情态动词should 的用法并作进一步的扩展和综合运用本课是本单元的第一课时集中呈现了本单元的基本词汇和语言结构因此本课教学有着承上启下的重要作用二教学目标1 knowledge objects 学会使用情态动词shouldcould掌握本课重点词汇keep out play loud argue wrong whats wrong out of style could should 2 ability objects 培养学生应用英语谈论日常生活问题提高学生听说读写等能力3 moral objects通过谈论问题以及
11、给出别人建议培养学生学习英语的强烈兴趣 4teaching important and difficult points根据教学目标和学生特点我确立本课的教学重点为学会使用情态动词shouldcould难点为能够运用所学谈论问题和困难选择或提出建议本课主要句型what should i do why dont you talk to him about it二说教法与手段根据本课实用性强涉及面广语言运用量大的特点我确立了如下教学方法和手段1情景教学法赋予知识和技能训练以真实的情景和语境调动学生的参与热情2听说读写综合训练培养语言运用能力3知识导入和任务设计由浅入深由易到难循序渐进4采用多媒体教
12、学手段或自制教具增强直观性和趣味性三说学法为了帮助学生学习新词汇掌握重点句型同时能比较好地运用到实践中解决类似问题因此我要引导学生1 学会预习变被动学习为主动学习带着问题有目的地听课可以更好地把握课堂的重点和难点提高课堂效率2在游戏中学习在玩中学学中玩 好玩是学生的天性这样可以提高学习兴趣与热情3合作学习划分不同小组培养团队精神更好地掌握本课所学知识四说教学过程合理的教学过程是教学成功的关键为此我特意设计了一下教学环节step1warming up这一环节大约需要3分钟设计这一环节的目的是为了激发学生的学习兴趣活跃课堂气氛导出本课中心话题i will tell them some of my
13、questions 我会告诉他们一些我困扰的问题 such asmy mother plays cd too loud i have no money to buy something i argued with my friend and so on说完后做出痛苦状不断重复本课课题what should i do then ask them give me some suggests 然后要求学生给我不同的意见 这样导出了本课中心话题step 2 stimulated into new class这一环节大约需要8分钟我会利用教具展示一幅生活漫画-寂静的夜晚一个抹着眼泪的男孩藏在树后看着妈妈
14、手拿电筒焦急的呼唤寻找然后写出题目i argued with my mom我会特意在单词argue上标注问号引起学生注意让他们猜测单词argue的意思引导他们通过情境得出结论argue意思是吵架争吵接着指着画面问whats wrong引导学生回答the boy argued with his mom接着读出问题what should he do 已若有所思的学生们立刻会纷纷发言谈自己的看法展开话题有的说he should say sorry to his mom 有的说he shouldnt argue with his mom 有的说he should go home with his mo
15、m 还有的说he shouldnt make his mom worry about him he should buy gifts for mom and say sorry 等等然后我归纳总结把学生们的建议写在黑板上在活动过程中对表现优秀的学生我会马上表扬very good youre wonderful 回答不太好的学生我会及时鼓励dont worry i think you can do the best next time yes接下来我会告诉学生情态动词could也可用来提出建议当你对自己提出的建议不是十分有把握的时候那就要用到could而不是should了然后接着问刚才大家提到的
16、这些建议中哪些应该使用could于是学生纷纷发言把其中几个should 改为could通过这样的设计使知识由浅入深既学习了新单词又复习巩固了情态动词should肯定和否定的用法并学习了可用来提出建议的又一个单词could step 3 while-task这一环节大约需要12分钟首先给学生提供no1234四个选题然后把学生分成四组每组选派代表抽取其中一个选题完成相应的任务活动这4个选题分别是no1 i need some money to pay for the summer camp what should i do no2 my clothes are out of style what
17、should i do no3 my brother plays his stereo too loud i cant sleep what should i do no4 i want to practice my english but im very shy what should i do 当学生们抽到自己的题目时马上展开小组讨论运用情态动词should could写下本组建议准备在班上交流 在交流的过程中老师进一步引导学生们对每条建议加以评价如thats a good idea i dont think so because 在这种开放和谐互动的语言氛围中充分调动了学生的参与热情提高
18、了学习兴趣 step5listening这一环节大约需要7分钟要求听录音补全听力对话设计这一环节的目的是以听的方式集中呈现本课的重点词汇和语言结构考查学生对本课内容的掌握程度训练听写能力step6 sum up这一环节大约需要3分钟在老师的引导下学生对本课内容归纳总结进行知识结构复现在知识能力情感等方面畅谈体会和收获为本课教学划下圆满句号step7homework利用课余时间开展调查了解社会中存在的一些问题针对这些问题提出可行方法和建议然后尝试写一篇英语短文布置作业大约需要两分钟step8 blackboard designs unit 2 what should i doyou should
19、 shouldnt couldargue out of styleloud pay for清晰美观的板书能给人以美的享受我这样设计板书体现知识的板块和结构将重点难点一一呈现让学生一目了然五教学反思 本课以素质教育为目的结合教材重点难点及学科特点利用表演教具等辅助教学手段使学生听说读写能力得到全面提高让学生在轻松愉悦的气氛中温故而知新达到初步运用英语进行交际的目的由于缺少经验在教学过程中难免会出现不足敬请各位领导老师不吝赐教thats allthank you新目标英语八年级下册unit3whatwereyoudoingwhentheufoarrived 说课稿一教材分析1这是新目标英语 gof
20、orit 八年级下册第三单元第一课时如何使用过去进行时是本单元的重点内容要求学生熟练掌握过去进行时的用法 本节课将围绕着what were you doing when the ufo arrived 这一主题开展多种教学活动使学生在听说读写四个方面熟练应用过去进行时本节课的目标是让学生学会13个新单词及其词组理解话题及话题功能项目过去进行时态和whenwhile引导的时间状语从句让学生初步体验话题语言为谈论过去发生的事打下词汇话题语言基础2教学重点 本节课生词词组和话题语言的识记3教学难点如何在由when引导的时间状语使用过去进行时如何使用过去进行时二教学目标分析一知识目标1要求学生能理解并
21、口头应用重点词汇和话题重点句型2能理解话题所用的过去进行时态及when while 引导的时间状语从句3掌握使用过去进行时二语言技能目标1能理解话题语言并能简单谈论过去发生的事 2能听懂话题谈话获取相关的信息3让学生做课堂的主人同时培养他们掌握一些行之有效的学习方法优化学习效果三情感态度 1能对话题产生好奇心增强学习兴趣 2能积极参与学习活动3让学生爱上英语课堂活动鼓励他们在课堂上进行合作交流三教学分析1说教法1 任务型教学法给学生任务让学生使用过去进行时来完成这些任务使他们在任务中学习英语2 情景教学法创造足够的交际环境刺激学生的视听能力使他们能够更好的理解这一时态以培养他们的听和会话能力3
22、 听说交际教学法学生可以通过俩俩对话或小组对话来掌握过去进行时2说学法1 听说法学生要善于把握机会用英语进行沟通大胆实践2 任务型学习活动学生积极参加课堂活动培养合作关系四学生分析学生七年级下册就学过现在进行时并掌握如何使用现在进行时来描述日常活动而且掌握了一些日常活动的短语有利于他们学习过去进行时 八年级的学生学过一年半的英语具备一定的英语听说读写基础学习了约1500个词汇wh基础特殊问句和一般现在时一般过去时一般将来时现在进行时五种时态及其句型学习了国际音标这对本单元学习新词汇学习过去进行时态谈论过去发生的事情都很有利 五教学过程的分析步骤目的教师活动方法学生活动学法条件手段step 1o
23、rganization2分钟 greetinglook and say 使学生进入学习状态引起学习兴趣1与全班学生打招呼问候2出示学生画的一幅ufo 大图画并说li gang draw this picture do you like it what is it flying in the picture and are you interested in it3说明本单元学习内容就与ufo有关板书课题unit 3 what were you doing when the ufo arrivied与老师打招呼问候观察图画回答问题学生图画step 2 revision andleading-in
24、 5分钟look and think复习现在进行时为学习过去进行时作准备1叫一男生上台表演唱歌另一女生表演跳舞要求其他同学同桌讨论他们正在做什么2根据学生的对话板书下列句子what is the boy doinghe is singingwhat are they doingthey are singing and dancing where are they singing and dancing3要求学生观察所板书的句子并说明句子结构及功能 边观看边小声谈论俩俩表演对话观察思考并回答现场情景step 3pre-task 15分钟 think and findread and learn通
25、过思考讨论让学生探究发现新知识过去进行时通过朗读练习初步体验话题简单句型让学生观察讨论探究发现新知识话题句型通过情景学习词汇和练习话题句型1启发学生思考 刚才两个同学正在台上表演的情景应怎样表达并说明理由 2 归纳结论用过去进行时描述过去正在发生的事3提出问题过去进行时的结构应该是怎样的 与板书的句子有什么不同然后根据学生的回答板书be动词用红色笔 what was the boy doinghe was singingwhat were they doingthey were singing and dancing where were they singing and dancing带读以
26、上句子然后让学生朗读对话练习5检查朗读情况布置对话练习6让学生观察section a图画的两个句子猜测意思并说明when引导的是什么句子统一后板书what were you doing when the ufo arrivedi was standing in front of the library 7归纳句式句意让学生朗读句子8出示1a生词短语图片让学生先拼读下面的生词说出词组然后用上面句型操练 1 ufo 2 barber 3 bathroom 4 bedroom 5 kitchen 6 land 7 cut 8 alien 9 bought 10 shirt 11 while 12 g
27、et out 13 take off 思考 讨论回答讨论回答朗读同桌对话练习表演观察思考讨论分析并回答跟读朗读观察拼读学说启发思维口头示范问题和课本图画学生图画step 4 while-task 17分钟 look listen and saylisten write and speak 通过观察图画理解画意口头练习熟悉话题语言进一步熟悉句型为下一步听对话做准备话题语言听辨并通过话题语言对话模仿和学说为下一步话题情景对话做准备 话题情景听力训练话题句型练习为话题口头运用做准备初步口头运用话题语言1让学生朗读1a的句子理解意思然后观察图画匹配句子2让学生就课文图画练习角色对话3让学生观察下面图画
28、的情景用过去进行时表述4说明1b要求让学生听句型对话录音5检查1b 答案让学生复听跟读录音6让学生根据课本图画情景做1c句型对话练习 7让学生先读2a的话题有关信息的句子理解意思然后放录音二次8检查答案9让学生听2b录音写出话题有关句型的引导词10让学生朗读录音材料11让学生根据2c提示小组进行话题语言对话练习朗读理解句型观察图画理解画意角色练习句型对话 看图说话听录音完成任务 看录音材料跟读模仿朗读 同桌练习句型对话朗读句子理解句意听录音核对答案读题听录音写出有关引导词先集体朗读后分男女角色朗读小组对话练习并表演图画情景图片情景录音机录音机step 5post-task 5分钟 discus
29、s回顾所学话题语言通过观察分析和句型转换练习加深对话题语言结构和含义的理解总结及评价1让学生归纳说出本节课学过的词汇和新句子然后板书the boy was walking down the street when the ufo landedwhile the boy was walking down the street the ufo landedthe girl was shopping when the alien got outwhile the girl was shopping the alien got out2让学生观察while引导的句子与上句有什么不同3归纳总结4让学生分
30、别用whenwhile进行口头句型转换练习5让学生进行口头句型转换竞赛表演给予评价6课堂小结总体评价7让学生进行学习评价填写课堂学习评价表小组讨论代表回答小组讨论代表发言结对口头练习竞赛自评小组互评概括思维语言提示评价表step 6 homework1分钟记忆所学词汇和话题语言初步应用话题语言为下一节课的读说活动做准备布置课外作业 写在小黑板上 1 记熟本节课所学生词词组和langage focus的4个句子2 用when 和while各造两个句子3 朗读p88中section a 1b和2a2b两段对话4 与同桌就p18的图画准备一段对话5预习3a4按要求完成作业小黑板blackboardw
31、ork板书设计unit 3 what were you doing when the ufo arrivedunit 4 he said i was hard-workinggood morning ladies and gentlemen nice to meet you here i am zou yanni from qili middle school it抯 my great honor to stand here to share my teaching ideas with you today i am going to talk about the first period i
32、n section a of unit 4 he said i was hard-working which is taken from go for it book 4 my presentation consists o f six parts analysis of the teaching material analysis of the studentsteaching methods guide of studying ways teaching procedures and teaching reflectionsi analysis of the teaching materi
33、ali status and functionthe topic of this unit is about telling a story the first period serves as an introduction and a lead-in part they willl learn to talk about what a soap opera is and report what people said the materials in talking are mostly from the real life and are familiar to students so
34、they are very interested in ita series of questions and a big picture are used to attracts studentsattention and listening and pairwork are also used in this periodii teaching aims and demands1牋knowledge objectsin this lesson ss should master the new word 搈adand the phrasebe mad at at the same time
35、they should kno w how to use the key structures -what did your math teacher say桯e said i was hard-working2燗bility objectsin this lesson i抣l mainly train the ss listening and speaking abilities and develop the ssabilities of communication by learning t he useful structures3 moral objectsfrom this les
36、son the ss should learn how to work with others and help each other how to express their own ideas during the communication4teaching keys and difficultiesaccording to the teaching aims i think the focus of this lesson is the new expressions and help the ss to communicate with each other the difficul
37、ty is to help the ss make conversations freely using the target language5teaching aidsa tape recorder and a computer for multimedia use iianalysis of the studentsthe ss have learned english for one and a half years they can express their thought and communicate with each other with english well and
38、all the ss will be interested in the topic which is related to their real life it抯 helpful for our study of this lesson 3 roman iiiteaching methodsin this lesson i抣l mainly use the cooperating teaching method and it will be used in the whole lesson i think it抯 helpful to develop the ssthought i抣l al
39、so use 搒ituation communicatingmethod it can provide enough listening an d speaking situations for ss i think good teaching methods are the keys tosuccessivguide of studying waysin order to guide the ss better develop the ss abilities in this lesson the sswill learn how to be a good language learner
40、and how to communicate with others it will be very helpful for their learning in the future i think good studying ways can help the ss to be good language learnersvteaching procedures step1 revisionfirst have a dictation of unit3purpose of my designing i think it is important to review the knowledge
41、 we have learnedstep 2 presentationask four students to stand in front of the class and the teacher asks them the following questions as a reporter1 what are you going to do when you grow up2 what are you going to do next week3 what are going to do after schoolthe students will give different answer
42、s then ask a good student to report what they saidi am going to e a doctorwhat did she say-she said she was going to be a doctori am going to have a party on friday nightwhat did he say-he said he was going to have a party on friday nighti am going to do my homeworkwhat did she say - she said she wa
43、s going to do her homeworki am going home after schoolwhat did she say-she said she was going home after schoolsay in this unit we are going to learn to use words like to report what someone saidpurpose of my designing this activity introduces some new vocabulary and provide oral practice using the
44、target language i think it is much easier for the ss to learn if i present the key structures one by one and they can master the structures quickly by doing thisstep 3 groupworkstudents read the instructions then ask a student to read the four questions and write the words on the books explain what
45、soap opera is and encourage ss to say some soap operas in english or in chinesehelp ss form small groups ss begin to talk about the questions eg what did marcia say she said she said she was having a surprise party for lana on friday night repeat the other pictures in the same wayand explain the mea
46、ning of 揵e mad a t sb here it means 揵e angry with sb purpose of my designing this step is employed to make the ss get the general idea of the dialogue as a whole one at the same time let the ss have a chance to practice their listening and spoken ability step 4 listening practicelisten and number th
47、e pictures in activity 1atask 1 play the recording the first time students only listentask 2 play the recording a second time students number the pictures then check the answerspurpose of my designing it gives ss practice in understanding the target language in spoken conversationsstep5 pairwork 1cr
48、ead the instructionsask the ss to read the example in the sample dialogue let the ss ask and answer questions about each pictureask several pairs of students to say a question and answer to the classpurpose of my designing task-based teaching method is used here to develop ssability of communication
49、 and also their ability of co-operation will be well trainedstep6 surveyask the ss to make a survey about their friendsfavorite tv shows and report what their friends said what抯 your favorite tv showname抯favorite tv showpetersoap operareport peter said his favorite tv show was soap opera purpose of
50、my designing the purpose of english studying is to use english in real situation if the ss can do this part well i think it抯 a successful lesson then step7homework 1 make up your own conversations2 write down the sentences in 1apurpose of my designin g revision is so important that ss should speak e
51、nglish as much as they as in class or after class it is necessary for the ss to do some extensive exercises after class to consolidate the knowledge they learnedblackboard design unit 4 he said i was hard-workingsoap opera be mad at sb be angry with sbhe said she said i am going to do my homeworkwha
52、t did she say - she said she was going to do her homework 6 roman vi teaching reflectionthere is only one new word in this lesson mad and the phrase be mad at during my preparation i prepared a lot of pictures to realize the revision and teaching of the new words i found that they were quite attract
53、ive when students saw them during the teaching in terms of my organization of the class there were six steps in detail they were revision presentation groupwork listening pairwork and survey revision occupied about 4 minutes presentation occupied 5 minutes groupwork and pairwork accounted for half o
54、f the class listening lasted about 7 minutes and i used 6 minutes to do the survey i was quite satisfied with the part of oral practice because every student participated in listening and talking they could give correct answers when they stood up the feedback information was ideal at this point mean
55、while i was not satisfied with the listening part if i had five more minutes i would play the tape recorder for another time and let them repeat what they heard because of the limited time i just let them listen and check the answers i think its not enough if i want to develop their listening and sp
56、eaking abilities thats all about my class thank you for listening新目标八年级下册英语说课稿unit 5 if you go to the party youll have a great time 单元教材分析 本单元是以参加聚会为话题开展教学活动通过谈论某个推断学习if以引导的条件状语从句通过丰富多彩的语言实践既学习到许多新词如jeans organizelet in等又在语言情景中对 if 状语从句主句用将来时从句用一般现在时进行了充分的操练引导学生用if引导的条件状语从句来谈论事件之间的因果关系并分析得出处理决定或给出解决的意见从而培养听力口语交际及逻辑判断的能力 进一步了解有关国内外一些特殊职业情况培养协调能力和合作精神体会学习英语的乐趣树立远大的目标并为之不懈地努力单元教学目标1语言技能目标to develop the ss ability o
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