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1、1,ox,复数形式: oxen,New Words,2,trunk,箱式图书馆: trunk library,3,A trunk library 一个箱式图书馆,4,seed,seedling,5,tailor,sew,6,sewing machine,7,catalogue,8,anniversary,9,He is _ the money to the poor children,donating,donation n,10,The _ for education comes from taxpayers (纳税人,finance,financial adj,He gave his son

2、 some money for the _ of his school books,purchase,提示:purchase要比 buy正式,11,Reading and writing are two different _,skills,skilled/skillful adj,He dont _ in the political activities,participate in,take part in,participate,12,Unit 4 using language The worlds most useful gift catalogue,13,whom do we usu

3、ally give gifts to? Whats the true meaning of gift giving,14,Do you ever feel that your friends and family dont really need the gifts you give them? Or, are you sick of receiving novelty gifts while so many people go without,15,Have you ever tried to send a gift or something to the children in the p

4、oor areas or countries,16,17,18,How can we help people in poor areas,Give them money Send medical equipment Go there to help them Organize a party to collect money for them,19,.au/giftcataloue/index.shtml,20,The Worlds Most Useful Gift Catalogue,Title: Photos,What will the page sho

5、w you,21,Skimming,what is this internet page made up of,a brief i_,a gift_,an attractive _,ntroduction,catalogue,card,22,scanning,a brief introduction,Why are the gifts on the page unusual,2.What will you get when you purchase an item,23,1.Why are the gifts on the page unusual,Because the gifts are

6、the most useful and are a voluntrary contribution towards the lives of people who really need them,2.What will you get when you purchase an item,You will get an attractive card for you to send to your special person,24,The gift you give is not something your loved one keeps but a voluntary contribut

7、ion towards the lives of people who really need it. 你送的礼物不是给你所爱的人留念的,而是给那些确有需要的人的一项生活上的无偿捐助,Please translate the sentence in this part into Chinese,25,an attractive card,1. In what situations can you use the cards? 2. How much difference will your gift mean,26,1. In what situations can you use the c

8、ards,2. How much difference will your gift mean,You can use the card for any special occasion weddings , births , birthdays,Christmas or anniversaries,It means the difference between sickness and health , between families going hungry and families providing for themselves,27,Please translate the las

9、t sentence in this part into Chinese,仅仅把产量提高20,就会意味着患病 与健康,饥饿与自足的家庭之间的差异,Just 20% more produce will mean the difference between sickness and health, between families going hungry and families providing for themselves,28,1.Womens self- help group 2.Training in vegetable gardening 3.A loan to set up a

10、 small business 4.Family nutritional supplement 5.Assistance for families headed by children,a.家用营养补品 b.建一家小企业的贷款 c.对遗孤家庭的援助金 d.蔬菜园艺培训 e.妇女用的自助包,29,a gift catalogue,1. In what kind of order are the gifts listed ? How much are the cheapest and dearest gifts,2. What do these gifts mean,30,1. In what k

11、ind of order are the gifts listed ? How much are the cheapest and dearest gifts,2. What do these gifts mean,The gifts are listed in the order of the price-from the the cheapest to the dearest.The cheapest gift costs 5AUD and the dearest costs 1,350 AUD,Self-help Disease prevention and life Health Ed

12、ucation Progress,31,Careful reading (EX.2 pp.35,On the Internet page, when you click on each gift, you get a description of that gift. In pairs, write the correct gift (A to U)from the Internet page next to each description below,This gift allows a woman who is a trained tailor to make some income,

13、giving her and her family a better future,N) A sewing machine,32,2. This gift gives a man or a woman the opportunity to acquire basic reading and writing, and life skills. Adults develop the confidence to participate in the social, economic and political lives of their communities. 3.This gift cover

14、s the cost of production and distribution of seedlings, as well as training in tree care for the local villagers who are working hard to prevent their land from turning into desert,G) Basic adult education,A) 20 tree seedlings,33,4. This gift buys a goat. A goat gives milk and is a valuable income.

15、Goats increase in number quickly and add much to a familys food and financial security. They are easy and fun for children to care for. This gift covers the cost of exercise books and textbooks for community primary schools that operate in poor or remote villages,J) A goat for a poor family,f) Schoo

16、l books,34,6. This gift gives a child a good start in life. Community schools provide good quality education for children who would otherwise have no opportunity to attend school,I) One year of primary schooling,35,Just some contribution to the people in need can mean the difference between s_ and h

17、_,adness,appiness,Rose to others, fragrance in hand,36,37,donate vt. 1. 捐献,捐赠(+to) She donated her books to the library. 她把自己的书捐赠给图书馆。 donation n. 1. 捐献,捐赠;捐款(+to/towards,Language points for Reading II,38,Choose from this catalogue a really useful gift for some of the worlds poorest and bring hope f

18、or a better future to a community in need. in need 在困难中,在危机中 We are collecting money for families in need. 我们正在为有困难的家庭募捐。 Theres no need for sb. to do sth. 没必要做某事 Theres no need for you to come if you dont want to. 如果你不想来,就不必来,39,purchase 1) vt. 购买 采购;付出努力、牺牲)获得,到手,a. 他把两年前买的那幢房子卖了,He sold the house

19、 he had purchased two years before,They purchased life at the expense of honour,b. 他们以牺牲名誉为代价换得了生命,2) n. 购买 购得物,如果你对所购之物不满意,我们将全额退款,If you are not satisfied with your purchase, well give you a full refund,40,anniversary n. 周年纪念(日,1)结婚周年纪念日,a wedding anniversary,2)今天是我国独立六十周年纪念日,Today is the sixtieth

20、 anniversary of our countrys independence,41,Water supply for one person. 1) 用作名词时: a) 指“供给;供应”等,其反义词为demand(需求)。 supply and demand 供与求 be in short supply 供应缺乏,供应不足 food supply 食物供应,42,water supply 供水 a good supply of meat (fish, fruit) 肉类(鱼,水果)大量供应 b) 当“供应品;生活用品;补给品”等,常用复数supplies。 military supplie

21、s 军需品 household supplies 家庭用品 medical supplies 医用品,43,2) 用作动词时, 指“供给,提供,备办”等,常用于词组supply sb. with sth. 或supply sth. to/for sb.。其同义词为provide, present, give, furnish等。 They supplied food to/for them. 他们供给他食物,44,ox 公牛,它的复数形式是oxen。 名词复数形式的特殊变化: 1) 单复数同形:sheep, fish, deer, cattle (牲口牛), staff (全体职员), mea

22、ns (方法), crew(全体工作人员) 2) 一般情况下,以o结尾的名词,其复数形式是加s, 但tomato, potato, hero 和 Negro则在它们后面加-es,构成复数,45,A trunk library 一个箱式图书馆,46,Trunk library, also called blue trunk Library has been developed by the library of the World Health Organization for installation in district health centers in Africa as a mean

23、s of compensating for the lack of up-to-date medical and health information,The collection, which is organized according to major subjects, contains more than one hundred books on medicine and public health,47,1) as well as 可连接并列的单词或短语。 It is unpleasant in summer as well as in winter. 2) as well as

24、连接两个谓语动词时,它们的时态应保持一致,与动词连用时, 其后可用V-ing形式,尤其as well as 位于句首时, 此时相当于in addition to。 She sings as well as playing the piano. 她不但会弹钢琴, 而且会唱歌,48,4) 由as well as 连接的复合主语并不影 响谓语动词的数。 Helen as well as I is eager to see the performance. 5) as well as 连接的人称代词既可以是主格也可以是宾格,但句意不同,3) 如果as well as 前面是动词不定式,那么其后的动词也

25、是不定式,但to要省略。 You cannot expect her to do the homework as well as look after the baby,49,They have invited you as well as me. 他们邀请了我,也邀请了你。 (you和me都作invited的宾语) They have invited you as well as I. 他们和我一样都邀请了你。 (they和 I 都作invited的主语,50,6) as well as 用于肯定结构和否定结构中,其意义不同。as well as 和not搭配使用, as well as 位

26、于not前时,两者均否定;位于not后时,否定前者,肯定后者。 Mr. Li, as well as his brother, has gone abroad. 李先生和他兄弟一样都出国了,Mr. Li hasnt gone abroad as well as his brother. 李先生并没有和他兄弟一样出国去。(他兄弟一人出国) Mr. Li, as well as his brother, hasnt gone abroad. 李先生和他兄弟都没有出国,51,7) as well as 在意义上通常强调前者,而not only but also在意义上则强调后者。 Hes got a

27、 car as well as a house. 他不但有一房子,而且有一辆小汽车,52,This gift covers the cost of production and distribution of seedlings, as well as training in tree care for the local villagers who are working hard to prevent their land from turning into desert. 这份礼物包含了幼树苗的培育和销售费用,也包含了当地村民参加护树培训的费用, 这些村民正努力工作以阻止他们的田地沙漠化

28、,53,distribute vt. 1. 分发;分配 (distribut sth. to/among.) They had distributed the lands among the peasants. 他们把土地分给农民。 2. 把散布/发, 使分布于 (distribute sth. over) This species of butterfly is widely distributed over our country. 这种蝴蝶在我国分布很广。 distribution n. 分配,配给,散发; a distribution (动植物,语言等的)分布(区域) The cher

29、ry tree has a wide distribution in Japan. 樱花树在日本分布很广,54,train 及物动词 vt. 训练,培养(+as/in/for)The firm trained its employees to be more efficient. 公司培训员工,使他们办事效率更高。 She was trained for nursing. 她被培养成护士。 She was trained as a singer under a famous composer. 她师从一位著名的作曲家接受声乐训练。 2. 把.对准,瞄准(+on)She trained her

30、camera on the caged panda. 她把照相机对准笼子里的熊猫,55,train 不及物动词 vi. 接受训练,锻炼(+as/for)+to-v He is training for the ministry. 他正在接受培训,准备做牧师。 They are training for the boat race. 他们正在为划船比赛接受训练,56,operate vt. 1. 操作;开动(机器)等 Who operates that machine? 那台机器由谁操作? vi. 1. 工作;运作;运转;运营 The machine is not operating prope

31、rly. 机器运转得不正常。 2. 动手术,开刀(+on/for) The surgeon operated on her for a tumor. 医生为她的肿瘤开刀,57,Ex. 1 on page 32,adjust grill relevant concept privilege arrangement paperwork sniff,58,Ex. 2 on page 32,airmail muddy otherwise adjusted remote heard from fortnight platform was dying to,59,dry_ to become completely dry dry_ to bec


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