



1、学习必备欢迎下载名词性从句试题及其答案I. She expressed theshe would travel in Dalia n aga in.A.hope itB.whetherC.hopeD.hope that2. The social problemit is right or wrong has not yet been decided.A.whetherB.ifC.whatD.which3. May I ask you a questi onwe are to get the book n eeded?A.whatB.whichC.whereD.if4. a pity that

2、I did nt see you last week.A.ThatsB.WhatsC.ItsD.Theres5. Do you have any idea?A.how I was worriedB.how worried I wasC.how worried was ID.what I was worried6. Do you know it was English teachers thatin our school?A.n eedB.were n eededC.will n eedD.areneeded7. The reas on why he was abse nt washe had

3、got ano ther importa nt meeti ng to atte nd.A.thatB.becauseC.because ofD.whether8. The workers dema nded that their wages.A.would riseB.must be raisedC.would be raisedD.be raised9. she will come is certa in.A.ThatB.WhatC. /D.Whether10. he said at the meeti ng ast oni shed everybody prese nt.A.WhatB.

4、ThatC.The factD.The matterII. One reas on why win ter is colder tha n summer isthere are fewer hours of sun light in win ter.A.whyB.becauseC.thatD.whether12. we do must be in the in terests of the people.A.WhatB.WhichC.WhateverD.That13. remains a secret how they climbed up the mountain.A.ltB.ThatC.l

5、fD.Whether14. We dont carethey will not come tomorrow.A.whetherB.ifC.whe nD.that15.1 won derit is true or not.A.whetherB.weatherC.ifD.why16.1 dont careit does nt rain cats and dogs.A.whetherB.ifC.thatD. /17.lt isntl want.A. thatB.whatC.whetherD.why18.Mr. Wangisto give usa report onhe saw and heard i

6、n AustraliaA.thatB.whatC.whetherD.which19. The boy has not cha nged at all excepthe is no Ion ger so talkative.A.whyB.thatC.whatD.if20. He usually goes to work on his bike exceptit rains.A.thatB.whe nC.whatD.whether二、请找错误并加以更正:21. Your composition is quite all right except that(A) there(B) is(C) a f

7、ew(D) spelling mistakes.22.She will(A) give whomever(B) needs(C) help a warm support.(D)23.1 can judge by(A) that(B) I k now of(C) him.(D) 24.Is(A) that(B) you told me(C) really(D) true?25. That(A) is in which(B) he put(C) _his books.(D)26. Mrs Joh n told(A) me(B) what(C) her son had happe ned.(D)27

8、. Did he raise(A) the question(B) where(C) would we go(D)?28.lt is happened(A) that(B) he was out(C) the other day(D).29. Thats(A) why(B) we(C) are worried about(D).30. Do you have any idea(A) in which(B) she will be back(C) from abroad(D)?三、用括号中动词的正确时态填空:31.1 twell(k no w)that Thomas Edis on (i nve

9、n t)the electric lamp.32. Did he say he(be) bad at expla ining himself in words?33. The reas on why he did nt atte nd the class meeti ng was that he (be )sick.34. What I want to say(be)what I want to do.35. The thought came to him that Xiao Chen( be)seriously ill for a long time.四、根据提示完成句子(一空一词):36.

10、 现在的中国不再是过去的中国了。China now is no Ion ger.37. 冋题是这本英汉词典是否值得一买。The questi on is.38. 凡是值得做的,就值得好好去做。at all is worth doing well.39. 这就是毛主席从前居住和工作过的地方。This is40. 据说你姑妈已出国深造两年半了。(for further study)It is said五、根据句意和语法填入句中所缺引导词41. The teacher told usthe sun rises in the east and sets in the west.42. He was s

11、urprised atI said.43.lt is probablehe has told her everyth ing.44.Do you all kn ow the truthColumbus discovered America in 1492?45.It happe nedAlice was out the other day.查明事46. The capta in came up and soon found outthe matter stood( 情的真相).47. Are you surehe will succeed in the end?48. they do it o

12、r not matters much to us.49. The teacher came in and askedwas the matter with us.50. Now we have lear ntheat is.参考答案一、1.D 2.A 3.C 4.C 5.B 6.B 7.A 8.D 9.A 10.A 11.C 12.C13.A 14.B 15.A 16.B 17.B 18.B 19.B 20.B二、21.C(are)22. B(whoever)23. B(what)24. B(what)25. B(where)26. D(had happe ned to her son)27. D(we would go)28. A.(It happe ned)29. B(what)3O.(whe n)三、31.is,known,invented32. was33. was34.is 35.had been四、36.what it used to be37. whether the En glish-Ch in ese diet ionary is worth buying38. Whatever is worth doi


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