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1、万源中学英语同步学案必修 2Module 2No Drugs话题 : No Drugs ( 谈论有关吸烟和吸毒危害的话题和劝阻别人戒烟的话题)功能 : 学会使用表达结果的状语: so, as a result, as a result of须掌握的语法 1.Infinitive of purpose ( 动词不定式做目的状语 )2. Adverbial clause of result ( 结果状语从句来 )第一课时词汇词汇拓展1. danger (adj.)2. i nject (n.)3. powerful(n.)4. reduce (反义词 )v.5. connection (v.)6.

2、 illegal (adj.)7. treatment (v.)8. disagree (n.)9. participant (v.)10. gymnastic (n.)须掌握的短语1.a result 结果2. as a result作为的结果3. more不仅仅4. relate与有关5. die死于6. look查阅7.ones advice 接受某人的建议8. break闯入9. agree同意10. give放弃11. belong属于12. in order为了须掌握的单词1. 毒品,毒药 n.2. 癌症 n.3. 香烟 n.4. 烟草,烟丝 n.5. 上瘾的 adj.16. 大麻

3、 n.7. 可卡因 n.8. 危险 n.9. 对(药物等)上瘾的人;瘾君子n.10. 注射 vt.11. 针;针管 n.12. 有力的;(药等)有功效的adj.13. 减少 vt.14. 附近的 adj.15. 盗窃;盗窃罪n.16. 罪行;犯罪行为n.17. 联系;关系;关联n.18. 违法的;不合法的adj.19. 比;比率 n.20. 逛商店时偷窃商品的行为n.21. 治疗 n.22. 可能的adj.23. 成人n.24. 咖啡馆;餐馆 n.25. 不同意;意见不合vi.26. 禁止 vt.27. 令人不快的;极讨厌的adj.28. 影响 vt.29. 参与者;参加者n.30. 认识;认

4、知;认出vt.31. 传单;印刷品n.32. 分心,分散注意力n.33. 慢跑 n.34. 体操的 adj.第二课时阅读理解单词拼写1. Smoking is a _( 危险 ) to health.2. He was _ _(严重) injured in an accident.3. The production of this year has been ( 减少 )_by 20%4. His dismissal has no _ (联系) with the quality of his work.5. The thief was arrested for committing_( 盗窃

5、)。6. This accident caused many_( 死亡 )7. The doctor s(治疗) cured him.8. There were many scientist all around the world_ (有关 )to the research on finding aliens in outer space.29. Every year a lot of people die as a result of smoking_( 香烟 )。10. He is_( 可能的 )to come tomorrow.佳句背诵1. 我 19 岁 , 曾经是一名吸毒者。 (1,

6、2,3)2. 注射毒品者若和其他人共用针头, 他们的危险也会更大。 (4,5,6,7)3. 第二天 , 我闯入一户人家 , 偷走了一台电视机和一台录象机。(8,9,10)4. 吸食可卡因会增加吸毒者的心率和血压。(11,12,13)5.不要吸烟,打个电话,散散步,与朋友聊聊天。(14,15)6. 他告诉我说如果我不停止吸食强效纯可卡因我会死的。 因此我接受了他的建议 , 立即开始戒毒。 (16,17,18)7. 参与者学会认清吸烟的动机并要确定在将来某个时刻把烟戒掉。(19,20,21,22,23,24)知识点配套练习:第三课时知识点配套练习1.He was soabout English s

7、ongs that recently he began to study English.A. addictedB. appliedC. crazyD. interested2.My son is helplessly addicted to watch TV.(改错 )3.You see, when I was a teenager I also amoked and I(对上瘾 )cigarettes.4.Tigers are, so children arewhen they get close to them.A. dangerous; dangerousB. in danger; i

8、n dangerC. dang erous; in dangerD. in danger; dangerous5.He(有丧命的危险 ).6.He has been very ill, but the doctor says that he is now.(脱离危险 )7.The sea turtle is an.(濒临灭绝的 )8.The old factory fas beento make way for a supermarket.A. cut downB. broken downC. torn downD. calmed down9. When I got home I found

9、my houseand something stolen.A. broken inB. broken intoC. broken upD. broken out10. News reports say peace talks between the two countrieswith no agreement reached.A. have broken downB. have broken outC. have broken inD. have broken up311.by others when you do nothing wrong at all is quite a bad exp

10、erience.A. Having been misunderstoodB. Being misunderstoodC. Having misunderstoodD. Misunderstood12.Although a ahild, my son can resistwhat to do and what not to do.A. being toldB. tellingC. to be told D. to tell13.I still rememberchess in class by my teacher about twenty years ago.A. to be caught t

11、o playB. being caught playingC. catching playD. having caught playing14.We had a party in the gardenin the house.A. insteadB. instead ofC. withoutD. rether15.I didn ttake a taxi. I went on foot instead. ( 用义句 )I went on foottaking a taxi.16.I advised heat once.A. startedB. to startC. startingD. star

12、t17.All of us shouldour teachers advice on our study.A. haveB. understandC. takeD. gain18.The doctor gave me someon how to take exercise.A. adviceB. advicesC. suggestionD. advise19.Every four years, many athletes from different countriesthe Olympic Games.A. take partB. participate in C. joinD. atten

13、d20.Adults develop the confidence to( 参与 ) the social, economic and political lives oftheir communities.21.Will youmea walk?(你跟我一起去散步好吗?)22. Oh, ityou!s Iyou. I vejust had my hair cut, and I m wearing new glasses.A. didn trecogniseB. hadntrecognisedC. haven trecognisedD. don trecognise23. Although m

14、any Americans move a lot, they still(辨别出 )each others dialects.24. The book( 被认为是 ) a classic now.第四课时写作美文背诵Dont Rely on Luck!Passing exams is every students dream. Failing them is their nightmare. So, to realize their dreams, many students try anything. They even go to fortunetellers, buy lucky cha

15、rms and follow old customs.In Korea, many students bury something personal in the university they want to enter. They believe that these things will act as magnets and pull them into the university. Whether it worksor not, nobody really knows. Atleast it does ease the students minds about passing ex

16、ams.Remember, though, you cant always rely on luck. There is no substitute for hard work.4dont rely on luck勿心存侥幸bill纸钞pass the examfail the examflunk the exam( 俚 ,fail)dream a sweet dream做了一个梦I dreamed about/of you last night.dream about/of kissing sb梦见I had a nightmare dream last night.I have a dre

17、am.? parasol 阳伞 be buried inMy father was buried in military cemetery. Peter is always buried in his work. Do as the roman do. In Austrilia I acted as Peters interpretor. 口译员 ease ones mind写作指导:现在越来越多的人加入了戒烟的行列,但是中学生吸烟现象日趋严重,请用英语就吸烟有害健康写一篇短文,从以下几个方面阐述吸烟的危害性。1. 你所在的学校出现了中学生吸烟的现象。2. 吸烟对呼吸系统(respirator

18、y system )、心血管(blood vessels of heart )和肺十分有害;吸烟者肺癌发病率是不吸烟的4 倍;3. 吸烟对于身体处于发育阶段的青少年危害更大,而且还危害不吸烟人的健康;4. 吸烟可以引发火灾。5. 注意:短文的开头已写好,不计入总词数。Nowadays almost everyone has realized that smoking is harmful to people s health and moreand more smokers have given up smoking.5答案 :词汇拓展: 1. dangerous2. injection3.

19、power4. increase5. connect6. legal7. treat8. disagreement9. participate10. gym/ gymnastics佳句背诵:1. Im 19 years old and I used to be a drug addict.2. Users who inject the drug are also in more danger if they share needles with other users.3. The next day, I broke into a house and stole a television an

20、d a video recorder.4. Using cocaine increases the users heart rate and blood presure.5. Instead ofsmoking, make a phone call, take a short walk, talk with a friend.6. He told me that I would die if I didn tstop talking crack cocaine, so I took his advice and stopped immediately.7. Participants learn

21、 to recognise smoking triggers and they try to set a date in the future whenthey will stop smoking.知识点配套练习:1. D2. watching3. was addicted to4. C 5. is in danger of losing his life6. out of dang er7.endangered8. C9. B10. A11. B12. A13. B14. B15. instead of16. D17. C18. A19. B20. participate in21. join in22. A23. recognise24. is recognised as例文:Nowadays almost everyone has realized that smoking is harmful to people s health and more and more smokers have given up smoking. However, among middle school students, smoking can be seen more and more often. Young smokers are also foun


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