1、 ement 2, and measurof method 1, and tooland of method and poly method of relationship measurement distance poly relationships. (Slightly) with a measurement units Zhijian of of 1, and of method 2, and poly method 3, commonly used timngth, arof measursuremeof the meant of the amount of capacity, mea
2、surement and units of measurement of common units ement and their significance in rate 1, currency, leea, volume, unit size, volume, weight and rate. (Omitted) 2, e units and theiroblem score Divion multiine onshissociate vold volng to meon scores, problem reviewperapplicatip, estarelationshiblished
3、 equivalent relationship 14, and subject: on problem (4)-scores and centage application content overview answers and percentage applicatiproblem of key is: accordianing, (1) determine standarume (units ) (2) find aume rate corresponds to relatip, Then in-lsolution. Category fractiplication word prob
4、lsion applications engineering prem problem XV, a subject: review 和ume 1, size 2, table .of circular cone is slightly solid surface area and volds and cubeof the features of cubois relationship between characteristics nto: : Preliminary knowcs of area subject ledge (3)-review of solid content catego
5、ry 1-d shapes are divided icylinder and cone 2, column is divided into: cuboid, square 3, cone cone cs perimeter and area combishaped, acs review e (2)on (slightly) 17, and ant line, and subject: geestimates 16, aometry preliminary knowledge (1)-line and angle review contend segment, and Ray, and ve
6、rtical, and parallel, angle angle of classificatind subject: geometry preliminary knowledg-plane graphicontent triangle, and edges nd round, and fan axisymmetric graphination graphi工程预结算管理制度 一. 目的高质高效完成预结算工作,维护公司的利益和信誉,实现规范化和制度化管 理,保证结算工作成果的准确性与真实性。 原则二. 过程清晰,依据可靠,资料齐全,计算正确。 适用范围三. 集团公司宏观管理,以分公司为主编制
7、和审核工程预算。包括施工图预算、工程量清单、标底和合同暂定价、合同补充和重大变更的造价计算;工程结算, 包括总包工程、各类分包工程(含大清包)和材料供应、零星工程的结算。 . 主要内容四 预结算工作职责预结算工作由经营预算部宏观领导、经营部经理牵头,以各分公司为主组织 项目成本负责人协与管理预结算工程师具体实施。如公司设有项目成本负责人,复核及成果分析等资料管理、助部门经理负责本项目的预结算工作进度、协调、 工作。分公司经理负责监督、审核、引导和评价预结算人员的工作,与其它相关部 门间的配合及协调,保证工程预结算编审结果的及时、准确、合理,有利于公司 利益,预结算人员负责按有关图纸资料、招标文
8、件、合同、有关法律、法规及公司 规章制度,客观、公正而又严格地编制和审核工程预结算,必须恪守廉洁奉公、 尽职尽责的工作准则,杜绝因人为因素和疏忽大意而产生的错误。资料齐全、现场预算工程师负责审核签证数量及造价,并保证签证手续完备、 部门经理可安排现场预结算人员完成本动态信息反馈及时。在结算任务较多时, 成零星工程预结算。为保证预结算工作质量,预结算人员应不断充实和更新专业知识,提高业务 应不影响工作的前提下,水平,平时应积极主动搜集和熟悉各种造价信息资料, 每周到工地一次,了解及熟悉现场施工情况。所有参与预结算的人员应严守公司机密,妥善保管好与工程预结算有关的资 料,防止公司经济信息对外泄露;
9、所有预结算人员有义务对工程预结算工作提出合理化建议。预结算人员应当 对于任何影响上述三性的因素独立性和科学性,保证工程预结算结果的真实性、 (包括部门经理、分管领导等不合理命令等)均可提出异议。 预算管理 relationship, established equivalent relationship 14, and subject: application problem (4)-scores and percentage application problem review content overview answers scores, and percentage applicati
10、on problem of key is: according to meaning, (1) determine standard volume (units ) (2) find associate volume rate corresponds to relationship, Then in-line solution. Category fraction multiplication word problem score Division applications engineering problem problem XV, a subject: review of the mea
11、surement of the amount of capacity, measurement and units of measurement of common units of measurement and their significance in rate 1, currency, length, area, volume, unit size, volume, weight and rate. (Omitted) 2, commonly used time units and their relationships. (Slightly) with a measurement u
12、nits Zhijian of of poly 1, and of method 2, and poly method 3, and of method and poly method of relationship measurement distance of method 1, and tool measurement 2, and estimates 16, and subject: geometry preliminary knowledge (1)-line and angle review content line, and segment, and Ray, and verti
13、cal, and parallel, and angle angle of classification (slightly) 17, and subject: geometry preliminary knowledge (2)-plane graphics review content triangle, and edges shaped, and round, and fan axisymmetric graphics perimeter and area combination graphics of area subject : Preliminary knowledge (3)-r
14、eview of solid content category 1-d shapes are divided into: cylinder and cone 2, column is divided into: cuboid, square 3, cone cone of the features of cuboids and cubes relationship between characteristics of circular cone is slightly solid surface area and volume 1, size 2, table .和预算的编审根据成本控制工作的
15、需要进行,具体的需求,包括时间和内容上的要求由上级领导、相关部门或合作单位在建设过程中提出,同时提交相关资料,如图纸等。必要时,需以书面形式提出要求,如协办单。 部门经理根据项目责任划分、工作量、进度要求、以及专业分工安排预算编审任务,同时明确深度要求、时间要求及须注意事项,由项目成本负责人跟进与落实。 工程预算的编制内容和深度应以能发挥其作用、满足需求部门的使用要求为准,并符合有关规范与文件规定。编制方法,可采用清单计价法或定额计价法。 工程预算或招标标底的编制依据,必须具备:合同书或招标书、经设计部确认为有效、完整的施工图纸、经工程部认可的施工组织设计及技术措施方案、其它可能影响工程预算造
16、价的有效文件(综合价定额、价格信息等)。 预算人员必须在规定的时间内编制完成工程预算或标底,并保证每一工程量、每一价格取定均有明确来源。 预算编制过程中遇到问题,预算人员及项目成本负责人应主动与相关部门沟通、协商解决,解决不了则由部门经理协调,协调不了则逐级上报成本部经理及公司领导。 预算编审完成,所有结果须经部门经理核准后方可反馈给相关部门,并备案。 编审完成后,应由编制人立即进行相关经济指标的分析和数据积累。 预算人员或项目成本负责人应按有关规定收集和保存好预算成果文件,以及相关资料,包括电子文档,并负责资料内容的完整准确及编号正确、签章齐全等。所有保存的资料和文件应注明时间和用途,分项目
17、建立目录清单便于查找。 结算管理 结算基本规定 原则上所有合同必须结算,且必须以合同结算; 一个合同一次结算,一项结算可包含多个合同; 补充、追加合同以及相关工程通知单、设计变更、现场签证必须与主合同一起结算; 必须保证个分项的合同、结算、付款具有相同的范围和界限; 对于包干项目的结算可以采取简化的处理办法。 结算报送 工程竣工验收后,按合同规定的时间和结算要求,提交完整、真实的竣工结算资料到工程部(应包含资料目录清单),填写竣工结算项目审批表和竣工结算造价审批表,并加盖公章。必要时报送有关电子文档。 工程施工单位申请后,由项目部签收、登记报送资料,经现场预算工程师、主管工程师、项目经理、物业
18、公司、物管部、成本部、分管领导审核,呈主管工程项目的副总经理审批,填写工程竣工结算项目审批表。具体审查内容如下: ? 现场预算工程师:负责会同项目资料员对照甲方的资料档案,审查设计变更、签证费用增减的单据、索赔金额及单据的完整性和真实性; ? 工程(项目)部主管工程师:主要审核施工单位所施工的工程项目内容,是否验收合格、工程质量是否达到合同要求,总工期的天数,是否存在工期索赔,竣工资料的完整性及准确性,签署竣 工图。relationship, established equivalent relationship 14, and subject: application problem (4)
19、-scores and percentage application problem review content overview answers scores, and percentage application problem of key is: according to meaning, (1) determine standard volume (units ) (2) find associate volume rate corresponds to relationship, Then in-line solution. Category fraction multiplic
20、ation word problem score Division applications engineering problem problem XV, a subject: review of the measurement of the amount of capacity, measurement and units of measurement of common units of measurement and their significance in rate 1, currency, length, area, volume, unit size, volume, weig
21、ht and rate. (Omitted) 2, commonly used time units and their relationships. (Slightly) with a measurement units Zhijian of of poly 1, and of method 2, and poly method 3, and of method and poly method of relationship measurement distance of method 1, and tool measurement 2, and estimates 16, and subj
22、ect: geometry preliminary knowledge (1)-line and angle review content line, and segment, and Ray, and vertical, and parallel, and angle angle of classification (slightly) 17, and subject: geometry preliminary knowledge (2)-plane graphics review content triangle, and edges shaped, and round, and fan
23、axisymmetric graphics perimeter and area combination graphics of area subject : Preliminary knowledge (3)-review of solid content category 1-d shapes are divided into: cylinder and cone 2, column is divided into: cuboid, square 3, cone cone of the features of cuboids and cubes relationship between c
24、haracteristics of circular cone is slightly solid surface area and volume 1, size 2, table .和? 工程(项目)部经理:根据主管工程师审核情况并结合工程实际情况做出是否结算的正确建议,签署竣工图。 ? 物业公司和物管部:主要审核工程移交后的使用情况,把主要缺 ? 陷情况描述清楚,同时列明是否有应收费用(如水电费、维修费等)以便公司判断是否在保修金所能控制的范围内,为结算付款提供参考意见。 ? 成本部经理:对合同的执行情况和材料使用情况做出正确的结论。 ? 主管副总经理:综合上述意见,自主判断做出是否结算及
25、结算付款的个人意见。 乙方报送的结算资料如有遗漏,甲方有权要求增补资料甚至退回乙方,结算报送时间以最终报送完整结算资料之日起计算。但若乙方刻意遗漏对乙方不利的资料、如索赔等,甲方有权予以处罚。 工程(项目)部负责将结算情况及时报送告知总公司,并跟进工程竣工结算项目审批表会签的进度。 结算任务安排 工程竣工结算项目审批表会签完成后,表格及相关资料报相关部门备案。成本部经理编制待审工程结算一览表,并制定每月详细工作计划。 成本部门经理根据工程的性质、规模、工作量、进度要求、专业分工等安排预结算工程师审核结算,并将部门收到的与工程结算有关的资料发放到预审人员手中。安排任务时应制定出合理的审核时间(一
26、般主体工程要求三个月内完成,零星工程一个月内完成),并可在征求工程预审人员意见的前提下重新分配工程结算审核任务。 若结算中有需要提别注意的事项,如施工范围交叉、施工内容接近、总包或分包/供货方互相扣减费用的情况,部门经理在安排任务时须事先提示和指导预结算人员,防范重复计价,保证每个结算项目范围清晰,施工内容明确。 结算人员须服从公司领导或部门经理的工作安排,保质、保量、按时完成任务,提交审核结果及说明,如因其它原因不能按时完成,需提前告知部门经理其原因。 结算审核与复核 每项结算安排审核人和复核人,并通过“事先指导、中间检查、事后总结”三个环节,保证每项结算满足进度和质量要求。 部门经理负责召
27、集部门每周或双周工作例会,总结上周工作情况及安排下周工作计划,并由结算人员沟通结算情况,反馈结算进度、存在问题及需要部门协调的事项,充分发挥结算人员的主观能动性,促进结算工作顺利完成。 预算工程师审核结算,即对结算书的内容做逐项审查,对其中施工内容范围、工程量、综合单价、材料单价,取费标准均要求有确凿的计算依据方予以审定。并要抓住任何有利因素,尽一切可能降低造价。 工程竣工结算的审核依据,必须具备经项目部审查确认的施工图、施工组织设计及施工技术方案、竣工验收报告、结算书(包括工程量计算书等)、竣工图及施工合同、各类设计变更、签证审批单等文件。审核人员不能完全以乙方报送资料作为审核依据,必须核对
28、成本部的资料。 对内容模糊、依据不充分等情况,审核人员要与相关单位和人员多做沟通,并坚持“讲礼貌、讲原则、讲证据”的三讲原则。对不能提供有效依据的不予审ement 2, and measurement distance of method 1, and toolhod 3, and of method and poly method of relationship measurcommonly used time Omitted) 2, units and their relationships. (Slightly) with a measurement units Zhijian of o
29、f poly 1, and of method 2, and poly metngth, arof measursuremeem score Divioblsion applications engineering problem problem XV, a subject: review of the meant of the amount of capacity, measurement and units of measurement of common units ement and their significance in rate 1, currency, leea, volum
30、e, unit size, volume, weight and rate. (on multiine onshissociate vold volng to meon scores, problem reviewperapplicatip, estarelationshiblished equivalent relationship 14, and subject: on problem (4)-scores and centage application content overview answers and percentage applicatiproblem of key is:
31、accordianing, (1) determine standarume (units ) (2) find aume rate corresponds to relatip, Then in-lsolution. Category fractiplication word pr和surface area and volume 1, size 2, table .n characteristics of circular cone is slightly solid divided into: cuboid, square 3, cone cone of the features of c
32、uboids and cubes relationship betweento: : Preliminary knowshaped, angle, and edges nd round, and fan axisymmetric graphics perimeter and area combination graphics of area subject ledge (3)-review of solid content category 1-d shapes are divided icylinder and cone 2, column is cs review e (2)on (sli
33、ghtly) 17, and ant line, and subject: geestimates 16, aometry preliminary knowledge (1)-line and angle review contend segment, and Ray, and vertical, and parallel, angle angle of classificatind subject: geometry preliminary knowledg-plane graphicontent tria 定。 /供货单位提供相关证据;? 首先要求施工需要时向公司内外相关部门和人员(包括公
34、司物资部、工程(项? 目)部、造价管理部门、生产厂商等)收集依据性资料;必要时下工地取得一手资料,但必须会同现场工程人员,获得相? 应签署;若有不符合实际的情况要按对已经签署的竣工图有权进行抽查,? 实调整。结算中有向乙方索赔和其他扣款(如甲供材料款)的必须单独列清单,并在 由对于需要向其他施工单位索赔的事项和金额也要特别说明,结算总额中扣减; 部门办事员登记。结算初审完成后,成本部经理安排复核人员对工程结算初审结果进行复核, 各项费用标准是否符合现行规重点审核其工程量计算和结算单价套用是否正确,定,并核对合同结算条款,检查隐蔽验收记录,落实设计变更、签证的真实性和 有效性,复核完成需报部门经
35、理审核确认。一般情况下,应编制结算审核说明,说明结算项目的名称、范围、依据、算 法、结果、值得注意的问题以及管理建议等,以及结算资料目录。 结算核对及争议解决 工程结算初审结果经复核、部门经理审核确认后,预算人员方可同施工方相 关人员进行核对工作,必要时,复核人员需协助核对。 /复核人员要及时向部门经理反馈核对情况,特别要反映以下问题: 结算审核结算内容、量、价、费等方面的资料不详、证据不足,但施工单? 位坚持的问题; 对合同条款、定额套用等有不同理解的问题;? 索赔责任和金额的认定方面的分歧问题。? 当核对中存在异议未能达成共识时,可申请双方上级主管领导协调解决。成 本部经理对解决不了的争议
36、上报公司主管领导,安排必要的跨部门会审或调查,总经理根据公司授权限向总经理做进一步请示汇报,形成争议解决的建议报告, 度同施工单位协商结算造价,必要时由公司最高领导出面、拍板。若对结算甲乙双方最终不能达成共识,则按合同约定的方法解决。若进入诉 直至最终达成和则成本部负责提供相关资料给法律人员,讼,并配合公司诉讼, 解协议或裁决书。 对于需要造价咨询公司编制、审核或复核的结算,结果必须经甲乙双方共同确认才可作为结算造价。 结算审批及手续办理 结算核对完成,就结算总造价(包括索赔扣款)达成一致意见后,双方在结算书签字,并填写竣工结算造价审批表,表格与结算资料一并报部门经理,由部门经理、主管领导以及
37、总经理签署意见。 对于总包工程,结算过程和结果要形成专题报告,提出有关结算建议,报公司总经理和董事长,由公司领导对结算做出指导性意见。 竣工结算造价审批表审批完成后,成本部负责办理造价审定表,双方签字盖章后结算正式成立。审定表中应包含结算编号,结算金额以及保修金额和保修期的信息,以便乙方日后凭此表申请结算款和保修金。审定表原件一式三份交 施工单位和财务部各一份,成本部保留一份,与结算资料一并移交档案资料。ement 2, and measurof method 1, and tooland of method and poly method of relationship measuremen
38、t distance poly asurement units Zhijian of of 1, and of method 2, and poly method 3, Omitted) 2, ngth, arof measurnt of the amount of capacity, measurement and units of measurement of common units ement and their significance in rate 1, currency, leea, volume, unit size, volume, weight and rate. (co
39、mmonly used time units and their relationships. (Slightly) with a mesuremeoblem score Divion multiine onshissociate vold volng to meon scores, problem reviewperapplicatip, estarelationshiblished equivalent relationship 14, and subject: on problem (4)-scores and centage application content overview a
40、nswers and percentage applicatiproblem of key is: accordianing, (1) determine standarume (units ) (2) find aume rate corresponds to relatip, Then in-lsolution. Category fractiplication word problsion applications engineering prem problem XV, a subject: review of the mea和ume 1, size 2, table .of circular cone is slightly solid surface area and volof cuboiof the features ds and cubes relationship between characteristics ded iof area subject cs : Preliminary knowledge (3)-review of s
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