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1、核电厂系统及其设备复习题 、根据系统图,简要解释核能发电原理。 SG 2 5C 3 机 NFTJOa TlfTF 绪*螯 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 二、名词解释 质能关系 裂变 临界状态 反应性 半衰期 一回路 PWR 蒸汽发生器 稳压器 三、选择题 1. The nu clear po wer statio n p rovidesfor the utility grid. expen sive electricity base load p eak load full load 2. _sp ecify the ste ps required to go from

2、 one op erat ing state to ano ther. The codes The NRC The op erators The pro cedures 3. When large decrease in turb ine load the steam from the steam gen erators is sent to the_. steam conden ser atmos phere steam dump system heat exchanger 4. An excess of coola nt inven tory can result in a. po wer

3、 in crease temp erature in crease reactor trip turb ine trip 5. Followi ng the coastdow n of the coola nt pumps, the core residual heat will be removed by conden sers n atural circulati on boili ng heat tran sfer emerge ncy po wer 6. The op erati on of a nu clear plan t isthan op erati ng a moder n

4、fossil fuel po wer stati on. easier more difficult rather more complex 7. The heat is tran sferred by the reactor coola nt from the core to the. cecon dary loop outlet no zzles steam gen erators p ressurizer 8. The fuel rod providesto the esca pe of fissi on p roducts. two barriers three barriers se

5、als a barrier 9. The CEA guide tubes are made of_. stai niess steel ceramic zircaloy B4C 10. The helium in side the fuel claddi ng imp roves the. characteristic gap heat con ductivity gap heat convection clad strain 11. The CEA guide tubes are arranged. in the fuel assembly around the fuel assembly

6、in the cen ter of fuel assembly outside the fuel assembly 12. The coola nt canthrough the guide tubes. not flow be flow p ass 13. Theresteam gen erator(s) in each p rimary loop. is one are two * are there are moun ted. * is no 14. At the top of the tube bun dle shroud, * eggcrates * steam-water sep

7、arators * p lates * baffles 15. Therein the system 80+ steam gen erator. * is one feedwater inlet are two feedwater ini ets are three feedwater in lets are many feedwater ini ets 16. The flywheel on the motor is to provide. en ergy water coastdow n flow torque 17. The temp erature of the water in th

8、e seal assembly is maintained with in acce ptable limits by. water oil steam water and oil 18. In accorda nee with the coola nt temp erature p rogram,the average reactor coola nt temp erature is whe n steam dema nd is in creased. con sta nt fall raised high 19. In p ressurized water reactors water i

9、s used as. moderator coola nt both a and b n either a nor b 20. The thermal efficie ncy of P WRs is. more than 40% about 30% less than 10% about 70% 21. The space betwee n the reactor vessel and the core barrel is the. fuel rods con trol rods dow ncomer plenum 22. The ECeS is p rovided to. cool the

10、core con trol reactivity con trol volume drive pump 23. There aresuccessive barriers in PWR to prevent radioactivity esca pe. two three four five 24. The containment en close the. reactor reactor and p ressurizer p rimary system and sec on dary system en tire p rimary system 25. From the text the sa

11、fest nu clear po wer plant may be a _. expen sive one chea p one big one small one 26. Follow ing a decrease in turb ine load, the water p ressure and temp erature in the reactor_. will in crease in crease decrease will be un cha nged 27. A temp erature decrease of reactor vessel water results in an

12、. insertion of con trol rods po wer decease po wer in crease in crease of reactivity 28. Loss of po wer is a. up set con diti on abno rmal in crease reactor trip reactor shutdow n accide nt 29. In adverte nt auxiliary spray will result in. temp erature decrease po wer decrease p ressure decrease abn

13、o rmal con diti on 30. The Ion g-term con trol of core reactivity means adjustme nt of. con trol rods boric acid po wer out put coola nt 31. The burn able absorber rod assembly p rovides the cap ability of high absorber strength_. in all its life at the begi nning of refueli ng at the end of refueli

14、 ng cycle duri ng op erati on 32. The fuel assemblies used in a reactor are_. similar differe nt three types same 33. In the fuel rod the spring is set on the. p ellet colu mn sp acer disc end cap top 34. The CEA guide tubes are welded to the. sp acer grids lower end fitt ings con trol rods end cap

15、35. The fuel sp acer grids are made of_. stiff arches springs p lates zircaloy stri ps 36. After long time radiatio n the boron carbide will. decrease in mass be swelli ng in crease in mass be diss ip ated 37. The econo mizer in creases the cold leg sidebefore coola nt leavi ng the steam gen erator.

16、 flow rate temp erature temp erature differe nee relative flow 38. The water from the steam sep arators flows dow n into the. econo mizer shroud bun dle eva po rator sect ion 39. In the dow ncomer the water is. saturated boil ing very cold subcooled 40. The pump is conn ected with the motor by a. di

17、a phragm tube coup li ng cas ing 41. p ressurizer heaters are conn ected to proportional con trollers. A few The remai ning Most of the Ma ny 42. The fluid from econo mizer sect ion is . two-p hase flow boili ng water subcooled water saturated water 43. The amount of heat that has bee n con verted i

18、n steam turb ine isthat removed in conden ser. more tha n less tha n same as similar to 44. The hot p rimary fluid excha nges its heat with the sec on dary fluid in the_. p ressurizer condenser header steam gen erators 45. Residual heat-removal system remove the decay heat from the core. duri ng plant op eratio n after plant shutdow n duri ng start- up duri ng tran sie nt con diti on 46. Theis conn ected to the spent fuel pond by tran sfer can al. containment p ressure vessel pipe reactor cavity 47. One of the important factors in flue ncing containment


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