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1、TEM 4 词汇辨析,词汇题常考题型,1.惯用搭配题(重要考点) 2.异形异议辨析题(四个选项都不同,需读懂题干) 3.近义词辨析题 (易丢分) 4.近形词辨析题(易丢分) 5.短语辨析题 (靠平时积累,词汇题常考题型,惯用搭配题 1.The failure of the project might be _ to the ineffective management. A. distributed B. contributed C. attributed D. retreated,C,词汇题常考题型,distribute sth to sb: 分发 分配某事物: The demonstrat

2、ors distributed leaflets to passers-by. 示威者向行人分发传单. contribute to : 促成,有助于, 导致 Does smoking contribute to lung cancer? 吸烟会导致肺癌吗? attribute to : 归因于 They attribute their success to their teachers encouragement. 他们把成功归因于老师的鼓励。 retreat :1.撤退,退却;2.退避,躲避(+from/to) I will not retreat from my commitments.

3、我不会躲避承诺的义务。 After a weeks work I like to retreat to the country to relax. 工作一周之后,我喜欢躲到乡下松弛一下,词汇题常考题型,惯用搭配题 2. I support your decision, but I should also make it clear that I am not going to be _ to it. A. connected B. fastened C. bound D. stunk be connected to sth. : 与. 相关 be fastened to sth. : 把固定在

4、上方 be bound to : 受.约束 stick to:坚持(不能用作被动语态,C,词汇题常考题型,异形异议辨析题(四个选项都不同,需读懂题干) 1. While shopping in a department store, I _ left my purse lying on a counter of handbags. A. initially B. fortunately C. frustratedly D. accidentally initially: 最初,开始 fortunately : 幸运地 frustratedly: 沮丧地 accidentally: 意外地,偶然

5、地,D,词汇题常考题型,initially initiate vt.开始, 创始, 启蒙, 介绍加入 n.创始人 ;adj.新加入的,启蒙的 initial: adj. 1. 开始的,最初的2. 在字开头的 initiative :n.主动性,首创精神;主动权(的行动),倡议,词汇题常考题型,accidentally: accident :n.意外遭遇,事故;意外(因素) accidental :a.意外的,偶然(发生)的,词汇题常考题型,异形异议辨析题(四个选项都不同,需读懂题干) 2. If military service is _ for boys of 18 years old, a

6、 boy of this age has no choice but to serve in the army. A. compulsory B. voluntary C. deliberate D. considerate compulsory : 强制的,义务的,必修的 voluntary: 自愿的 ; volunteer :自愿者 deliberate: 故意的,审慎的; de-:去掉,liber自由(做事谨慎就缺乏自由) considerate: 体贴的,考虑周到的; consider: 考虑,A,词汇题常考题型,近义词辨析题 (易丢分) 1. A visit to the Compu

7、ter Center has _ the students interest in computer science. A. rose B. incensed C. stimulate D. arisen,词汇题常考题型,rise: vi升起,上涨(不及物动词) Lucy rose slowly from the chair.露西慢慢地从椅子上站起来 incense :v.激怒;n.香,焚香时的烟 The decision to reduce pay levels incensed the work-force. 降低工资的决定激怒了工人 stimulate: : 激励,刺激 ; stimul

8、us:n.促进(因素);刺激(物);stimulator:激励物/器 stimulate ones interest :激发某人的兴趣 arise: vi 出现,产生 (不及物动词) Use this money when the need arises. 有需要时就使用这笔钱,词汇题常考题型,近义词辨析题 (易丢分) 1. A visit to the Computer Center has _ the students interest in computer science. A. rose B. incensed C. stimulate D. arisen,C,词汇题常考题型,近义词

9、辨析题 (易丢分) 2. The minister found himself surrounded by half a dozen journalists when eating ice-cream in the _. A. interruption B. interval C. interference D. disturbance interruption: 打断; interrupt : v. interval: 间歇,中间休息 interference: 干涉 interfere : disturbance: 打扰 disturb : v,B,词汇题常考题型,近形词辨析题(易丢分)

10、1. In that restaurant , you can get a _ meal without spending too much money. A. decent B. decimal C. deliberate D. degenerate decent: a.像样的;大方的;正派的,得体的 decimal: 十进位的 deliberate: a.故意的;深思熟虑的 v.仔细考虑,思考 degenerate: vi.衰退,堕落 a.衰退的,堕落的,A,词汇题常考题型,近形词辨析题(易丢分) 2. During the TV interview, the singer announc

11、ed that he was going to _ his new album soon. A. release B. renew C. relieve D. rehearse release : 发行,释(排)放;解脱;放开; relax renew: 更新 relieve: 减轻,免除; relief :n.救济 rehearse: 排演,A,词汇题常考题型,短语辨析题 (靠平时积累) 1. We were astonished when we heard that the accused man had _. A. got across B. got on C. got off D. g

12、ot by,词汇题常考题型,get across: 被了解,将.讲清楚 I had created a way to get my message across while using as few words as possible.get on : 进展 Were getting on much better now that we dont live together.get off: 获释,免于受罚(If someone who has broken a law or rule gets off, they are not punished, or are given only a v

13、ery small punishment.)He is likely to get off with a small fine.get by: 通过,过得去,(勉强)过活 How can he get by on so little money,词汇题常考题型,短语辨析题 (靠平时积累) 1. We were astonished when we heard that the accused man had _. A. got across B. got on C. got off D. got by,C,词汇题常考题型,短语辨析题 (靠平时积累) 2. A good friend is on

14、e who will _ you when you are in trouble. A. stand by B. stand up to C. stand for D. stand out,词汇题常考题型,短语辨析题 (靠平时积累) stand by :支持,帮助 If you stand by someone, you continue to give them support, especially when they are in trouble.stand up to : 经得起 Is this building going to stand up to the strongest gales?stand for :代表,容忍 The party is trying to give the impression that it alone sta


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