



1、2012苏教版牛津英语4A期中测试试卷一选出不同类的单词( ) 1. A. pen B. ruler C. desk D. rubber( ) 2. A. panda B. pear C. bear D. tiger( ) 3. A. my B. her C. his D. he( ) 4. A. bus B. bye C. car D. bike( ) 5. A.green B. orange C. yellow D. apple二英汉互译 1. a nice rabbit 5.他的拼图 2. in your purse 6.喜爱那只钱包 3. come in 7. 她的玩具熊 4. on

2、the desk 8. 过来 9over there. 10.你的钥匙 11. Let me see . 12.那只老虎 13.Good morning. 14.你的气球 15.这只钱包 16.看一看 17. 我的铅笔 18. 用英语(表达) 19. 给你。 20. 这是什么? 三、按要求写词。1、this(对应词)_ 2、he(对应词)_ 3、like(近义词)_ 4、small(反义词)_ 5、cannot(缩略式)_ 6、let us(缩略式)_ 7、dont(完整形式)_ 8、Im(完整形式)_ 9、a bus(复数)_ 10、are(单数)_四、单项选择,在括号内填序号 ()1.A:

3、Icomein?B:Comein,please. A.DoB.MayC.Am()2.Thiscopybookisyou. A.forB.giveC.to()3. acardforyou.A.ThisB.ThatC.Heres ()4.Doyoulike ? A.puppetB.puppetsC.apuppet()5.Thisis monkey,Ithink. A.HisB.heC.His ()6.- Whats this _? -A storybook. A. whereB. hereC. over there()7.A:Isthisyourbookmark?B:Yes, . A.itisB.

4、itisntC.Iam()8.Idlike apple. A.aB.anC.two( )9._, is this your tape?A.Sorry B.Excuse me C.Im sorry()10.A:Where GaoShan?B:Hesinthekitchen. A.isB.amC.are()11.Look_theorangepuzzle. A.toB.forC.at()12.A:Isthisyourcrayon?B:No._itsMikes.A.PerhapsB.WhatsC.Wheres ()13.Come_,YangLing. A.onB.hereC.there ()14.Ha

5、ppy_ _Day! A.teacherB.teachersC.Teachers ()15.Let_see. A.IB.meC.my( )16. Its_ orange crayon. A. a B. an C. /( )17.Heres a balloon_ you.A.in B. for C.on( )18.A:_my skirt? B:Its on the bed.A.Wheres B.Where C.Whats( )19. A: Is this your clock? B: Yes, _. A. it is B. it isnt C. I am( )20. A: Do you like

6、 kites? B: No, _ . A. I do B. I dont C. it isnt( )21. A: This ruler for is Gao Shan. B: _ A. No. B. All right C. Thats right.( )22. A: Id like_ apples. A. a B. an C. two ( )23.Whats_over there?A.that B.this C. thats( )24. Its_ umbrella.A.a B. an C.the( )25.Id_ a pencil, please.A.like B.love C.have(

7、)26.A:Here you are. B: _.A.Yes B.Thank you C.Sure( )27.A:May I have a glass of juice? B:_. A.Sure B.No C.Bye( )28.Do you like this puppet?_.A.No,Ido B.Yes,I do C.Yes, Ican( )29.Do you like that ?A puppet B balloons C a ruler ( )30.Miss Li is_the classroom.A.in B.on C.at五连词成句 1. over whats that there

8、 ( ? ) 2. like this Id toy panda please ( . ) ( , ) 3.fortoyheresyourabbita ( . ) 4. I may have book this( ? ) 5. in what is English that( ? ) 6.a thats monkey nice ( . ) 7. on whats desk that the ( ? ) 8. this purse is your ( ?) 9 Perhaps, the, in, kitchen, hes ( . ) _ _10her, wheres, notebook ( ?

9、) _ 六、搭配题( )1.May I have a notebook? A. Its a rabbit.( )2.The pen is for Tom. B. Yes, come in, please.( )3.May I come in? C. All right. ( )4. Wheres my watch? D. No, I dont.( )5. Whats this in English? E. Yes, it is.( )6. Do you like apples? F. OK. Here you are.( )7. Look at my doll. G. Its on the t

10、able.( )8. Is this your kite? H. How nice!七、看图完成对话,每空一词。A: Whats this English ? B: Its a .A: Can _ have a _?B: _ . Here you are .八、根据上下文完成下列对话1. A: Good morning, Gao Shan.B: Good _.A: _ Nancy?B: _ _ in the sitting room?A:No, she isnt.B: Perhaps _ in the study.A: Thank you.2. A: Excuse _ . May _ have

11、 a _?(修正带)B: Yes, _ _ are.A: Thanks.B: Not at all.九阅读下列对话,根据对话内容判断。(正确的写“T”错误的写“F”)ANancy: Mike, whats that in the desk ? Mike: Its a purse .Nancy: Is that your purse?Mike: No, it isnt . Perhaps its Yang Lings .Nancy: Wheres Yang Ling ?Mike: She is in the classroom .Nancy: Come here , Yang Ling .Is

12、this your purse ?Yang Ling : Let me see. Yes , it is .Thank you .Nancy: Not at all . ( ) 1. Nancy cant find her purse.( ) 2. The purse is on the desk.( ) 3. The purse is Mikes.( ) 4. Yang Ling is in the classroom. B My name is Nancy Black. Im an English girl. David is my brother. I like dolls very much. My broher likes toy cars. Now


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