1、1.The Force of HabitsHabits,whethergoodorbad,aregraduallyformed.The more we do a thing,the more we tend to like doing it; andif we do not continue to do it, we feeluncomfortable.Thisiscalledthe forceof habits,and theforceofhabitsshouldbe fought against.Thisapplieseven tosuch good thingsaswork or res
2、t. Some people form a badhabitof workingtoomuch, and othersofidlingtoo much. Bad habits,once formed,are difficult to get rid of.The wise man always remembers to checkany ba d habit. He warns himself“I amnow becomingidle” or “I liketoo manysweets” or “I smoke too much ”. Andthen adds, “I will get mys
3、elf out ofthis bad habit at once.”2.The Way to Achieve SuccessMany peoplesay thattheyowe much ofittothecultivationofcertaingoodhabits in early life. In forming goodhabits,Ithinkwe shouldpay attentiontofourthings,thatishonesty,industry, enthusiasm and thrift.“Honestyisthebest policy.” Thisisa proverb
4、towhichwe must pay attention.Thereareso many temptationsinsocietythat through a little carelessness wemay go astray. But when we are honest,people will not be dishonest to us.Industrygiveseverymanandwoman,every boy and girl, proper work to do.To do nothing is going to ruin oneself.Enthusiasm is a gr
5、eatforce.Ones soulwill expand if one devotes oneself to anoblecause. The difficultiesinourwayaretremendous,butwhat canwenotaccomplish, if with enthusiasm?Therearemany proverbs,whichset forththeadvantagesofthrift.Sincewe livein the world in which money is a verypowerfulthing,we shouldalwaystrytosave
6、a portion of our earnings for future use.These are the four things to which we must pay attention. It is only by this way that we can achieve success.3.TV - A Blessing or a Curse?As TV enters more and more families, people begin to wonder about itsadvantagesanddisadvantages.Somebelieve it is a bless
7、ing, others holdthat it is a curse to society.TV, as a mass media,can bringtopeoplenew information on economies, culture,arts,and many otherfields.Peoplecanenjoy their favorite programs at home.Insomecountries,someTVstationsprovidesuchprogramsaslookingfordangerous criminals and lost children,helping
8、tofindanideallover,andotherswhicharequitebeneficialtosociety,someTVstationsprovidevarious useful seminars for people ofvarious ages and social status. But ontheotherhand,TVmayexertbadinfluence on people. Some programs arefull of violence. As a result, people,especiallyjuveniles,areledtocommitcrimes.
9、 An increasing number of peopleareso indulgedinTV programsthat someeven neglect their duties.In my opinion, the attitude towards TVall depends on oneself. People shouldchoose those programs,which areuseful,andcanbringtothemthesenseofbeauty.4.On Test and Test TakingThe purposeofa testisto check how m
10、uchwe studentshave learnedabouta subject.Itnotonlyhelpsmake our newlyacquiredknowledgepermanent,but alsoenablesustofindoutwhat needs tospend more timeimproving.But some students do not deal with testcorrectly. Some of them are afraid offailingina test.They cheateven attherisk of being caught on exam
11、s. Thoughcheatingmightgiveone“bettergrades ”,itaddsnothingtoonesknowledge.Thisdishonestbehaviorwilldo one more harm than good.I think that we go to college in orderto have our furtherstudies,and prepareus to be qualified for the future job.Therefore,weshouldtakeacorrectattitudetowardstest.Aslongaswe
12、studydiligentlyand reviewourlessonsregularly, we are sure to be used toserve its real purpose.5.The DictionaryThedictionaryisalivingteacher.Whenever you come acrossa new word,justconsultitandyouwillgeta cleardefinition.Everystudent,whetherattendingschoolorself-taught,shouldalways have a dictionary a
13、t hand. As astudyaid,itisconvenient,inexpensiveand almost omniscient (all-knowing).Language skills will develop with yourconstant use of various dictionaries.The more you use them,themore familiaryouwillbecome withthem.Soonerorlater,youwillbequiteskilledinfinding the page, scanning the entriesand lo
14、cating the exact meanings of thenew words.But you shouldhave one thingin mind. As a language student, you canneverbecometoomuchattachedtodictionaries; basic language skills donotcome fromdictionaries,butfromyour practice. Expose yourself to thelanguagebylistening,speaking,readingand writingmore, and
15、 thatistheonly way to the mastery of a language.6.On LearningLearning is one s own business, which cannot rely on others. As we know, learning is a process of accumulating knowledge. It is ones life -long task,whichcannotbe accomplishedinone move.A successful learner is an independentonewhohasbothan
16、indomitable(unyielding)willand amazingendurance.He will try to discover his own way oflearning.Insteadofwaitingfortheteacher shelp,he willmake effortstocreate favorable conditions on his owninitiative.Itwillcertainlybeofgreathelp,ifthereisgood environment,sufficientbooksand equipment,as wellasinstru
17、ctionsfromteacherandbeneficialfriends.Buteven ifonehasgotallthesefavorableconditions,onecannot be sure to succeed in learning.So themost importantfactorinlearningconsistsin onesown effort.To learnis rathera painstakingand perseveringbusiness.Many a man isa failurebecausehecannotbearsuchindispensable
18、hardships.Unremitting(neverstopping)efforts can compensate for the lack oftalentsandthusenableonetogetconsiderable progress in learning.7.Is Failure a Bad Thing?Failureisacommonoccurrence(happening)in ourdailylife.Whateverwe do, thereare always two possibleresults: success or failure. Althougheveryo
19、newants tosucceedinwhathetries,sometimesfailurecantbeavoided.Differentpeopleholddifferentattitudes towards failure. When facedwith it, some can stand up to it, drawa useful lesson from it and try theirbestto fulfillwhat theyare determinedto do. Others, however, lose heart andgive in. They do nothing
20、 but complainaboutthemselvesandobjectiveconditions.Asapopularsayinggoes,“Failureteaches success. ” In my opinion, whatreallycountsisnotthefailureitself,but the proper attitude we should takeafterit.I trustthatas longas we keepto what is right and correct what iswrong, that is to say, learn a lessonf
21、romfailure,wewillbecertaintosucceed. So I am of the opinion thatfailure is not a bad thing.8.RecreationIt is impossible to keep in good healthunlesswetakesufficient(enough)recreation.Themind,too,requireschangetomakeitacute(sharp)andvigorous.There ismuch truthintheoldsaying,“Allwork and no playmakes
22、Jacka dull boy.”Therearemanygamesforpeopletoindulge(enjoy)aftertheirworkofstudy.Among them arefootball,tennis,andkite-flying.Otherformsofrecreationareboating,fishing,gardening,cycling,walking,chess-playing, and reading. Those whospendmost oftheirtimeintheopen airand have constant muscular employment
23、,shouldadoptreadingorsome otherquietformsofrecreation.Personswhositmuch attheirbusinessshouldtake a kindofrecreationthatwillsupplytheirmuscles with exercise.Recreationprovidespeoplewiththekindofrestand relaxation.Itmakes peoplefeelhappy,energeticandconfident,meanwhileitpreparespeopletodo muchbetter
24、than ever in their daily work.9. On Todays EducationI think one of the main problems withtoday s educatio n is that too much emphasis is placed on test score. It has become the most important criterion (standard) for college enrollment. Astudent, however creative and intelligent, will not be admitte
25、d intoa college for his total scores are justone pointlessthan required.Itisalsoonofthecrucial(decisive)factorseitherinjobassignmentorinemployment competitions.The competition for high scores amongstudentsbecomes intense.Studentsfindthemselvesconcentratingmoreonstrategies to achieve high scores than
26、on acquiring the knowledge. They willplaytruant(stayawayfrom)ofsomesubsidiary(lessimportant)coursesandskipoverthesubstance,whichwillnotbe tested on.Teachers are apt to give theirstudentshighscores.Astheirjobisjudgedmainlyby thestudents performance interms of scores, some teachers tend toset easy pap
27、ers to test their studentson ornarrowdown thescope oftheexam,even give them the hints to exams, orfavortheirstudentswithhigherscores.As a result, the competition for highscoresbecomessointensethatitactuallyaffectsoureducationresults.10.WeekendWeekendsareimportant.Theyprovidepeoplewiththekindofrestan
28、drelaxationthat areessentialto a happyand healthy life. Im one of those whoknow how to enjoy their leisure on theweekend. A good sleepatSaturdaynightusually helpsmetorecoverfromthehardlaborofthe week. A delightSunday tripto the suburbs makes me fresh and freefrom any tension.If Istayat home, Iusuall
29、ydo some lightreadingorpracticeChinesecalligraphy- a traditional writing skill whichhasanextraordinarycalmingeffect.Sometimes motherinvitesme tohelphercook and Iam alwayshappy toacceptherinvitation.A good rest on the weekendalways makes me feel happy, energetic,confidentand readytoallthehardworkahea
30、d ofme. You cannotwork happilyandefficientlyuntilyou learnhow torestand relax on the weekend.11.My View on Job-HoppingSomepeopletendtosticktotheirpositionsallthetime,as theythinkthelongerone worksina particularfield,themore skillfulone willbe atit.Somehave been teachersalltheirlives.Somedevote their
31、 life energy to scientificresearch. Such people love their workand turn out to be specialists in theirownfield.Theyareusuallyhighachievers.Someare different.They areinthehabitof job-hopping, for they always pursue(follow)whatisnewandstimulating(interesting). They never seem contentwiththeirpresentsi
32、tuation.Some liketo meet more people,make more money andnew acquaintances,so theyhop fromjobto job.As far as I am concerned, I want to beprofessionallystrong.Iam notinfavorof constant job-hopping, as the sayinggoes “Jackof alltrades,masterofnone”.ButIwanttocooperateandcommunicate with someone else s
33、o as to be more creative and less partial.12. AttendingCollegeat Ones OwnExpenseNowadays,collegesanduniversitiestend toacceptmore and more candidateswith a score close to the required bycharginga portionoftheirtuition.Moreover,the percentageofthestudentsattendingcollegethiswaywillbeincreasing year b
34、y year.Owingtothispractice,collegecandidateshave much freedom in choosingthe majortheymostlyinterestedin.Inaddition,thosewho didnotperform wellon the College Entrance Exam are able to attend college to have further studies. It is reported that most of thesestudentsworkharderthantheirclassmates.Certa
35、inlythispracticehassome disadvantages. For example, thosecandidateswho cannotaffordthetuitionmighthavefeweropportunitiestoreceive higher education.In my opinion, the advantages of thispracticeweighmorethanitsdisadvantages.So Iam in favorof itandI believepeoplewillbe more willingtoaccept it as time g
36、oes by.13.School-aged Children Drop OutIt s reported that in China about onemillionschool-agedchildrendrop outofschooleach yearand 80%of thedrop-outsarefromthefamilieswhicharetoopoorto keep their children at school.To tackle the problem, the governmenthas launched the Hope Project. It hashelpedthous
37、andsofchildrengo backtoschool. But in my opinion, this is farfromenough.Inorder tochangethissituationcompletely,thegovernmentshould set aside an adequate amount ofmoneyforeducation,especiallyforelementaryeducation.Andalso,thegovernmentshouldestablishlawstoensurethatno childrenshoulddropoutof schoola
38、s elementaryschooleducationiscompulsoryinChina,andlocalgovernments should aid the poor familiesso that they can send their children toschool.To sum up, so long as our central andlocalgovernments and the wholesocietypay enough attentiontothisproblemandtake effective action, this situationwill be chan
39、ged.14.Knowledge and PowerKnowledge and power are the two things most desired by man. There is close connection between these two things. The man, having done his best in acquiring knowledge, will easily get a highposition and perform it successfully.Power depends on knowledge.Knowledge topower is j
40、ust like a compass to a ship,bywhichhersailingismadesafelyacrossanunknownocean.Agreatstatesmanoralearnedscholarcanrender (give) his good services to hiscountryjustbecausehe has perfectandprofound knowledge.Poweronlyfollowsknowledge.Amancannot do anything well unless he hassome information as how to
41、do it well.A man will sometimes lose his way in astrangeland;anapprenticecannotproduceany delicatework. Why aretheseso? Because theyare in want ofknowledge.Ifthe apprenticewishestoproducegoodwork,hemustpayattentiontohisinstructors advice.We are all the future masters of ourcountry.Our countryneeds o
42、ur services.How can we fulfill our future tasks? Toget more knowledge is the only answer.15.BreakfastWe get the energy forourmovements fromfood.Human beingsarejustlikemachines. For us to work properly, wemust be well energized. The energy, ofcourse,comes from the threemeals a day,that is, breakfast,
43、 lunch and dinner.Breakfastismoreimportantthananyothermeal ina day.For one thing,afteranight s sleep,mostof theenergystoredinthehuman bodyhasbeenconsumed. Breakfast serves the purposeofreplenishing(fillup again)energy,thusmakingusenergeticagain.Foranother,inthecourse ofa day,morningis the period of
44、time in which we workwithmostefficiency.Withoutbreakfast,the efficiency would be lost. Finally,theconstantlackofbreakfastcancontribute to stomach troubles.Therefore,tokeep fit,we musthavebreakfast every day. It can be a cup ofmildwithsome bread,orabowlofporridgewithsome steamedbread,oranythingelseof
45、thesimilarkind.Anyway,we must eatour fill(eatas muchas we can),becausea good breakfastcannotonlyensureourgood healthbut alsomake a good beginning for a new day.16.Ability and Gook LooksOldpeopleusuallytelltheyoung,“Dont judge a person by his appearance. ” Meaning ability is moreimportantthanappearance.Indeed,weve seen so many brilliantbut not
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