已阅读5页,还剩29页未读 继续免费阅读




1、实用文档 文案大全 一、教材准备 以招考简章为准,清楚用的是哪一版本,滨州市直用现行初中教材,博兴用现行初二教材。但有的地方不让自己带教材,给你发材料,只准许带设计的课题提纲进入面试室。 二、面试技巧 进入面试室,鞠躬,报一些基本信息: Good morning/afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. Im number. My topic is. 然后上讲台,开始讲课 讲课完成,说My class is over. Thank you! 鞠躬,离开 三、课程设计 遵循“导入听力练习总结作业”的思路(以SectionA为例) 1.Class begins. Good

2、morning,class. Sit down,please. 2.导入 导入方式多种多样,可以唱歌、画简笔画等,这些都是加分的项 一首“The more we get together”把八上Unit 6 Im more outgoing than my sister.导了出来 我导八上Unit 8 How was your school trip? 时用到了简笔画,我看过这节课的视频,但它是用课件展示的,我只是把图片换成了我画的比较熟的简笔画而已 另外,还有一种导入方式我还不是太会用,可能讲不好,大家探讨一下(以八下Unit 6 How long have you been collect

3、ing shells? 为例, 这一单元主要谈爱好) 导入时,切合自身基本信息导入很实用: 1987(出生) 实用文档 文案大全 172(身高)65(体重) reading swimming (爱好) 在黑板上写下以上一些基本信息,分三行写,让同学们猜,导入到爱好上 最好不要以自己学英语多少年为例,评委不会感兴趣的 在导入环节,要注意与学生之间的交流,比如说(还是上面的例子),同学们在猜的过程中,如果没猜对,可以说Sorry./Not exactly./Quite near.不要说No. 导入后,板书课题,像八上Unit 2 Whats the matter?,说Today, well tak

4、e up Unit 2 Whats the matter? 一口气说完,快速写完(不要说一个单词写一个)之后,是可以领同学们读一遍的。 3.说完了自己的情况,就要问同学们的情况了,反正没有学生,自己说啥就是啥(以七下Unit 10 Where did you go on vacation? 为例) 下去,模拟叫起一个学生(假如是个男生),说: You, please.Where did you go on vacation? Oh, Hangzhou. And did you go to the West Lake? 引导学生回答Yes./No. ,还要有适时的交流(e.g. I think

5、the West Lake is beautiful. Do you think so? ) 评价语不要少.Excellent./Wonderful./What a clever boy./Well done./Youve done a good job.尽量不要用fantastic,评价语很重要,整堂课都要用到 这时候呢,我们做一个人称转换练习(重要),并板书重点句型,可以放在黑板的中间位置 说Class ,where did he go on vacation? Did he go to the West Lake ?引导同学们说出答案,一边问一边板书如下: 实用文档 文案大全 good

6、morning, my dear judges. i am no.28. im glad to interpret my teaching design here. the teaching content is part a read and write,unit 2 of pep primary english, grade 5. the topic of this unit is my favorite season. now, i will explain the lesson from the following aspects. 1. firstly, lets focus on

7、the analysis of the teaching content. the lesson is a new period of section a .it includes 2 parts: a passage and three related questions. in part 1,it is a converation ,and there are two persons talking about the season they like.in part 2,there are 3 questions,it mainly ask students to answer them

8、 after learning the passage carefully,and it can help the students review the knowledge of this lesson. 2. secondly, it is about the students. our students are in grade 5. they are active, curious, and interested in new things. and they have already mastered some basic english background knowledge a

9、fter learning english for several years. so the providing them the chances of using languages. 3.thirdly, i set the following aims. good morning! your honored judgers. im contestant no._. today is my great my honor to be here to present my teaching ideas with all of you. my topic is part_ of unit_ f

10、rom pep premary english book_. now ill explain my lesson from the following aspects: ananlysis of the teaching content, ananlysis of the teaching students, teaching aims and demands, teaching method, teaching aids, teaching procedure and blackboard design. firstly, lets focus on the analysis of the

11、teaching content. this lesson is the _ period of this unit. it mainly includes _ parts. in section one, it mainly deals with_; in section_, it mainly deals with_. secondly, lets talk about the ss. our ss are in grade _. they have learnt english for _ years. they have got some basic knowledge about e

12、nglish. whats more, they have learnt_ in previous lesson. i think its not very difficult for them to mast the language of this lesson. thirdly, its about the teaching aims and demands. aims on language knowledge, by the end of this lesson the ss will be able to_; aims on language ability, its to imp

13、rove the ss abilities of listening, writing and speaking; aims on emotion, its to foster the ss good conciousness of good cooperation. i think the key point of this lesson is_. and the difficult point of this lesson is _ 实用文档 文案大全 Speaking模板讲稿 (此模板共设计三个活动:Discussion, Role play, Interview) Step 1: Le

14、ading in: Discussion. T: Hi, boys and girls. We are now _. But have you ever thought what _? Oh, yes, they are _. No one exactly knows what were _, what kind of _, and what _. Anyway, we can imagine! So now, lets divide into groups of four and, with the help of your imagination, discuss what_, what

15、_were like, and what _. Then Ill ask some of you to report the results to the whole class.(Pause,下去转转,然后回来) T: Time is up. Which pair would like you have a try? Lily, your group please. T: Very good. Thank you. Sit down, please. I will ask another two students. Any volunteers? Tom, your group please

16、. Very good. Thank you. Sit down, please. Step 2: Role play T: OK! Now, please look at the SPEAKING part. You should read it with your partner, then, do the roles play. (Pause,下去转转,然后回来,把下面材料的1和2抄到黑板上) (此部分为试讲题目提供的材料): 1. _? _ 2. _? _ 3. _? _ 4. _? _ T: OK, time is up. In our daily life, we often _

17、when we cant _. On the other hand, we often _if they come to us _. How can we _ in English? Lets look at the blackboard. There are several sentences about _, please read them. Follow me. T: Make sure you can use these sentences when you are _. Who can give us a dialogue? Anyone volunteers? T: Susan,

18、 your group please, you can choose one of the situation in speaking part. T: Excellent. Sit down, please. Step 3: Interview T: We are going to have an interview. You are a _ and your partner is _ .Now give a chat with your partner. Ill give you several minutes to prepare. (Pause,下去转转,然后回来) T: Time i

19、s up. Which pair would like to have a try? Linda, your group please. (Pause) Q. What skills do you think young people need to succeed in life? A. Set Goals, plan for success, and believe in themselves. Q. In this high-tech world, whats the most important aspect of education? A. A well-rounded educat

20、ion with a broad view of the world. Q. Who was the biggest influenc实用文档 文案大全 e in your life? Why? A. My parents, Sir Edmund Hillary Q. Whats the toughest part of your job? A. Finding time to do all that I want. Q. When you were a teenager, what place in the world did you most want to visit, and have

21、 you traveled there yet? Was it as wonderful as you thought it would be? Why or why not? A. The magnetic North Pole was my dream. I am the first woman to walk there alone without support. I wrote a best selling book about my journey with my polar bear dog Charlie who saved my life from polar bears.

22、When I finally arrived after having survived storms, a tent fire, frozen fingers, broken sea ice and polar bears I had a tremendous feeling of achievement. I didnt matter that I was first. It mattered that I had a goal, a plan and therefore I stood at the Pole. T: Very good. Thank you. Sit down, ple

23、ase. I will ask another two students. Any volunteers? Lily, your group please. Module10 Unit1 Its on your desk. 一、 课前分析 小学英语的学习是一个循序渐进、承上启下的过程。本课作为一个新授课,我认为教学环节应该是:1、热身活动;2、新课导入;3、提出任务;4、学习新知;5、完成任务6、学习补充;7、家庭作业。 二、 教学内容分析 本模块是新标准英语三年级起点第二册Module10 Unit1。本模块以position即方位为话题,Unit1呈现了Daming通过阅读朋友留下的字条寻

24、找自己的生日礼物的场景。Unit2呈现了Daming一年四季的主要活动及一首歌曲、字母Xx、Yy、Zz。本模块预计三课时完成,本课是第一课时。本单元的语言功能是描述物品所在的地点及介词in、on、under的使用。由于Its 引导的陈述句学生在第一册已经感知,因此,我对教材做了处理:先教授描述物品地点的陈述句,再回到课文所创设的场景,最后联系生活实际。学生先能够询问和回答,而后运用于生活,这样处理比较符合学生的认知特点和语言规律,在学习目标的难易上也有一个梯度。 三、 教学对象分析 三年级的学生活泼好动,乐于参与活动、游戏及表演,所以要采用多种教学手段交替使用,创设情景,尽量利用实物、图片及课

25、件等直观教具进行教学,激发学生求知欲望。三年级的学生求胜心理较强,小组活动中,为取得好成绩,部分小组长会安排学困生完成简单的手工活动,而剥夺他们开口讲、动手写的机会,教师要加以指导:或言语鼓励、或对学困生担当重要角色的小组给以较高的评价等,引导学生真正做到互帮互助。 四、 教学目标分析 根据小学英语新课程标准,三年级要达到一级教学目标:(1)能听懂简单指令做动作。(2)能模仿录音,与人进行简单的交流;(3)能说、唱英语歌谣,并进行角色扮演;(4)能看图识字,正确书写字母、单词。(5)每学年视听时间不少于10小时。对照这些目标,结合本课教材,本单元的教学目标和学习目标为: (一)知识目标:(1)

26、听:能听懂关于描述位置的介词和句子:in, on, under, Its in the box. Its on your desk. Its under the chair. (2)说:能够使用关于描述实用文档 文案大全 位置的介词和句子:in, on, under, Its in the box. Its on your desk. Its under the chair. (3)读:能够在图片的提示下,在语句中认读单词:in, on, under, box, bedroom及描述物品位置的句子:in the box. Its on your desk. Its under the chai

27、r. (4)写: 能够正确抄写描述位置的介词:in, on, under 二)技能目标:(1)掌握描述物品所在位置的句子,并能在实际学习生活活中 运用、交流、讨论。 (2)培养学生听说读画猜的能力和综合运用英语的能力。 (三)情感目标:(1)培养学生对所学的话题感兴趣,乐于参与讨论。 (2)在活动中培养学生的合作精神和自评、互评意识。 (3)教育学生不乱丢东西,学会整理好自己的物品。 (四)文化意识:了解中西方小朋友过生日的不同习俗。 (五)教学重点:(1)能掌握、运用介词in, on, under (2)能掌握功能句来描述物品的位置:Its in the box. Its on your d

28、esk. Its under the chair. (六)教学难点:(1)介词under的读音 (2)描述具体物品的位置。The panda is in the hat. 五、教法、学法分析: 教法:整堂课围绕“学生为主体,教师为主导”的教学理念,通过简笔画、CAI辅助教学,创设一系列情景,让学生在具体的情景中学习新单词、新句型,然后再运用于语言交流,使整个教学源于生活,又用于生活,创设了真实的生活场景,使学生学有所用,体验成功的喜悦。具体采用以下几种方法:1、情景教学法;2、全身反应法(TPR);3、任务型教学法;4、交际法;5、游戏法;6、多媒体教学法。 学法:1、使学生认识到预习的重要性

29、,学会利用现有资料;2、充分利用已学的知识利用学习正迁移作用,为本课的学习做铺垫;3、在会话教学中鼓励学生大声说,说清楚并配以丰富的表情和适当的手势,采用委婉有礼貌的语调,有感情,有条理的说,培养学生口头表达能力。 六、教学准备: 磁带、文具数样、图片数张、VCD、 CAI 师了解学生原有的知识能力经验 七、板书设计 Module10 position word cards Unit1 Its on your desk. In on under 八、 教学过程图例 1、warm up - - 1)greeting2)sing a song 3)free talk Alisten B do th

30、e exercise. 2、New lesson 1) Talk about the task. 实用文档 文案大全 2)Learn the new words. A Learn on , under B say and do the action CLook and draw 3) Play the games A Look and say 九、 教学程序 教学环节 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 时间安排 Warm up 1、 Greeting 2、 Sing a song: Happy Birthday! 3、 Free talk 1)T: Daming is a Chinese boy.

31、 In China, the children have a big family dinner on their birthday. They sing birthday songs. They eat noodles and eggs. They have presents and they say: happy birthday! And Sam is an English boy. In England, the children have a birthday party on their birthday. They sing birthday songs. They eat bi

32、rthday cakes. They have presents and they say: happy birthday, too. (课件设计说明:随着介绍不断的闪现与内容相符的中、英小朋友过生日的场景,帮助学生理解,学生在理解的基础上,就会增加听的兴趣) 2) Do an exercise. Have a big family dinner China( ) England( ) Have a birthday party China( ) England( ) Sing birthday songs China( ) England( ) Eat noodles and eggs Ch

33、ina( ) England( ) Eat birthday cake China( ) England( ) Have presents and say: happy birthday China( ) England( ) 1、 Greeting 2、 Sing a song: Happy Birthday. (边唱边做动作) 3、 Listen 4、 do the exercise 1 China( ) England( ) 2 China( ) England( ) 3 China( ) England( ) 4 China( ) England( ) 5 China( ) Engla

34、nd( ) 6 China( ) England( ) 通过唱歌既活跃课堂气氛又让学生了解今天的学习内容与生日有关。 课程标准提出要培养学生的祖国意识和国际视野,因此本课抓住机会让学生比较中国和英国不同的生日习俗,让学生不会随着中国与国际接轨反而忘了中国传统的生日习俗。为了不使渗透文化意识像蜻蜓点水一带而过,同时学生的英语水平有限,采用教师出示图并介绍,而后有一个小练习了解学生的理解程度。同时该环节有助于发展学生的听力。 在该练习后教师鼓励学生课后进一步查询相关的资料,以更扩大自己的视野。培养学生的自学意识。 Greeting & singing 1 Free talk 3 New Lesso

35、n 1、 Talk about the task 实用文档 文案大全 T: Today is Damings birthday. He has got a lot of presents. The problem is he doesnt know where they are. So, today well help Daming to find out his presents.l (课件设计说明:将本课的学习任务中、英文都出现在课件,帮助学生更好的了解本课的学习任务,以方便学生明确学习目标。) 2、Learn the new words 1)T: Can you help me to f

36、ind out these things? Where is my doll/ cat/ pen/ kite? T: Where is my English book? Is it in the black bag? Learn the word: on A)( show the word card) on在之上 B) dog, hot, song, doll, on, try to find out here “o” pronounce and try to pronounce the word: box Make some words: on the Use the same way to

37、 learn: under 2) say the words and do the action a)learn to say and do the action b)T: say Ss do the action c) S1 say Ss/T do the action 3)revision T: so look, it means in, it means on, what about under? Who can draw it? In on under 3、Play the games 1) Look and say T: Where is the? 1、Listen and watc

38、h the screen to know the task 2 1) Answer the questions: Its in the green /red/ yellow/ blue bag. Its on the black bag. 2)repeat and try to make some words: on the desk/ chair Under the desk/ chair 3) in 右手食指放在左手心内代表在什么里面;on 右手握拳放在左手掌上代表在什么上面;under 右手握拳放在左手掌下代表在什么下面 4) Try to draw In on under 3、 1)L

39、ook at the pictures and answer the questions. Its on the Its under the 上课初马上提出学习任务,让学生带着明确的学习目标学习。为照顾差异,任务既有英文也有中文,让学困生更好的了解学习任务。 “生活即教育”通过创设让学生帮助找东西的场景,先复习旧知识in,而后引出新单词on, under 的学习,以旧带新,降低学习难度。列举多个用相同发音规律的单词培养学生自主发现和总结发音规律的能力。 通过手势让学生更好的明白新单词的意思。 教育心理学研究表明,课堂及时复习要比六小时以后复习的效率高出四倍。因此在新单词学习到一定阶段时采用看,

40、画的方式,了解学生对单词 Talk about the task 1 Learn the new words 4 Say and do the actions 2 Look and draw 1 Game 1) 4 实用文档 文案大全 (课件设计说明:1、用动画的形式将物品一件一件叠上去,并用箭号表示提问的物品,同时有句子模型:Its on the帮助学生回答;2、用动画的形式将前一页出示的物品一件一件拿掉,并用箭号表示提问的物品,同时句子模型: Its under the) Look at the picture and learn the word “box” again 2) Play

41、a memory game a) easy : T: (引导学生说) The monkey is in/ on/ under the box. (课件设计说明:将课文练习三的前三副图片呈现) T: No.1 is b) hard: 1、熊猫在帽子里 2、铅笔在桌子上 3、苹果在椅子下 4、风筝在窗户上 5、狗在桌子下 6、熊猫在帽子上 7、熊猫在帽子下 8、猴子在盒子下 9、Amy在房间里 T: The is the (课件设计说明:将九副图以表格的形式呈现,并有提示句子:The is the) T: (当课件箭号指到第九副图时,引导学生回答)Where is Amy? Is she in a

42、 the classroom? (show the picture) Oh, she is in the bedroom. Learn the new word: bedroom Practice in pairs and then try to say. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 4、Learn to say the text 1)T: Youve got a good memory. I think you can answer this question easily. Now listen to the tape-record and answer: where is the

43、 present? 2) Try to remember the three pictures and say: The monkey is in/ on/ under the box 3)Practice in pairs and try to say the sentences: The is the Its in the box. T F Its on the desk. T F Its under the T 的理解程度。 课程标准特别强调要关注每个学生的情感,激发他们学习英语的兴趣,帮助他们建立学习的成就感和自信心,使他们在学习过程中发展综合语言运用能力,在本环节采用动画将物品不断的

44、累加或抽取来练习on和under使学生能联想到平时常玩的叠积木,从而发现生活处处有英语,对英语更充满兴趣。 课程标准理念之一:开发课程资源,拓展学用渠道,因此在本环节充分利用课文练习三的图案改头换面成为一个memory game 在保持兴趣的同时充分利用手头现有的学习资料。 学习课文通过提出两个问题分层次完成,从易到 Game2) 6 2) answer the question Its in the box. T F Its on the desk. T F Its under the chair. T F Its in the bedroom. T F 3)Listen and repea

45、t then answer the second question: What is the present? (课件设计说明:将两个问题都以文字的形式出现) 5、Mission 实用文档 文案大全 1)T: Damings got many presents. But he doesnt know where they are? Lets help him to find out them. Look at the picture, practice in pairs and say. Act it out. (课件设计说明:出现大明的卧室,卧室里有大明朋友送的礼物) 2)T: We are

46、 all Damings friends. So every one can give a present to Daming. This is Damings bedroom, please put your present in the bedroom, and write on a piece of paper to tell Daming where the presents are. 每个小组都有一 张Daimg的卧室平面图和几件小礼物的图片,请在小组讨论后将图片贴在平面图的相应位置,并写一张小纸条给大明告诉大明礼物的位置。 (课件设计说明:有大明卧室的平面图,句子: The toy

47、 car is _ the desk. The book is _ the chair. The _ is _ the box. The_is _ the _. _ Practice in pairs and act it out. 评选谁的摆放最有创意及谁的信件写的最好。 3) Miss Chenll give a present to Daming, too. Its in our classroom. Can you guess: where is it?引导学生回答 chair. F Its in the bedroom. Its a birthday cake. 5 Practice

48、 in pairs and say: Its in/ on/ under the Practice in pairs and write on a piece of the paper to tell Daming where the presents are. Guess: Is it in/ on/ under the ? 难。 学习任务分步骤提出,先让学生看图,讨论,介绍大明其他礼物所在的位置,主要练习学生听、说的能力;第二个环节让学生摆放自己要给大明的礼物,并写成一封信,既与课文联系上,又培养学生动手和写的能力,落实三年级英语要达到一级教学目标中能正确书写26个字母和词组。 有的同学粘

49、贴图片,有的同学书写句子,有的同学读信件,在活动中培养学生的合作意识。 评价由学生自己完成,在学习中培养学生自评和互评意识。 Mission 1) 4 Mission 2) 7 Assign- ment 1、Review M10 Unit1: Read the text 3 times; copy the words: on, box, under, bedroom 4 times. 2、Preview M10 Unit2: Underline the new words and guess whats meaning. 3、1)Finish the letter with your part

50、ners. 2)Introduce your bedroom to your good friends. 作业设计符合小学英语教学所倡导的“听说领先,读写跟上”的原则。而不同实用文档 文案大全 的层次的学生自由选择第三项作业为自己要完成的项目,让其都有表现自己的机会,每人都有获得成功的喜悦。 good morning ladies and gentleman. Iam No._. May I begin? Good morning boys and girls. How are you? I am fine, too. Thank you. Sit down please. 导入提问 What

51、s your favourite season? Yes, you please. OK now sit down thank you. First, Lets sing a song. “Whats your favourite season?” summer winter spring and fall. Ok, stop. Do you like it? 根据歌谣提问 Whats your favourite season? Do you? Sorry You? Sorry Its doesnt matter Now, this class, well learn about-_ in

52、the new unit. Unit_(板书并慢速口述標題) Before our class, Ill devide you into two groups(手势)group girls and group boys. Now look ,this for boys, this for girls. If you can ask me question correctly and actively, you can get one apple. Clear, yes. Ok now, lets begin our class 由旧识引入新内容Whats the weather like to

53、day? What the temperate today? Can you? Oh sorry, ok thank you sit down, Lets listen to a tape and to know the temperate today. Listen carefully, Lets report. 针对听力提问题引入要学的新内容。 Can you speak in English? Ok please follow me. Boys, girls, group 1 and group 6. Great. Who can spell it? Lets listen carefully. (do body language) Can you get it? Its 23 degree. Its warm. Which season is it. Can you guess? Yeah Great. Its spring. The trees turn green. There are many flowers grass. R


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