



1、m4u3 词组总结1. with the development of sth = with sth developing = as sth develops 随着的发展2. be set in sth 以。为背景3. upon/on doing 一。就4. a sense of achievement 一种成就感5. be designed/meant/intended to do sth 设计去做某事6. enable sb to do sth 使能够做7. add to our difficulties 增加困难8. give out 分发,发出(气味,热等),耗尽力气9. delive

2、r sth to 把传递到10. make ones dreams come true 使梦想成真11. play the role in扮演队长12. put forward 提出(建议、计划)13. be thrilled at /by/with/ about因感到兴奋/ 害怕14. in reality=in fact= as a matter of fact 事实上15. do sth at the risk of ones life= risk ones life to do sth / risk doing sth= take (run) a risk of doing sth 冒

3、险做某事16. impress sb with sth=impress sth on sbleave me with a deep impression=leave/make a deep impression on me 给某人留下印象17. make a profit= make money 赚取利润18. end in failure/ end in doing sth/end up with sth以失败告终19. make improvements to sth作出改进20. be popular with/among sb 受欢迎21. be responsible for sth

4、 对负责22. be on display/on show /on exhibition/ on exhibit 展出23. be of great benefit to people 对人们有利24. be situated in =lie in =be located in 坐落于25. be employed as /be employed to do sth/be employed in doing sth 雇佣/ 忙于做某事26. accuse sb of = charge sb with 控告某人27. question sb on /about sth 质问某人28. close

5、 down 工厂倒闭29. go bankrupt 破产30. concentrate on 专心31. be worth sth /be (well)worth doing (很)值得32. voice ones opinions 提出意见33. be connected to the internet 连接到网上34. at a time 每次,一次35. be in worse condition 情况糟糕36. at break 休息时37. fall off the shelf 跌落书架38. prepare oneself for the future 为将来作准备39. be o

6、n a journey to 旅行去40. come across/ run across/run into/meet with/meet sb by chance/meet sb by accident 偶遇41. be recognized as=be accepted as被认为42. be trapped in 困在。中43. be welcomed back as heroes 像英雄一样被欢迎44. force sb to do sth = force sb into doing 强 迫某人做45. on the surface of the moon 在月球表面46. by fo

7、rce 用武力47. in ones opinion 在某人看来48. make ends meet 量入为出49. come to an end 结束50. deliver a speech 发表演讲51. make an announcement 发布通知52. set an example to sb 树立榜样53. set out to do = set about doing 开始做54. set aside 把。放在一边55. put up with 忍受,容忍56. set off 引爆,出发57. get sth done 让某事被做58. would like to do=f

8、eel like doing 想要做,喜欢做59. sign ones name 签名60. last but not least 最后但同样重要的61. add up to 总计62. closeoff隔离,封锁“”“”at the end, xiao bian gives you a passage. minand once said, people who learn to learn are very happy people. in every wonderful life, learning is an eternal theme. as a professional cleric

9、al and teaching position, i understand the importance of continuous learning, life is diligent, nothing can be gained, only continuous learning can achieve better self. only by constantly learning and mastering the latest relevant knowledge, can employees from all walks of life keep up with the pace of enterprise development and innovate to meet the needs of the mark


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