1、PowerVC 在Open Stack下的虚拟化管理1白3IBM Power Systems ManagementCloudMartaemenl SmartCloudInfrastructure as a Service with IBM SmartCfoud End user SEiMerYlce prov8lurikrig Service catalog with virtual systems and applications Subsenber and account management Imulti-lenancy) Delivered 的 SCE,號 P ard SCO solu
2、tionsVirtualizatian M&nagement with Paw&rVC. i Leadership sod Uli on tor PoerVW and PowerKVM* i PowerVe : Vinual irrage Wafisgemenn and Dsploymenr超! Aosource Poding and Dynanic VW Pbeefrent On going optimizaton and VW resiliencePlaMorm Management Power Systems Hardware Management Console* PowerVM Co
3、nNguratior and Virlualization Sol up* Hardware and firrnuvarG configuration and control* Service, support and update managemenl* Hardware appliance iDday): virtual(lomoriowjProviding compreh&nsfve and constsientmanagement experience for rack serverblades &nd Pur&FlexPower Systems Management Landscap
4、eCloudSSfVICBisetWriu4iLon Kia 曲 nirwitPdMVC 1PifltfonnMoncgtfimYt4UICUlQbd LfiDFIT drrin白Virtualization Management and CloudPowerve provtiSes frte convergonco of what 3r& ioOay ditterent and purposeoptfmed approachesG -IG口ud User I34ll-3*rvCloud ManagementIBMjmzrtClowiSilina負泗LaVht hvyjdiv tcTiQ au
5、TTHu- vmsEnterpriseVirtualizationRosNSneeEie 韵心血HanagoEdnErteirKis&GiisG 导RpCl PfoTOrting AM9 crflMSioninaVbliuluAlbiEtMticity ontJStMynanic HfCMSionroCloud1SKarn md CXrtf-CominllnertInfrastructur eServicesFbrihililyOlriirwci BTri1V.丿5财E P呦口注JPliririQ RtOCet孑11openstackPQwerVe Stretches OpenSteck fo
6、 Provide Enterprise Ytrluai/iatfonOpenStack Cloud Management SoflwarejjIthIif iiriia. TaFfUJ 甘n.o4b Jk -K.Platfnum SponsorsOpenStack is a global collatioraiion of developers 恳 doixJ oomputirg technolcigists working to produce an ubiquitous Infrastructure as a Service flaaS) open source opcnjCJCh clo
7、ud comptiling platformi for public S pnvate clouds.ri丽3*Design Tenets.* scalability and elasticity ae our main goalsGeld Sptnsori n ;阱O!亠 Ml Iwt Xis* share nothirqi, distribute everything (asynchrorxiija and horizonlally scalable)* any feature that limits our main goats must be option对* accept dentu
8、al consislency and use it wbsre appropriateUser stories - hftpope 也ackm r?u5&r- dories,Eumrnit videos -国t哼:心初册.理切5嗣也刖甲讪而祁1/旳_4120诗即带sion-wideg/OpenStack Cloud Management SoftwarePending a ubiqu/tous faaS managetnent ptaitormCltitid ManagrffWil 曲Pfe F就U4 勺!n prOvidr崛砂5 * B wad Etu SslerhFour曲伽j/W秋伽sr
9、创 -AUOP W時$agm Brcxier aiaonsc iff PeFssteroeSecurt/ (Ko/SmpoImages wnc 科Ms* 遇jerjienf 呂 ejvfoes* (nagE 伽 n弊mem* Vinal 他ctiins Piaoament* ADMihrt lUanajem血怖jflftgMM Phve/s Artntifirs (n hyr*wrs* StorvpT, Mn网札 fiplw* Vsn曲r I Pd PrivortopenstackN HA-Higher Lovot Mgmt EcosysiemEmsfpnse 1 omw 卿TH峯W I 昕帛
10、冷四AMQPOpcnStEickAPlSchedulerFlavors厂faCcnvtUtNovadriversSert/frrCindordriversE =汕H萨Slorafiegirnpte Consote* Bill! Lsing OS REST API J * Bait GUI for OS lufidionsDash Board (Horizon)ProjectsQuotasDBMSdriwrs J丿rtsXNeiwarkOpenStack DriversOpStack drivers are management drivers, not tradftionai device d
11、riversOpen Stack Con Inal Phnea OpenstackIIIf* hlCinderNovaNeutronPiircf M寻tfM9 * 冲制 knwr irrterflc* t*r 3l稠 QltVIntsrecsStorm onverQattaas* LP#flW *Cijn4 Dctg# vuLjii Crfltc nrwNvt* Vlaiato 即 til直i:CL卯电Dri w* lanrwnta cm d apcroiont ” CcneuEptmo也柑60 notmnnflafHFmnfDriverVM 刊 asVMPS* rrtowt*眄* Data
12、Forrniu-L和 fynbrhv盘 隆1礙呂 dionmenLDfiwerDnverLaafej/ SeivfriPufccrVM SSP 丿StoiflgeLoyiul SwKJies1*LPuyati CanfnafrtriD3K1EMCI W :hhw 曲VWk.XU EorverPT FuCd SwItEii |jPowerVC: PoweVM Virtualization ManagementOp&nStacfij Ptaftorm Computing ana other f&M Value Added ComponentsO 欣仙*Cdrity KcyStonc)iSchedt
13、lerP(ect3MonitoninflF皑旳倍Qu61Platjrrn EGO! ( IjngppsPowQfVC tribal氐rtion Managarriflnt ConcokJSptnStiaiXAPIAPlAdCions3(ZJMPDBMSi麒Xe G吶.-JCOffWtwiHavaHrtwTXT Neutron3PavuMUDngr ,VJMoraga DnvefsE虫二皆电用ss*一IBM Power SystemsMeLworif Drivers J比Jyfrtijjffjatfoffl Maw r* SimpilA and Untuiivn* T Hngptingth* |
14、T Arimin Wc HF Manageflf* Vlrtuicatwr 肉rwqcn* p/origM叩 s EipenrsJfetaMH Caeatffilfej Muilturhnt) A E啊n姑眦1 怜 ornular VM Mgmt CrtJF imA Fonnal; Configurftlbn PattorrttPtaffoffH E石0 恥Fjffeflu. Virtual WacKne PacemsiE workcad Awaie Mgint PertOEdw k/ianiT Avaihtaihl/ hVgntVfrma/Uaatoji Drivers IVtUl HMC
15、drive* For Rower VW LitMH Olivers 阪 P克出#fKVM Lo (wraga Douytom loE jfiport Oroad rviD of IBM and non-IBM ckrae tntl na-Wirlc iittaniwl Jo PnwprIBM and 鉀 PartyMet workIBM and 鉀 Party* Smpified展I andOonFLPBlUl* A 和帕阳 AdminifimNQn Modm* Focus(yi TTVOptimization Strategy for OpenStack Infrastructure Sof
16、twareStrategic iBM Asset ta Cicud and Yrrtuafization Management Differentiation InteKigent and policy drivenVirtual Server PlacementStarting with sirtple and detefministJC po/ictes* Supporting use cases hi virtual server deploymanr, reiocaiion and restart* Optimisation for server utilization and ere
17、rgy consirmptiQn* Increased virlual server avalability and resilience* Wulli-tefvant security isolationPlatformEGO祸 Mihriv Twnrvitvsfaiyttai twin Maanuet otuii di&itannaurj tentf wrtys&ibnwn1h pomUd Wnnimcw 血 ffijiliw wiiitHKiigi 财 grtuiay 4 j d JLaeJJhjMl11 MKthaliefnrtv*lM3i lUdfe vtWiitADILAAnfi1
18、 /flccrirhritiKl eAcmsbctidtwiHoHilHhUti脇愉Bla制仪也族nwtf *4 话卜小 y : -Ol-r ,.r-乱- 、-k L.,血和*1*1hx*wsnlti(1 teixobFmldrte 剖 cmtkhH*! *(miwtb rn wnt删恆 uflgi tMWtnoiCapabilitiesOpen Virtualization Machine Format (OVF)An Industry Standard Package Format foz Virtust Machine Images Capture Important mota- dar
19、a about the im钢 used in automating provisioningSiDMTF So|qpoi1 for OVF provides Investmem protection and cornpalibiiity for existing PowerVM OVF images Leuarages IBMs 刃归【egic inanagemenT Took-Virtual Sorvor Cctinition-CPU requireM Memory nequir?rFert$ -I/O Tcqutrcmflnls Virtual hHiwrork Oetmnkin=V5W
20、I 阳玳 ifimc-Nmwurh prupt? Lieb Virtual Di&k hr眄电伺-Dbh iype一 Dt$k torrr戲- Data (by value / by jefeferce?* cuaTcmtzatJon Details-OS properties-Middlevars proper! ies=So恤 aepopo 帕 c* QoaIa dhd Constrainls-Avadabhnvals- PUccEcnl Cfl 啊raintSVirlLial Server Irriaga、 w ?virtual Syslom ImayoPowerVC Standard
21、for Enterprise Class Power SystemsSupport for HMC Martaged Power SystemsLZ冷J怀画agMhw*w 叶、RHEL Linuxjj itaWVQI Managed Sysrwnr.Powftr 6/7.7-r Epresa &. Stancard HW Eflrtagod sy&tonifl via K2 APja Mirap 中 rsoLndam ViOS tervers Power Shared Starije Pools (SSP) NPIV attached storageHWC(QfleST AP4| n n Is
22、sH ngIIIMCPtJwa jHUFffwcrVWI PwF SycME 11Bl PlWlK S/ltPE山 W-* 呼仃W* 巨鼻 V*, - g iFr*#l lihLR,他卄柳 TTkrAu/r HUG. JWTftd Td liTHJc, AfXdnd 旧AT 尸Fiber Ctiame-RdlLrePowerVC Offering StructureIBM PowerVC offers alightweight, simple uniftodadvanced vinualizationmanagemenf solution forPower TOrWoads PoweiVC E
23、xpress EdiTlorSimp/历M hgh硕咖 aovanced vjrtUGhstion manasement for EQfty ievfil Povter S/Siems PowwVC standard Edilion Simpittied 邸血igftt ao/anced vffiLiafized msiyagefnent tof sny Enterprise Ctass Powsr Sy&t&msFeatu?3*Po wcrVCExpressStandardIVM SupperHMC SupporlzMaridyed Sviwr TypeExpress ServersAlt
24、ServcTaHardware PT/P7+ P6Mandjjed VM TpePowetUnuM AIX IBM i*PowrLfntix AIX IBM rFrom OSPowerRHELPower FtHEL*Highly available ViOS configszSystem Pools & PlacemenLZ/P owerVM FunctlonahtyPartialFuMFdiiru白ic-PowerVC Virtualization Management ConsoleA ffrphicsl uwrtargeting the IT minitrator* Simple, In
25、iuitiv and Appealing Progressive Disciosure of Details Tasks Tuned for Power Systems-Built on lop of the OpenSlack APII13J 2丨p戶1 严 F 3二 LdlEUg :prJ , . _- ll_,. -11 六Dfirtf JPMVt Wutnu*Virtultutlon UftnagmenlcattailPowerVC Setup and ConfigurationIgflIintuittve with s Fccvs on Hme iQ Vatue.窑 HoneI*冋一
26、檸.-亡 JWTiiE 0 +O -MNtavt* _!i 呼叩ft. Add SgruBJg to 尿 JT砂旳gtJ- Provide IP addrsu* Provide use-d & pamywordCankiKffKi Provide wlAiM ID* Provmt IP connoLraHP2L2 申阳SexK to fag ma咖ed-krovidfl IP dcklr? of dTOOO* Pravde Liserid & pauvmrdvi- Ciui Ml* VaflrtfftffDjMr Sorrflr G曲CM 如* OcHrhiQ Saien)pr#-reqtfl
27、sLies* 6曲帆曲歯nig PowwrVC pracoBS昭* DB2 oortixatian* File Bjrateni 5pa?* Aequred SVCfroPwart kvfliServsf Chseg . Hured flOS 由诟Ie and rrode Ht(onfigurston* CotnrtiuncaLion wkti at nesourtcs RtJtisfrom the Home pae of the consote* Runs trorn the cormnand line when lhe nirtsment serve* /s not sMrterf* Pr
28、adyces and saves The last report - vi&w3bte at any tints Proactive ide/nifle客 mot cause of envfronmeniai problsms thaJ woitid resutt In faflures#口鹹itf 1财林ftw* VLAN ID and IP Conlgufolion* USflrsppeihrtl IP For new VU* Provided la OSo&parid octtvaliDnZf J GgnctJ VT*PrauEBorp TTionncry and diak -CuF昭 rt atociDChffom deployVirtual Machine Image Deployment and CaptureFwer Bo僞 tasks and Time to provision Power Virtustgual jUacjflg fenWfog. 一* foceeeor, maniorjr aim di飙 Allaws ovamda ar t
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