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1、Module 1,Introduction and reading,What are they doing,They are doing small talk,What is small talk,Discussion,Read the dictionary definitions of small,talk and find out some,adjectives,形容词,to describe small talk(P1,books,small talk,informal conversation about,things that are not important,small talk

2、,light conversation that people make,at social occasions about unimportant things,We stood around making small talk,small talk,polite friendly conversation about,unimportant subjects,small talk,conversation about ordinary or,unimportant matters, usually at a social event,He has no small talk,i.e. he

3、 is not good at talking,to people about ordinary or unimportant things,愉快的,轻松的交谈,In which photo do you think they are making small,talk,Definition of small talk,Informal conversations,about unimportant,things at informal,occasions,Who are good at,chatting/making some small talks,The people,have good

4、 social skills,Reading,How Good Are Your Social Skills,1,Have you ever crossed the road to avoid talking,to someone you recognize,A: always(1,分,B: often (2,分,C: seldom (3,分,2,When you go to a party,can you talk,confidently to every guest,A: always(3,分,B: often (2,分,C: seldom (1,分,3,Do you want to ma

5、ke more friends but lack,the confidence to talk to people you dont,know,A: yes (1,分,B: no (3,分,4,. Are you nervous about the idea of being at a,social event,in another country,A: yes (1,分,B: no (3,分,Psychological test,心理测试,Your score:_,Above 10,Between 5-9,Below 5,Know how to start a conversation,Yo

6、u are often nervous/upset about,talking to others and being at social,events. You are,introverted,You are,extroverted/outgoing,Para 1-2,读后检测,Avoid talking to someone,Recognize someone,Lack,the confidence,Attend,social events,Do a little,advance,planning,People,with good social skills,Lack=be lacking

7、 in,缺乏,Social activities,advanced,adj,People (who are infected)with AIDS,People with disabilities,Here are a few ideas to help you,to be good at social skills,What are them,Learn how to,do small talk,Develop,listening skills,Learn some,rules,Learn how to do _,Develop your _,Learn the _,_,small talk,

8、learning skills,rules,Part 1,Para1-2,Reading Comprehension II,Skimming,Structure,Introduction to the topic,Part2,Para 3-5,Learn how to do small talk,1.What topics should be talked about ,Low-risk conversation/safe conversation,Develop your listening skills,1,Read for new words,2,Translate,3. Act out

9、 a pleasant conversation or,unpleasant conversation,1)Communication is a two-way process-it,involves speaking AND listening,2)“Talk to a man about himself, and he will speak,to you for hours,交流是双向的过程,它包括说和听,和一个人谈论他自己,他会和你说上几个小时,Show respect to others and,you will be respected too,Learn the rules,In

10、some countries , you have to arrive on time at,party,In some countries, you need to know how long,you should stay and when you have to leave,In some countries, you mustnt take flowers of a,certain color,检测词汇,para 3-the end,1,prepare(v,preparation (n,2,impress (v,impressive(adj)/impression(n,3,contac

11、t(v,contact(n) keep an eye contact,make/lose contact with,4. Look away from,5. A certain color,prepare for sth,表示,为,做准备,make preparations for,prepare sb. for sth,使某人对,进行准备,some color,Look into,the case,Look up,words,Look up,to,Impress sb,使某人印象深刻,难忘,检测文意,para 3-the end,Small talk _you for more seriou

12、s,conversations. You should have some,low-risk,safe,conversation opener,开场白,It will make,the conversation carried on more smoothly and,wont,damage/ruin your confidence,Always remember you wont _ people,if you talk too much. Use some encouraging,noise and gestures, keep eye _, use,_body language. Don

13、t,look away from the,speaker,or,finish the speakers sentence,If you go to a social _in other,countries,do as Romans do,prepares,impress,contact,positive,occasion,Some students are busy _,为,做准,备,Host Talent Competition,The disabled volunteers,_,给我留下深,刻印象,英语课程包括了听说读写,preparing for,has left a deep impr

14、ession on me,English course involves,listening, speaking and writing,1,You are a crazy fan of Jay Chou. One day you met him,in a park, so you tried to have a few words with him and,ask for a signature,2,You are attending the 10th anniversary of your,graduation from high school. You are talking with your,classmates whom you havent seen for ten years,3,O


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