1、assignment 02 for business english 2answer sheet商务英语2作业(02)答题纸unit 13 14学籍号: 082021010044 姓名: 齐桂华 分数: 学习中心: 北京总部学习中心 专业: _put all your answers on this answer sheet.writing 1. (70 points) proposal report for outsourcing productionterm of reference:as requested by the ceo of best lenses, inc,john lenn
2、on to conducting a research on outsourcing production oversee to china, below is my report showing the advantages and disadvantages to move recommendations based on the researches and findings. as your request, this report will be submitted by jan 1st,2012.procedures:i reviewed the industry average
3、income from the depart of labor statistics on local manufacturing entry level workers, production supervisors and site managers and department of audit on employment required expenses such as insurances and retirement benefits.i consulted few industries experts and some local factory workers from ch
4、ina for a swot analysis as well as some of the expectation on working conditions and life-balance indicators.i set a meeting with few of my old colleges who are currently working at the smith & bameys consulting department to discuss some major issues and expectations america companies often encount
5、er.findings: a:advantages for outsourcing1、 advanced american designed hi-tech automated machinery would boost production volume far beyond a local manufacturing facility could reach.2、 gained access to the chinese market to compete with locals.3、 low labor cost, as well as attached variable and fix
6、 cost would increase profit maegins.b: disavantages:1、 product quality assurance and advanced technology might be jeopardized.2、 counterfeiting product might flow to local market which could damage our product images and to fight against might incur heavy legal fees.3、 political risk needs to be con
7、sidered, such as corruption and bribery.4、 many local companies do not walk to talk on employees benefit and bonus.conclusion:from all collective findings and evidence, i believe china is the place for outsourcing. however, preventive actions and procedures need to be further implemented for the bus
8、iness to be more environmental and culture friendly and better protected from compromising firms advanced tech and goodwill.recommendations:a: readjust the firms advanced tech under the circumstance which product and quality would still match the local competitors to prevent from being compromised t
9、o local competitors.b: employ locals for the production site and sales department to be more culture adapted, but both department must strictly follow the policies and rules set by internal audit department to ensure the quality of employees working environment and the companys to the internal audit
10、 department.c: allow employees to bring in referral to increase sales for bonus, and directly file complaints to the internal audit department.2、(30 points)three categories of pr goals 1. sales-oriented goals, which is aimed to increase sales for the company. 2. financial-oriented goals, which is to add more financial power to the company, to make better financial forecast and to avoid any operation damages due to lack of investment. 3. ego-oriented goals aim to enhance a certain individuals popularity. three mains goals of pr1. to create, mai
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