Unit3Travel journal_第1页
Unit3Travel journal_第2页
Unit3Travel journal_第3页




1、课 题Unit3 Travel journal授课教师课型新课 Reading 上课时间2012.09课时1课时ContentReading:Journey down the MekongTeaching goals1. Knowledge goals: Words: persuade, graduate, finally, schedule, shortcoming, organize, determined, journey Expressions: ever since, be fond of, care about, change ones mind, make up ones min

2、d, give in, 2. Ability goals:1) Enable the students to get the main idea of the passage;2) To improve the students reading ability (skimming, scanning)3. Emotional goals:1) Enable the students tor learn more about the Mekong River and get them interested in traveling so as to learn more about differ

3、ent cultures. Teaching important points1. Understand the main idea of the passage;2. To speak out some detailed information.3. Master some important words and expressions in the passage.Teaching difficult points:How to help the students understand the passage well and improve their reading ability.T

4、eaching aids:A computer, a blackboard, a tape-recorderTeaching methods:以讲学稿为依托的任务型教学模式学习过程教学内容设计意图教师二次备课/学生笔记Step One 课前预习1完成下列单词及短语的意思A: Word preview:(1) persuade _(2) graduate _(3) schedule _ (4) stubborn_ (5)determine _(6)altitude _(7) insist _ (8)organize _(9)valley _ _(10)pace _ (11) glacier (1

5、2) bend B: Phrase preview:(1) dream about (2) ever since (3) be fond of (4) care about (5) change ones mind (6) make up ones mind (7) at an altitude of ) (8) give in 2. 阅读Reading部分课文并找出你的疑难问题Word (单词)Phrases (短语)Sentence (句子)Para1Para2Para3Step Two 课堂互动Reading(page 18)Task 1: Listen to the tape and

6、choose the main idea of the passage.A. The writer and his sisters plan about their winter holiday.B. The experience during the writer and his sisters trip in Qinghai.C. The writer and his sisters plan and preparations(准备) for their trip.D. Anecdotes(轶事)that happened during their trip.Task 2. Skimmin

7、g Skim and find the main idea of each paragraph: Paragraph 1:_ A: Preparation for their trip. Paragraph 2:_ B: Wang Wei and Wang Kuns dream Paragraph 3:_ C: Wang Wei is stubborn.Task 3. ScanningPara 1:1. Who are Wang Kun and Wang Wei? 2. Who are Dao Wei and Yuhang? 3. What was their dream? 4. Who ha

8、d the idea to cycle along the Mekong River first ? Para 2 1. Who is very stubborn ? Why ? . She insisted that she _ the trip properly. Once she has _, nothing can change it.2. What difficulties did Wang Kun find about their journey? The journey would begin , where the air is .3. Which word cant be u

9、sed to describe Wang Wei? A: Determined. B: Careful. C: Stubborn. D: Organized.Para 3: 1. Choose the best answers.(1) How did they get the information they need? A: Surfing the Internet. B: Asking their teacher for help. C: Going to the library. D: Asking the travel agent for help.(2) If they travel

10、 along the river, where will it become rapids as it passes through deep valleys?A: In Qinghai Province. B: In Tibet.C: In Yunnan Province D: In Vietnam.(3) If you travel with them, you will see all the following EXCEPT A: a desert B: a waterfall C: a delta D: a glacierTask 4: 当堂检测 Journey down the M

11、ekong Their dream Taking a great 1. Wang Weis suggestion Finding the 2. and beginning there.Their preparations Both of them bought 3. ,got their cousins interested in 4. and found a large 5. in the library.Why excited Their journey would begin at an altitude of 6. .The Mekong River It begins in a 7.

12、 on aTibetan mountain,moves quickly and passes through 8. .Half of it is in China. It enters 9. .Then it travels slowly through hills and low valleys, and the plains. At last. It enters 10. .Step Three 小结The main idea of the passage is mainly about and dream and for taking a great along .Step Four 作

13、业1. Read the text as much as possible and finish Ex 1 & 3. (P19)2. Read and find out the useful words and expressions in the reading text.【板书设计】 Unit 3 Travel Journal Journey down the Mekong RiverPara 1 Wang Wei and Wang Kun dream Para 2 Wang Wei is stubborn.Para 3 Preparation for their trip. Wang Wei and Wang Kuns dream and plan for the bike trip along the M


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