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1、Protect the Earth,话题词汇 Earth地球, protect保护, report报告, land陆地, field 田地,provide 提供, pollute/ pollution污染,must必须,important重要的,burn燃烧,problem问题, catch捕捉, few很少, provide. with. 为.提供,o把.倒入,throw.away扔掉,Brain storm,话题句子 1. The Earth provides us with air, water and food. 地球为我们提供空气、水和食物。 2. We burn th

2、ings to make energy. 我们燃烧东西来制造能量。 3. We put our rubbish into the sea and under the ground. 我们把垃圾倒入海里和扔到地上。 4. We must stop doing these.我们必须停止做这些事。 5. It is important for us to protect the Earth for our future. 对于我们来说,为我们的将来保护地球很重要,Brain storm,Warming up,必须做某事 must do sth 我们必须保护我们的地球。 We must protect

3、 our Earth. 人们必须停止砍树。 People must stop cutting down trees. 应该做某事 should do sth 我们应该步行上学。 We should go to school on foot,Warming up,不应该做某事 should not do sth = shouldnt do sth 人们不应该在河里捕鱼。 People shouldnt catch fish in rivers. 我们不能吃太多糖。 We shouldnt eat too much sugar. 可以做某事 can do sth 你可以搭公交上学。 You can

4、 go to school by bus,Warming up,停止做某事。 stop doing sth. 扔掉 throw away 污染 pollute pollution 越来越少 fewer and fewer 越来越多 more and more 把倒入 put. into,习作一 1. 写作,根据下列提示完成写作,字数80字,Protect our Earth作文基本框架,范文 Protect our Earth The Earth is our home. It is very important for us to protect it. First, we mustnt p

5、ollute the air. Because air is important for us. Second, dont put rubbish into the river. We should keep the fish alive. Third, trees are our good friends, so we shouldnt cut down trees. What else should we do? When we go shopping, we should use shopping bags. Also, plant more trees and flowers. At

6、last, try our best to ride a bike more to go to school. It can make the air cleaner. Lets start from now on. Its important for us to protect the Earth for our future,_,_,_,_,_,The essay,The Earth is our home, but there is a lot of pollution everywhere. . . . .,the body,the end,The beginning,What pro

7、blems are there on the Earth? Why? For example There is a lot of rubbish in the sea. Because people throw away a lot of rubbish into the sea every day,The beginning,What problems are there on Earth? Why,People burn things to make energy,Factories and cars give out waste gases,People throw away rubbi

8、sh everywhere,People cut down a lot of trees to make energy,forests disappear, rubbish,fewer and fewer fish, water pollution,People catch many fish every day,air pollution,People put rubbish into the sea,The body,first,(第一)second,(第二) third,(第三) fourth(第四) . finally/ at last(最后) first of all, (首先)se

9、cond, third, fourth. then,(然后) finally/ at last(最后) firstly, secondly, thirdly, fourthly . finally,The end,In order to protect our Earth, we must try our best to do all of things above. Let us do it together. We have only one Earth and the Earth is our home, so we must protect it,In conclusion(总的来说

10、), in order to protect our Earth, we must try our best to do all of things above. In one word(总之、一句话), let us do it together. In a word(简而言之), we have only one Earth and the Earth is our home, so we must protect it,Protect our Earth The Earth is our home, but there is a lot of pollution everywhere.

11、People throw away rubbish everywhere, this pollutes our land. People cut down trees to make energy , this kills many living things. People put waste water into rivers, so the water becomes dirtier and dirtier, and there are fewer and fewer fish in rivers. Factories and cars put waste gases into the

12、air, this pollutes the air. We should do something to protect it. First, we should throw the rubbish into rubbish bins, we should also pick up the rubbish on the ground. Second, we shouldnt cut down trees. Instead, we should plant more trees. It is important to save paper, too. Third, we mustnt put waste water into rivers. At last


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