



1、 Course: English Stylistics Time: Sep.6-30 Course materialEnglish Stylistics: A New Course Book新编英语文体学教程董启明编著 外 语教学与研究出版社 Teaching procedure: Part OneTheoretical Preliminaries( 理论预备 ) and Major Varieties( 主要变 体) of EnglishChapter 1 Style and Stylistics1.1 Introduction1. What is Language? And in whic

2、h aspects of language does stylistics focus on?A. Language is the primary object of the study of linguistics, and linguists construct theories of language in general or of particular languages from differing points of view. The discussion of the concepts of style should focus on some essential aspec

3、ts of language on which most linguists agree.B. Language is viewed as a system of different types of linguistic organization such as phonology, syntax and lexicon. The English language consists of its pattern of sounds, sets of grammatical rules and a large body of vocabulary.C. Language is also a s

4、ocial phenomenon, or institution, whereby people communicate and interact with each other. A language of a particular society is part of the societys culture. Language activities operate within social activities. The language of a participant in a social activity reflects his social characteristics

5、(such as his status, ethnic group, age and sex). It also reflects his awareness of the various factors of a social situation in which he finds himself. He should adjust his language in accordance with the medium of communication (speech or writing), the setting (private or public), the relationship

6、with the addressee (in terms of the degree of intimacy or social distance), and the purpose (to inform, to persuade, etc.).2. Varieties 变体 of Language(variety=style)A. Varieties in relation to regions British/American EnglishB. Varieties in relation to mediaSpoken English/Written EnglishC. Varieties

7、 in relation to attitudedegrees of formality/politeness/ impersonality/accessibilityD. Varieties in relation to social factorsWomen s English/Black English/Taboo andEuphemismE. Varieties in relation to social GenreThe English of Conversation / Public speaking / Newsreporting/Advertising/Literary Eng

8、lish (The Novel/Poetry)/ Science and Technology/Legal Documents3. Varieties analysis theoryStylistics ( 文体学 )Essence of stylistics : Appropriate use of language is considered the key to effective communication.e.g. How to suck an egg? (Example and Analysis: Page 3)Analysis : The difference lies in t

9、he fact that the young student used some big and formal words, such as perforation(齿孑L ,hole) ,apex (顶点,最高点 top), aperture(小孑L, 缝隙,opening), inhaling (吸气) discharged (流出),which made her utteranee difficult to understand, especially by an old woman without much education, while the old woman used inf

10、ormal words, such as gal, hole, end and suck. As a result, her utterance is easy to understand. Note: Different styles should be used on different occasions, and the key to the effective use of Ianguage is “ appropriateness” and the key to effective communication is the ability to use Ianguage appro

11、priately, otherwise we cannot achieve our purpose of communication.1.2 Definitions of Style/Stylistics/Text1. TextDefinition: A TEXT is any passage, spoken or written, of whatever length, that forms a unified whole. It may be the product of a single speaker/writer (e.g. a sign, a letter, a news repo

12、rt, a statue, a no vel), or that of several speakers (e.g. a piece of con versati on, a debate).For example,Two boys stood near a jeweller shop. They saw a man break the shop window and steal all the watches. They ran after him, because they took him for a thief.An alysis:A text is realized by a seq

13、uenee of Ianguage units, whether they are sentences or not. The conn ecti on among parts of a text is achieved by various cohesive devices, and by sema ntic and pragmatic implicatio n. In the text you may no tice the followi ng modificatio ns, which serve as 1) grammatical cohesive devices:(a) the u

14、se of the definite article on second mention, e.g.a shopthe shop a man- the man(b) the substituti on of pronouns for nouns. e.g.two boysthey(c) the use of conj unction. e.g.They ran after him, because 2) the lexical cohesion in the text is realized by the collocation of the words that are in some wa

15、y or other typically associated with one another, e.g. steal all the watches; took him for a thief2. StyleDefinition-Manners in dicati ng prominent lin guistic features, devices or patter ns, most (at least) frequently occur in a particular text of a particular variety of Ianguage.Analysis:Manners (

16、appropriateness) Study Aimsin dicati ng prominenta) li nguistic features (phono logical /lexical /syn tactic /grammatical/sema ntic features),b) devices (device markers) orc) Patterns(文体 / 语体常规型式)Study Scope most (or least) freque ntly occur (words/se ntences_ perce ntage) Study Approachin a particu

17、lar text(语篇、篇章、文本)of a particular variety of Ianguage. Study Material2. StylisticsDefinition-Stylistics is a branch of linguistics which studies style in a scientific way concerning the mann ers/li nguistic features of differe nt varieties of Ian guage at differe nt levels.A branch of linguistics wh

18、ich studies style in a scientific and systematic way Study Approach concerning the mann ers/li nguistic features Study Aims of differe nt varieties of Ian guage Study Scopes at differe nt levels Study Scopes.1.4 The Development of StylisticsTable 1 In the WestTimeReprese ntativesWorks1.A ncient rhet

19、oric(修辞)”famousancientGreekphilosophers Socrates, Plato and Aristotle, et al.all con tributed a lot to this branch of lear ning.2. Root of Stylistics1) Word “ stylistics ” first appeared only in 1882.2) First book on stylisticsIan dmarkofmoder n stylisticswritten by a French scholar Charles Bally, s

20、tudent of the famousmoder nlin guistFerd inand de Saussure in 1902.published in 1909, entitled Traite de Stylistique Francaise .3)Fatherofstylistics ”Germa n scholar L. Spitzer (1887-1960), began to analyze literary works from a stylistic point of view.3.ModernStylistics-4 periodsFrom the end of the

21、 1950s to the prese nt time.1) the end of the 1950s- the end of the 1960s.FormalistStylisticswas theprevail ing trend.2) in 1970sFunction alist Stylistics predo min ated.3) in 1980sDiscourse Stylistics flourished.4)in 1990sSocio-Historical / Socio-CulturalStylistics or Con textualized Stylistics dev

22、eloped quickly.5) in 21 cen turystylistics has enjoyed further developme nt,Thetrendisinterdisciplinary( 交 叉学科)study,and narrative(叙事) stylistics, cognitive stylistics, feminist(女权主义)stylistics, etc., will get further developed.Table 2 In ChinaTimeReprese ntativesWorks1. Ancient time刘勰 in the Southe

23、rn Dy nasty 南 北朝 period.a work of literacy criticism- The Carving of the Literary Mind by Liu Xie (465-532)文心雕龙 刘勰2. Modern Chi neseStylistics1) Root of StylisticStudyChen Wangdaos (陈望道)Principle of Rhetoric (修辞学发 凡)(1932) indicated the beginning of moder n Chin ese stylistics.2) The study of moder

24、n wester n stylistics in ChinaA. the founding of the People s Republic of China to the year 1976. ( fun dame ntal stage ).some scholars, such as Wang Zuoliang (王佐良),Xu Guozhang (许国璋),Xu Yanmou, Yang Renjing, et al., began to study stylistics in its moder n sen se.In 1963, Wang Zuolia ng published an

25、 article entitledOn the Study ofEn glish Style ”王佐良,1980).B. from 1977 up to the prese nt time.It was also Professor Wang Zuoliang who took the lead in the research of moder n stylistics.In this period, more and more academic works were published. The following list exemplifies the achieveme ntsWang Zuolia ng, 1980.央语文体学论文集.北京:外 语教学与研究出版社In troduct iontoEn glishStylisticsWang Zuolia ng & Di ng Wan gdao, 1987.央语文体学引论.王佐良,丁 往道.北京:外语教学与研究出版 社文心雕龙 刘勰摘录说文云:体,总十二属也,从骨。”即体的本义指人体骨骼系统,有整体构成之义,象 喻思维模式中,文体的语言结构可以借此喻示。在情采等篇中,刘


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