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1、Unit 3 Faster, higher, stronger Period 5Developing ideas()写作培优课 写作素养提升写作素养提升 描写一个运动时刻描写一个运动时刻(Writing about a sporting moment) 【写作指导】【写作指导】 话题阐释话题阐释 体育运动是高考书面表达考查较多的话题之一体育运动是高考书面表达考查较多的话题之一,常涉及应用文、记叙文等常涉及应用文、记叙文等; 而且文本中常包含对于一个运动时刻的描写。而且文本中常包含对于一个运动时刻的描写。 文体概述文体概述 本单元写作文体是对一个运动时刻的描写。一般来说分成三部分本单元写作文体是

2、对一个运动时刻的描写。一般来说分成三部分: 开篇开篇: 直直 接点题接点题;主体主体: 生动描写一个运动时刻生动描写一个运动时刻;结尾结尾: 与开头呼应与开头呼应,描写自己的感受或收获。描写自己的感受或收获。 框架构建框架构建 (开篇开篇: 点明主题点明主题)I saw the final of_.It was an extraordinary experience and something I will never forget. (主体主体: 按照时间顺序生动描述一个运动时刻按照时间顺序生动描述一个运动时刻)Before the event, everyone was _.When it

3、 began, _.During the event, _.When it was over, _. (结尾结尾: 表述自己的感想或体会表述自己的感想或体会)I felt very excited.It was so wonderful to be part of this sporting moment and enjoy it. 【典题示例】【典题示例】 学校英语报社正在举办征文活动学校英语报社正在举办征文活动,请你积极参加。征文题目是请你积极参加。征文题目是“一个难忘的运动时刻一个难忘的运动时刻”。内容。内容 要求要求: 1.描述你参加的或观看的一个难忘的运动时刻。描述你参加的或观看的一

4、个难忘的运动时刻。2.你的感受。你的感受。 Step 1谋篇立意谋篇立意 体裁体裁: 应用文应用文Tips 主题主题: the final of the 4100-metre relay race 赛前赛前: ready at the starting line, be quiet and still, intense 赛中赛中: set off, run as fast as they could, cheer 赛后赛后: cross the finish line, win the first prize, jump with joy 感受感受: wonderful 时态时态: 一般过去时

5、一般过去时 人称人称: 第一人称或第三人第一人称或第三人 称称 Step 2语言支架语言支架 1.我观看了我们学校运动会的我观看了我们学校运动会的4100米接力赛的决赛。这是个不同寻常的经米接力赛的决赛。这是个不同寻常的经 历。历。 the _of the 4100-metre relay _4100米接力赛的决赛米接力赛的决赛 a _experience 一个不同寻常的经历一个不同寻常的经历 用用which引导的定语从句引导的定语从句,翻译句子翻译句子: _ _ final remarkable was a remarkable experience. I saw the final of

6、the 4100-metre relay race at our school sports meeting, which race 2.所有的学生都到运动会上为他们的运动队加油。所有的学生都到运动会上为他们的运动队加油。 _the sports meeting 来到运动会上来到运动会上 _their team _为他们的运动队加油为他们的运动队加油 用动词不定式作目的状语用动词不定式作目的状语,翻译句子翻译句子 _ come to cheeron All the students came to the sports meeting to cheer their team on. 3.当运动

7、员在起跑线做好准备时当运动员在起跑线做好准备时,每个人都保持安静。每个人都保持安静。 get _the starting line在起跑线做好准备在起跑线做好准备 be/keep _and still 保持安静保持安静 用用when引导时间状语从句引导时间状语从句,翻译句子翻译句子 _. ready at quiet When the runners got ready at the starting line, everyone was quiet and still 4.我从来没有想象到一个运动比赛的气氛是如此的紧张。我从来没有想象到一个运动比赛的气氛是如此的紧张。 _想象想象 the _

8、at a sports event一个运动比赛的气氛一个运动比赛的气氛 intense 紧张的紧张的 用虚拟语气翻译句子用虚拟语气翻译句子 _. imagine atmosphere I had never imagined that the atmosphere at a sports event could be so intense 5.比赛一开始比赛一开始,运动员就出发了运动员就出发了,所有人非常激动所有人非常激动,不停地欢呼。不停地欢呼。 set off 出发出发 excited 激动的激动的 用用too.to结构翻译句子结构翻译句子 _ _ stop cheering. As so

9、on as the race began, the runners set off and everyone was too excited to 6.我能看见运动员相互竞争的同时我能看见运动员相互竞争的同时,尽可能快地跑着。尽可能快地跑着。 run _尽可能快地跑尽可能快地跑 _each other 相互竞争相互竞争 用用while+-ing形式翻译句子形式翻译句子 _ _ as fast as they could compete with I could see the runners trying to run as fast as they could while competing

10、 with each other. 7.我们班的队第一个冲过终点线我们班的队第一个冲过终点线!我们的队赢得了这个最激动人心的比赛的第一我们的队赢得了这个最激动人心的比赛的第一 名。名。 _the finish line 第一个冲过终点线第一个冲过终点线 _the first prize 赢得第一名赢得第一名 用强调句翻译句子。用强调句翻译句子。 _Our team won the first prize in the most exciting event. first cross win It was our class team that first crossed the finish

11、line! 8.我和同班同学都高兴地跳了起来我和同班同学都高兴地跳了起来,又是欢呼又是大声喊。又是欢呼又是大声喊。 jump _高兴地跳了起来高兴地跳了起来 _欢呼欢呼 用用-ing形式作伴随状语形式作伴随状语,翻译句子翻译句子 _ with joy cheer My classmates and I all jumped with joy, cheering and shouting. Step 3润色组篇润色组篇 I saw the final of the 4100-metre relay race at our school sports meeting, which was a re

12、markable experience. I believe I will never forget it. It was the final event on the sports meeting.All the students came to the sports meeting to cheer their team on.When the runners got ready at the starting line, everyone was quiet and still.I had never imagined that the atmosphere at a sports ev

13、ent could be so intense.As soon as the race began, the runners set off and everyone was too excited to stop cheering. I could see the runners trying to run as fast as they could while competing with each other. The race was all over in just one minute. It was our class team that first crossed the fi

14、nish line! Our team won the first prize in the most exciting event.My classmates and I all jumped with joy, cheering and shouting. It was so wonderful for me to be part of this sporting moment and enjoy its speed and passion. 【善积累【善积累获新知】获新知】 话题词汇识记话题词汇识记 1.运动项目词汇运动项目词汇 athletics(田径运动田径运动),sport(运动运

15、动),game(运动运动;一局一局), match(比赛比赛), football(足球足球), basketball(篮球篮球), volleyball(排球排球), baseball(棒球棒球), golf(高尔夫球高尔夫球), tennis(网球网球), table tennis(乒乓球乒乓球), gymnastics(体操体操), swimming(游泳游泳), race(速度竞赛速度竞赛), relay race(接力赛跑接力赛跑), marathon(马拉松赛跑马拉松赛跑),high jump(跳高跳高),long jump(跳跳 远远),skating(滑冰滑冰), skiing

16、(滑雪滑雪) 2.运动词汇运动词汇 athlete(运动员运动员), player(球员球员), runner(赛跑者赛跑者), coach(教练教练), competitor(竞争者竞争者, 对手对手), opponent(对手对手), winner(获胜者获胜者),loser(失败者失败者), team(运动队运动队), the starting line(起跑线起跑线),the finish line(终点线终点线), prize(奖奖,奖品奖品),gold medal(金牌金牌) 3.实用短语实用短语 raise a big cheer for(为为欢呼欢呼), cheer sb. o

17、n(为某人加油为某人加油), take part in=participate in(参加参加),set off(出发出发),try ones best(尽力尽力,努力努力),give up(放放 弃弃),carry on(继续继续),with tears of happiness in their eyes(眼中含着幸福的泪眼中含着幸福的泪 水水),burst onto the scene(崭露头角崭露头角),pay off(取得成功取得成功), seize the gold(夺取金牌夺取金牌), make progress(取得进步取得进步), go wild(发狂发狂) 话题好句背诵话题

18、好句背诵 1.(2019北京高考北京高考)Much of the work in todays world is accomplished(完成完成)in teams. 当今世界上许多工作是由团队完成的。当今世界上许多工作是由团队完成的。 2.(2018天津高考天津高考)No one is born a winner.People make themselves into winners by their own efforts.没有人生来就是获胜者。人们通过自己的努力才成为获胜没有人生来就是获胜者。人们通过自己的努力才成为获胜 者。者。 3.【口语】【口语】Look how the crow

19、d has gone wild. 看人们都高兴地发狂了。看人们都高兴地发狂了。 4.But fighting spirit alone was not enough to guarantee victory.Strong team spirit also contributed greatly to their success. 但只有斗争精神还不足以保证胜利。坚强的团队精神也极大地促进她但只有斗争精神还不足以保证胜利。坚强的团队精神也极大地促进她(他他)们的们的 成功。成功。 5.But they were not going to give up.Every single member o

20、f the team gave their all to the fight. 但她们不打算放弃。每位球员都尽全力去拼搏。但她们不打算放弃。每位球员都尽全力去拼搏。 6.Through self-belief, hard work and perseverance, you can make your dream come true. 只有自信、努力和百折不挠只有自信、努力和百折不挠,你才能实现你的梦想。你才能实现你的梦想。 写作点拨写作点拨 读一篇范文有感读一篇范文有感 最近我读到一篇关于最近我读到一篇关于My Favorite Sport的英语作文范文的英语作文范文,深有所感。深有所感。

21、首先首先,我们先来读一下这篇范文。我们先来读一下这篇范文。 My favorite Sport is basketball.It looks so cool in TV that I was crazy about those basketball stars ever since I was little. Basketball requires speed, height and skills.I run, jump, switch, and try to hit! All parts of my body are exercised in this sport.I feel that I

22、m like wind flying in the playground for my goal, which makes me feel so great! Basketball needs quick reaction and decision.When chance comes, it may disappear in the next second.I should keep an eye watching as an eagle, decide and judge quickly as a leopard, and run for it as a wolf. Further more

23、, basketball is a sport more than just exercising.It needs team work.No one can play himself.A team should work together.So I learn to cooperate with others in this game.I should understand what my teammate doing and what he needs me to do for him.On the other side, I should learn to show my teammat

24、e what I need.At the same time, I need to keep an eye on the whole game, knowing how is the situation of our team and how is the other team.It involved more cooperation and strategy. I played basketball more for about 5 years now.I make many good friends through this sport.It is proud to win honor f

25、or my team and my school.Also I enjoy all games with my friend.Basketball will be my best friend in the future and my best memory about school life. 这篇范文非常好。第一这篇范文非常好。第一: 文章结构非常好。第一段开篇点明主题。然后从四个方面介绍了文章结构非常好。第一段开篇点明主题。然后从四个方面介绍了 支持主题的四个理由。文章最后用回扣主题的句子完美地结束全文。支持主题的四个理由。文章最后用回扣主题的句子完美地结束全文。 第二第二: 我们要学习作者每段的结构安排。每段中首先用主题句开始我们要学习作者每段的结构安排。每段中首先用主题句开始,然后通过详细的叙述然后通过详细的叙述 或具体的事例来说明主题句。每段话都非常丰满而且逻辑性很强。或具体的事例来说明


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