



1、THE ST. REGIS SHANGHAI上海瑞吉红塔大酒店TRAINING ACTIVITY OUTLINE培训活动纲要Task:Business Trip Standard任务:商务旅行标准Code 序号:OH-SM-RM-A202Objectives: At the end of this session, each trainee will be able to ensure Market reach targets are achieved.目的:课程结束后使每位学员能够确保在商务旅行中达到目标市场Standard: 1. Each sales trip has to be in

2、accorda nee with the hotel Bus in ess Pla n. 标准:每个商务旅行都必须遵照酒店工作计划2. The sales associate will make appointment with clients prior to bus in ess trip.销售员工将在商务旅行前与客户约定见面时间。3. Prepare sales kits and promotion flyer, etc.准备销售小册子和销售推广宣传单。4. Book accommodati on in Sherat on hotels or Starwood hotels if pos

3、sible. Otherwise abide by hotels expe nse policy.尽可能预订仕达屋集团内喜来登酒店,否则遵照酒店出差费用的政J策o5. Follow daily sales calls sta ndard duri ng the bus in ess trip.商务旅行中每天的工作遵照每日销售拜访标准。Resources: LCD / sales kits, promoti on flyer, bus in ess trip expe nse form, sales call report培训器材:LCD /销售小册子,推广宣传单,商务旅行费用申请表,销售报告M

4、ethod培训方式Training Steps培训步骤Time时间Ice break打破僵局In troducti on介绍Raise in terests提高兴趣Music Loud and the trainer is in uni form of sales man ager sta nding straightly and smile.大声音乐,训导师着销售经理服装面带微笑站在学员7、 -面刖。Self-introduction and give a warm welcome.自我介绍并向学员表示欢迎Question to test the trainee s level:提问测验学员

5、水平Does anyone know what the sales pers on do at hotel?30 sec onds2 mi nutes5 mi nutesLectureAnd questi oning 讲解并提问Dem on strati on演示Summary总结Test测验有谁知道销售部在酒店内是做什么的?W.I.F.M:我们能从中获得什么?Gain self- con fide nee mean half success.增加自信等于成功了一半。Questio n:提问What is sales trip?什么是商务旅行?Why do we n eed sales tri

6、p?为什么需要商务旅行?How can we do it?我们将怎样做?All answers will be written on the white board then correct.所有的答案将写在白板上,然后选择正确的答案。Show the sta ndard of bus in ess trip and an swer the questions. ( use LCD and Flip Chart 1 )运用LCD和白板展示商务旅行标准并回答冋题。1. Each trip has to depe nd on hotel bus in ess pla n or seas on wi

7、th a clear objective.每一次商务旅行都必须依靠酒店经营活动计 划或有明确的目标。2. Try to con tact sister hotels or Global SalesOffice, find more informationabout targetmarket.尽量联络地区销售部找到更多的关于目标市 场的信息。3. Report to Director of Sales & Marketi ng about your tasks and your activity and results写一份报告给市场销售总监关于商务旅行的 目的,活动安排和结果。4. A bri

8、ef case or a bus in ess hand bag (for female associates) will carry携带商务旅行包(女员工)5. Sherat on Bra nd philosophy and Hotel Missi onStateme nt should be promotedwhe nappropriate.适当地时间推广喜来登品牌和酒店使命宣言6. Exercise S.G.S.S. effectively.运用喜来登客人满意服务标准Review all key points which are listed on Flip Chart 回顾所有在翻转展示板的要点。How can we approve ou


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