1、5我父亲生前是个农民well, my dad was a farmer.6那时大家都以此为生um, like everybody else back then.7当然 最初他并不干这行of course, he didnt start that way.8电脑提示倾斜过度computer says youre too tight.9- 没事 我能搞定 - 正在穿越直道- nah, i got this. - crossing the straights.10- 关闭发动机 库珀 - 不要!- shutting it down, cooper. - no!11- 已全部关停 - 不 重新启动!-
2、 shutting it all down. - no, i need power up!12爸爸?dad?13抱歉 墨菲 回去睡吧sorry, murph. go back to bed.14- 我还以为你是那幽灵呢 - 我不是- i thought you were the ghost. - no.15世界上没有幽灵 宝贝there are no such things as ghosts, babe.16外公说有幽灵的grandpa says you can get ghosts.17那是因为外公自己就快成幽灵了 回去睡觉maybe thats because grandpas clos
3、e to being one himself. back to bed.18你又梦见那次坠机了吗?were you dreaming about the crash?19快回去睡觉 墨菲 哈get your butt back in bed, murph. heh.20麦子都枯死了the wheat had died.21遇上枯萎病 只能全烧了the blight came and we had to burn it.22我们还剩几亩地的玉米and we still had corn. we had acres of corn.23但最多的还是沙尘but, uh, mostly we had
4、dust.24我无法描述它 那风就刮个没完i guess i cant describe it. it was just constant.25就持续不断地刮着.just that steady blow.26沙尘of dirt.27有时 我们用碎布.we wore, um, little strips of sheet.28捂住口鼻.sometimes over our nose and mouth.29以免吸入过多尘土so that we wouldnt breathe so much of it.30收拾餐桌时 我们总是把盘子.when we set the table, we alwa
5、ys set the plate.31倒扣着放 酒杯啊 水杯啊 不管是什么.upside-down. glasses or cups, whatever it was.32都倒扣着放upside-down.33快点! 墨菲 赶紧过来!shake a leg! murph, get a move on!34汤姆 下午四点去谷仓 我教你用除草剂tom, 4:00 today, you and me in the barn, herbicide resistance 101.35- 明白? - 遵命- check? - yes, sir.36别放餐桌上 墨菲not at the table, mur
6、ph.37爸 你能修好吗?dad, can you fix this?38你对我的登月舱都.what the heck did you do.39- 干了什么? - 不能怪我- to my lander? - wasnt me.40让我猜猜 是幽灵干的?let me guess. it was your ghost?41就是它撞的 它总把书撞下来it knocked it off. it keeps knocking books off.42根本没有幽灵 笨蛋no such thing as ghosts, dumb-ass.43- 嘿 - 我查过了 这叫捣蛋鬼- hey. - i looke
7、d it up. its called a poltergeist.44爸 跟她讲讲理dad, tell her.45这说法并不太科学 墨菲well, its not very scientific, murph.46你说过 科学就是去确定未知的事物you said science was about admitting what we dont know.47- 她驳倒你了 - 嘿- shes got you there. - hey.48先看好我们的东西再说start looking after our stuff.49库珀coop.50好吧 墨菲 你想聊科学?all right, mur
8、ph, you want to talk science?51别只嚷嚷着怕幽灵 你得深入研究dont just tell me youre afraid of some ghost. no, you got to go further.52你得记录现象 进行分析 查明因果.you got to record the facts, analyze, get to the how and the why.53最后得出结论 好吗?then present your conclusions. deal?54- 好的 - 很好- deal. - all right.55- 上学愉快 - 等等- have
9、 a good day at school. - hold up.56参加家长会的是家长parent-teacher conferences. parent.57不是家长的家长not grandparent.58别着急 小子!slow down, turbo!59- 那不是沙尘暴吧 - 是内尔森在烧他的庄稼- thats not a dust storm. - nelsons torching his whole crop.60枯萎病?blight?61他们说这是最后一茬秋葵了theyre saying its the last harvest for okra.62再也种不成了ever.63
10、他应该和我们一样种玉米的he shouldve planted corn like the rest of us.64听着 对汉莉小姐客气点 她可是单身now, be nice to that miss hanley. shes single.65这话什么意思?whats that supposed to mean?66为地球繁衍后代 出点力吧 年轻人repopulating the earth. start pulling your weight, young man.67你还是操心你自己吧 老人家why dont you start minding your own business, o
11、ld man?68好了 墨菲 挂二档all right, murph, give me second.69啊哈uh-huh.70三档third.71- 找准档位 笨蛋 - 用力按!- find a gear, dumb-ass. - grind it!72闭嘴 汤姆!shut it, tom!73- 你都做了什么 墨菲? - 啊 她什么也没做- whatd you do, murph? - ah, she didnt do nothing.74- 车胎爆了而已 - 墨菲定律- blew a tire is all. - murphys law.75an8墨菲定律, 指如果事情有变糟的可能, 那
12、无论可能性多小都会发生 这里是谐音76闭嘴!shut up!77- 去拿备胎 汤姆 - 爆的就是备胎- grab the spare, tom. - that is the spare.78去拿补胎工具!get the patch kit!79在这儿要我怎么补胎?how am i supposed to patch it out here?80你自己想办法you got to figure it out.81我不可能一直在你身边帮你im not always gonna be here to help you.82怎么了 墨菲?whats going on, murph?83为什么你和妈妈要用
13、坏事给我取名?why did you and mom name me after something thats bad?84我们没有we didnt.85那墨菲定律呢?murphys law?86墨菲定律并不是说会有坏事发生murphys law doesnt mean that something bad will happen.87而是说凡事只要有可能 就会发生what it means is whatever can happen will happen.88而这没什么不好的and that sounded just fine with us.89哇哦!whoa!90上车get in.
14、91上车 我们走get in, lets go.92瘪了的车胎怎么办?what about the flat tire?93好极了yeah.94那是架印度空军的无人机 搭载的太阳能电池能给整个农场供电its an indian air force drone. solar cells could power an entire farm.95你来开 汤姆take the wheel, tom.96快 快 快!go, go, go!97把它对准飞机keep that aimed right at it.98快点 汤姆 要跟丢了faster, tom. im losing it.99对准了righ
15、t at it.100保持住stay on it.101就是这样here we go.102哇哦whoa.103追得好 汤姆nice one, tom.104爸爸?dad?105就快好了 别停下 别停下!i almost got it. dont stop. dont stop!106爸!dad!107汤姆!tom!108是你让我一直开的you told me to keep driving.109我让你开下悬崖 你就真开下去吗well, i guess that answers the old if i asked you to drive off a cliff scenario.110-
16、 我们跟丢了 - 没跟丢- we lost it. - no, we didnt.111想带它盘旋一圈吗?want to give it a whirl?112这样子this way.113来go.114让它降落在水库旁边lets lay her down right there at the edge of the reservoir.115干得好nicely done.116你估计它飞多久了?how long you think its been up there?117德里地面指挥中心早关了 跟美国的一样.delhi mission control went down, same as
17、ours.118已经十年了ten years ago.119所以飞了整整十年?so for ten years?120- 它怎么飞得这么低? - 不清楚- why did it come down so low? - i dont know.121也许被太阳烧坏了引擎 也许是在寻找东西maybe the sun cooked its brain or it was looking for something.122- 什么东西? - 给我把大号的一字螺丝刀- what? - give me a large flatblade.123也许是某种信号? 我不知道maybe some kind of
18、 signal? i dont know.124你打算拿它做什么?what are you gonna do with it?125让它尽点社会责任.im gonna give it something socially responsible to do.126比如驱动联合收割机like drive a combine.127就不能放它走吗?cant we just let it go?128它又没伤害别人it wasnt hurting anybody.129这东西也要与时俱进 墨菲.this thing needs to learn how to adapt, murph.130就像我们
19、一样like the rest of us.131接下来如何? 你们要跟来吗?hows this work? you guys come with?132我还有课ive got class.133至于这位 需要再等等this one needs to wait.134- 你犯了什么错? - 你进去就知道了- what did you do? - theyll tell you about it in there.135- 我会生气吗? - 不是生我的- am i gonna be mad? - not with me.136- 尽量别吧 - 嘿 放松- just please try not
20、to. - hey. relax.137交给我i got this.138有点迟啊 库珀little late, coop.139是啊 车胎爆了yeah, we had a flat.140然后还逛了趟亚洲战斗机零售店and i guess you had to stop off at the asian fighter plane store.141不 先生 那其实是架无人侦察机no, actually, sir, thats a surveillance drone.142配备超强续航的太阳能电池 印度产的with outstanding solar cells. its indian.1
21、43请坐take a seat.144那么.so, uh.145汤姆的成绩出来了we got toms scores back.146他会成为一个出色的农民hes going to make an excellent farmer.147是啊 他确实有那天赋 那大学呢?yeah, hes got a knack for it. what about college?148大学只招收少量学生 教育资源不足以.the university only takes a handful. they dont have the resources to.149我一直在纳税i still pay my ta
22、xes.150那些钱都去哪了? 现在已经没有军队了wheres that money go? theres no more armies.151反正没拨款给大学well, it doesnt go to the university.152听着 库珀 你得现实一点look, coop, you have to be realistic.153你现在就要拒我儿子于大学门外?youre ruling my son out for college now?154- 他才15岁 - 没办法 汤姆分数还不够高- the kids 15. - toms score simply isnt high eno
23、ugh.155你的腰围多少? 32英寸吗?whats your waistline? about what, 32?156- 内缝呢? 33英寸长? - 我不懂你想说什么- about a 33 inseam? - im not sure i see what youre getting at.157量你屁股尚需两组数据 可我儿子就要一考定终身?it takes two numbers to measure your ass but only one to measure my sons future?158别这样 你受过高等教育 库珀come on. youre a well-educate
24、d man, coop.159- 还是个飞行员 - 以及工程师- and a trained pilot. - and an engineer.160好吧 但现在我们不需要工程师了okay, well, right now we dont need more engineers.161我们不缺电视和飞机 我们缺的是食物we didnt run out of television screens and planes. we ran out of food.162这世界需要农民 像你这样的好农民the world needs farmers. good farmers, like you.163
25、- 像汤姆这样的 - 未受教育的农民- and tom. - uneducated farmers.164我们是守护家园的一代 库珀 情况会好转的were a caretaker generation, coop. and things are getting better.165也许你的孙子有机会成为工程.maybe your grandkids will get to be engin.166完事了吗 先生?are we done here, sir?167还没有no.168汉莉小姐还要谈谈墨菲miss hanleys here to talk about murph.169墨菲是个好孩子
26、 很聪明murph is a great kid. shes really bright.170但她最近惹了些麻烦but shes been having a little trouble lately.171她带了这个给学生看 关于登月的那章she brought this in to show the students. the section on the lunar landings.172是啊 这是我的旧课本yeah, its one of my old textbooks.173她很喜欢里面的插图she always loved the pictures.174这是旧版的联邦教材
27、我们已经用修正版替换了its an old federal textbook. weve replaced them with the corrected versions.175修正版?corrected?176解释了伪造阿波罗计划 致使苏联破产的经过explaining how the apollo missions were faked to bankrupt the soviet union.177你不相信我们登过月?you dont believe we went to the moon?178我相信那是一次绝妙的政治宣传i believe it was a brilliant pi
28、ece of propaganda.179苏联的破产 就是因为将资源浪费在.the soviets bankrupted themselves pouring resources.180火箭和其他没用的机器上into rockets and other useless machines.181没用的机器useless machines.182若我们不想重蹈二十世纪铺张浪费的覆辙 那么.if we dont want a repeat of the excess and wastefulness of the 20th century, then.183就得教孩子认识这个星球 而不是如何离开它w
29、e need to teach our kids about this planet, not tales of leaving it.184他们过去造的没用机器里 有一种叫核磁共振仪one of those useless machines they used to make was called an mri.185倘若有一台剩余 医生就能及时发现.if we had any of those left, the doctors wouldve been able to find.186我妻子脑内的囊肿 而不至让她死去the cyst in my wifes brain before sh
30、e died instead of afterwards.187那么来这里听讲的就会是她 而不是我.then shed have been the one listening to this instead of me.188那样就好多了 因为她一直都.which would have been a good thing, because she was always.189比我冷静the calmer one.190你妻子的事我很遗憾 库珀先生im sorry about your wife, mr. cooper.191但墨菲和几个同学打架 就因为争论这.but murph got int
31、o a fistfight with several of her classmates over this.192阿波罗的无稽之谈apollo nonsense.193所以我们觉得最好找你沟通一下.so we thought it best to bring you in and see what ideas.194看看你作为家长 有什么管教她的高招you might have for dealing with her behavior on the home front.195这样吧? 明晚有场球赛yeah, you know what? um, theres a game tomorro
32、w night.196她最近挺迷棒球的shes going through a bit of a baseball phase.197她最爱的球队参赛了 到时会有糖果和汽水.her favorite team is playing. theres gonna be candy and soda and.198我带她去看看吧i think ill take her to that.199谈得如何?howd it go?200我帮你申请停学了i got you suspended.201什么?what?202我是库珀 请讲this is cooper. go.203库珀 你改装的联合收割机出故障了
33、coop, those combines you rebuilt went haywire.204试试重置控制器just reset the controllers.205我试过了 你得回来看一眼i did that. now you should come take a look.206它们接连不断地离开田地 往这里跑one by one theyve been peeling off the fields and heading over.207有东西在干扰指南针somethings interfering with the compass.208磁场之类的magnetism or som
34、e such.209书本身没什么特别nothing special about which book.210像你说的 我一直在研究ive been working on it, like you said.211- 我数了书架的空格 - 为什么?- i counted the spaces. - why?212说不定幽灵想要传达什么信息in case the ghost is trying to communicate.213我在试莫尔斯im trying morse.214莫尔斯?morse?215没错yeah.216- 用点和划来. - 我知道莫尔斯电码 墨菲- dots and dash
35、es, used. - i know what morse code is, murph.217我只是不觉得你的书架想和你说话i just dont think your bookshelfs trying to talk to you.218重置了所有指南针时钟和定位系统 这才消除了异常had to reset every compass clock and gps to offset for the anomaly.219- 什么异常? - 还不清楚- which is? - i dont know.220若房子建在了磁性矿上if the house was built on magnet
36、ic ore.221最初发动时就该遇上这情况了wed have seen this the first time we switched on the tractor.222听说你的家长会不太顺利i hear your meeting at the school didnt go so well.223你听说了?heh. you heard?224我们似乎已经迷失了自我 唐纳德its like weve forgotten who we are, donald.225我们是探索者 是先驱 而不是守护者explorers, pioneers, not caretakers.226我小的时候.wh
37、en i was a kid.227感觉每天都有新鲜事物诞生 新的.it felt like they made something new every day. some.228玩意或想法 每天都像过圣诞gadget or idea. like every day was christmas.229但那时有六十亿人口.but six billion people.230你想象一下吧just try to imagine that.231而每个人都想拥有一切and every last one of them trying to have it all.232这世界还不算太糟this worl
38、d isnt so bad.233汤姆也会过得很好and tom will do just fine.234你才是不合时宜的人 早生或晚生了四十年youre the one who doesnt belong. born 40 years too late, or 40 years too early.235我女儿明白 上帝保佑她my daughter knew it, god bless her.236孩子们也明白 特别是墨菲and your kids know it. especially murph.237我们过去常常仰望星空 思考着.well, we used to look up i
39、n the sky and wonder.238自己在繁星中何去何从at our place in the stars.239如今我们只能俯视大地 担心自己在沙尘中无处立命now we just look down and worry about our place in the dirt.240库珀 你有你的长处.cooper, you were good at something.241却从未有机会施展and you never got a chance to do anything with it.242真是遗憾im sorry.243没人预料到.you didnt expect.244
40、哺育我们生长的土地.this dirt that was giving you this food.245会如此背叛并毁灭我们to turn on you like that and destroy you.246我记得那天是四月. 十五号吧in april. i believe im right. fifteenth of april, i think.247大约一点半的时候 沙尘暴.this happened about 1:30 when that thing.248从天而降 席卷了峡谷came off the top of that canyon.249我那会儿的球手才叫球手in my
41、 day, we had real ballplayers.250哪像这群笨蛋?who are these bums?251在我那会儿 人们只顾着.in my day, people were too busy.252抢食物 哪有闲工夫打棒球fighting over food to even play baseball.253看球赛吃爆米花多别扭 我想吃热狗popcorn at a ballgame is unnatural. i want a hot dog.254学校说你会紧随我的脚步school says youre gonna follow in my footsteps.255我觉
42、得很不错i think thats great.256- 你觉得很不错? - 你讨厌种地 爸爸- you think thats great? - you hate farming, dad.257外公说的grandpa said.258外公这么说吗?grandpa said, huh?259听着 关键是你觉得这事怎么样listen, all that matters is how you feel about it.260我喜欢你的工作i like what you do.261我喜欢我们的农场i like our farm.262你会干得很出色的youre gonna be great a
43、t it.263我们走吧lets get out of here.264好吧 刮得挺猛all right, its a doozy.265大家戴好口罩all right, gang, lets mask up.266- 汤姆? 墨菲? 戴好了? - 好了- tom? murph? check? - yeah.267墨菲 汤姆 你们的窗户都关了吧?murph, tom, you guys shut your windows?268墨菲?murph?269是幽灵the ghost.270拿上你的枕头grab your pillow.271今晚去跟汤姆睡youre sleeping in with
44、tom.272这不是幽灵its not a ghost.273是重力its gravity.274我先送汤姆上学 接着去镇上im dropping tom, then heading to town.275等你们俩祷告完了 方便收拾下吗?you want to clean that up when youve finished praying to it?276不是莫尔斯 墨菲 是二进制its not morse, murph. its binary.277宽代表1 窄代表0thick is one, thin is zero.278这是坐标coordinates.279不是nope.280这
45、张对了here we go.28133度thirty-three.282就是这里thats it.283我非去不可!i cant miss this!284外公几小时后就回来了 墨菲grandpa will be back in a couple hours, murph.285可你都不知道会发现什么but you dont know what youre gonna find.286而这.and that.287正是不带上你的原因is why i cant take you.288墨菲?murph?289外公一会儿就回来了 告诉他我会用无线电跟他联系grandpa will be home
46、in a while. tell him ill call him on the radio.290- 啊! - 天啊- aah! - jesus.291你在干什么?what are you doing?292你觉得这很好玩吗?oh, you think this is funny? huh?293要不是我 你也来不了这you wouldnt be here if it wasnt for me.294那就帮点忙make yourself useful.295嘿 墨菲?hey, murph?296墨菲murphy297看来路到这里就断了i think this is the end of th
47、e road.298你不是带了老虎钳吗?didnt you bring the bolt cutters?299不愧是我女儿thats my girl.300退后!step away!301别开枪! 我没有武器 我女儿在车上dont shoot! im not armed. my daughters in the car.302- 请别害怕 - 啊!- dont be afraid. - aah!303北美防空联合司令部警告304你们怎么找到这地方的?how did you find this place?305我女儿在哪里?wheres my daughter?306你在地图上标记了此处的坐
48、标 它是哪里来的?you had the coordinates for this facility marked on your map. where did you get them?307我女儿在哪里?wheres my daughter?308别逼我再撂倒你 坐下!dont make me take you down again. sit down!309你以为你还是海军陆战队的吗 伙计?oh, you still think youre a marine, pal?310海军陆战队早没了marines dont exist anymore.311而你这种低等兵正适合帮我割草and i
49、 got grunts like you mowing my grass.312你从哪里得到这组坐标的?where did you find those coordinates?313但你看着不大像割草机but you dont look much like a lawnmower.314还是浪费点儿 改成吸尘器好了think ill turn you into an overqualified vacuum cleaner.315你不会的no, you wont.316tars 退下吧tars, back down, please.317使用前军防设备是有风险的you know, youre
50、 taking a risk using ex-military security.318它们又旧 控制元件又不稳定theyre old, and their control units are unpredictable.319政府财政只够提供这些its what the government could spare.320你是谁?who are you?321布兰德博士dr. brand.322我曾经认识一位布兰德博士 他是个教授i knew a dr. brand once. he was a professor.323凭什么断定我不是教授呢?what makes you think i
51、m not?324看着不像 也不够可爱wasnt near as cute, either.325拜托了 布兰德博士 我不清楚现在什么状况please, dr. brand. i dont have any idea what this is.326但我很担心我女儿 想让她来我身边now im scared for my daughter and want her by my side.327你带她过来 我保证知无不言you give me that, ill tell you anything you want to know.328麻烦带负责人和那女孩去会议室get the princip
52、als and the girl in the conference room, please.329你女儿没事your daughter is fine.330她很聪明bright kid.331一定是遗传她母亲的must have a very smart mother.332很显然 你们不想有人到访its pretty clear you dont want any visitors.333为何不放我们回围墙那儿? 我们会乖乖离开的 嗯?so why dont you just let us back up from your fence and well be on our way? huh?334- 没这么简单 - 就这么简单- its not that simple. - well, sure, it is.335我根本不认识你
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