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1、Module 5A Trip Along the Three Gorges Integrating Skills,词汇知识自主学习,. 根据语境写出正确的单词 1. go on a _for our vacation坐船去度假 2. a _district多山地区 3. in the _ocean在浩瀚的海洋里 4. _fields肥沃的土地 5. the _hill陡峭的山 6. _outdoor activities多种户外活动 7. look at the _看风景 8. _beauty自然美,cruise,mountainous,immense,fertile,steep,varied

2、,view,natural,9. out of the _在船舱外 10. _smoking in the theatre剧院内禁止吸烟 11. the passenger _旅客休息室 12. a _village一个遥远的山村 13. meet at this _在此会面 14. buy a tie _买一个领带别针 15. turn on the _打开手电筒,cabin,forbid,lounge,remote,spot,pin,torch,. 根据语境选择短语并用其正确形式填空 be interested in, all the way, in the distance, on th

3、e coast, get a kick out of, at the mouth of, rip off, at least, stick on 1. We heard somebody calling us _. 2. And tell them how many times youve got _. 3. Nowadays more and more young people _the danger in motor racing. 4. He _what are called popular songs.,in the distance,ripped off,get a kick out

4、 of,is interested in,5. He is going to live _for his health. 6. His villa is situated _a river. 7. He rushed _to the station only to miss the train. 8. I _the stamp and ran to the postbox. 9. The police say his death was an accident, officially _.,on the coast,at the mouth of,all the way,stuck on,at

5、 least,. 根据课文及汉语提示补全句子 1. Theres a saying in the travel trade _. 在旅游业中有个谚语: 所有游客都会被敲竹杠。 2. The most famous river is the Yangtze, _ _on its long journey to the coast. 最著名的河是长江, 它一路流经我们省, 长途跋涉流向大海。 3. Im allowed to stick one in _for more than 24 hours. 只有我在一个地方待过24小时以上我才被允许自己扎一个别针(在地图上)。,that all tour

6、ists are ripped off,which passes all the way through the,province,only if Ive been in a place,4. _, Mr McCorquodale takes with him a photo of his wife, a candle, a torch, a shirt with a secret pocket, and _. 不管去哪里, 麦科克代尔先生都随身带着一张妻子的照片、一根蜡烛、一个手 电筒、一件有暗兜的衬衣和一支用来写明信片的钢笔。,Wherever he goes,a pen for writ

7、ing his postcards,1. forbid vt. (forbad/forbade, forbidden) 禁止 *Swimming from the boat is forbidden. 禁止下船游泳。 *The law forbids the sale of cigarettes to people under the age of 16. 法律禁止向16岁以下的人出售香烟。 *His own pride forbids him to ask Arthur for help. 他的自尊心不允许他开口向亚瑟求助。 *Women are forbidden from going o

8、ut without a veil in some countries. 在一些国家, 禁止妇女不戴面纱外出。,要点精研探究学习,【词块积累】 (1)forbid (doing) sth. 禁止做某事 forbid sb. to do sth. 禁止某人做某事 forbid sb. from doing sth. 禁止某人做某事 (2)forbidden adj. 被禁止的,【知识延伸】 forbid, allow, permit, advise这四个词若后面有“sb. ”, 须用“forbid/ allow/ permit/ advise+sb. to do”的形式; 若没有“sb. ”,

9、需用“forbid/allow/permit/advise+doing”的形式。,【巧学助记】图文助记forbid They forbid visitors to take photos. = They forbid visitors taking photos. =They forbid visitors from taking photos. 他们禁止游客拍照。,【链高考明考向】 *(2019全国卷)Today $8 or $10 seems a small amount of money, but at that time these amounts were forbidding to

10、 most citizens. 今天, 8美元或10美元似乎是一小笔钱, 但在当时, 这些钱对大多数公民来说是望而生畏的。,【即学活用】 (1)语法填空。 This place used to forbid _(park) cars and bikes. Her father forbade her _(marry) the foreigner. He is forbidden _leaving the country. (2)I think it is a good idea to _. 我认为在公共场所禁止吸烟是个好主意。 (3)Of course, during the training

11、, we _. 当然了, 我们在培训期间是禁止回家的。,parking,to marry,from,forbid smoking in public places,are forbidden to go home,2. varied adj. 多变化的 *My home province is an immense region in the southwest of the country, with a very varied landscape. 我的家乡省份是我们国家西南部的一个极大的地区, 有着变化多样的风景。 *There are various ways of doing thi

12、s work. 做这一工作的方法有很多。,*The audience are dressed in a variety of ways, some in suits and dresses, some in jeans. 观众们穿着各种各样的衣服, 有的穿西装和连衣裙, 有的穿牛仔裤。 *Her mood varied from optimism to extreme depression. 她的情绪由乐观变为极度消沉。,【导图理词】,【名师点津】various与varied various作定语时, 修饰复数名词, 表示“多种多样的”, 强调“多”。 varied作定语时, 修饰不可数名词或

13、复数名词, 表示“形形色色的, 多变化的”, 强调“不同”,【即学活用】 (1)用vary的适当形式填空。 Life should be _and interesting, unexpected and changing. (2020全国卷)Upon entering the farm, we were attracted by its cleanness and rich _of fruit. Join us to taste a _of fresh local food and drinks.,varied,varieties,variety,(2)Typing patterns _. 打

14、字模式因人而异。 (3)The author _having written the book. 作者为写这本书给出了各种理由。,vary from person to person,gave various reasons for,3. view n. 景色; 风景 *He always chooses a postcard with a beautiful view, and sticks on an interesting stamp. 他总是选择一张有着漂亮风景的明信片, 并且贴上一张有趣的邮票。 *From their position on the top of the TV To

15、wer, visitors can have a better view of the city. 站在电视塔的顶端, 游客可以更清楚地看到城市的景色。 *In my view, in view of the weather, we will put off the outing. 我认为, 因天气关系, 我们要推迟此次郊游。,【导图理词】,【易混辨析】“风景”各不同,【链高考明考向】 (2020江苏高考)In looking for the stories of discovery, I found the stories of these people and how their live

16、s changed our view of the world. 在寻找这些被发现的故事的过程中, 我发现了这些人的故事以及他们的生活如何改变了我们对世界的看法。,【即学活用】 (1)语法填空。 She has to be extra careful _view of her past medical history. _my view, the school vacation is too long. (2)When we topped the hill, we _. 我们爬到山顶时看到了优美的景色。 (3)As we turned the corner, a beautiful villa

17、ge _. 当我们拐过弯后, 一个美丽的村庄就出现在我们的眼前。,in,In,had a good view,came into view,4. Theres a saying in the travel trade that all tourists are ripped off. 在旅游业中有个谚语: 所有游客都会被敲竹杠。,【句式解构】 (1)本句是there be句型, 句中that引导同位语从句, 说明a saying的内容。 (2)句中rip off是固定短语, 意思为“敲竹杠”。 *We should consider the students request that the

18、school library provide more books on popular science. 我们应该考虑学生的要求, 学校图书馆提供更多的科普书籍。 *There is some doubt whether he will come on time. 不能肯定他能否按时来。,*We have no idea how the birds find their way home. 我们不知道这些鸟如何找到它们回家的路。 *The question who should do the job is being discussed at the meeting. 会议上正在讨论谁该做这

19、份工作的问题。 *(2020全国卷)The beauty of rereading lies in the idea that our bond with the work is based on our present mental register. 重读的美妙之处在于, 我们与作品的联系是建立在我们当前的心理状态上的。,【名师点津】 (1)that引导同位语从句时只起连接作用, 既无含义也不充当任何成分; (2)whether引导同位语从句时不充当任何成分, 意为“是否”; (3)连接代词who, what等引导同位语从句时充当从句主语或宾语, 意为“谁”“什么”等; (4)连接副词wh

20、ere, how, when等在从句中充当从句状语, 意为“哪里”“怎么样”“什么时候”等。,【知识延伸】同位语从句与定语从句的区别: 当when, where等引导定语从句时, 其意思与先行词的意思基本相同, 没有疑问意义; 但当它们引导同位语从句时, 与先行词毫无关系, 其意义完全与疑问词相同, 即when表示“什么时候”, where表示“哪里”。它们引导这两种从句时, 都在从句中作状语。 *I still remember the day when I first came to Beijing. 我还记得我第一次来北京的那天。(定语从句),*Do you have any idea

21、when he will be back? 你知道他什么时候回来吗? (同位语从句) *This is the house where I lived two years ago. 这是我两年前住过的房子。(定语从句) *Then arose the question where we were to get the machines needed. 那时就产生了这样一个问题, 我们到哪里去寻找所需要的机器。(同位语从句),【即学活用】 用适当的连接词填空, 使下列句子意思完整。 (1)They expressed the hope _they would come over to China

22、 soon. (2)The fact _he didnt see Tom this morning is true. (3)Word has come _some American guests will come to our college for a visit next week.,that,that,that,(4)He cant answer the question _he got the money from his home yesterday. (5)Do you have any idea _is actually going on in the classroom? (

23、6)The problem _we should have the meeting in the hall must be decided at once.,how,what,whether,【要点拾遗】 1. in the distance 远处的 *They could see the mountains in the distance. 他们能看见远处的群山。 *There was a flash of light in the distance. 远处有一道光。 *Oil painting is to be appreciated at a distance. 油画要在一定的距离外欣赏

24、。 *The railway station is at a distance of two miles from our school. 火车站离我们学校两英里路程。,【词块积累】 at a distance隔开一段距离 at a distance of. . . 隔开的距离 keep. . . at a distance与(某人)保持一段距离; 疏远 keep ones distance from. . . 与保持一定距离, 对冷淡,【名师点津】 注意区分in the distance和at a distance (1)词义不同。in the distance远处的; at a dista

25、nce隔开一段距离 (2)介词和冠词不同。,【即学活用】 (1)语法填空。 They noticed a hunter sitting at _ distance from the tree, a bow and arrow in hand. I went up to see what was happening and I was shocked to find a little child struggling in the water _ the distance. (2)It is _from New York to Hong Kong. 纽约离香港很远。 (3)She should

26、_that fellow. 她应该与那个家伙保持一定距离。,a,in,a long distance,keep her distance from,2. spot n. 地点; 场所 *The most beautiful spot on the river is the Three Gorges. 长江上最美丽的地方是三峡。 *Ive been to many scenic spots there and accumulated a good knowledge of them. 我去过那里的许多景点, 对它们有了一定的了解。 *Soon the driver is out of sight

27、, leaving Tom helpless on the spot. 很快司机就看不见了, 留下汤姆在现场束手无策。,*She was wearing a red dress with white spots. 她当时穿着一条带有白色圆点的红裙子。 *She had been spotted from a long distance with the white snow surrounding her. 人们从很远的地方就发现了她, 她被白雪包围着。,【导图理词】,【链高考明考向】 *(2019天津高考)She said she spotted my wallet on a bus sea

28、t. 她说她在一个公共汽车的座位上发现了我的钱包。,【即学活用】 (1)语法填空。 A horse ran past, _(spot)my coat with mud. The scenery along the river is amazing, with many well-known sightseeing _(spot). They know whats going on because theyre _the spot.,spotting,spots,on,(2)Her white dress _ink. 她的白色裙子被墨水弄脏了。 (3)Neighbours _out of the

29、 house. 邻居们发现有烟从这所房子里冒出来。,was spotted with,spotted smoke coming,3. get a kick out of (俚语)从中得到乐趣 *I get a kick out of travelling. 我从旅游中得到乐趣。 *She gets her kicks from wind surfing and skiing. 她从帆板运动和滑雪中得到极大乐趣。 *If the door wont open, give it a kick. 门要是打不开就踹一下。 *They kicked him out of the club for fig

30、hting. 他因为斗殴被俱乐部开除。,【词块积累】 get a kick out of=get a kick from=get ones kicks from 从中得到乐趣 kick oneself自责, 内疚 kick sb. out of. . . 驱逐某人 give. . . a kick 踢(人或物); 使(某人)兴奋 kick against sth. 反对或反抗某事物 kick around粗暴而轻率地对待; 从各个角度考虑,【即学活用】 (1)语法填空。 Gerald gets _ kick out of dressing as a woman. Im not a kid an

31、ymore but I still get a big kick _of going to see a circus. He was _(kick) out of school for trying to organize a student strike. (2)The article _. 这篇文章使我很兴奋。 (3)Its no good trying to kick against the rules. 译: _,a,out,kicked,gave me a kick,违抗规章制度是没什么好处的。,4. naturally adv. 自然地 *Naturally, Mr McCorqu

32、odale has his favourite places. 自然地, 麦科克代尔先生有他最喜爱的地方。 *Once a popular holiday spot, this island has never quite recovered from a series of natural disasters. 这个岛曾经是一个受欢迎的度假胜地, 但一直没有从一系列的自然灾害中完全恢复过来。,*The local people are by nature honest and kind. 当地人赋有诚实善良的性格。 *We must develop a feeling for beauty

33、in nature. 我们必须培养对大自然的美的鉴赏力。,【导图理词】,【链高考明考向】 (2020新高考全国卷)His efforts have resulted in 1, 360 acres of naturally-grown land that has become home to many plants and animals. 他的努力使1 360英亩的自然生长土地成为许多植物和动物的家园。,【即学活用】 (1)语法填空。 (2019全国卷)You could apply to be a Stewardship Youth Ranger and work on local _(n

34、ature) resource management projects for eight weeks this summer. The best friendships are the ones that grow _(nature). (2)The two _. 两者在本质上有区别。 (3)He was, _, a man of few words. 他是天生沉默寡言的人。,natural,naturally,are different in nature,by nature,5. The most famous river is the Yangtze, which passes all

35、 the way through the province on its long journey to the coast. 最著名的河是长江, 它一路流经我们省, 长途跋涉流向大海。,【句式解构】 (1)本句是主从复合句, which passes. . . to the coast 是which引导的非限制性定语从句, 修饰先行词the Yangtze。 (2)句中的all the way是固定短语, 意为“一路; 全程”。 *(2020全国卷B)While I tend to buy a lot of books, these three were given to me as gif

36、ts, which might add to the meaning I attach to them. 虽然我经常会买很多书, 但这三本书是作为礼物送给我的, 这可能会增加我对它们的理解。,*(2020全国卷)The longest track and field event at the Summer Olympics is the 50-kilometer race walk, which is about five miles longer than the marathon. 夏季奥运会上最长的田径项目是50公里竞走, 比马拉松比赛长约5英里。 *(2020浙江高考)The hung

37、ry bear followed his nose to our camp, which was surrounded by a high wire fence. 这只饥饿的熊凭着嗅觉来到我们的营地, 那里被高高的铁丝栅栏包围着。,【即学活用】 (1)语法填空。 His best movie, _won several awards, was about the life of Gandhi. My brother enjoyed playing basketball, _he really plays well. (2)He didnt say anything at the meeting

38、, _. 在会上他一言不发, 这很奇怪。,which,which,which was very strange,6. Im allowed to stick one in only if Ive been in a place for more than 24 hours. 只有我在一个地方待过24小时以上我才被允许自己扎一个别针(在地图上)。,【句式解构】 (1)本句是个复合句。Im allowed to stick one in (the map)为主句。only if Ive been in a place for more than 24 hours为条件状语从句。 (2)only放在

39、if条件状语从句前面, 用来强调从句。only if意为“只有在条件下”。 *(2018天津高考)Use a fire extinguisher only if you have been trained to do so. 只有你受过训练才能使用灭火器。 *Only if you find the right way to study will you be able to study well. 只有找到了正确的学习方式你才能学好。,【名师点津】 (1)only可用来强调状语、状语从句、主语等。 (2)only+状语(从句)置于句首, 主句部分倒装, 将助动词、情态动词或be动词提到主语之

40、前。 *Only in this way can you remain ahead of the other competitors. 只有这样, 你才能保持领先于其他选手。,【知识延伸】部分倒装 (1)否定词放在句首的句子部分倒装。这些否定词有barely, hardly, little, seldom, scarcely, not, never, no sooner, rarely, no more, not nearly, not only等。 *Not until yesterday did little John change his mind. 小约翰直到昨天才改变了主意。 (2)

41、so /such. . . that句型中, so /such置于句首, 句子部分倒装。 *So selfish was she that everyone avoid talking with her. 她是如此自私以至于所有人都避免和她说话。,【即学活用】 (1)Only if you never change your mind _. 只有你从不改变你的决心, 你的梦想才会实现。 (2)Only when the car pulled up in front of our house _Lily in the passenger seat. 只有当车停在我们的房前我们才看到莉莉坐在乘客座

42、上。 (3)We can succeed _. 全队只有人人努力拼搏我们才能取得成功。,will your dream come true,did we see,only if everyone in the team works hard,7. Wherever he goes, Mr McCorquodale takes with him a photo of his wife, a candle, a torch, a shirt with a secret pocket, and a pen for writing his postcards. 不管去哪里, 麦科克代尔都随身带着一张妻

43、子的照片、一根蜡烛、一个手电筒、一件有暗兜的衬衣和一支用来写明信片的钢笔。,【句式解构】 (1)本句是主从复合句, Wherever he goes是wherever引导的让步状语从句。 (2)wherever引导让步状语从句时可以与no matter where换用。wherever还可以引导地点状语从句, 此时不能与no matter where换用。 *Remember you are a Chinese wherever you go. (wherever引导让步状语从句) 不论你到哪里, 记住你是中国人。 *You can sit wherever you like. (wherev

44、er引导地点状语从句) 你喜欢坐哪儿都可以。,【即学活用】 (1) _, keep in touch with me, please. 无论你去哪里, 请与我保持联络。 (2)Well go _. 你爱去哪儿我们就去哪儿。 (3)Some people enjoy themselves wherever they are. 译: _,Wherever you go,wherever you like,有些人能够随遇而安。,课时检测素养达标,. 单句语法填空 1. This was a _(forbid) area for foreigners. 【补偿训练】 He is forbidden _

45、entering the United States and Great Britain due to his ties to terrorism. 2. In walked several policemen holding electric _(torch) in their hands. 3. They are living in the _(mountain)area.,forbidden,from,torches,mountainous,4. Tea culture is _(vary) in different countries by the way tea is made an

46、d drunk, and by the places for tea drinking. 5. I spotted something dark in the _(distant). 6. His shirt was _(spot) with oil. 7. Theres a beach restaurant with good _(view)of the bay and the sunsets. 8. We are _(nature) concerned about the future. 9. They ran out of drink, _actually didnt bother me

47、 because I wasnt drinking.,varied,distance,spotted,views,naturally,which,. 选词填空 1. I _watching him skating. (get a kick out of/give a kick to) 2. Look ahead, and you can just see the lights of the village _. (in the distance/ at a distance) 3. He liked the house, so he made an offer _. (on the spot/

48、in a spot) 4. The false advertising campaign tried to _a great many consumers. (rip off/put off) 5. We drove _through pouring rain. (all the way/by the way),get a kick out of,in the distance,on the spot,rip off,all the way,. 完成句子 1. You can make progress _. 唯虚心乃能进步。 【补偿训练】 Only if you study hard _go

49、od grades. 只有你努力学习, 你才能获得好分数。 2. Mom and Dad told us their secret, _. 妈妈和爸爸告诉我们他们的秘密, 我们发现这个秘密很有吸引力。,only if you are modest,can you get,which we found attractive,3. It is important _prevention is better than cure. 记住那个格言“防胜于治”很重要。 4. The surroundings _may have an effect on his development. 小孩生长的环境会影

50、响他的发展。 5. Shell wear fine jewellery _. 无论到哪儿她都会佩戴精美的首饰。,to remember the saying that,which a child grows up in,wherever she goes,. 课文短文改错 In 50 years of travelling Colin McCorquodale has visited every country in world, except three. Everywhere he go, he sends himself a postcard. He always chooses a p

51、ostcard with a beautiful view, but sticks on an interested stamp. He allowed himself to sticking a pin in the map as if he has been in a place for more than 24 hours. Natural, he has his favourite places. Theres a saying in the travel trade what all tourists are been ripped off. But he thought at le

52、ast the Italians rip you off with a smile. He says that China is a country of the future. Whatever he goes, he takes with him a photo of his wife and a pen for writing his postcards. He gets a kick out of travelling.,答案:,【补偿训练】课文短文改错 In 50 years of travelling Colin McCorquodale has visited every cou

53、ntry in the world, besides three. And everywhere he goes to, he sends him a postcard. He always chooses a postcard with beautiful view, and sticks on an interesting stamp. Usually he writes just a short message to himself. His last one, from the Malvinas islands, reads Good fishing.,On a wall in his

54、 home in London there has a large map of the world. There are hundred of little red pins sticking in it. “Its good to get a pin in the map, ” says Mr McCorquodale, “but I followed the rules. Im allowing to stick one in only if Ive been in a place for more than 24 hours. ”,1. 【解析】第一句: besidesexcept。考

55、查介词。except除了以外, 表示“否定和排除”; besides除还, 表示“肯定和包括”。 2. 【解析】第二句: 去掉to。此处为everywhere引导的状语从句, to多余。 3. 【解析】第二句: himhimself。考查代词。句意: 无论他去哪儿, 他都给自己寄张明信片。故用反身代词。 4. 【解析】第三句: with后加a。考查冠词。view作“景色”讲, 被形容词修饰时, 常和不定冠词连用。 5. 【解析】第五句: lastlatest。考查形容词。此处指“最近的”, 故用latest。,6. 【解析】第六句: hasis。考查固定句式。此处为there be句型。 7.

56、 【解析】第七句: hundredhundreds。考查数词。hundreds of成百上千的。 8. 【解析】第七句: stickingstuck。考查非谓语动词。pins与stick之间为被动关系, 故用过去分词。 9. 【解析】第八句: followedfollow。考查动词的时态。此处叙述经常的情况, 故用一般现在时。 10. 【解析】第八句: allowingallowed。考查动词的语态。此处为被动语态。,课时素养评价,十五Module 5Integrating Skills 【语用训练】 . 单句语法填空 1. Smoking _(forbid) here. Please ext

57、inguish your cigarettes.,is forbidden,【补偿训练】She was forbidden _ giving other interviews until the book was published.,from,2. 100, 000 trees will be planted in the _ (mountain) area. 3. With its _ (vary) climate, the country attracts both winter and summer sports lovers. 4. They admitted that they w

58、ere then _ the spot.,mountainous,varied,on,【补偿训练】Theres a _ (spot) dog attacking me!,spotted,5. _ my view, his suggestion sounds good. 6. After a while, we _ (nature) started talking about the children. 7. (2018天津高考)The possibility _ there is life on other planets in the universe has always inspired

59、 scientists to explore the outer space. 8. Can you see the flag on the mountain _ the distance? 9. The old man gets a kick out _ playing chess with others. 10. Tourists are worried theyll get ripped _.,In,naturally,that,in,of,off,. 选词填空 in the distance, vary between, on the spot, rip off, get a kick

60、 out of, in view of, at a distance of, by nature, a variety of, in nature 1. The airlines have been accused of _customers. 2. You may enjoy the paintings _3 metres. 3. These problems are economic _. 4. I can see the bus coming _. 5. I am an optimist _.,ripping off,at a distance of,in nature,in the d


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