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1、module 10 my perfect holidayunit 11. its time (for sb) to do sth.(某人)该做某事了,到做某事的时间了= its time for sth.e.g. its time (for you) to have lunch. = its time for lunch. (你)该吃午饭了. its time (for us) to go to school. = its time for school. (我们)该上学了.2. dont be silly! 别傻了.3. see sb. off 给某人送行 meet sb. 接某人4. ta

2、ke sb. to some place 把某人带到某地去5. board v. 登(机, 船等)e.g. board the plane/train/ship 登上飞机/火车/轮船flight 387 for new york is now boarding at gate 15.飞往纽约的387次航班在15号闸等候乘客上飞机.6. get something to eat/drink 弄些吃/喝的7. during the flight 在飞行期间8. “would + 动词原形” 可以用来表示想象、推测或可能。e.g. id see elephants, lions and all th

3、e other animals. 我会去看看大象、狮子以及其它所有的动物。 i would fly to england to see my friends this summer holiday. 我想今年暑假飞到英国看望我的朋友。 i would have two wings and then fly to the moon. 我想有一对翅膀飞月亮上去。9“也”的表达法:肯定否定位于句尾tooeither加倒装soneither / nore.g. 1) 肯定句he is fond of animals. im fond of animals, too. = he is fond of a

4、nimals. so am i. he comes from england. im from england, too. = he comes from england. so do i. he enjoyed himself at the party last night. i enjoyed myself, too. = he enjoyed himself at the party last night. so did i. he will get there on time. i will get there on time, too. = he will get there on

5、time. so will i. he can speak english well. i can speak english well, too. = he can speak english well. so can i. 2) 否定句 he isnt fond of animals. im not fond of animals, either. = he isnt fond of animals. neither am i. he doesnt come from england. i dont come from england, either. = he doesnt come f

6、rom england. nor do i. he didnt enjoy himself at the party last night. i didnt enjoy myself, either. = he didnt enjoy himself at the party last night. neither did i. he wont get there on time. i wont get there on time, either. = he wont get there on time. nor will i. he cant speak english well. i ca

7、nt speak english well, either. = he cant speak english well. neither can i.注: 比较 “so +倒装” 与 “so+陈述” “so +倒装”表示 “也”, “so+陈述”表示 “同意对方所说的话”e.g. - tom is good at math. 汤姆数学很好.- so is mary. 马莉也是. - tom is good at math. 汤姆数学很好.- so he is. 他的确是.10. have a fantastic/good time 玩得高兴11. somewhere adv. 某地 e.g.

8、id like to go somewhere warm to spend the spring festival. 我想去个暖和的地方过春节. anywhere adv. 任何地方 (多用语否定句或疑问句) e.g. you can fly to anywhere in the world from here. 你可以从这里飞往世界各地. did you go anywhere yesterday? 你昨天去了什么地方吗? nowhere adv. 任何地方都不, 没有地方 e.g. the poor old man has got nowhere to live. 那个可怜的老人没有地方住

9、. he jumped from nowhere. 他不知从哪儿跳出来的. everywhere adv. 到处, 任何地方 (= here and there) e.g. i cant find it, though ive looked everywhere. 我虽然到处找, 但还是没找到.12. take the train to paris = go to paris by train 乘火车去巴黎13. outdoor adj. 室外的 outdoor life 野外生活 outdoors adv. indoor adj. 室内的 indoor sports 室内运动 indoors

10、 adv.14. something is/goes wrong with my bike. 我的自行车坏了. = there is something wrong with my bike.15. it takes sb. some time to do sth. 花费某人一些时间做某事.e.g. it took me two hours to finish the work. 完成这项工作花了我两个小时的时间.16. so + adj./adv. + that +句子 如此以致于e.g. the girl is so lovely that everyone loves her. 这个女孩

11、儿这么可爱,大家都喜欢她. the journey took so long that we had to come back immediately. 这次旅行花费时间这么长以致于我们得立刻回来. he was so fat that he couldnt get through the hole. 他太胖了以致于他过不去这个洞. he runs so fast that nobody can catch up with him. 他跑得这么快以致于没人能赶得上. she loved playing the piano so much that she gave her life to it

12、. 她如此喜欢弹钢琴以致于她一生都致力于她.区别于so that 表目的, “为了”too + adj./adv. + to do sth. 太以致于不能e.g. the box is too heavy to carry. 这个箱子太重以致于搬不动. ( = the box is so heavy that i cant carry it. ) the girl is too young to go to school. 这个女孩儿太小了还不能上学. ( = the girl is so young that she cant go to school. ) its too cold to

13、go swimming. 天太冷了,不能去游泳. ( = its so cold that we cant go swimming. ) the math problem is too difficult to work out. 这道数学题太难了, 做不出来. ( = the math problem is so difficult that i cant work it out. )17. stay/keep in touch with sb. 与某人保持联络 lose touch with sb. 与某人失去联络18. have a safe trip! 一路平安 have a nice

14、 trip! 祝你旅行愉快!19. perfect adj. 完美的e.g. practice makes perfect. 熟能生巧.20. gate 大门, 登机门unit 221. daily routine 日常习惯22. go (away) on business 出差23. as + adj./adv.(原级) + as 和一样e.g. he is as tall as me. 他和我一样高. this book is as interesting as that one. 这本书和那本一样有趣. i have as many books as you. 我的书和你的书一样多. t

15、he weather in beijing is as cold as that in shijiazhuang. 北京的天气和石家庄一样冷.he runs as fast as me. 他跑得和我一样快.i work as hard as you. 我和你工作一样努力.she loves sports as much as me. 她和我一样热爱运动.would life be as easy as when your parents are around?生活会像父母在家那样的惬意吗?not so/as + adj./adv.(原级) + as 不如e.g. he isnt so/as t

16、all as me. 他没我高. this book isnt so/as interesting as that one. 这本书没有那本书有趣. i dont have so/as many books as you. 我的书没你的书多. the weather in beijing isnt so/as cold as that in harbin. 北京的天气没有哈尔滨的天气冷.he doesnt run so/as fast as me. 他没有我跑得快.i dont work so/as hard as you. 我没你工作努力.she doesnt love sports so/

17、as much as me. 她没我那么喜爱运动.life wouldnt be so/as easy as when your parents are around. 生活没有像父母在家时那样惬意.24. the 14-year-old girl 这个14岁的女孩儿注: 名词或名词短语在句中做定语时, 常用单数, 并加连字符. e.g. i have read a 90-page book. 我读了一本90页的书. ms wang has a 17-year-old daughter. 王女士有一个17岁的女儿. he was the winner of the 100-meter race

18、. 他是100米赛的获胜者.25. know little about sth. 对了解少26. fill sth. with sth. 用填满e.g. please fill the bottle with water. 请用水装满这个瓶子. the thought fills me with pleasure. 这个想法使我充满喜悦. i can fill an empty stomach with tomato and egg soup. 我用土豆西红柿汤填满了我的空空的肚子.be full of 充满e.g. the train is full of passengers. 这辆火车载

19、满了乘客. the field is full of sheep feeding on the new grass. 田野里到处是绵羊在吃嫩草.27. thats all. 就这些. is that all? 就这些吗?28. look after ourselves 照顾我们自己29. burn ( burned, burned或 burnt, burnt ) 烧, 烧焦, 燃烧e.g. ive burnt my hand. 我烧伤了我的手. id forget something important and then burn the soup. 我会忘记一些重要的事, 把汤烧糊了.30.

20、 the basic life skills 基本的生活技能31. i dont think 我认为不e.g. i dont think you are right. 我认为你不对. she doesnt think 她认为不e.g. she doesnt think teenagers get enough practice. 她认为青少年没有得到足够的锻炼.32. leave home 离开家33. go to college 上大学34. dress sb. 给某人穿衣服e.g. mother is dressing the baby. 妈妈正在给孩子穿衣服. dress oneself

21、 给自己穿衣服.e.g. teachers should dress themselves properly. 教师应当着装得体.be dressed in 穿着e.g. we are always dressed in our school uniforms. 我们总是穿校服.比较: put on表动作, “穿上” wear表状态, “穿着” dress 表动作和状态均可e.g. 表动作:shes putting the babys clothes on. 她正在给孩子穿衣服. = shes dressing the baby.表状态:she always wears black. 她总是穿

22、黑色的衣服.=she is always dressed in black.35. empty adj. 空的 full adj. 满的e.g. there are three empty houses in the street. 这条街上有三个空房子. are you full? 你饱了吗?36. stomach n. 胃stomachache胃疼 headache头疼 toothache 牙疼 earache 耳朵疼37. enough adj. 足够的enough修饰adj.时, enough位于adj.之后e.g. warm enough good enough big enough

23、enough修饰n. 时, enough可前可后, 但一般在名词之前e.g. enough food/water 38. everything 任何事情 (something anything nothing)39. simple adj. 简单的 complex adj. 复杂的40. proper adj. 适合的, 适当的, 正确的e.g. i dont think this dress is proper for going to church in. 我觉得这件衣服不适合去教堂穿.properly adv. 适当地, 正确地, 得体地e.g. im learning french,

24、but i still cant speak it properly. 我正在学英语, 但是仍然说得不太准确.teachers should dress themselves properly. 教师应当着装得体.41. not at all 一点也不e.g. i dont like meat at all. 我一点也不喜欢肉.for most teenagers it wouldnt be a holiday at all. 对于大多数的年轻人来讲, 这可根本算不上个假期.unit 342. take off 起飞 land 着陆43. go on holiday 度假44. somewhere cool 某个凉爽的地方45. surprising adj. 令人惊讶的 (指物


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