



1、物料质检管理规定tr-gl-20150105/a(xs/1)密 级:级 文件编号:版 本:a 状 态:受控量检具管理规定长春市同人股份有限公司编制:审核:批准:批准日期: 年 月 日 实施日期: 年 月 日pump running states real-time automatic monitoring and advanced system of energy-saving control, distributed computer control system the system, consists of field sensors and actuators, direct digi

2、tal control (ddc), communication network, the central operator station consists of four parts. building control room located in the medical synthesis building first floor, combined with the fire services communication centre, which consists of central station, devices such as printers, ups power. cl

3、ean air conditioning for the normal operation of the unit in order to ensure that the operating room, surgical equipment in four layers laminated construction equipment management system monitoring station. building equipment monitoring system (bas) of main monitoring content frozen water system mon

4、itoring: refrigerator of kai stopped control; steam pressure detection; according to buildings by needed cold load automatically adjustment cold water unit of run taiwan number; electric butterfly valve, and cooling pump, and cooling tower, and frozen pump and the cold water unit of order kai stoppe

5、d control; according to cooling water of temperature automatically kai stopped cooling tower fan and the control cooling water for backwater duct bypass valve of open degrees; frozen water of load regulation; expansion tank level control; cooling water frequency fill pump monitored,. (this system by

6、 frozen station manufacturers completed frozen water system of monitoring, set a frozen station points station, points station host through communications conversion unit put about data to building equipment management system host) clean air conditioning unit monitoring (four control): unit sent win

7、d machine of kai/stopped control, and monitored fault, and run同人股份, 内部文件, 未经允许不准外传。 物料质检管理规定tr-gl-20150105/a(xs/1)修改记录版本号修改条款及内容修改日期(y/m/d)a新编制。2015.1.27目录状 态:受控1修改记录2目录31 目的42 适用范围43 职责权限44工作程序45相关表单51 目的本制度的目的是规范管理量检具,确保量检具的检测精度,使之满足质量部日常工作的检验要求。2 适用范围本制度适用于公司外购的量检具的验收、检定、保养的管理。3 职责权限3.1质量管理部是本办法的

8、归口管理部门,负责按规定对外购的量检具进行验收、管理、周期检定及保养和维护。3.2仓库保管员负责对合格量检具办理入库手续。3.3质量管理部质量工程师负责量检具保养和维护。4工作程序4.1量检具验收量检具验收的内容应包括标牌、图纸、检测报告、出厂合格证、使用说明书。所有证明文件齐全方可验收。量检具经验收合格后由质量管理部填写“检具验收合格证” 。4.2 量检具检定质量工程师依据量检具的使用频次规定检定周期,输出量检具周期检定计划表。采购部按照检定周期将量检具送到计量部门进行检测和校准,并将检测报告交与质量工程师存档。4.3 量检具使用4.3.1使用量检具时,应先用干净棉纱擦净,保持量检具的清洁,不得与刀具、金属等物混放在一起。4.3.2不能用油石、砂纸等硬的东西擦拭量检具的测量面和刻线部分。4.3.3使用中的量检具,一旦发现问题时,应及时停止使用,送到专门部门维修,不允许私自拆卸、修理量检设备。4.3.4使用的量检具的存放地点要清洁,干燥、无振动、不应有砂粒、铁屑及腐蚀性物质。4.3.5不准用手摸(擦)使用量检具的工作面。4.4量检具的维护、保养4.4.1量检具的使用者负责进行日常保养工作。 4.4.2不得擅自拆卸、换件或改制,不得把量检具当作工具或它用。 4.4.3量检具使用者在量检具使用后,应对将量检具擦拭干净,存放整齐,必要时涂上防锈剂或罩好防尘罩。 4.4.4 使用者


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